Forged in the Flames

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Aliana POV

I woke up with a terrible headache. The window was dark, and I knew it was nighttime. The memory of what happened came to me, and I was afraid. I wondered what must have made Nikolas rush into his mother’s room like he did. I had told him I would have to force-feed her unless she was sedated. When I saw she wasn’t sedated as expected, I believed Nikolas wanted to make it difficult for me, so I devised other means to carry on. The woman had bit me in the process.

I felt for my arm where she had bitten and saw it had already healed.

I became apprehensive.

I did not know if I should go and check on her or look for Nikolas. I decided to remain in my room.

I got off the bed and decided to sit under a cold shower to help with my headache. I also felt a slight fever, but I kept it to myself. It was best Nikolas believed I was still asleep.

The fever reduced after I had left the shower. I returned to my room, n*ake*d, and found Nikolas sitting on the bed.

I screamed from shock and ran back to the bathroom to wear the bathrobe. I returned feeling embarrassed. I was also afraid that something terrible had happened.

“Come here,” he said calmly, and I walked close to him quietly.

“She wasn’t sedated, I just wanted to get food into her. I swear, I had no malicious intent,” I said quickly, pleading my case before the opportunity to do so was taken from me. He nodded and waited for me to reach him before he spoke.

“Next time you find her in that state, you should link me,” he said, and I nodded quickly.

Then he looked at me with a tinge of concern in his eyes.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, and I opted to lie.

“I am all right,” I said. Nikolas assessed me and then nodded and stood up.

“The doctor will bring you some medicine. Try and get some rest. You can take tomorrow off,” He said, and I refused to take the day off. If I were idle, I would sink into depression. I needed to occupy my mind

“I would prefer to continue my work, alpha,” I said, and he sighed.

“Suit yourself,” he said and walked out.

One Month Later.

Alpha Nikolas stayed away from me for a month. He never asked to see me, but I knew he had company in his room every night, and Ania believed he had lost interest.

I would see him while passing the corridor, and he would not spare me a glance. Sometimes he would look at me and then look away immediately. He also seemed highly occupied, which made me wonder where he planned to attack next.

I would be lying if I said his indifference and distance did not get to me because they did, and surprisingly it hurt a bit. I should be happy about it, but I wasn’t. It felt like more was taken from me.

I was unhappy about it in the first week, but fell into a rhythm and let it go.

I fed his mother and stayed with her longer than required. She had gained weight and was eating now. She was also a bit less aggressive. I believed hunger was part of the reason why she behaved that

way. With her tummy always full, she had no need to act wild. The woman responded to me and allowed me to spoon-feed her even though she wasn’t sedated. It was considerable progress.

On the first day of the fifth week of treatment, we got to the queen’s room and found Nikolas sitting by his mother’s side and feeding her with a spoon.

I had seen him but had not spoken to him in a while. I wondered if talking now would be overstepping. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I remained silent and stayed away from the bed I watched him feed her with care and even wipe food from the corner of her l*ips. She did not recognise him, and she did not act like an intelligent being, but she was calm and easy to manage.

She looked like someone who had lost her memories but wasn’t acting mad anymore. He finished feeding her the beans and then got up.

I know he knows I was there, and I expected him to ignore me just as he had been doing, but he turned and looked at me.

“Follow me,” he ordered, and I reluctantly left Ania and Lisa and followed him.

He led me to my room. We entered, and he sat on the couch while I remained on my feet.

“So, you were right,” he said, and there was nothing to gloat about, I was just glad the woman looked healthy.

“I am happy she is looking healthier now,” I said, and he nodded and looked at me.

“You know this won’t get you or your people freedom, right?” he said, and I nodded. “Forest is our home and the only place we can still live. We have all resigned ourselves to our fate. I didn’t do this with the hope of freedom. I did not want her to continue suffering the way she did,” I said, speaking my truth, knowing he would not keep his end of the bargain.

“Very well,” he said and stood up. “I will keep my end of the bargain. I will reduce the suffering of your people. It is only fair after you have reduced my mother’s suffering,” He said, and I could only imagine what my people, especially my father, were enduring, but I bowed my head and thanked him. He moved close to me, and I stepped back immediately. I did not want to go down that path with him again. “Wear something nice tonight, we will be eating together,” he said, leaving the room. He also seemed in high spirits, and I wondered what he had up his sleeves.

The one-month period during which we did not interact was painful and rewarding at the same time. Both had conflicting emotions, but that was true.

Painful because I was a bit attracted to him and enjoyed our brief moments together, but rewarding because every encounter with him had ended in tears, and since I had no interactions with him, I had not cried in a bit. I wondered how the evening would go.

Evening came, and Ania entered my room with that awful tea again. I only drank it once, and the experience was painful, and it was a waste in the end because he did not touch me.

I knew tonight would be the same, so there was no need, but she insisted. So, I waited until they had dressed me up and then drank the tea.

They did not wear lingerie and robes this time around. They dressed me in a silk gown with nothing underneath. My hard n*ipp*les showed, and I wondered what the deal was with the clothes Ania picked for me. But I thanked her. The tight dress had a long s*li*t that went up my thigh almost to my hips to show my legs. The fact that I had nothing underneath made me a bit uncomfortable.

