Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

The Family Dinner Prt 2

“Terrified and turned on. I think we should date.” ZhengLi applied the charm and smiled as brightly as he could while dodging almost losing an eye.

TangShi was so busy staring at them both in bewilderment that she allowed YuZhi to maneuver her into a seat he pulled out. He slid her in against the table before sitting down next to her with a sigh. Already he was regretting inviting ZhengLi, but because TangShi had invited Linlin he thought it would look less odd. Normally ZhengLi was a good companion and slotted into formal duties like a pro. When it came to women, he was a rogue and without YuZhi’s family presence to keep him in line he was being his usual shameless self.

“You’re a hooligan” Linlin flicked ZhengLi’s arm to tell him to move away from her, tutting loudly, and he beamed back at her with delight. His eyes twinkling with mischief.

“You seem like the type to sort me out. Maybe it’s fate. A hooligan like me might need someone to kick him into line.”

The air sizzled between them as sparks flew. Both good looking in their own way and could acknowledge that each of them was high on the attractive scale, but Linlin was pissed at this maniac, and she wouldn’t back down. Normally ZhengLi would be her ideal type of man to have fun with, but he had given her a bad first impression and she was the mother of all grudges. ZhengLi on the other hand was enamored with this small fiery goddess and he wanted her as his next plaything. He could only imagine what a demon she would be between the sheets.

“Is your friend mentally okay?” Linlin turned to YuZhi with a serious tone, complete blank expression and YuZhi shrugged.

“I ask myself this every day. I still don’t have the answer.” He mocked, raising a palm and not offering any help to his friend.

“Linlin, behave. Look.” TangShi interrupted and nudged her gently, motioning across the room at the figure of Grandfather being led by aunt who had her arm in his while helping him walk over with his stick. He was getting on in age and his mobility was in decline. YuZhi got up as soon as he spotted them and went to take over bringing his grandfather to the table.

“Relax. This isn’t my first rodeo.” Linlin assured her before turning a scowl on ZhengLi. “That goes for you too. Behave! I will maim you if you don’t.”

“Agree to dinner and I’ll be good all night. Might even help warm up the Leng’s to your sister here.” ZhengLi’s raised his brow with a cheeky wiggle and got another scowl from Linlin.

“I don’t need your help, or your date offers. I’m not desperate. I’d rather stab myself in the eye with a shrimp fork. Now shut up.”

YuZhi came back to the table with his grandfather in tow, missing the bickering as it quieted down and they all plastered on merry smiles. His aunt and uncle behind him and everyone stood to make the perfunctory greetings. Showing respects for their elders, bowing as they were seated. The Lei family was almost right behind them and soon the whole table was settled with the addition of Mr Lei, his wife, and Juefeng, TangShi’s sister, after a second round of polite welcomes while TangShi avoided looking family members in the eye.

Juefeng sneered at her half-sister although she tried to conceal it and hated how much she appeared to have changed. She was dressed in designer clothes and her hair and make up was different to the TangShi she knew. Her hair had been cut into long stylish layers and had some natural lowlights added. Her skin was looking healthier and glowy, with a professional application of makeup, and her nails were manicured and stylish to match her outfit. Juefeng hated it all and slammed her hands onto her lap to conceal her jealous reaction as she sat down. Like this TangShi was passable as a rich daughter of the Leng family and it angered her more so that YuZhi seemed relaxed beside her in a companionable way. She had hoped his obvious dislike on the day she left would continue and grow once he was stuck living with her. There didn’t seem to be any obvious friction between them now.

TangShi spent the duration of the dinner in silence, her eyes on the courses of food that were served to them and listened into the idle chatter among the seated. She made sure she concentrated on eating and trying to remain invisible in case anyone should notice her.

Linlin occasionally tried to talk to her quietly but knew that TangShi was so out of her comfort zone in this setting that she wouldn’t really interact. She was the queen of reverting inside her own shell sometimes. YuZhi however had become hyperaware of her beside him, could sense her shrinking into herself and had been watching the Lei’s and their attitudes towards her for the last hour with growing resentment. Concluding that everything Alice had told him eight years ago, held merit. They didn’t act like they were pleased to see her or missed her after all this time. Instead, there was a cold distance between them and her, and he could have sworn he had caught sneers from the two women while TangShi kept staring down. He was biting his tongue not to say anything but the longer they sat here the worse his temper was getting.

