
Third person p. o. v.

The ride was quiet enough, Meredith was done with the mind games.

She needed to know if she was in danger or not but the man beside her seemed less bothered about her presence than actually having thoughts to kill her.

At a point she was beginning to wonder if it was all a prank from someone or something because nothing seemed to be adding up.

Or making sense.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

So, she decided to start the conversation.

“They said my father was looking for me.” She started.

The masked man beside her may have not heard her, or he pretended not to have.

But he definitely did not gratify her with a response.

‘he seemed so chatty earlier, what exactly would she have caused with her silence.’ She thought to herself but decided she should try again later.

She was feeling quite sleepy, but she would mentally strike herself in the head if she even thought of closing her eyes in the midst of these strangers.

So instead, she hummed songs in her head to keep herself busy since no one found it necessary to communicate with one another in the vehicle.

She was on her second song when the masked man spoke.

“who taught you that melody?”

Initially, she wanted to ignore him like he had ignored her earlier.

Then she realized no one here was on her side, so she could get murdered and everyone in this car would hide every single evidence.

So, she knew it was a bad idea.

“My mom used to sing it to me back then” she replied to his question.

He chuckled a little bit as he found her response a little amusing.

And she wondered why.

“I don’t think you remember your mother Sa’adia.”

“Why do you keep calling me Sa’adia? And yeah I know its been a while but I can still remember the little things she did for me.”

“I’m calling you Sa’adia because Sa’adia is your name but if you do not like it then I will call you Meredith, that is going to take me time to adjust to.”

Meredith had more questions to ask regarding this revelation but she thinks finding out about the man would be more helpful to her than finding out about herself.

Just in case she needs to report him at any point.

“You sound Arabian, are you?”

There was another brief moment of silence and she thought he was back to ignoring her until she heard his voice again.

“I don’t think you’re supposed to remember your mother. Even I have a faint image of her after these years.”

Now she was getting confused.

“You know my mother?”

“Yes. Your real and adopted mothers.”

Her facial expression wasn’t measuring up to what was going on in her mind and at this point she had no idea on which questions were the right ones to ask.

Real and adopted?

While still wallowing in what she had just heard, the jeep pulled into a compound located in the middle of the woods.

And right in the middle of that compound sat the biggest mansion she had ever seen.

With people bustling left and right like there were trying to clean up right in time for an event.

The car came to a stop just in front of the stairway that led to the insides and two people rushed up to open both their doors from the opposite sides.

When Meredith stepped her foot on the ground and fully caught a view of the surroundings, she was in awe.

It was so much to take in that she almost retreated back into the vehicle.

The guard at her door was also confused, he had never seen someone so terrified of him.

Or was it the water fountain behind him? He wasn’t so sure.

“Sa-Meredith… we’re waiting.” Pedro said as he stood at the base of the staircase awaiting her arrival.

“Where am I? just take me back please. I swear not to tell anyone.” She cried out as she tried to jam herself back into the car.

Pedro released a sigh and decided to go bring her himself.

He excused the guard and gently opened her side of the door once again.

It was evident on her face that she was more terrified at the moment.

She had actually assumed they were taking her home to meet her parents but this is not the home she remembered.

So, what she was doing here was something she didn’t want to think about.

Pedro slowly took off his mask to reveal his face to her before stretching out his hand for her to hold on to.

“This is my home and I promise I did not bring you here to kill you.” He started and watched her gestures to know if she was accepting of him.

It pained him to an extent that she was scared of him when all he was trying to do was reconnect.

“If you can just come in and clean up, change into some new clothes and get something to eat, I promise to explain why you’re here.”

She still didn’t trust him.

But it was either she took his hands and followed him where he went, or she sat in the car and did nothing,

Didn’t seem like she had much of a choice.

So, she softly took his hand as he led her out of the car and up the staircase into the building.

Not knowing what to expect, but an explanation to everything is a good way to start


Later that night when everyone had retired to bed, the driver snatched his wristwatch from the bedside table and snuck into the toilet to make a call.

After two rings the receiver answered.

It was around two am in the morning but he wasn’t surprised that Mr. Reid hadn’t slept, the man was known for his Nocturnal behavior.

“Any news Othniel?” he asked the young man who had called him.

“Yes, this afternoon was quite sunny.”

Mr. Reid immediately understood what the code meant.

Meredith was there.

“Bless you, we’ll be there.”

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