Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

Oh my Venus

Chapter 72 OH MY VENUSNôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

NINA’S HOME, NEW YORK. “Mum, is there a need to do this?” Jace questioned his mother as they parked the car in front of the house. Venus glared hard at him. “And who are you to tell me what to do?” “That question also applies to you, mum. Xander is not a child; whatever he decides to do with himself is none of your business.” “He is my son, and I will determine what becomes of him. I am not going to have my son roaming around homeless.” Jace cackled. “You make me laugh. Why are you talking like he is a jobless man? He is full grown, mum. Learn to mind your business.” Without warning, Venus smacked him from behind his head. Jace whined in pain. “I really should call the cops on you, mum. What you just did is assault. You are being a threat to my life.” “I would like to see you try. I know this is your way of stalling for time. Someone has been calling you since we drove down here. From how you keep glancing back at it, it’s important. So you had better press that doorbell now if you want it back.” Venus threatened. Jace scratched at his face in frustration. He had planned to drive down to Brooklyn for the night to have a pleasant time with Tania and relieve her of the school stress, but he found his mother at his doorstep. The first thing she did was snatch his phone from his hand. She had it planned out because she did catch him off guard. “Mum, Xander will never forgive you for this.” He said. She scoffed, opening the car door. “Speak for yourself.” Venus thumped the driveway with a reluctant Jace, dragging his feet beside her. She pushed him to the door and stood behind him to press the bell. Xander opened the door with a wide grin and an apron around his neck, surprised to see Jace come by. “Man, what are you-” His face fell immediately, and he locked eyes with his mother. “What-what is she doing here?” He questioned. “I-” Jace didn’t get to explain himself as their mother pushed his phone to his chest and wiggled her way into the house. “Really?” Xander frowned at Jace. Jace stared helplessly. “I wish I had something to say for myself. But you obviously won’t believe me. Have fun dealing with her.” He said, leaving. Xander couldn’t reflect on his anger towards his brother as he remembered that his mother must have bumped into Nina. Just as suspected, Venus had a shocked look on her face with her eyes glued to Nina. Nina stared back at him helplessly. “Mum-” He called out, but she held up a hand to cut him short. “Xander, what is this?” Venus questioned. “Mum, I can explain.” “So you have a heavily pregnant girlfriend, and you choose not to tell? Where are your manners?” Nina and Xander blinked in shock. How she interpreted the whole situation was unexpected. “That’s not-” Nina was about to explain, but Xander jumped in, not allowing her. “Yes, mum.” He said, signaling to Nina to let him do the talking. “We haven’t quite decided yet what would become of our new status as new parents. It’s why I kept it away.” “Your explanation makes no sense. Why would you let my son do that to you, darling? How long have you been together?” Venus turned to Nina. “We have known each other since college.” Nina managed to say, still confused. Venus gasped dramatically. “Oh, my goodness. I can’t believe this. Xander! What is wrong with you? Why are we just meeting?” “I brought her to the anniversary, Mum. You were just too preoccupied and wouldn’t even pay attention to me. We left earlier than expected because Nina was tired.” He said. “Oh, my! Such a lovely name for a beautiful woman like you. Please sit. I am so sorry for keeping you standing.” Venus mused, closing up the distance between herself and Nina. “It is so nice to meet you, Nina. Let me do a proper introduction since Xander