Fated To The Alpha

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Read Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 246 – “What are you doing here?” I asked my

mother as I walked into the living room. She stood up and embraced me, but to be honest, I was kinda

pissed off she was even here.

“I wanted to check on you,” mum says while giving me a squeeze. Wow, she wanted to check on me

now, but she couldn’t be bothered the day of the incident. Eziah sat on one of the chairs at the table

with his arms folded across his chest, and I could feel his aura and raised an eyebrow at him when he

turned and looked at me with a scowl on his face.

Jonah walked in behind me, and my mother smiled at him as she pulled back before giving him a hug.

Eziah sighs before unfolding his arms. It was incredibly awkward as we all just stood there. No one

knew what to say.

“I wanted to apologize about the Alpha challenge,” My mother says as she shoots my brother a look,

and he drops his head, looking away from her.

“Exactly what was Eziah doing there?” I asked her knowing she was meant to keep an eye on him, and

he was meant to be with her. Eziah blew up when he found out about Kyan and me. Everyone agreed

he wasn’t to go and would remain with mum.

“I was called to the Moon Goddess realm, and he was meant to go with me, but let my hand go as I

fazed over,” She said, glaring at him.

“You know I can’t control that part; if I am needed there, I am stuck until I finish what needs doing,” She

says, sitting down in the chair. She rubs her eyes; she does look tired.

“So, dad told you what happened?”

“Yes, he said you used dark magic against your brother, that you freaked out,”

“Freaked out, is that what we are going to call it now?” I asked her, leaning against the counter. Jonah

reached for me, but I was pissed off. Everyone treated me like a monster, yet Eziah started it. I was

sick of the double standards.

“You should have stayed out of it,” Eziah snapped at me.

“He is my mate. You should stay the f**k out of it. My relationships have nothing to do with you,” I

snapped back.

“I was standing up for you,”

“Enough, we are not here to argue who was right and who was wrong,” my mother says when my

brother jumps up from his chair. I shake my head. If he was supposed to be smoothing things over, it

wasn’t working.

“Enough? She is the one who went against her own family for that f*****g p***k,”

“Eziah!” my mother growls at him in a warning.

“Fine, he f*****g kills you don’t come crying to me,”

“Since when have I ever come crying to you for anything, any of you. If I wanted help, you would all be

the last people I went to,” I yelled at them. My hands clenched into fists at my sides; I was that angry

when I felt Jonah’s arms wrap around my waist, tugging me back against him. He buries his face in my

neck, and I s**k in a breath, trying to calm down. I was livid; they all blatantly ignored me most of the


“Marabella, you don’t mean that,” My mother says, reaching for my hand, but I yank it away from her.

“Don’t I? Because last time I checked. Eziah blew up over something that had nothing to with him, and I

defended my mate, yet you all ran to his side while backing away from mine,”

“No, that’s not what happened, Marabella. You know your magic is different, its… its,”

“I would choose your words very wisely in my house,” Kyan’s voice says behind me. Eziah growls,

stepping toward him, and my mother gets in his path.

“Sit down, now,” she snaps at him. Eziah growls but backs up but refuses to sit down. Kyan leaned

against the door frame, unfazed by my brother’s tantrum.

“Why would you even bring him here,” I ask her.

“We were on our way to look for Rose. Eziah was going to try and track her,” So they weren’t really

there to see me but just stopping in because they were in the city. I shake my head.

“What happened with Rose?” Jonah asks, standing straighter.

“Nothing you need to worry about; your father didn’t want to worry you,”

“No, what is going on?” Jonah demands, and my mother sighs.

“Rose took off with one of her friends, and she never returned home,”

“I will go get dressed and come help find her,” Jonah says, kissing my cheek and walking out.

Kyan steps aside, letting him pass before moving closer to me and placing his hand on my hip. My

brother growls at him, and I glare at him.

‘You would choose him over me?”

“I am not choosing anyone, Eziah,”

“He tried to rape you. What the f**k is wrong with you?” He growls.

“He wouldn’t have done it,” I snap back at him. My mother glares at Kyan before her head tilts to the

side. I had seen that look plenty of times when she examined aura. She sighed, rubbing her temples.

“He wouldn’t have done it; he was trying to scare her,” My mother shocks me by defending him.

“F*****g b******t,” Eziah snarls at her.

“You are in enough trouble, mister, settle down or go wait in the car,” My mother growls at him, and her

eyes glow fluorescent in warning, another look I had seen when she was about to lose her s**t and Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

deliver an a*s- whooping.

Eziah barges past her, heading for the door. “He will k**l you, and when he does, you have no one to

blame but yourself,” Eziah spat at me before storming out.

“F*****g teenagers,” my mother curses, and I purse my lips. She shakes her head before her eyes fall

on me.

“Anyway, I just wanted to apologize, I should have come sooner, but I only just got back from the Moon

Goddess realm this morning and had to come to help your uncle. Your fathers have done nothing but

fight over how they handled the Alpha challenge, and your brother has lost the d**n plot with the

dramas with Marley,” She shakes her head.

