Fighting Darius

Chapter 26

I know the sun is already up but refuse to open my eyes. The longer I stay like this, the longer I can put off from dealing with the real world.

I take a deep content breath and the heady familiar scent fills my senses. The feeling of peace surrounds me and giddiness swirls at the edge of my consciousness.

I revel in the warmth of a hard body curled around mine protectively. I savor the feel of a warm powerful arm lying across my stomach with the hand gripping my waist and a long sinewy leg trapping my body under its weight.

Sometime during the night, we must have shifted our positions.

We fell asleep with his face nestled between my breasts, now I’m guessing a side of my face is close to his chest because of the warmth and I can hear his steady heartbeat very clearly in my ear.

The hand on my waist moves to lay flat on my hip.

“Persephone,” he says. His voice low, deep, and husky. Sexy. It makes my toes curl. “I know you’re awake.”

This early in the morning, his accent is very pronounced.

His hand on my hip wanders down to my thigh. His fingertips just skimming the skin at the edge of my shorts. Teasing me.

Ahhh…electric current from his fingers travels all over my body, especially to that spot between my legs. I fight the urge to press my legs together. His heavy leg thrown over both of mine is making that quite impossible anyway. I could almost feel his amusement. Still, I refuse to open my eyes.

He moves his hand back up to slip just underneath my tank top. My skin heats up. He has big hands. Long fingers.

My lips curl up into a smile. I can’t help it. “You know what they say about men with big hands,” I whisper. My eyes still closed.

“No, I don’t. What did they say about men with big hands?” His voice is low and teasing. His hand starts massaging my side.

My smile grows. “Uh, I don’t know…”

“You do know, you just don’t want to tell me,” his voice sounds closer. His warm hand slides further up. I cover his hand with mine and open my eyes.

His glacier blue eyes are gazing down at me with tenderness and playfulness.

The ray of the morning light pours in through the open curtains. The light breeze from the sea is blowing in.

This feels perfect. Like we’re in our own little bubble where nothing else exists. Nothing else matters. Not even the past or the future. Just us, right at this minute. I want to stay in this bubble for a while longer. I don’t want to think about anything else.

I let my eyes roam all over his impressive naked upper body slowly before they settle on the medallion resting on his collarbone. He’s big and well muscled…everywhere. Even relaxed like this, I can feel the power radiating off him. Finally,

my gaze found its way back to his bright intense eyes that are regarding me curiously.

He pulls himself up to rest on his elbow, looking down at me.

My hand moves up to touch the medallion. I love touching the warm metal resting against his skin. My fingers trace the raised etchings on it. He pushes my hair back behind my ear. His hand lingers on my cheek. For a tough, fierce, looking man, his touch is gentle. Sparks of electricity and awareness crackle between us. The back of his fingers stroke my cheek. It feels so good I almost purr.

“What did Eva want last night?” I have to ask. So, okay, I’m very crappy at making small talks, but I really need to know.

He looks a bit uneasy, but he answers my question anyway.

“She wanted to know if she could help me release some tense, pent-up energy.”

Bloody hell. I know exactly what she wanted.

“What did you say?” I struggle to sound nonchalant. I don’t think it works. It’s hard to pretend like I don’t care when I’m pissed off.

“I told her I don’t need her help,” he answers. “And that I’d appreciate it if she would stop asking.”

“Good,” I announce. “Have you ever…take up on her offer?”

“No, never. I would never have brought her here with me if I had, Malyshka.”

“What about other female lycan warriors then?”

“I never had anyone since that night I first saw you,” he answers earnestly.

Okay, fair enough. “Tell me about your nightmare,” I keep digging.

I can tell right away that he’s going to avoid answering it. I can see it in his eyes. He moves his hand back to my hip. His muscle tense.

“Please?” I place my hand on his arm and his muscle flexes under my touch. His eyes follow my movement. His grip

tightening on my hip.