ZhengLi and he shared a couple of glances towards one another, that confirmed ZhengLi agreed and could see it too, and this strange protective instinct in him fired up somewhere from his soul. He finally had enough of seeing her like this.

“You’re quiet. Are you tired? Unwell? Sit up, show the table your pretty face.” He coaxed her loud enough that the girl opposite him who had been making eyes his way in an unconcealed manner would hear. He tucked his pointer finger gently under TangShi’s chin to lift it up and force her to stop stopping down. “Stop staring into your lap. I want to see you when I talk to you.” He coaxed with a warmer tone, encouraging her.

“She’s shy. She doesn’t do social gatherings very often and turns into a scared little mouse. She needs to acclimatize by coming out for dinner more often.” Linlin smiled warmly, making excuses for her, and deflecting conversation away. Protecting TangShi like she always did and swooping in to always shield her from criticism.

“We should double date regularly and help her get used to it.” ZhengLi offered, winking at Linlin when seeing an opportunity, who rolled her eyes and ignored him.

“I’m fine. I’m just enjoying my food and listening to everyone talk.” TangShi offered in a low tone and quickly glanced up at YuZhi. She sat back trying to lift her chin and look confident like he was asking her to and immediately caught her stepmother’s direct stare. That hint of disgust and intolerance and could have sworn she heard her tut.

“Nice to see you settling into your new life and looking so…. Polished. If only you had taken such care about your appearance when you lived at home, we might have taken you out more. Who knew you could be almost pretty?” Mrs. Lei raised a catty brow, her disdain subtle in her smiley tone, but her words left no doubts. YuZhi was a seasoned people reader and disliked her instantly when she sat but now, he began to internally rage and despise her with a passion. Hating her snide remark given TangShi didn’t look all that different to the day he took her from their house. He hadn’t given her much attention at their previous encounter but now she was on his radar, and he could sense TangShi’s apprehension to reply was not unfounded.

“Maybe if they hadn’t kept you like a beggar and earning your own money to clothe yourself…” Linlin mumbled under her breath, so it was barely a whisper but TangShi, ZhengLi, and YuZhi all caught it as TangShi nudged her under the table to hush.

“Thank you. Being a public interest meant I had to care more. I do try now.” TangShi deflected, but YuZhi hated that her response which was probably conditioned from years of living with them was self-depreciating. His flash of temper grew from a small warm spot in his belly and erupted into his chest a bit like a growing fire.

“There was nothing wrong with how she looked or dressed before. She’s a natural beauty who doesn’t need designer clothes or expensive haircuts. She’s not just pretty, she’s beautiful, even as she was.” He snapped, losing his calm control momentarily and letting his words rasp out.

Aunt RuiZi caught YuZhi’s eye with a flash and scowled a warning at him that his edgy tone was disrespectful and that in her opinion his words were wrong. She had been another one who felt TangShi was a plain mess on arrival and couldn’t believe he was defending her. She shook her head to warn him to back down and narrowed her eyes to scold him. YuZhi bit his tongue knowing he should relent but she made him madder.

“Nothing wrong with self-improvement. She looked great before, and great after.” ZhengLi was the master of diffusion when the time called for it and he raised a glass with a grin and clinked his fork against it. Raising it high to pull all eyes to him. “How about a toast. To the meeting of two notable families who will be joined by a joyous union. The coming together of two great names in Shanghai and future business alliances. A big wedding, a happy event, and hopefully some future Leng babies.”

“Here, here” Linlin joined in, helping move them from uneasy bad feeling, even though she knew this was all fake and for show, but all she cared about was getting the focus from TangShi before she threw something at these awful women. She was about ready to jump up and rip hair extensions out of the hags opposite had YuZhi not spoken first. YuZhi had impressed her though and cemented in her heart that under that coolness, he was a good guy after all.

