Fates Hands

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

###Warning, Sexual Content and language###

Mr. and Mrs. Mathews just found out about the death of their daughter. They were not mourning like

normal parents would, they were pissed. They were not livid because of the way they she died. They

were pissed because she was the last chance they had to gain power over the Pride. 2

Further more the Bennets are no longer speaking to them, whatever that nasty brat of theirs told them.

Made them shun them in the Pride. They are going to have to leave the Pride by morning or pay

restituion for what their daughter did.

They tried to take up a petition with the King, that was until they found out that the King was witness to

the whole thing.

They were just about to leave their house, when a loud knock came from the door. They both looked at

each other, wondering if they should open it. Perhaps it was one of their friends, who had a change of


When they opened the door, there stood Archer with all of the Prides elders.

“May we come inside?”

Mr. Mathews was at a loss for words, he motioned for them all to enter. The elders didn‘t waste any


“Mr. and Mrs. Mathews you were already informed of the death of your daughter, information has also

come to us that you have been trying to whore out your daughter for years. To gain higher standing and


out that the King was witness to the whole thing

They were just about to leave their house, when a loud knock came from the door. They both looked at

each other, wondering if they should open it. Perhaps it was one of their friends, who had a change of


When they opened the door, there stood Archer with all of the Prides elders.

“May we come inside?”

Mr. Mathews was at a loss for words, he motioned for them all to enter. The elders didn‘t waste any


“Mr. and Mrs. Mathews you were already informed of the death of your daughter, information has also

come to us that you have been trying to whore out your daughter for years. To gain higher standing and



take power over the Pride.”

“This kind of behavior as you both well know, is not tolerated in this Pride.”

“We have found evidence that states, that once your daughter was married to one of the three heirs,

that you and your wife would slowly kill off the high family, thus making yours the only blood left.”

“You know the rules, if you wish to challenge the king of the pride, you do so directly. You don‘t plot

behind the backs of others. This as you know is considered an act of treason, this crime carries the

death penalty.”

“What do you have to say for yourselves?”

Mr.Mathews was turning a deep shade of red, he was pissed. Either because he was caught or that he

take power over the Pride.”

“This kind of behavior as you both well know, is not tolerated in this Pride.”

“We have found evidence that states, that once your daughter was married to one of the three heirs,

that you and your wife would slowly kill off the high family, thus making yours the only blood left.”

“You know the rules, if you wish to challenge the king of the pride, you do so directly. You don‘t plot

behind the backs of others. This as you know is considered an act of treason, this crime carries the

death penalty.”

“What do you have to say for yourselves?”

Mr. Mathews was turning a deep shade of red, he was pissed. Either because he was caught or that


thinks he is above the laws of the Pride.

“You have got to be kidding, we are friends of your parents. Felicia loved you that was all, perhaps she

was a bit misguided but she was young.”

“Whatever she said or did, was because she was in love with you. You are the one who should be on

trial, you’re the criminal, you killed her without cause. I demand that you step down as our Prides

King!!” 2

“Oh, really Mr. Mathews and who should take my place.?”

“It should be given to our family, it is time for some new blood, the Bennet family has had too much

power, it is time they step down and let the Mathews family take over.”

Archer gave Mr. Mathews a dark look. One of a predator stalking it‘s next

meal. Mr. Mathews was visibly

shaken by this.

“Are you asking for the leader challenge, Mr. Mathews?”

“No..there would be no way I could beat you in hand to hand combat, till the death.”

“So instead you decide to use your daughter, to try to seduce me, when that didn‘t work you went on to

my brothers. When that didn‘t work, you wouldn‘t let up, you just kept pushing her over and over, till she

finally snapped.”

Archer motioned for one of the elders to bring a lap top to the table.

“Lets watch a little movie shall we.”

When it was all done, Mr. Mathews was visibly about to pass out, Mrs. Mathews just cried in the


1. Neither were willing to talk anymore, after watching footage of their daughter and footage of them

talking to other pack members about a power grab.

The Movie‘ had excellent video and sound. Nothing was left to speculation.