“It’s my worst fear,” he answers reluctantly. “You’re killed. In my nightmare, you’re dead.”

“So it’s not poisonous snakes or mutant killer squirrels or hostile space aliens? I was dead in your nightmare. That is your worst nightmare?” I tilt my face further up and give him a teasing smile. He doesn’t smile back.

“Losing you. Losing you is what I fear most. That’s my worst nightmare.”

There’s something so vulnerable in his expression. The side of him that I bet this fierce warrior never showed the world. Oh, Darius! He’s such a douche for making me melt with his words like this, and for looking so hot. I grab the back of his head, pull him down and smash his lips to mine.

I took him by surprise. For a second his lips don’t move against mine. When I pull back, his lips follow mine. In an instant, he captures my lips with his.

It starts slow. I move my lips tentatively against his, then he groans and fully takes over the kiss as if he can’t get enough.

He opens his mouth and starts to ravish mine hungrily. He kisses with his lips, his tongue, and his teeth. He makes me understand what it feels like to be devoured.

My heartbeat shoots through the roof and my stomach feels like I’m diving down on a freaking roller coaster. I grab a hold of his strong broad shoulders and hang on tight.

He sucks my bottom lip fervently. His teeth nip my mouth before his tongue laps my bottom lip and the seam of my mouth. I open my mouth and he lets out a deep moan when my tongue meets his. The sound of his sexy moan only fuels my fire for him. I tangle my tongue with his and taste him as eagerly.

His thumb and palm cradle my cheek while his fingers grip the back of my head, holding my head still as our kiss grows more desperate and frantic. His other hand starts kneading my butt and drawing me closer to him.

He climbs on top of me without breaking our kiss and I grab a handful of his hair, gripping the silky strands between my fingers.

I arch my body up to grind up against him and he groans into my mouth. Gosh, that sounds is so hot.

His mouth leaves mine to kiss and nibble on my jaw and my neck before it latches on my throat, sucking on my skin there. A low moan comes out of my mouth. Oh, yes…I want more. I want…what do I want? I want him. Now.

His lower body is just hovering over mine while I’m arching my back, trying to get closer. Darn it! I want him closer. I’m floating in the haze of passion, and I want him on me. I hook my leg around his hip and pull him down, grinding against his hardness.

“Persephone, baby…I won’t be able to stop soon,” his voice is hoarse and deep.

“Then don’t stop,” I say breathlessly.

“Is that what you want?”

Huh? Ughh..too much talking.

“You want to be mated? Now? Is that what you really want?”

What? I stop moving for a second, trying to think.

He rolls off me, putting a space between us. Both of us are breathing hard, staring at each other. A part of me wants to throw a tantrum, demanding him to get back to doing what he was doing to me. Another more rational part of me wants me to think things through.

I scowl up at him anyway.

“Please don’t look at me that way, Malyshka.”

“Look at you what way?” I ask him, sounding very petulant.

“Like I just took away your favorite toy,” he says. “Gosh, baby, that’s actually very hot. That’s a huge turn on.”

He drags his eyes away and quickly lays back, trying to calm his breathing.

For some reason that makes me feel very powerful. He already told me he loves me. Now he’s struggling to keep his head. This powerful lycan warrior. I did this to him. Me.

I roll over and climb on top of him. I place my legs on either side of him and raise myself up with my hands on his chest to look down at him. I know I’m playing with fire. Do I care? Not really.

“Persephone,” he groans, closing his eyes and gulping audibly.

His breathing ragged.

Before I can blink, I find myself lying on my back with him on top of me. Dark intense eyes staring back at me. His nostrils flare slightly as he pulls in harsh breaths. His lips are pulled slightly back to reveal straight white teeth. His two sharp canines are very prominent now. His lycan is out of his restraint.

Okay, I might have pushed my luck….a bit.. with his self-control.

His dark eyes are regarding me like I was his prey, unblinking.

He tilts his head and leans down. His nose and lips graze my neck. I dare not move.

