Guardian Wolf

Chapter 16

Catching Up Nova POV: As I walk up to Jaxs office with a spring in my step I realise I haven’t felt this relaxed or comfortable in a long time. The past week has flown by and I’ve enjoyed how lovely members of the pack have been. I’ve managed to get stuck into helping with the training and after the warriors saw me take Theo down yesterday they’ve been asking me for advice constantly. Theo and Flo are loving having me work with them, it’s been so nice spending time with them again, they truly are who I would class as family. At that thought I feel a slight sense of foreboding at what’s to come. I’d asked Jax on Tuesday when I was helping in the office if he thought I should ring Luca today, he’d said it’s completely up to me but that he’s sure Luca would appreciate hearing that I’ve settled well. So that was the first job I had to do today, ring Luca. Knocking on the door and letting myself in I wave slightly as I realise Jax is on the phone, heading over to the spare desk I can’t help but overhear what he’s saying. “Why don’t you come for dinner at the pack house instead mum? It’s been a while and I’m sure everyone would love to see you” he says gently down the phone. Realising he’s talking to his parents I make a conscious effort to not listen in to any more of the conversation. I rummage through the invoices and orders I need to put into the system and make a note of when the delivery dates would be. After a few moments I hear Jax stop talking and head over towards me, “sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt” I murmur up at him getting lost in his mesmerising green eyes. Every day my attraction grows for him which both excites me and scares me. The thought of him not being my mate has started to really upset me so I try to avoid that thought whenever possible. “You can never interrupt” he assures me pulling me to my feet. As he draws me closer he drops his head into my neck and takes a deep scent of me whilst I find myself unconsciously doing the same. Straightening his head up he captures my lips in his own making me sigh happily. “It seems like a long time since I saw you and it was only a couple of hours ago at the gym” he admits as we pull away from

one another. 1/6 Catching Up Reaching my hand up to brush a loose strand of hair out of his face I quirk my lips happily at his admission, “too long” I agree. Pulling me in for another k*ss he lifts one of my legs so it’s wrapped around him making us press even closer to one another. We get lost in each other for a few minutes before the door opening has us both freezing in surprise. Hearing it close quietly we turn to meet the amused gaze of Laurence as he leans against it. “Well well well..what do we have here?” He smirks. Gasping I drop my leg and remove my hands from Jaxs neck. Jax reaches behind me and grabs a pen off of the desk throwing it at Laurence making him jump out of the way. “What was that for?” Laurence exclaims. “For interrupting” Jax counters. “With a pen..nice one Jax” he scoffs, “I’m happy for you guys. Naomi owes me £100 actually” he says happily rubbing his hands together. “You bet on us?!” I stutter out. “I think the whole pack has Nova, if you’re not our Luna I dread to think of the tears wer will be dealing with from everyone” he jokes before saying “as long you’re not doing it. on my desk I don’t care.” At the word desk I feel myself blush again as the memories of the other day come to mind. Seeing my reaction he looks between his desk and us in horror, “you haven’t?!” He shouts. From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well..not on your desk” Jax says sheepishly rubbing his neck, “we haven’t f****d” he adds on quickly establishing the fact.

Seeing Laurence relax as he realises his desk is safe he sits down happily. “Well don’t let me stop you from carrying on.” “Pe rv” Jax laughs at him as he heads back to his desk. Feeling flustered I face Jax changing her subject, “actually I was going to call Lucal 2/6 Catching Up first thing.” His head snaps up as he realises I’m nervous, “go ahead. We’re here if you need us” he reassures me. As I listen to the phone ring I can’t help but tap my foot nervously, “Nova!” I hear Luca shout as he finally answers. “Hey Luca” I laugh at his excitement, “how are you?” “Missing you, it’s strange not having you here” he says sounding slightly down, “how are you? Are they treating you well? What have you been up to?” “Whoaaa slow down” I say as he reals off his questions, “I’m doing really well, everyone here is so welcoming and I’ve started helping with the training and doing some office work.” “Don’t mention blo ody office work to me” he grumbles. “Why?” I ask him. “Because there is so much to do” he groans, “I had no idea the amount of work your did at this pack Nova, and I feel like I need to apologise for not helping more. There is me and Gam ma Freddie helping and we are still struggling to get it done in the time frame.” “Is there anything you need me to mention?” I ask him. “I know this might be insensitive and you don’t need to help if you don’t want but I could really do with a hand knowing what companies you used to organise the Luna ceremony?” He asks quietly. I go silent for a moment processing what he’s said, “you know what Nova that was a silly question, forget I asked ok” he rushes out. “Don’t be silly” I reply, taking a deep breath to control the sudden surge of hurt I feel I continue, “you need to speak to elder Angela about what Rose wants for her theme. But there is a company called

