Daniel did not look happy.

He was angry. He looked even angrier than he did last night. Well… She was angry too. Emma thought. And it was all his fault. Good thing he shared some of that anger.

“I’m sorry I made you come late, Emma,” Tom said as he walked beside her. “The boss doesn’t look so happy today”

“It’s alright” she replied. “I can handle Mr Rohan”

“You know it’s really good to hear you say that… Because I’m not walking up there with you. You are on your own, sweetheart” he said as he moved away from her.

Emma rolled her eyes. Now she was going to face him alone. Daniel looked even more intimidating as she got closer. His upper body thrust back at the lean hips, his legs spread apart. His stare darkened as Emma approached.

“Good morning, Mr Barrett” she said.

Emma glanced at Barrett and stalked past Daniel.

“Hold it, lady” he ordered in an imperious baritone. “Barrett, you may have allowed her to come late in the past, but I won’t. See that her check is docked for her lost time. Have payroll figure the minutes she lost and deduct all of the time from her check. And do that from now on each time she is late”

Emma bristled beneath the stares of both men.”That’s right, Mr Barrett ” she said. “Deduct it. I don’t want one penny that is not due to me”

Daniel continued. “As I said once before, I won’t have any favoritism in this company. Either you show up when you are supposed to, or you can quit. Entirely your choice. This office opens at nine”

Barrett glanced at Emma, then turned back to Daniel, who was locked in a staring match with Emma.

“I will take care of it, Daniel”. He said quietly. Softly to Emma, he added, “Talk to you later, dear”

His footsteps echoed as he left.

Daniel stepped nearer, and musk swept Emma’s senses, but she refused to take one step backward. Her body felt the heat of Daniel’s through his blue suit and lighter blue shirt.

“I want you in my office,” He said. When she made no effort to move, he added “now.”

Then he walked away.


Emma walked to his office. Wondering what he would do if she just walked in without knocking and slapped his stupid, hard face. That was exactly what he deserved. She liked the thought of slapping him. It would make her feel much better.

She knocked anyways, then opened the door and stepped in when she heard him say “Come in”

He stood in the middle of the room, staring at her. Emma made no effort to hide her anger and she moved towards him. She stopped. Putting a reasonable distance between them.

“Something you need, Mr Rohan?” she asked

“I was a little worried about you… You are never late” He said gruffly. A muscle contracted in his jaw. “You are too sharp to pull a stunt like this without a good excuse. You knew how pissed I was last night. By the way, those eyes of yours look like you missed some sleep”

His dark gaze narrowed on her face with microscopic intensity. He moved closer. His hand cupped her jaw before she could avoid it.

The touch of the man uncapped her unsteady emotions. He was responsible for her lack of sleep, and his firm touch on her skin was too much to endure now. Her hands circled his wrist. But she could not loosen his grip as he tilted her face left, then right.

His hand tightened, a reminder that he was in her life, unwanted, large and unmovable. “You know I couldn’t sleep last night either,” he said calmly.

“I told you before” she ground out. “Don’t touch me, Daniel. I can’t stand your touch”

“And I don’t believe you,” he said. “You want to know what I think?” he leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “I think you like it”

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” he said.

Tom stepped into the room. “Ermm… Am I interrupting something?” he asked

“Yes” Daniel answeredNôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“No,” Emma said. A little too quickly. “You are not interrupting anything”

Tom frowned. “I wanted to talk to you about Emma actually, Mr Rohan… Mr Barrett said you are docking her pay”

“That’s right,” Daniel replied. “I would do the same with anyone who caused a work delay or comes late”

“Well I was late too… And you don’t seem to have a problem with that” Tom said

“I won’t have you questioning me or interfering, Tom,” Daniel said. “Is that all?”

Tom moved closer. His eyes meeting Daniel’s evenly over Emma’s head. His expression concerned.

“You are not picking on her… Are you, Mr Rohan?” Tom challenged slowly, the flush rising to his cheeks.

Wedged between two males, Emma felt like the last piece of pie to be shared by two hungry children. Tom pressed against her shoulder, and Daniel’s chin jutted in front of her.

“Tom, if she can’t be on time… She shouldn’t be here at all”

“It was my fault she was late this morning,” Tom said. “So you can dock my pay too”

Daniel glanced at Emma, then back to Tom questioningly. “Your fault?” he asked.

“That’s right… I had to lend my car to a friend. She waited to give me a ride this morning and I wasn’t ready on time, and that’s why she was late”

The vibrations between the two males rocked Emma’s shoes. Tom wanted to protect her from Daniel. Daniel would not break Tom’s interference.

They had her locked in a silent fuel, but they seemed to forget she stood between them.

“I’m not going to let you push her around, Mr Rohan.” Tom said.

Daniel replied in measured, matter of fact tones. “I’m not picking on her. And I’m running the show here, Tom, and I am not about to argue with you or explain anything to you. If you can’t accept my authority, then you can take a hike”

Emma read Tom’s petulant expression and placed a hand on his chest. She didn’t want them to argue and she didn’t want Tom to get in trouble because of her.

“It’s okay… I can take care of myself, Tom” she said. “Please”

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