Grandfather raised his glass and commanded with a loud ‘Here, here’ in response and no one dared to defy him so quickly joined in. It was a mix of moods, mostly concealed disdain around the table, minus the four sitting to one side who were ready to end this and leave.

YuZhi hated all this, hated the formality and that it was a necessity in this play of a story. He had been over this crap before they even started being hounded by the press weeks ago.

TangShi was desperate to go home and hide and ZhengLi and Linlin were both hoping to cut loose with their best friends and find a bar to shake this experience off. This formality didn’t need to be repeated anytime soon as no doubt the netziens would soon have gossip swirling that the families dining together were a sure sign of an impending marriage. The public opinion about them dating was mostly positive now Rhea seemed to be happy and also rumored to have a new famous boyfriend. Things were going to plan.

They were halfway there. Next was an engagement party, a big one to show that the Leng’s had money and status and were overjoyed about this union, and finally the wedding would be the last curtain call. After that they could relax and have a relatively normal life until TangShi gave birth to an heir. Once she did that, she would be free, and a quiet divorce could take place and give them some time before announcing a separation. It seemed so easy, but it was a lot of jumping through hoops.

Dinner progressed as before with conversation dying away to business, polite small talk, and obvious boredom from Grandfather. Dessert was eaten in near silence and YuZhi couldn’t take anymore hateful stares from the brat facing him, towards TangShi anymore. If he had to endure one more sly scowl he would end up dumping his wine over her head.

“We have plans, so we four really should be tying this up and saying our goodbyes. It’s getting late.” YuZhi announced loudly, sitting up and throwing his napkin on the table so he could lean and see his grandfather from his angle. He had always been a confident member of his family and had no qualms about drawing all attention.

“Oh, you young ones and your night life energy. Don’t get into trouble.” Grandfather had always favored him and was weirdly tolerant of YuZhi and ZhengLi’s wild behavior of the past and their ongoing love of frequenting clubs. He saw it as a man’s pursuit and a way to let off the stresses of working in their line of business. He himself had been a frequent drinker and fun lover when he was young.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Juefeng scowled at her sister one more time, hating that all through this meal her husband seemed attentive and caring and not at all how he was when they met that day. She hoped it was an act and that at home he treated TangShi like trash. She didn’t deserve happiness. Her mother was equally hating on her stepdaughter from her own seat, pondering over the fact the young master seemed to like her and couldn’t fathom what was wrong with him. TangShi’s father could only see money and opportunity and was smug that he had passed her off with little drama and no one was displeased about it.

ZhengLi was pleased with the new plan. He knew it was probably just a ruse so they could all leave, but he liked the idea of a foursome and a bar. If he could get this wildcat to mellow with a couple of drinks and let her claws down, maybe she would take him up on the date offer. And tonight, his only goal was getting her number.

“We should get going too. I have medication to take on a schedule and I’m feeling weary.” Aunt RuiZi excused herself and with one show of breaking this up, it seemed everyone who had been poised to leave all nodded in agreement and started readying themselves to get out of here. It spoke volumes that no one here actually enjoyed this or wanted to linger longer.

“We’ll head first and get out of your hair. Let you say your goodbyes and make any plans between you about our future engagement date.” YuZhi got up and bowed to all the elders at the table, leaning down to catch TangShi’s hand and helped her slide her chair back as she got up. He pulled her with him, gesturing for their friends to follow and they all said their goodbyes as they walked past the remainder of the table.

“Run.” ZhengLi joked when they got far enough away not to be heard and Linlin and TangShi both exhaled heavily, glad it was over without any drama and felt instantly lighter.

“That was awful.” Linlin lassoed TangShi around the waist with her arm and gave her a squeeze, wiping away any trauma from that dinner. “You did well though. Managed to sit and eat without being cursed out or insulted for almost two hours. Guess they were on their best behavior tonight.”