“I can smell you,” he says. His voice sounds deeper. Very menacing. He’s acting more like a lycan now. Like a predator.

“You want me almost as much as I want you….and I want you.”

He moves lower. “I want you,” he growls as the tip of his nose and his lips skim down my neck to my collarbone, down to the rise of my chest. He stops at the beginning of my tank top and I stop breathing. Suddenly he bites the fabric between his teeth and yanks it down. Oh, Gosh…

I feel the cool air on my bare heated skin. His eyes roam to look at my exposed breasts.

“Beautiful,” he purrs before he leans down and licks the skin at the top of the swell. His tongue feels soft, warm and wet against my skin. “This is where I’m going to mark you.”

He opens his mouth wider and laps his tongue a few more times there. I can feel his teeth and canines pressing on my skin. I let out a small whimper and he lifts his head up. His eyes are still dark and full of hunger. Then he tilts his head to the side as if he’s listening to something.

A second later I hear it too. The clicking sound of footsteps coming down the hall.

He lets out a low rumbling growl and gives me a long look before he closes his eyes and takes a few calming breaths.

As the footsteps draw nearer, he unhurriedly rolls out of the bed and saunters to the sitting area of the room. He’s only in his navy blue cotton pajama pants. I get a good view of the corded muscle of his back and the tight shapely butt.

Goddess, he’s gorgeous and I’m turned on and…oh, I’m such a slut!

He grabs a shirt at the back of a chair and slips it on in a swift, fluid movement.

He turns his head slightly to give me a look and I hastily grab the sheet to cover myself. The corner of his lips curls up slightly into an amused smile. His eyes are now back to their bright blue color.

He opens the door before the person at the other side of the door even start to knock.

“I’m sorry, sir. I thought we’re heading out early today,” says a familiar voice before he slips out and closes the door behind him.

It’s Eva. She’s better not be propositioning to him again, or I’ll rip her spine out lycan or not.

“You better head out by yourself today, Eva. I have some other matter to attend to this morning.” I hear him say through the closed door.

They continue to discuss work-related issues for a couple more minutes before I hear Eva’s footsteps move away from the door and Darius slips back inside.

His eyes are watching me thoughtfully as he pushes the door closed and moves closer to the bed.

“What things do you have to do here this morning?” I ask him, pulling the blanket up to my chin.

“There are things I have to talk about with Constantine, Caspian, and Lazarus,” he answers.

“Things related to your mission in Russia?”

“Yes,” he confirms.

“Things that you refuse to tell me about,” I state, rather than ask.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m sorry, Malyshka,” he sighs, sitting down at the edge of the bed. “It’s confidential. I wish I could tell you, but if things leak out….not only would our lives be in danger, but others too.”

“Fine!” I announce as I fling the bedsheet off of me. My tank top is ripped and I’m pretty much topless. I boldly stand up and daringly tip my chin up. His eyes grow darker as he stares up at me hungrily.

“You’re pushing all my buttons, my love,” he declares huskily.

His hands gripping the bed sheet on either side of him tightly.

“We can’t all have what we want now, can we?” I smirk. “By the way, you ruined my top.”

“I’ll buy you more shirts,” he replies.

I just flip my hair and open the balcony door wide.

“You never told me,” he says. “What did they say about men with big hands?”

There are lots of things I can say about men with big hands, but I give him the lamest and the least risqué one ever, “Uh….he needs big gloves?”

I hear him chuckling as I climb to my side of the balcony.

It’s ten in the morning by the time I’m done showering and got dressed. It’s already hot so I tie my hair up. I put on a pair of high waisted white shorts, a little pink top and a pair of converse and decided to join others for late breakfast.

The breakfast table is surprisingly empty. The coffee pot is still hot. There’s a big bowl of fruit salad and yogurt on the kitchen island. I pull out the warming drawer and lift up the lid one by one to find eggs, hash browns, sausages, and waffles.