“Why didn’t you get me something better, Ania?” I asked her.

The truth was Lisa and Ania had become my friends now. We were an unlikely mix, but soon, I had come to see them as friends.

They had my back every time and did not double-cross me or do things to get me into trouble, it let me know I could trust them. Ania giggled and admired the dress on me. “Alpha chose well, it looks exquisite on you,” she said, and I frowned.

“Alpha?” I said, and she nodded.

“He was the one that picked the dress,” She said, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Then she gave me a note.

“Your father asked us to give this to you. Please destroy it after you have read it, or Alpha will know we are helping you communicate with your people,” she pleaded I wondered why my father sent me a note when we linked each other daily.

I nodded and opened the letter to read. “Aliana,

How are you? I know we speak daily, but this is the only way to communicate honestly with you. Alpha Nikolas is very powerful and can tune in to mind links, that is why I haven’t been able to discuss with you freely that way. He hears everything channeled through the links.

Kappa Bright found out the wrong way when he planned to run away. He was caught and executed yesterday.

I wish he knew better and had listened to my warnings. Anyway, that isn’t the reason why I am sending you this letter.

Thank you for what you did for us, Aliana. Nikolas has the heart to appeal to. You are the key to getting to him. After making us work as slaves for over a month on the farm, raising cattle, cleaning the territory, and building him a megacity with our homes and two meals a day as payment, he announced

that we would also be earning wages and our jobs would be easier. Also, no Lycan is allowed to inflict pain on us unless we break the rules.

He said we owed the improvement to you, and everyone is rejoicing. I do not know what is between you and him, but I am grateful for your effort.

He might not be the monster we think he is. Thank you immensely for making this possible. The werewolves in Forest are once again still better off than the weres in Snow and Hill. Thank you so much, princess, and please be mindful of what you mind link others. With all the love in my heart, your father,” It read, and I held the letter to my chest and wept.

I had mixed emotions. I felt pain learning all they had been enduring for a month and the relief that Nikolas was honourable to keep his word. I had never been so eager to see the Alpha since this started, but I was eager to see him tonight. He had appealed to my heart without knowing it. I soaked the paper in water until it was completely soaked, then flushed it down the toilet. I was given a minute to compose myself and then taken to Nikolas’s room. The tea hurt my stomach, but I tried to calm myself.

I knocked, and he asked us to enter.

I entered the room, and he was sitting on the couch close to the table with food on it.

He wore a silk shirt that he did not button up, so I could see his bare chest and tattoo. Looking at his pants, I knew they were loosely fitted slacks. He looked at me without emotion, and Ania and Lisa excused themselves.

“Join me,” he said, and I fought the smile that was creeping on the corner of my l*ips.

He tried to seem hard, but deep down, he was soft, even though I knew he would not admit it. I went to him, and he asked me to sit beside him. Then instead of asking me to plate our food, he served my

meal, which was unusual. While he plated the food, he spoke.

“Thank you for helping my mother. I would like to join you to feed her in the evenings. It has been a long time since I have cared for her at that proximity, and I am grateful for it,” he said, placing his hand on my bare thigh. I did not like the fireworks sparking under my skin because they made me seem needy. I swallowed and exhaled, then smiled. If I allowed myself to feel, I would want more, and I know I wouldn’t get precisely what Raven and I wanted.

He pulled his hand away, and we ate quietly. I was too nervous to taste the food but ate it without complaint.

“Is there anything more you feel we can do for her that might make her more comfortable?” he asked, and I swallowed. I was afraid to make suggestions he would hate.

“Speak freely, little wolf,” he said, and I nodded and exhaled.

“It would be nice if you could have silver bracelets forged instead of holding her in the chains. They should be galvanized, so they won’t burn. We will wear them on her ankles and wrists. She won’t harm anyone, but she won’t be restricted. As you can see, I have manicured her nails. The only reason she acted wild was that she was underfed. I will also like to read her stories. She enjoys it a lot. I do not know if it is working, but her brain and memory are somewhere, maybe it might trigger a memory or two and snap her out. I am unsure, but it is the least I can do.” I said careful enough to state that there was no guarantee it would work, but there was no harm in trying.

He placed his hand back on my thigh and looked at me.

“Why do you want to help the mother of a man that ruined your home, humiliated your father, and stole your honour?” he asked. I stared at him and saw he anticipated an answer.

“She does not deserve to suffer like that. I do not know what happened, but I suspect she is also a part of your pain. No one should see their parents in that state.” I said, and he sighed and averted his gaze from mine.

“Very well, we will try all your theories together. I know you do not promise anything like you did with the feeding part, but I am willing to trust you,” He said, pulling his hands away. Then placed his hand on my cheek and caressed it gently.

“Gabriel does not deserve you as his family,” he said gently. I did not know why he hated my father so much, but I held my tongue. “If only his blood did not course through your veins, Little wolf, I would have damned the rules for your sake,” he said.

I was confused, but my heart was pounding fast. Hoping he would touch me again. I saw his need and knew he saw mine, but could he put aside his hatred and go for it?

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