YuZhi flashed a frown down at TangShi, hearing Linlin’s words and that prick of anger spiked in him again. Every confirmation that her family treated her like garbage, made him hate them all the more. He said nothing but tugged her hand so she was pulled up next to him and made a point of keeping her close as they navigated their way out. To onlookers he was an adoring boyfriend who needed his girlfriend close and touchy.

“How about we actually do go and get some drinks to get over this stifling affair. I could use something stronger than wine and we need a dancefloor to let off some steam.” ZhengLi offered and despite still thinking he was a complete jerk, Linlin perked up with the option of a fun night. She was never one to turn down a good night at a club.

“I’m game.” She winked at TangShi who seemed to shrivel against YuZhi as though somehow she expected him to refuse on her behalf.

“I don’t drink all that well. Or go to clubs often.” She mumbled waiting for his refusal because she didn’t expect him to want to hang out with her by choice. She looked up at him expectantly when he said nothing and raised a brow as if to urge him to talk. She caught his eyes on her as she lifted her chin and the weird soft way he was looking at her as though he had been lost in thought.

“Drinking will help your tolerance and I’ll take care of you if you get drunk.” He offered as way of an answer, making it clear he was into this idea too. He hadn’t meant it when he said it but now hanging out with these three seemed like a better option than going home. TangShi was rendered mute because it was not what she expected.

“Parteeeeeee. I have waited so long to be able to start taking you out in Shanghai, my little buttercup. I can’t believe I am finally going to corrupt my angel and get her clubbing and drinking. Let’s make a real Shanghai woman out of you!” Linlin shook her arm in jubilation and then danced off ahead full of glee and excitement, while ZhengLi automatically followed, his own face a beaming grin.

“What if I make a fool of myself.” TangShi bit on her lip, eyes wide and mumbling anxiously as she studied YuZhi’s face. He shrugged as if it didn’t matter. His mood was returning to calm and relaxed the further they got away from TangShi’s family and the promise of a good night, and he smiled softly.

“Everybody does. The trick is to get drunk enough that you don’t remember it the next day. Come on, I’ll teach you how to get hammered and make sure you get home in one piece.” He let go of her hand and instead slid his arm around her shoulders, feeling happier as the night air hit them and watched Linlin taking off at speed across the carpark before tuning and throwing her handbag at ZhengLi’s head with accuracy. He had no idea what warranted it but assumed it was well deserved. The two of them were running around like children on a playpark already and neither had drunk more than one glass of wine with dinner.

“Maybe I should just drink one or two.” TangShi’s nerves peaked aware she was out of her depth when it came to all of this and knowing she already made an idiot of herself the night she told him about the bridge. She was used to being the stay home, invisible black sheep, not a social butterfly.

“If I’m going all out, then so are you. ZhengLi is no fun at being a drunk buddy and he’s distracted. I don’t think he’ll be all too interested in keeping me company while Linlin is around. You have to take responsibility for me and be my drinking mate tonight. It’s sad to drink alone and I refuse to do it.” YuZhi leaned down with a constitutional wink, feeling playful and enjoying this aura they were building between them of possible friendship lately. TangShi wasn’t bad to hang out with and he wasn’t against it anymore.

She was like that sweet naïve friend that you wanted to introduce to all the things the world has to offer, just to see their reaction and joy, while still feeling protective and responsible for them. He wanted to be there to watch her try a few firsts and figured it would help pass the next months ahead of them with less stress.

“I’ll trust you.” She uttered solemnly, a serious look on her cute face as though she was telling him her life was in his hands and it hit him sort of weird in the chest. Aching at his heart, tugging some forgotten emotions to the surface as a memory flashed through his skull. A similar response to him whisking her out onto the streets of Beijing to sample street food so long ago and it knocked him for six. Her big doe eyed look of fear and wonder back then was so like now as she stared up at him with so much innocence as she had uttered those same words. It almost choked him as the vision clenched his stomach into knots and made his insides erupt like a hundred butterflies taking flight.

It made him uneasy for a moment and aware that Rhea had never made him react like this in all these years.

“Let’s go. I’ll show you how to have fun and kick back.” He deflected his own emotions away, putting them down to nothing but being overworked lately, and focused on getting her into his car for a night of stress relief.

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