Enough For Him

Chapter 20

I knew who she was talking about.

Leon isn’t someone to let business and his personal life get involved, or that’s what I thought.

There was me thinking of having a relaxing shopping day all to myself.

“where are you going?” she asked seeing me stand up from the table. I bent down to grab my bags.

“To Leon, at this rate I’m your only hope” I stared to walk away from the table but once I realised, she wasn’t following me I turned on my heel.

I spared her a look “Are you coming or what?” at my words she quickly grabbed her things and following me.

“where’s Leonardo,” Emily says walking up to Leon’s assistant who looks like shit I can see the bags under her eyes and she just looks exhausted.

Makes me wonder what Leo is doing, is he the cause of his staff looking so dead.

“His office, he hasn’t had lunch yet either,” she tells Emily. I checked my watch; it was already 4 in the afternoon has he really not eaten at all. Surely, he’s had breakfast. He is a good cook after all I had hoped he had a healthy breakfast.

Just because I hate him at the minute doesn’t mean I don’t care for him, after all, he was my Leon and still is the father to my baby.

“Tell catering to fix him up something, maybe he will eat after we’ve spoken to him” Emily carries on talking to the assistant.

Even though I should be furious that this woman is caring for him like that I’m just happy that someone else is looking out for him, because honestly, I do care for that idiot of a man.

It wasn’t long before they had brought up food for him to eat. It was a sub sandwich with all the good stuff inside.

“I’ll go in first; he might get pissed if he sees you” Emily nods her head in understanding telling me to go inside.

I grabbed the food and pushed his office doors open.

I wasn’t surprised to see him behind his desk flicking through a pile of documents, a pair of eyeglasses covering his eyes and his blazer jacked removed from his shoulders.

“Liz, what are you doing here” he quickly got up pushing his chair back and walking towards me. before he could even reach me, I pushed his lunch into his chest.

Any closer and ill crumble.

“you came to bring me lunch?” he asks confused. I don’t blame him it’s probably been 2 years since I’ve come and done this for him.

I shook my hand “I came here to knock some sense into you” he stared at me for a few moments before sighing. “she’s got some nerve; she shouldn’t have even spoken to you I’m sorry “he starts to apologise. I guess he knew that Emily spoke to me.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I held my hand up “Don’t blame her, this doesn’t mean I forgive you or anything I just don’t want you fucking up your business” I said taking a step back.

His eyes snapped up to meet mine. A pissed look crossed his features “you’re my business Liz, I don’t want to work with her because it reminds me every single damn day how much I’ve fucked up” I wanted to snap this after his first few words.

If I was his business, he wouldn’t have fucked up in the first place.

“even I can see that you two are great for business, she’s clever and knows what she’s doing you have to work together otherwise your business will” a deafening bang broke throughout the office. Leon had slammed his hand down onto his desk.

He was pissed

“my business will what. I don’t care what happens to this fucking company if by stopping working with her I have the smallest chance of getting you back I will do it” I stood still registering his words.

His passion was always something I found attractive. He is really willing to risk his business for me.

“are you fucking stupid, don’t risk this just for me” I snapped at him. How can he be so fucking reckless?

He stepped towards me “I can find another partner, why are you sticking up for her anyways” he asks confused.

I breathe a deep breath “I’m not but she’s good for this company, she ruined my family, but I can clearly see she cares for you and knows the opportunity of working with you. So, stop being stubborn and work it out” now I was a few centimetres away from him.

I finished my pointing at his chest.

“this is your future. I don’t want to start telling our son that his dad gave up easily ”

He suddenly grabbed my fingers pulling me closer “maybe it’s time you listen to your own words, are you ready to give up on me?” his words were like there were pinching at my heart.

He was right, I was the one giving up, but he can expect me to forgive him this easily.

I pushed him away. “I didn’t come here to speak about us. I came here to tell you that you need to be mature and do what’s right. Your staff look like they need a serious rest your actions are taking a toll on them” as you can see, I moved the conversation alone swiftly.

Things will only get worse if we continue speaking about us. whatever we are.

“I’ll drop jay off at your house tomorrow after you’ve eaten properly and gotten some rest, you look like shit Leon” I turned to grab my bag from the table.

“you still care about me” I heard him say quietly. I paused at the door my d=fingers just touching the door.

“you’re not just the father of our son, I loved you so it will take a lot more for me to not care about you Leon”

I felt the thick tension in the air as I pushed at the door.

I stood outside of that door, wondering if I had just given him false hope. Why is it so hard for me to stop with him?

Emily stood waiting “Make sure he eats, maybe now he will be professional, and you can work”

“Charlize wait” she called after me, but I was already through the double doors and heading to the lift.

A few stray tears made their way down my cheeks. I swiftly wiped them away, how many times am I going to cry for this fucker.

On my way home I tried to listen to music that would get my mind off him and everything that we said to each other but as you know sometimes music can only make it worse.

As soon as I got home, I dumped my bags in my room before heading to the bathroom and starting a bath.

Maybe a pamper session will do me good and help me take my mind of him.

As I soaked in the bubbles my mind kept thinking about what Emily told me. she said nothing happened between them only a kiss.

But a part of me wonders if she lied just to make me feel better. I accused him of fucking her and he didn’t defend himself, why would he do that.

Did he really feel that lonely to the point he had to find attention in another woman? Nobody ever prepares you for having a child. I wanted my baby to grow up feeling loved, so I spent all my time with him.

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