Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 8

“What’s happening here?” I asked. I was really confused and my voice was trembling. The air in the room choked me with tension, and I could feel the intensity of their gazes on me.

Tyler’s grip on Adrian tightened, his voice dripping with triumph. “Look who I found snooping around your chambers, Lily. He could be a thief, or worse, an assassin.”

My mind raced as I tried to figure out how to fix this. I had to act quickly and find the perfect thing to say to distract them. I wandered why Tyler was suddenly acting like the hero in all this.

Summoning every ounce of composure I had left, I straightened my posture, meeting Tyler’s gaze head-on. “Tyler, let him go,” I commanded. “He is not a threat. He’s here under my protection.”

Tyler’s expression hardened, “What? Are you commanding me, the Alpha-to-be? And why is he here under your protection? Who the hell is he to you?”

My father stepped forward, his expression stern and questioning. “Lily, why are you showing sympathy towards this stranger? What is your connection to him?”

I searched for the right words. Then, an idea sparked in my mind, and I decided to make up a story that would protect Adrian.

“Father,” I began, my voice quivering slightly, “this man is not a threat. He is a hunter who saved me about a week ago. He risked his life to protect mine.”

My mother’s eyes widened in surprise, her gaze flickering between me and Adrian. “Saved you? Lily, why haven’t you mentioned this before?”

I glanced at Adrian, who remained silent and his face, expressionless. It was as if he knew that his fate rested in the words I chose to speak.

“He was injured during the incident,” I continued, my voice growing stronger as I fabricated the story. “And he found me. He wanted to return something I had forgotten-the pendant grandma gave me.”

I pointed at his jacket’s pocket, making the others turn their head to the same direction. Adrian was clueless as to what I was doing but he played along. He dipped his hand into the left pocket and brought out the pendant. He tried his best to hide his surprise but my mother quickly snatched it away from his hand. I had put it there just before I told him to wear the jacket and I’m grateful that I did.

My father frowned and clearly didn’t believe what I was saying. “Why would a stranger go through such lengths for you? How can we trust his intentions?”

Tyler, his face contorted with suspicion, spoke up. “Are you sure he’s not involved in something more… sinister? We just broke up, and suddenly this stranger appears. It all seems too convenient.”

Anger bubbled within me, “Don’t you dare insinuate that I would plan something like this, Tyler! This is about our pack, not personal malice.”

My mother’s voice cut through the escalating tension. She rose her voice over ours,. “We need order in this house. I’m calling for a pack meeting.”

The pack hunters shifted uncomfortably as they awaited my mother’s next move. The room fell silent as she prepared to start speaking.

While we waited for the others to assemble, my mother turned to Adrian. “You’ve remained silent throughout this ordeal. Speak, young man. Tell us your side of the story.”

I couldn’t help but thank the scent perfume for working wonders. Noone had been able to pick up Adrian’s original scent and that was enough to make me less worried, but with the way Tyler was being adamant and arrogant, I doubted if Adrian’s masked scent and makeover was enough to convince my parents that he was not a threat, just like the way I saw him.

Adrian’s gaze met mine briefly, a silent understanding passing between us. Then, he spoke with a calm tone. “I am a hunter, yes. A werewolf who hunts to protect our kind from threats that lurk in the shadows.”

A collective gasp echoed through the room. The revelation hung in the air, and I felt my heart race. The pack members exchanged surprised glances, unsure of how to process this new information. I didn’t know Adrian would run along so seriously with my made-up story, but whatever he was doing, I hope he continued well.

Tyler’s voice sliced through the silence, his words resulting from obvious jealousy. “A werewolf hunter? Are you kidding me? Do not tell me you want to trust him. This seems too convenient, too dangerous.”

My father’s voice intercepted Tyler’s woe and I couldn’t have asked for more, “Young Alpha, I do not think it is appropriate you interfere any further in this matter.”From NôvelDrama.Org.

My parents always referred to Tyler as “Young Alpha” when they are in the midst of other grove members, but the formality is dropped when it’s just me, him and them.

My father continued, “It involves the pack hunters grove and not the main pack. I believe it’s best you make it to your house as it’s getting late.”

Someone had to put Tyler in his place, always shoving his mouth in what didn’t concern him. I honestly I’m rethinking what exactly made me fall in love with this douchebag.