deprived us of that. I am Venus.” Nina managed to smile. “It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.” “Call me Venus, please. So, how far gone are you?” She asked, staring intently at the belly like she desired to have a peep inside. “Eight months.” Venus glared back at Xander with Nina’s response. “I am sure Jace knows about this, right? It’s no wonder he has been trying so hard to protect you. This doesn’t seem right, Xander. I feel so left out.” She pouted and returned her gaze to Nina. “What is most important now is that I have finally met you. I don’t want to make you feel too uncomfortable. How about dinner at the house next weekend? We should get to know each other better now that you will be due soon.” Nina kept nodding as she seemed to be perplexed about how to get away from the situation she was in. “We will think about it, mum. Can you start going now?” Xander asked. Venus stood up, snickering. “I was just about to leave. Alright, Nina. See you soon, bye.” Xander mouthed a silent apology to Nina before escorting his mother out of the house. Venus cleared her throat as they stood outside and held up a calm look. “Since you had another woman who interests you, why didn’t you tell me? I would have told Dawn to forget about having you to herself.” She said. He rolled his eyes. “That is so not the point, mum. Why is it your place to make me want Dawn? You trespassed a lot, yet you don’t see that as a problem.” “Fine, I must have overstepped my boundaries, but you still could have told me. Nina must think I am a bad mother now.” “Let’s hope you will be a better grandmother. Should I drop you off? Jace has run off without you.” “No, just get me a cab. I will be just fine.” Xander ordered a cab and waited until his mother entered it. When the car was out of sight, he returned to the house and he met Nina in a foul mood. “What was all that about?” She questioned him with a frown. “Xander, what the hell are you trying to do?! Why would you lay claim over me and my child without consulting me first?! And now I have to keep up with a lie?” “I was also shocked by her presence. I did not expect her to show up here or in all places. And what other explanation would be best to explain us living in the same house together and you being heavy?” Nina hissed in distaste. “I didn’t ask you for any of the favors you rendered! Stop making it seem like I asked anything of you! You are not the father of my child, and your mother is not the grandmother!” She raised her voice at him. “Did the child’s father accept that he got you pregnant? Did the grandparents also admit it? None of that happened, so why is it so hard for you to go with this flow?” He tried not to get over her nerves even more. Xander wants her to stay calm and not be bothered about anything, but Nina doesn’t have it. “Because I do not intend to lie with an innocent child.” She snapped, grazing her forehead. He tried to step close, but she sidestepped him. Xander huffed. “No one is asking you to lie, Nina. I thought you didn’t mind being with me? What is so wrong if I am your man and also the father to your child?” “This is not Christmas, Xander. Stop trying so hard to be the Santa Claus.” She retorted, feeling tears well up in her eyes. “What happens when the truth comes out and the child looks nothing like you?” “They are my family; I will handle them.” It was too much for her to handle. Did Xander declare being the father of her child? Like he wants to be the father of her unborn child? No, like Xander is the father of her child now?! Why would he do that? Her chest tightened as tears streamed down her cheeks heavily. Nina gave him a distant glance before turning her back and heading to her room. She slammed the door hard behind her, causing Xander to jump. He seemed perplexed at her anger. Maybe he should have kept his big mouth quiet. ***************