Mr.and Mrs. Mathews you will have a public trail and sentencing. I will let the elders decide your fate. I

am too angry to do so. If I do it you would already be dead. 2

With that Warriors came in and took them away to their Prides dungeon, where they were to await their


Adira was watching her handsome mate hold his pup. It was at this moment that she realized, that she

no longer was The Spare. She didn‘t

Ball feel like she did before. She was a confident, kind and she hoped generous Luna. 2

Those days alone, always hiding never able to make friends or even talk to anyone. No more waiting in

pain, alone in the dark of the night, for the next day to come. No more losing hope or trying to fight the


No more, it was gone. Replaced by the Love of her mate, Pack and pup. It felt like it was so long ago

when really it wasn‘t even a year. Artemis started to rub up against her mind. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You are who you were supposed to be. It may have taken a dark and lonely road for us, though we

have made it just the same. We have mates that are forever and we will have many pups to keep us

busy for years and years.”


Adira smiled, as her Mate brought their pup over for his afternoon meal. She wasn‘t a fool, there will be

hardships, sadness and danger. There will also be times of plenty, joy and peace. That is the way of

things and she was so glad to be a part of it.

Duncan had long since banished her nightmares, now she has dreams of the pups to come. She has

also set up a charity/company that rescues and helps victims of all kinds of abuse. No matter their age,

sex, species or creed.2

Duncan with the help of Marco, Jack and Archer, have continued to locate and find business or packs

or homes where abuse and trafficking are going on, to put a stop to it.

They even have the backing of the King, as well as extra warriors and elders that will also help them


them down. And end them for good,

Duncan know‘s that evil will always exist, that doesn‘t mean that you sit on your butt, in your quiet

happy little life and do nothing, Doing nothing when you know that there is something going on, makes

you just as responsible as those who commit the sin.

Marnie and Ashton announced that they were going to have a wedding, even though they were already

mates. Marnie didn‘t really care about a big ceremony she just wanted a big party afterward.

As a wedding gift Duncan and Adira gifted them with their very own newly built cabin. It had six

bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms. With large inner gathering rooms and kitchen

. them down. And end them for good.

Duncan know‘s that evil will always exist, that doesn‘t mean that you sit on your butt, in your quiet

happy little life and do nothing. Doing nothing when you know that there is something going on, makes

you just as responsible as those who commit the sin.

Marnie and Ashton announced that they were going to have a wedding, even though they were already

mates. Marnie didn‘t really care about a big ceremony she just wanted a big party afterward.

As a wedding gift Duncan and Adira gifted them with their very own newly built cabin. It had six

bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms. With large inner gathering rooms and kitchen

gathering rooms and kitchen.

Ashton looked at Duncan with a smile...

“It is just the two of us, why so big?”

It was Marnie that answered.

“Duh, Ash it is for all the pups or cubs we are going to have, I want a big family.”

Adira and Marnie were like bee‘s buzzing around planning for the wedding and party afterward. There

were soo many guests that, Duncan was starting to get a little worried and had to have the two Luna‘s

taper it back a bit, they were going to end up with all kinds of people sleeping in every corner.

Marco finally decided to help them, so the many species of guests don‘t end up fighting. He prepared

lists for

them of who‘s who and their basic rules of their pack,clan or pride.

He also arranged the menu and seating arrangements. As well as where they will all be sleeping.

Some of them were only coming for the day so that was a big help.

Luna Adira arranged for the entertainment of the younger adults and pups, so they wont be causing too

much mischief.

Finally Duncan looked all over for his Luna, he even mind linked but with no response, he found his

lovely mate in his office, sleeping deeply at his desk. He gently lifted her up in his arms and carried her

to bed.

Just as he was about to lay her down on their bed, she wrapped her arms around him, giving him a kiss

on her mark she gave him. He almost dropped her, because of the surprise

and sensation it made.

She didn‘t stop, he put her down on the bed and started to remove his clothes, she stopped him.

“No, let me unwrap you, I just love unwrapping my gifts. There is so much anticipation and then the joy

of what it inside.”

Before he knew it she had him naked, the evidence of her efforts was plain to see. She kneeled down

and licked up his shaft with a naughty giggle. He just about came out of his skin it felt so good.

She continued to stimulate him with her tongue and her mouth. Driving him crazy. Even Apollo was

there with him. He couldn‘t stand it anymore.

He ripped off her little nighty that she had on, backed her up against the

door, put one of her legs on his hip and slid his way home. She was wild by his third thrust and he was

crazy by the fifth. It didn‘t take long for them to find their pleasure.

They stood there catching their breath, when a loud knock pounded on the door. Then Marnie‘s voice

was yelling at them..

“Gross you two, use the bed that is what it is for. I don‘t need any images of my brother doing what he

is doing. I know he does it and that is all I want to know.” 2

They started laughing.

They went to their bed and continued showing each other their love for one another.

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