“What happened with Marley?”

“She wasn’t answering her d**n phone, so Eziah went over there and caught her sleeping with her


“She found her mate?”

“Yes, anyway, he has been in a mood since and only just told me last night after your fathers found him

passed out drunk on the d**n border when he crashed your father’s car,” my eyebrows escaped into

my hairline in shock. Eziah had been in a mood for a while, making me wonder if that was why he was

suddenly so angry. Still, it didn’t mean I deserved his b******t.

“So anyway, we should go. I just wanted to stop by, apologize, get you back home so we can put all

this behind us, and your fathers really miss you, Marabella. They feel terrible. You just scared them, is

all, and they overreacted,” my mother continues rambling when I cut her off.

“I am not going home. I am staying here,” my mother stops talking and looks between Kyan and me.

“No, you are coming home. That is why I am here, Marabella. You can;t stay with Kyan,”

“He is my mate, and I am an adult. I can do as I please. I am not leaving,”

“Nonsense, come on, we need to go,” she says, going to grab my arm, and I was shocked when Kyan

grabbed her.

“She said she is staying,” Kyan tells my mother, and I gasp, looking at his hand on her arm. My mother

also looks down at his hand gripping her, and my eyes widen when I watch hers glow in her fury.

“Mum?” I gasp.

“I suggest you move your hand, Kyan,”

“And I suggest you leave,” Kyan said calmly though I felt his grip on my hip tighten, his hand slipping

under my shirt onto my stomach.

“She isn’t leaving with you if she doesn’t want to,” My mother looked at me, but I looked away. I

swallowed, feeling guilty with the look she gave me.


“I think you should go,”

“Mara, if this is about the Alpha challenge, I promise I have sorted the problem,”

“See, that’s the thing, mum, anytime something happens with me it’s a problem, something happens

with Eziah it’s a faze, I am not going back, I am sick of having everyone run from me, I am s staying


‘Marabella, you can’t stay here. You don’t understand, just come with me, I will explain, but I am not

leaving you here with him,” she says.

“Good thing it isn’t up to you. Marabella wants to stay; therefore, she stays moon goddess,”

“Don’t give me that Moon Goddess c**p Kyan, I am her mother,’

“And I am her mate. Marabella chooses where she wants to go, and if that is not with you, then so be


“How dare you, you would put her in danger for your own selfish reasons,” My mother snaps at him.

“She is safer here with me then locked away in her d**n room hiding from the world because she is

scared of herself because everyone treats her like a monster.”

“Who treats her like a monster? The Alpha challenge was a mistake. It won’t happen again,” my mother


“It has been happening for 18 years. You were just too consumed with the golden boy out there that

you don’t realize she was the one suffering; if you did, she never would have been f*****g mutilating

herself and hiding away from everyone. A mother? Mothers don’t pick one kid over the other,” Kyan

spits at her. My mother blinks at him before her eyes flick to me, and I couldn’t believe he just said that.

I was horrified at his words and clearly so was my mother.

Tears burned my eyes at the humiliation that flooded me, and I wanted to run. “Marabella, is that true?”

she asks me.

“Marabella?”My mother called as I rushed from the room, unable to face her. I can’t believe he just did

that. I raced up the stairs. Jonah caught me as he walked back down them, and I could hear my mother

and Kyan arguing, but I needed to get away from them both.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Jonah asked, grabbing me.

“Mara?” Jonah asks as my mother rushed out of the kitchen.

“Marabella, wait,” My mother called, and Jonah’s grip tightened on me, not letting me pass. Kyan walks

out behind, and Jonah growls.

‘What did you do?”

“Nothing just told the truth. Go find your sister Jonah. Ella is fine with me,” Kyan answers him. My

mother growls at him.

“I am not leaving her here while she is upset. What the f**k happened?” Jonah demands.

“Jonah, just go. I have been humiliated enough for one night,” I tell him, and he looks at me.

“What is it?”


“Just leave mum, find Rose, and take Eziah home, then you can go back to ignoring my existence like

everyone else does,” I tell her. F**k why did he have to tell her that?

“Marabella, honey,” I shook my head, and Jonah refused to let me go as I struggled to get out of his


“Jonah, just let go,” I tell him, but he doesn’t.

“Let her go,” Kyan tells him, and Jonah does but growls at him.

‘I swear, Kyan if you have done something,”

“Go find your sister,” I heard Kyan say as I ran to one of the spare rooms. I shut the door, locking it. I

listened to them all argue before hearing Lucas trying to calm everyone down.

“Well, that didn’t go well,” Kora said, coming forward.

“It was humiliating,” I tell her, and she shrugs.

“Still, he spoke the truth. He didn’t do it to hurt you,” Kora says with a sigh.

“It doesn’t matter if it was the truth; he had no right,” she says nothing, but I eventually hear my

mother’s car leave.


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