Diamond Lights Events which will provide all decorations, lights, glasses etc if you don’t want to use what the pack has in storage, you’ll find the contact number in my blue notebook. For the caterers I used the pack chefs to prepare the desserts, Millie is amazing with cakes – better than if you out source one I’d say, and then for nibbles and mains there are more companies listed 3/6 Catching Up under food in my blue notebook. See what Rose would prefer and go from there. There is also florists contact details in there if you need them.” Looking up as I feel Jaxs eyes on me, i smile slightly to show I’m ok and he goes back to his work. “Thanks Nova” Luca whispers to me, “you’re too good you know.” “Well someone’s got to keep you on track” I laugh making light of the situation. “The pack is struggling without you you know. Rose is a cold woman Nova, she hasn’t helped the pack one bit she’s too concerned about making her hair appointments or going shopping for new jewellery and clothes. Our pack finances haven’t taken a hit like this since before you were Luna” he admits. “You need to mention it to Axton Luca” I advise him being careful not to say anything that’s on my mind. I hear a deep sigh on the other end, “Axton knows, I see the looks he throws her way whenever she refuses to help a pack member. As the day goes on I can tell he grows more frustrated but then they head to the bedroom and next morning he’s back to being himself only for it to repeat. Honestly the matebond is the only thing Rose has going for her at this point” he mutters unhappily. “Give her time Luca, she may not understand everything there is to being a Luna” I say to him. “She is the daughter of an Alpha” he admits. “Oh” I simply reply. “She should know” he growls, “but I’m sure Axton will sort it out. I’ll have to remind him if it doesn’t get better, the rate she’s spending this money the Luna ceremony won’t be anything special. I don’t want to dip into everything you’ve put to one side for

the pack.” “Is elder Angela helping with her training?” I inquire. “When Rose turns up she makes progress, but she’s missed 3 of the 6 sessions she has been here for” he says making me almost picture the grimace on his face. “Ah, just keep doing what you’re doing Luca I’m sure you’re doing a brilliant job” I 111 4/6 Catching Up assure him moving away from the subject of Rose. “I’ll call you back at the weekend how’s that?” I run past him. “I’m looking forward to it” he replies. Hearing footsteps I look up to see Jax standing in front of me, “do you mind me having a quick word?” He asks quietly. Silently I pass the phone over to him as he perches on the edge of my desk, “good morning Beta it’s Alpha Jax here.” Hearing my brother greet him enthusiastically I smile knowing they’d get on brilliantly. Shaking the thought away i concentrate on what Jax is saying, “Kingsley has got back to me and proposed meeting us at my pack on Sunday afternoon at 1pm. Would you be able to come and speak to him, I’m hoping for some peaceful discussions. I am happy to grant access to you, Alpha Axton and 2 others for this meeting.” Hearing Luca agree immediately over the phone he smiles in relief, “that’s great thank you Beta. I’ll pass you back over to Nova now, I will see you Sunday.” “Well it looks like I’ll see you Sunday Nova” Luca says happily. Giggling I reply, “see I can never escape you for too long. I’ll see you on Sunday Luca, love you.” “Love you too Nova, thank Alpha Jax for me” he says. Putting the phone down I look at Jax, “that’s great you’ve heard back from Kingsley,

and thank you for personally extending the invitation to Luca, you know he wouldn’t normally be accompanying Axton.” “He only just replied whilst you were on the phone, I’m going to email the other packs. now” he replies then looks at me, “and I thought you’d appreciate seeing him, I know you miss him.” Walking over I quickly peck his lips as I see him blush slightly in front of Laurence, “thank you” I whisper. As I sit back down I look up to see Laurence staring at me with a grin on his face, I roll my eyes at him and get back to work. “Oh and Nova I’d like you to come and meet Kingsley on Sunday, you, Laurence and 5/6 Catching Up Theo will accompany me” Jax mentions. “Are you sure? I don’t want Flo to feel like she’s missing out” I admit. “Always thinking about others. Don’t worry, Flo is the Gam ma who I order to stay and help the pack. She isn’t the one to normally accompany me to any other matters, plus I think she’d much rather you go anyway. She likes the responsibility and I trust her whilst I’m not here” he assures me. Smiling at him I lift my hands up, “ok then..I’ll be there.” 1 Comments Check More (Ad) > Vote 6/6

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