Dangerous Desires

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

91 Selfish


did not expect her to do this.

“Does anyone have her phone?” He asked us, and none of us was smart enough to grab it. I called Norman to bring her phone to the hospital while we waited. “Do you know her password?” my father asked Monica, and she nodded. The woman was distraught.

“If you know anything. You better start talking now!” He yelled at Monica, and I told him to calm down; the girl was distraught. She continued to cry until the phone arrived and she gave us the password. It was my father’s birthday

My father went through the phone, and his hand began to shake violently. I collected the phone from him immediately, and Caleb joined me in going through it. The messages were appalling

“You think that little sum you sent will prevent me from hurting your son and his daughter. Think again, Stacy. I will make you pay for betraying me.” One text read.

“Bitch! Why are you not answering my calls? Fucking whore. I told you to make sure that money is complete, or I swear I will keep my promise. I guess the years you spent with that over-privileged fool have made you forget about me and what I can do when I am mad, Stacy!” “You tried to send a private investigator after me. I hope his death has sent the message. I am unstoppable, Stacy. Pay up, or else I will keep my promise.”

There were a lot of messages from the guy, and he used different numbers. The messages were

wasn’t lying about his intentions. I looked at my father, and he was mad and sad at the same time.

“She did not confess the truth. We could have helped her.” my father said sadly. “You wouldn’t have!” Monica lashed out, and I was shocked, but we decided to excuse her outburst.

” She was just a tool to you. You wouldn’t have helped her. She wasn’t perfect, but she loved you in her little way. She isn’t a bad person, you know. She had it rough and wanted the best for me. We were starving. My father refused to send us money, and she worked overtime in Cleeve to make ends meet. You do not know the shit Regan put her through from a young age. You wouldn’t have helped her if she told you she was trapped in a marriage with her pimp and had a daughter by him.” she confessed, and we were all in shock.

“What!!!!” My father exclaimed, and Monica wiped away her tears. I guess there was nothing to hide anymore. Stacy might die for all we know.

“Stacy is my mother, and Regan Adhit is my father,” she said, and my father was mad.

“Regan forced her into a marriage when she was young so she wouldn’t leave him because she tried to leave him severally. She tried to run away several times, but he always caught her and made her pay for running. Those scars on her back were not from boarding school, as she told you. There were silver wounds inflicted by the sick bastard. He would pimp her out for money, and she would have to pay for it when she refused. She wasn’t working at that hotel out of choice; he placed her there. If she refuses, he’ll threaten to kill her parents. He sent her to Cleeve when she got pregnant with me. He did not look back until you came along. He ordered her to seduce you and become your wife, kill you and your son, and then hand over your money and power to him. He promised his father that the Adhit family would be recognised among the Alpha’s of Woodclaw, and that was how he claimed to do it. But my mother had other plans. She loved you from the day you helped her care for her sick father. She loved you, but you were married then. When Regan forced her to be with you, she did it wholeheartedly and promised never to look back. Thanks to you. We were no longer hungry, and I got the care I needed. Regan did not know she would double-cross him until she got pregnant with Caleb. He knew then that she would not kill you and Alpha Luke, so he got mad and started to blackmail her, and that was how she started paying up.

That is her dirty secret and the reason she is tight lip about it. Unless Regan is dead, Caleb will be regarded as a bastard because she is still his wife and mate,” she said, and we were flabbergasted. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

My father sat quietly on the bench, and I invited some medical staff to attend. I knew he was about to have a heart attack. This was a heavy secret that she had kept for so long. The woman was deep. How could she keep this much?

I looked at Monica and realised the girl looked exactly like Stacy. Why didn’t we suspect this? How didn’t we know? They were inseparable, always looking out for each other. The bond was too strong, but we were too caught up in our mess that we did not know. “Do you know where he is?” I managed to ask her and she shook her head. “My mother used some of the money she got from her jewellery sales to find him, but it was to no avail. The private detective died the very day he took the job, so she sent Regan most of the proceeds she got from selling her jewellery, leaving two envelopes each containing a check, one to me and the other to Caleb. She told me Regan won’t stop coming after us until she was dead and said she would end it. I did not know she would have the heart to go through with it. When she did not do it on the night of the handover, I thought she had changed her mind. I guess she did not want to be the talk of the event. “Why didn’t you come to me?” My father asked her, and she shook her head.

“I couldn’t. You have separated yourself from her. Just like twenty-three years ago, we were on our own again. I had to wait for her instructions.” She said.

“Does your father ever call you?” I asked her, and she shook her head.

‘I do not even know him. My mother said he tried to abort me, and she refused. I have never met him, and I doubt he cares,” she said and began crying. “My mother is all I have, and now…” she said, and Tia went to comfort her. Kimberly did the same. We were still in shock. How could Stacy hold this much in and not tell anyone? As much as I wanted to ponder the issue, my brother and niece were in trouble.

“This must not get out,” I warned everyone.” For father and Caleb’s sake, no one must know Stacy was married to Regan,” I said, and Caleb looked at me, surprised. “We can’t have them label you a bastard because you aren’t. You are a Moon, Caleb. Now I want you to snap out of your shock and do what you know how to do best. I need you to set out your resources to trace these numbers. There is no way the bastard was careful dealing with Stacy. He was sure she wouldn’t be able to tell anyone her secret, and he was bound to be sloppy because of it. We need to trace the numbers and follow the lead. Regan is now a top priority. Stacy is a Moon and has committed treason by threatening her!” I said, and I could see gratitude in Caleb’s eyes. The whole marriage and Monica issue would be resolved later. It was time to catch the bastard and deal with him.

The medical staff arrived and helped my father to a room. He was too young to have heart issues, but no one was too young to suffer from shock. He had been mated and married to a married woman for twenty- three years. No one can shake that kind of load off. As much as I hated to jump to conclusions, Regan was beginning to sound like Luis. What if Stacy and Monica were the things my father stole from him. I did not want to believe that to be the case, but it fits, although Regan seemed a bit more sloppy and less deliberate than Luis. It could be that way because he was dealing with Stacy, or they might be working together. Either way, we needed to catch the bastard.

“Tia,” I linked to my wife,” find out if Nuclei has anything to do with Tektite. We need to know where they were registered and who are the board members. Work on it with Kirk but be careful and secretive. I might have to secretly go to Santa Braee after all.” I said, and she looked worried.

“Let’s talk about it when we get home, Luke. This guy is very dangerous. Let us discuss this extensive and then decide, but I will work on the investigation with Kirk,” she argued, and I knew why she was worried. I nodded so she would be patient.

We waited in the hallway, and no one came to tell us about Stacy’s progress. There was a possibility she wouldn’t make it. I hoped she would, for all our sakes. It will be unfair for her to die like this. Killing herself

to protect her children and grandchildren was the height of love or maybe selfishness. However twisted it was, the woman’s love was dangerous.

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