“Oh, but it is my concern. I am the Alpha-to-be and very soon, ALL the factions will answer to me. That’s why my father sends me here to oversee what’s going on. If I suspect there’s a threat to any faction of the pack, it is my business.” Oh so now, he wanted to be responsible?

I wanted to give my imput, to shut Tyler up and desolve this issue but my mother beat me to it, once again.

“There’s no problem, Young Alpha. Let the young man clear himself.”

Tyler grunted and folded his arms.

Adrian started, his voice steady and confident. “I have sworn to protect our kind. I have no ill intentions towards the pack or any of its members. I only seek to maintain the delicate balance between our world and the supernatural forces that threaten us.”

“Adrian is not who you think he is,” I added, trying to choose my words carefully. “I mean…he has good intentions. He’s a mere hunter for godsake.” Desperation soaked my tone.

“Why would you show sympathy to a hunter, Lily?” My dad was grilling me, his voice full of doubt.

“Because he saved my life, father.”

Tyler didn’t want to keep his mouth shut still, “Lily, are you sure you can trust him? Why are you so insistent that he’s a good person, as if you know him? How do we know he’s not here with malicious intent of maybe harming you?” He interjected making me more impatient.

“It’s not like you care anyway…” I murmured too loudly.

“What did you say?”

“I may have my reasons, Tyler, but at least I don’t betray the ones I claim I love,” I retorted, my words hinged with bitterness.

My mother’s voice sounded strained. “That’s enough from both of you, please. This is not the time nor the place for personal conflicts.”

Silence settled over the room for a while. With a calm but firm tone, my mother turned to Adrian, her eyes narrowing as she studied him intently. “Adrian, speak. Tell us your story, fully.”

Adrian started again,. “I am a hunter, a werewolf hunter,” he stated simply and his words carried a sense of conviction. “About a week ago, I saved Lily from some Nibblings trying to attack her. When I realized she had forgotten her pendant, I felt it was my duty to find her and return it.”

Tyler couldn’t help but interject once again, “A werewolf hunter? How can you be a wild hunter who is also a werewolf?”

Adrian’s gaze flickered, his response swift. “Yes, I am a werewolf who hunts predators of our kind.”

“Didn’t you hear him the first time? How many times do you want him to say it?” I murmured too loud again and Tyler snared at me.

My father approached Adrian, his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized him. He stared at him for what felt like an eternity. The room was heavy with anticipation.

I felt the urge to do something, anything to get my father’s sympathy. I dropped to my knees before my father and clasped my hands together.

“Please, Father,” I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes. “Adrian saved my life. I owe him everything. I beg you to let him stay, to give him a chance to prove his loyalty.”

My father’s expression remained untelling. “Lily, I have my doubts. But for your sake, I will agree on one condition. Adrian will be confined to the lower chamber until we can fully trust him or I give him the order to leave on particular occasions.”

I felt a wave of relief when my father’s words sank in. I had succeeded in convincing him to spare Adrian’s life.

As Adrian was being dragged away towards the lower chamber, our eyes met for a brief moment. I could see he was grateful with the way he looked at me. It reassured me immensely.

Tyler, standing nearby, noticed the exchange between us. His eyes narrowed, and a hint of jealousy flashed across his face.

With my father’s permission granted, the tension in the room began to dissipate. The grove members dispersed but the atmosphere remained heavy with suspense. I was happy still that Adrian’s life had been spared. It took a lot of lying, convincing and story-cooking to get my father to allow Adrian stay with us, but the end always justifies the means, right?

I rose from my kneeling position, wiping away the tears that had gathered in my eyes. Though relieved, I knew the real challenge was just beginning. Adrian would need to prove himself and earn the trust of my grove, and I could only help him from a distance for this.

I realised only a presence except from mine remained in the room. It was Tyler. His stare didn’t affect me and I didn’t let it mean anything. Whether he was angry, disappointed or jealous, it meant nothing to me. I had shifted priorities and if he didn’t realise then, he should know now.

Taking a deep breath, I approached the entrance but Tyler blocked me with his hand on the door. “Lily, can we talk for a moment?” With his voice full of yearning, he asked hesitantly.

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