Escaped My Ex Got Snatched

Chapter 57

57 A gentleman doesn’t hit woman but a thug does 

Glynn was sure that her arm was going to be torn from the socket today. The man behind her did not stop twisting her arm and continued to twist it in the 

other direction as if he wanted to torment her as 

much as possible before ripping her arm off her socket. Her breathing turned panicky and became short and rugged, as she was worried that Nicolai was really going to hurt her. 

Because Glynn knew that Nicolai could do 


he would do it, as he was not Ariana. She could act all haughty in front of others because they were weaker than her. After all, they were the prey and she was t predator, but the same could not be said about Nicolai. There was nothing ‘prey’ like about the man standing behind her. 

The very man who was about to rip her arm any second. 

“L…let me go,” she coughed while trying to suppress another scream that was lodged in her throat. 



57 A gentleman doesn’t hit woman but a thug does 

However, Nicolai did not let go of her arm, instead, he 

twisted it even further. 

“That was not what I wanted to hear, now try again,” Nicolai rumbled as his nails dug into Glynn’s arm hard enough to draw blood. Glynn hissed sharply as her knees buckled. She was half kneeling and half standing, and yet, the man did not let go of her arm 

When Glynn raised her head, he curled his lips in an unhinged smile and taunted mockingly, “Did your brother not discipline you? It appears to me as if you were taught to not worry about the consequences and go on your merry way. Should have taught ou whom you can and cannot offend as well,” he twis d her arm further, rather pleased when Glynn’s tears fell. 

“I …I am a woman! How can you hurt me?” Cynn stared at Nicolai with a shocked expression, which only amused the man even more. 

“What? Were you thinking that I would let you go just because you are a woman, who isn’t how a fight is supposed to work? If you raise your hand on me, then I will raise my hand right back, that’s what we call a 

fair fight,” Nicolai shot back at Glynn who only turned even more troubled by his words. 



57 A gentleman doesn’t hit woman but a thug does 

When she was young, Glynn and Noah had fought because she had broken the model that Noah had put together after working for three nights and four days. Of course, Noah was obviously upset at her, he had slapped her in his anger, which led the fight to escalate 

even more. 

Fortunately, her mother came and stoppe I the two of them and even told Noah that he should never fight with a woman as he was a man and his strength was too great for a woman to withstand. At the same time, her mother had taught her to not provoke Noah by touching his things. 

However, Glynn only learned one thing from the fight, and that was 

A man couldn’t hit a woman. 

Because of this lesson, Glynn had never feared men, a she knew that they would never hurt her. However, 

now that she stood in front of Nicolai who did not act 

according to the rules, Glynn felt raw and unbridled fear in her heart. 

“Call yourself lucky,” a chilling voice whispered in her ear as she jerked. 


57 A gentleman doesn’t hit woman but a thug doos 

Nicolai dropped her hand, and Glynn, who finally tasted the freedom that she once did not appreciate, stepped as far as possible from the man. She brought her wrist up and looked down, ugly dark finger marks marred her skin. Their finger marks were like a slap to her face. 

“You…my brother will not let you off,” Glynn 

threatened Nicolai. She was not going to let this man off this easily. After returning home, she would surely complain about what Nicolai did to her in front of her brother. This matter was not over! 

However, her threat did not bring any charge in Nicolai’s expression. Instead, he stared down at her like a towering mountain, and Glynn noticed the amusement in his eyes as if he were finding her attempts cute. 

“You will?” Nicolai snickered. He leaned down unti and Glynn were eye to eye. He said, “Before that, should you not be worried about yourself, Miss Nelson? As far as I know… your brother is a really possessive and controlling man. What you have done….” He winked at her before standing straight. “I bet that it is not going to sit well with him.” 


57 A gentleman doesn’t hit woman but a thug does 

Did this man know for what reason and why she was here? Glynn felt her heartbeat hike up another pace as she looked at the man who was now walking away 

from her without even glancing at her. 

Glynn wanted to say something but stopped herself. So what if he knew? There was no way her brother was going to trust this man over her, right? 

Inside the Civil Affairs Bureau, 

“What?” Nicolai questioned his sister, who was giving him the stinky eye. 

“What do you mean by what, Nico?” Zena q estioned back in a reproachful voice. “You first got in olved in the divorce proceedings of Noah Nelson even though it has nothing to do with you, and now you picked fight with his sister. Do you think that the Grim Re is on your side? Is this why you are provoking a fight with death every second day?” 

Nicolai released a puff of smoke which billowed in the air and vanished, leaving only the faint scent of cigar behind. 

“I am not,” Nicolai refuted. In his defence he did not want to pick up a fight with Glynn, however when he 



57 A gentleman doesn’t hit woman but a thug does 

saw the smug look on her face after handing over the divorce documents– he couldn’t stop himself from teaching her a lesson. 

Though that was what he was telling himself, Nicolai 

had an excellent idea that the reason he had twisted 

Glynn’s arm was something else. 

Or more like someone else. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you sure?” Zena quirked a brow while climbing the stairs of the large white building. “Because if you are feeling suicidal, you might as well tell me the colour of the coffin that you want.” 

“Shut up.” 

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