I pile up my plates and follow the sound of voices to find Genesis and Serena sitting in the patio chairs overlooking the pool and the ocean. Serena has a cup of tea in her hand and Genesis has a big bowl of fruit on her lap.

“Good morning,” I say as I pull up a chair to sit on and push Genesis’s feet off a footstool so I can place my heavy plate on it.

“So what’s up? Where is everybody?”

“Anya left to do some grocery shopping. Eva has already left for the day. Constantine, Caspian, Lazarus, and Darius are having a meeting in the office,” replies Genesis.

“Do you know what they’re talking about?” I ask them quietly before taking a bite of my hash brown. I decided I’m going to keep digging until I find out what Darius is keeping from me.

“No idea,” answers Serena. “Whatever it is, it looks important.

The guys disappear into the office even before they had their breakfast.”

“They won’t let us in the office to listen in,” informs Genesis.

“It’s got to be something serious for them to forgo their breakfast,” she adds and Serena and I nod our heads in agreement.

“I thought you might have a better idea of what their meeting is about,” questions Serena, turning her bright golden eyes on me. “I know you’ve been…uh, talking to Darius.”

Is nothing a secret around here? Great! I roll my eyes and answer, “Nope, no idea, but I think it might have something to do with Darius’s mission in Russia and why he has to get back.

I know it’s probably the reason why he thinks it’s dangerous for me to go back there too. I have no idea what it really is all about.”

“Isn’t it frustrating when they keep things secret from you?”

says Genesis, echoing my thoughts. She’s scowling at the closed office door.

“It is, but they’re doing it for our own good. Maybe it’s safer for us not to know about things,” says Serena gently. “Maybe we should trust our men.”

“Well, that sucks and I don’t like it,” I announce, stabbing the sausage on my plate with a fork rather viciously. Serena is a sweetheart, but sometimes I think she’s rather old-fashioned in the way that she thinks about men and women’s role in life. I told you she reminds me of my dear abuela.

“I know you don’t,” she says in a soft pacifying voice. “At least stop trying to murder that sausage, love. It’s already dead.”

Genesis snorts a laugh.

“So, you’ve been…err..talking to Darius, huh?” asks Genesis.

My best friend is very nosy. “What about Matthew?”

Gosh, I don’t know. That’s something I’d rather not deal with yet. It’s like a can of worms I’d rather not open yet, but I know I can’t just hide it somewhere forever and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Last night Darius told me that he loves me. I still feel woozy just thinking about it, and this morning. Oh, my heart, this morning. It was just a kiss. Well, okay maybe it was a little bit more than that, but everything with Darius just feels more. A kiss isn’t just a kiss. This morning it felt like our souls were connecting.

I should feel bad for doing that to Matthew, but I don’t. I feel bad for not feeling bad. I should feel guilty. I’m a bad mate.

“I don’t know,” I answer miserably. “Darius told me he’s in love with me last night,” I tell them, and noted that they both don’t seem at all surprised. “Wow, I thought you two would be more excited or something.”

“We know he’s in love with you, Penny. A blind man can see that!” announces Genesis. How is it that I didn’t know this?

“He said he loves me but he won’t mark me and he’s going back to Russia,” I explain exasperatedly. “On the other hand, Matthew is here. He’s my mate. He’s attracted to me and he’s willing to give us a try even though he has no clue about our mate bond. Most importantly, he’s not going anywhere. The choice is clear, don’t you think?”

“It sounds like the choice is clear. So, what is it that you don’t know, Penny?” asks Serena kindly. “In your heart you know, the choice is clear.”

“Thanks, Grand Master Yoda,” I say as I bow to her before I take my plate away. Now all my confusion is cleared. NOT.

Serena shakes her head, looking amused while Genesis bursts out laughing.

“Now where are you going?” asks Genesis.

“Now I’m going to go and meditate in my cave aka my

bedroom,” I reply.

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