Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 15

I followed behind my father as he stormed to his study room. I thought of what to do to desolve the issue because I knew it would turn to something worse very soon. Nothing came to my mind and that made the desperation I felt grip me harder.

“Father, please, hear me out. Please forgive me for this. It was my fault. It was all my fault. I’ll take all the punishment. Adrian is not to blame please…” I pleaded with him, but my words fell on deaf ears.

“Do you even know who that man is?! You have no idea who he is and you were there kissing him? So shamelessly?! Do you know his family, where he came from?!! You’re acting so loose!” My father yelled at me.

“Father, please just hear me out…”

“Hear what?!”

“Please just spare his life. I’ll take all the punishment. I admit I did wrong…” All my pleas were drowned out by my father’s furious shouts.

“Why do you have no shame? To embarrass me like that in front of an elder?!” he bellowed, his face twisted with anger.

“I…I’m sorry, Father…” I could barely speak as my words choked me.

He gave me no chance to speak, his words cutting through the air like sharp blades. “Did I raise you this way, Lily? Is this how your mother and I brought you up? To give yourself away to any man?? Or is it because of your recent fallout with Tyler you’re behaving this way?”

The fact my father insinuated my interest in Adrian was because of my breakup with Tyler was too outrageous for me to answer. What was going on between Adrian and I was in no way linked to what Tyler and I shared, but it would be stupid of me to try and defend that at that moment.

“You’re a disgrace, a disappointment. I can’t even believe you could do this, Lily. This is just…beyond shameful.”

He called me a disgrace, a disappointment ; each word pierced my heart.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I lingered in his study. He seemed unaffected by my state. His anger radiated from him like a raging storm. I tried to explain, to tell him that it wasn’t as it seemed…. but I knew if I tried to explain that our feelings were genuine and that Adrian didn’t deserve such punishment, he would believe for sure that I had been enchanted or was being mind controlled. No matter what I said or had tried to say, he wouldn’t listen. His harsh words of criticism rang throughout the room, making it impossible to hear me and any hope of understanding.

In that moment, I realized the extent of my father’s rage.

A guard came in and stood in front of of my father, “He has been detained, sir,” his words troubling me more.

“And keep him there until any further instructions from me.” My father resounded.

The guard bowed courtly and exited as he came in.

My father had already sent his men to hold Adrian captive under close supervision so he won’t be able to come a feet near me.

“Father, you can’t do this…” my voice ached.

“And who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do?!” His voice rang alongside the bang of his table with his fist.

I flinched back and choked for air but only tears ran out my eyes. What was I to do? What had I done? This all came crashing down in minutes and the rollercoaster of it all made my emotions all over the place.

“That man… seems to have used some spell on you or forced himself on you…”

“No, he didn’t, father.” I defended firmly.

“Then why have you become a total fool all of a sudden?! Earlier today, I was praising you for your performance in our absence and you just had to ruin it all by giving into your hormones, in such a disgusting way.” My father had no idea how sour his words rested on me and how each word stung.

“I…” Left with nothing to say, I kept shut and simply looked at my father with empathic eyes, internally begging him to be merciful but he was determined to enforce his discipline on my err.

“I won’t lie, he is built like a fine young lad, maybe that’s the reason you would foolishly engage in frivolous acts with him even though you were raised better, and you know I don’t like to waste human resources…” His voice had gotten stable but there was a sinister tone to it as he spoke further. “He will be questioned intensively, but that is when I turn him to something I can deal less with.”

He seemed to wait for me to figure out what he was trying to refer to but my indignation was too profound.

So, he spelt it out for me, “I will turn him into a Limean werewolf, and his loyal and commited service to me will be the most appropriate punishment for the betrayal of trying to get my own daughter to be led astray after welcoming him into our community.” His eyes gleamed in certainty, wicked certainty.

I coughed and looked back at my father, trying to convince myself I didn’t just hear what I did, but his gaze remained piercing and I was sure he wasn’t saying something else than I just heard. He was planning to turn Adrian into a lesser dominant werewolf, the weakest, easily controlled and least known breed of werewolves, as a punishment for what he allegedly did to me – when I knew, it wasn’t the case at all.

The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, and fear took over me. My mind became disturbed as I desperately searched for answers.

When was the last time I witnessed the agonizing transformation? How long had it been since my father had performed the process?Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

The memories of past instances I had witnessed, the last being when my dad transformed a sailor who tried to spy on us to one who later died months after due to mental injuries, flashed before my eyes. I was instantly reminded of the excruciating pain and the life-threatening ordeal the process came with.

They would strip the person of all his will, power, strength, might and autonomy and bend it to the consort of the person who’s to be answered to, in this case my father, all using the most sickening dark magic.

I clutched my trembling hands together, “Father, please…please, that won’t be fair to Adrian. He hasn’t even been tried yet.”

“Tried by what and who? Am I not the authoritative say in this grove?”

As my father had spoken, I sensed a hidden intention behind his actions. I couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease that crept over me. I questioned what would happen next, what my father was truly capable of.

The confidence in me came out of nowhere, “I know you are, father, but you can’t be the only one to judge in his matter. You can’t strip him of his right to defend himself and forcefully turn him into -”

“Shut up, Lily! How dare you talk to me in that tone?”

“Father, I-”

And he rose up abruptly, “I am the leader of this grove and my say is final. Guards!”

They rushed as soon as he beckoned.

“Keep her in her room.”

I didn’t try to fight or struggle. Two of the guards held my hands on either side and led me to my room.

How could he believe that subjecting Adrian to such pain and suffering was the solution? I tried to reason with him, to explain that Adrian wasn’t manipulating me, but my father dismissed my words.

In his eyes, Adrian was the one who had deceived me, and I was merely a foolish girl who had fallen for his tricks.

