To his utter surprise, she slumped down onto one of the chairs and buried her face in her hands.

To his further dismay, her shoulders shook and quiet sobs erupted from her bowed head.

For a moment he stood there, unsure what to do. He couldn’t stand seeing her cry. An uncomfortable feeling settled in his stomach and he dropped down to one knee to gently pry her hands from her face.

She looked away, seemingly discomfited by the fact he was witnessing her breakdown.

“What’s wrong, Emma?” he asked gently.

“I’m so tired… and scared”. She whipped her head up, her eyes flashing. “But this is none of your business. I can handle myself, Daniel. I don’t need your help. You walked away before so please just leave again. Your presence isn’t making me feel better at all. Just give me my keys and go away please.”

He stared incredulously at her. “Do you honestly expect me to just walk away now?” He shoved her keys into his pocket, his lips thin as he controlled the urge to lash out at her as she had done to him.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“We have a hell of a lot to work out, Emma. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you. The very first thing we are going to do is go to the doctor so you can get a checkup. You don’t look well. I can’t be any more blunt than that.”

Emma slowly stood and stared him in the eye. “I’m fine. I’m not going anywhere with you. Give me my keys and get out. We have nothing more to discuss. Ever.”

He fingered the keys in his pocket and then lifted his gaze to meet hers once more. “We will talk after we go to the doctor.”

Disgust flared in her eyes. He didn’t care.

“You are going to the doctor with me. If he gives you a clean bill of health, then I will hand over your keys and leave you alone.” he said..

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Just like that?” she asked.

He nodded.”Just like that,” he repeated.

She nibbled at her lip for a long while as if deciding whether or not to acquiesce. Then finally she closed her eyes and let out her breath in a long exhale.

“All right, Daniel. I will go to the doctor with you. After he verifies that I’m perfectly fine, I don’t want to see you here again.”

“If he says you are okay, then you will get your wish.”

She lowered herself back into the chair, clearly exhausted. He bit back a curse. Was she blind or just that heavily into denial? She needed someone to take care of her. Make sure she eats three good meals a day. Someone to make her put her feet up and rest.

He checked his watch. “We should be going. Your appointment is in half an hour and I don’t know how bad traffic will be.”

Defeat crept over her face, but then she hardened her expression and rose once more. She retrieved her purse and started for the door, leaving him to follow.


Emma stared sightlessly out the window as Daniel maneuvered through traffic. She was mentally exhausted from her confrontation with him. She just wanted him gone. She couldn’t even look at him without all the hurt crashing through her and turning her inside out.

He parked in the garage of a medical clinic and ushered her inside the modern building.

They rode the elevator to the fourth floor and Emma stood numbly as Daniel checked in with the receptionist.

After filling out her medical history, she was ushered back for the prerequisite pee in a cup.

When she exited the bathroom, a nurse directed her into one of the exam rooms where she found Daniel waiting for her.

She bared her teeth in a snarl, prepared to order him out when he held up a hand, his expression as fierce as her own had to be.

“I will hear firsthand everything the doctor has to say.”

His eyes dared her to argue. She swallowed nervously, knowing he would make a scene if she pushed the issue. She turned her back on him and leaned on the exam table.

She just had to get past the exam, have the doctor tell Daniel that everything was fine, and then she would be rid of him.

A few minutes later, a young doctor came in and smiled at her. He gestured for her to get onto the table and recline.

Daniel risked a small smile at her as she got on the table, and then didn’t know where to look when Emma pulled up her top and the technician tucked blue paper into her waistband.

The sight of her skin gave him goosebumps, as he remembered how soft it had been under his lips and his body. Looking up at the ceiling, he took a deep breath, reminding himself that this really was not the right time to be thinking those thoughts.

In fact, Emma had made it more than clear in every strained silence since he’d let her down that there was no time for those thoughts-and he agreed with her.

Because he shouldn’t want anything more than friendship from her. He was already getting so much more than he had wanted. Two months with this woman had already brought one lifelong commitment. A thought that still made him breathless-and not in a good way.

It was crazy to embark on anything romantic, because what else could that bring other than more commitment? They could hardly date now and see how it went. They already knew how it was going to end. They should just concentrate on being the best parents that they could be, and try to be friends, as well.

But, God, she looked delicious. He dragged his eyes away, though, realizing suddenly that it probably wasn’t brilliant form to ogle someone while they were in hospital, whatever the reason.

That thought sobered him. Because this scan wasn’t just a chance to wave at the baby and hope that he or she waved back. He’d been reading up about what they should be expecting. And so he knew that the ultrasound was done for serious reasons, that it was for the medical professionals to check for health problems.

That thought gripped him with a twist of anxiety and without thinking he reached for Emma’s hand. She flinched, though whether it was from him gripping her hand or from the gel being squeezed on her belly he couldn’t be sure.

But she squeezed his hand back and looked up to meet his eye. He realized that she was as nervous as he was. He watched the screen as the technician manipulated the ultrasound wand, and saw black and white shadows moving. He squinted, trying to make out what was what, but it wasn’t until the technician pointed out the tiny head and limbs that he finally understood he was looking at his child. His son or daughter.

He’d spent so long thinking about all the ways his life had to change now, about the fact he’d woken up one morning and found himself painted into a corner, forced into fatherhood whether he wanted it or not, that he’d never stopped to consider that he and Emma had done something so… so… miraculous.

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