REMINGTON HOSPITAL, NEW YORK. Nina had left home early without Xander’s knowledge to the hospital to see Carla. She didn’t think seeing Xander would do anything to change her mood, which was why she avoided him. Nina felt angered by Xander’s behavior last night when his mother had come by. She thought he disregarded her by laying a claim without discussing it with her first. Asher is still alive and can decide he wants to make a case of custody. The truth about Xander claiming to be the child’s father will have people accusing her of cheating. She felt her anger was justified and planned to keep her distance from Xander. Nina constantly blamed herself for giving him some green light. It must have gotten to his head. Carla showed surprise when she put a call through before asking her to come and chat. She said they should meet at the hospital cafe. Carla was already there when Nina weaved in. “Good morning, Carla. I am so sorry for keeping you waiting.” Nina said. Carla smiled at her. “Morning to you too, honey. You didn’t keep me waiting at all. I have been yearning for a break, and you did me a huge favor.” “You are always so kind with your words. How is your son doing?” “He is getting better. The doctor says he will get discharged soon.” “That is a good news.” “I must admit; I am jealous that Xander is taking better care of you than I ever would. You look more at ease. Except that these bags under your eyes show that there is something on your mind.” It was why Nina had sought Carla out. She always seems to know without being told. “There is so much on my mind.” “What’s going on? It would help if you weren’t thinking at a delicate stage like yours. Is Dawn bothering you? Or you’re thinking about the past?” “I saw my ex-husband a week back, but that is not the problem. Xander lied to his mother that he was the father of my child and we were together. She has invited me over to have dinner at their family home. I have never been in their midst. Not even when I dated him in college; it feels wrong that he is willing to go to this length.” “A quick question for you. What exactly are you worried about? The lie or what might happen in the future? Because you and I know that you do desire Xander. Even though it is hard for you to indulge in the feelings department for now.” “It’s everything, Carla. I have never had a family of my own. The ones I thought were family happened to be nothing near.” She placed her hands on her belly as tears clouded her eyes. “My child will mark the beginning of what a true family means. And I do not want that taken away from me. Xander probably did that for his selfish reasons.” “What sort of selfish reason?” Carla asked. Nina gulped, searching for something, but she came up blank. “I don’t know. It’s not as if I live in his head. He must have a hidden motive somehow.” “Listen, Nina. I understand you are scared you have been betrayed and harmed by people you have loved all your life. Making new relationships after such a brutal experience might be hard, but I need you to know that Xander is nothing like that. If he starts this, ensure he sticks to your side without blinking an eye. You have to give him the benefit of the doubt. It is the only way you can get through this.” “I still haven’t gotten my revenge yet, Carla. It feels like the one piece missing in my life, and I must get it before moving on.” “Until what end? Won’t you live happily until then? What about your child? Have you considered how much effect this would have on them? If you can be part of a family that would love you like their own, there is no need to fight it.” “What if regrets come?” “You can sort that out when it does happen. Let Xander hold your hand. He is itching to do so. Just let him.” Nina sighed heavily; her finger lingered on the mug in her hand. Carla had ordered hot chocolate on her behalf just as she liked it. Nina took a sip and shut her eyes to relive the taste in her head. Nina couldn’t deny how notable Xander had been. However, she doesn’t want it to seem like she burdens him with her baggage. She would never be able to forgive herself. “How can a man love someone for over a decade the same way?” She finally asked. Carla beamed brightly. “Men know when they find the one and how worthy she is. You must have been a light shining brighter than the darkness in his life when he met you. Xander hardly gets around except with Jace before your arrival. As soon as you came along, I became accustomed to the goofy side of him. He is more pleasant. All of this is because of you. So, if you think you are burdening him, he will be happy that you are with him. You both are doing yourselves a favor.” “How is it that you always know what to say?” “I guess being old does have its perks. It would help if you were getting more rest now, Nina. With your due date near, enjoy staying back home and resting. Don’t think you don’t deserve it. It is for yours and the child’s good.” Nina nodded in agreement. “Yes, I will make sure to do that. Thank you so much, Carla. You made my day. I will talk with him and get the differences resolved.” “Alright, Nina. Thank you so much for coming.” Saying their goodbyes, Nina left the hospital premises. All through her walk back to the car, she sensed someone following her. She hastened her step to the car and drove off before someone attacked her in the car. Xander was seated in the living room, his head bowed, staring aimlessly at the floor when she arrived. “I was at the hospital.” She said on entering. “Carla told me.” He responded, still not looking up at her. Nina thinned her lips while rubbing at her belly slowly. She walked stealthily towards him and sat next to him. “About yesterday, I am sorry. I didn’t stop to think that it might be a lot for you to handle at that point since the visit was out of the blue. I doubt everything you do for me because I have trust issues, and it messes with me now and then when someone acts too nice towards me. Andrea did the same, and I never saw what she did coming.” She paused, letting out a long breath. “I know that is still not an excuse because you have never done anything for me to doubt you. But can you just be patient with me, please? I am trying to piece it all together, but it isn’t easy to handle. Please give me more chances. I really might be fumbling even more and-” “Listen, Nina.” Xander sighed, turning his head to her. “I wouldn’t gain anything if I hurt you. And if I have to keep explaining myself, it will get tiring and-” His words hung as Nina’s lips met his, kissing him passionately as if her life depended on it.

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