I had silently prayed for a different outcome but I guess those prayers were futile. Adrian didn’t deserve such a fate, and my heart ached at the thought of him enduring the torment that transformation process came with. But my father’s decision was final. I hated every single moment of my life thereon.

The news had already spread throughout the pack like wildfire. Whispers filled the air as people spoke their minds of the situation, none wanting to get to know the full picture of it first. I felt guilty for everything that happened and was about to happen. I questioned myself, whether I could have done something differently.


I was restless and worried. I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to find solace in sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about Adrian’s upcoming transformation and the pain he’d go through.. I knew I had to do something, anything I could, to help him.

This was all my fault, I had already accepted that fact and my father’s mind was already made up.

I needed to think of an idea to get Adrian out of this mess I’d put him in.

That’s when a daring idea sparked in me. I needed to take matters into my own hands. If noone else would help me, I’d help Adrian myself. I would sneak Adrian out of his chambers, away from my father’s bizzare plans. If I could just buy him some time, perhaps we could find a way he would escape this fate.

I had made up my mind and was ready to commence my plan. I changed into a proper fitting and packed my hair up.

First, I had to find a way to get the guards positioned at my door away from me. I paced around my room for a while before an idea came into my head.

I adjusted my top so my bust was more exposed, left strands of my front hair to fall on my face and rubbed on a very glossy lipstick. I swayed my hips to the door and called out for one to enter, in the softest and most alluring voice I could muster.

“Hello? Please I need your attention.”

“Is there anything you want, miss?”

“Yes…one of you…” I tried to add a seductive tone to my voice and hoped one of the buffoons would fall for it.

It didn’t take long until one of them opened up and peeped his head in, “What do you want, miss?”

I caught sight of his hand on the door edge and slid mine on it, “Comfort and a companion tonight.” I bent over more so my boobs were not able to be ignored and watched as the guard’s stern face softened.

“Close up, Bernard.” The other guard had said to the one in front of me.

I used my eyes to communicate with him and saw as his Adam’s apple got more swollen. But to my surprise, he closed the door to my face and I got my hand of the edge quickly.

I thought I had him. Fuck.

True enough, as I was about to go back to thinking of another plan, the door opened again and the same guard came in fully now. He looked nervous but craving.

“My colleague has gone out to check something.”

His hands were on his waist, holding his weapons with gait and he didn’t look too comfortable so I smirked and went over to him, ready to get this over with. I got close to him, and started using my fingers to run over his body, easing his tension a little bit.

“Miss, I’ll do anything you wish to please you.” He said breathlessly, but with firmness.

Men are so gullible and foolish. “Thank you for coming.”

“What do you want me to do for you?”

“Kneel down.”

He looked confused but still did it. He stared up, looking at me.

I smiled back at him and then slowly raised up my undergarment to his face. Catching him off guard, I used the clothing to grasp his neck and held the position. He was surprised so he didn’t really fight back. Slowly, he passed out. I then dragged his body to my bed and pushed him under.

That was complete. Then, I made my way out of the room.

Silently, I crept through the corridors, my footsteps barely making a sound. The house was cloaked in silence, so every creak of the floorboards felt like a gunshot, which would give my presence away.

As I approached Adrian’s chambers, my heart pounded loudly in my chest.

On the sight of the guards outside, I threw one of my earrings the opposite way and their attention shifted to the direction. They went further to see what made the noise so I quickly ran to the door.

I gently turned the doorknob, praying that it wouldn’t make a squeak. The door opened quietly, revealing a darkly lit room where Adrian laid on the floor, unaware of my presence.

He seemed unearthed.

I walked up to him and bent to wake him, my voice barely over a whisper, “Adrian…”

Adrian stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He looked confused and relieved at the same time as he sat up, “Lily, you’re fine.”

“But you’re not…look…” I noticed a bruise on his forehead and wrist. My heart broke.

“Don’t worry about me.”

“It’s my fault, why shouldn’t I worry?”

“Don’t blame yourself for anything.”

I wiped my tears, “I’ve come to get you out of here.”


“We don’t have any time to waste. Let’s go now…”

“Lily, have you thought this through? What if we’re caught? Your parents punishment on you would worsen…” He tried to convince me but I didn’t want to think about the consequences now.

“I don’t care, Adrian. I brought you into this mess and I’ll be the one to get you out of it.” I took his arm and we both rose up together.

I hurriedly explained my plan to him and emphasized on the urgency and need for us to get going.

Adrian’s eyes widened with surprise. He hesitantly agreed to follow me; it’s not like there was anything else he could do. Together, we slipped through the halls, like shadows in the night, avoiding any prying eyes.

The guards stationed for his room were already walking towards the path we were passing so we hid behind a huge cupboard conveniently placed near the wall. Adrian held me close to him and I could feel his hot breath on my face.

How, even during this escapade, he still found a way to unknowingly turn me on? He didn’t notice my gaze on him until the guards were completely out of sight. I walked back to separate from him and motioned for him to follow me. I quickly remembered a hidden room leading to the backyard I had went through once. It was in the store room, yards from his chambers. We had to run through a series of hallways, tactically trying not to make too much sound. We had reached the lane to the store room and I breathed out, relieved.

This would actually work. I would save Adrian.

“That’s it. The door is on the first right when we go in.”

Adrian didn’t reply, he just nodded.

As we tiptoed to the door, our movement was halted. The door was opened and a figure emerged from the darkness. It was my mother. I couldn’t even move from my spot and I felt Adrian sigh, as if he saw this coming. Her eyes landed on mine and they were filled with disappointment. The shock on her face mirrored my own and I knew there was no turning back now.

Her voice pierced the silence, “What do you think you’re doing, Lily?!”

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