Her, his desire


Mr Meyer remained numb without saying anything. He knew this would be the repercussion of not being able to pay up his debt but he never knew it will come this soon. He glanced at his wife and daughters who stared right back at him. ” You took a loan too Meyer? You didn’t care to tell me about it ” Gabriella said glaring at her husband. There is no where in the world she can get the money from. It’s too huge for her, she had given out her savings for Jenna’s school fee because Mr Meyer couldn’t pay. It will be a shame and disgrace to their names if their precious daughter is being sent out of school for non-payment of academic fees. Now she is left with nothing. ” I am sorry Gabriella, I thought I will be able to pay it back. Please try as much as you can to take me out of the cell, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in jail please Gabriella ” Mr Meyer said pressing his knuckles with his eyes bringing out waters. Mr Meyer cries so much lately and all this started after Sadie left. Was it because she left all this is befalling them? They didn’t treat her bad right? That was what she deserved for bringing ill luck with her from birth. But why does it seems like they are serving a punishment for what they never did? ” How did you expect me to get the money? did you want me to steal it? You and I know there’s no way I can get it ” Gabriella scoffed in distaste. ” We don’t have time for all this drama, as you can see we have works doing before coming here” One of the cops said handcuffing Mr Meyer before pushing him away. ” Please reach Alex on the phone, he needs to come back home” That was his last statement before they pushed him into the Van. ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ Alex sat in his office replying to the mails of his boss. He needs to be done before twelve to meet up with the given time of his presentation. He hastily replied important mails and ignore unimportant ones. It’s been three years he began working as a personal assistant to Mr Chan in New York City and it’s been nothing but good. Although the monthly payment isn’t that much, it’s sustainable. He’s been thinking about his favourite sister lately.

He missed Sadie so much, he can’t wait for vacation to grab that little munchkin of his and hug the hell out of her. Sadie has been his favourite younger sister right from childhood. He loves Carly and Jenna too but the bond between him and Sadie is stronger. The last time he called home, Mum told him Sadie stepped out. That’s what he’s been hearing for the past two years. They wouldn’t let him talk to his sister and they wouldn’t get her a phone. Alex don’t get why they bought her younger sisters phone and they didn’t buy for Sadie. He knows they’ve never liked her but the hatred can’t be that deep. Sadie is the most wonderful person he’s ever known. She’s polite, cheerful, kind, beautiful and respectful. Sometimes Alex wonders why their parents dislike a beautiful soul like Sadie. He made a mental note to get a phone for Sadie the next time he will be going home. He misses her so much, is she fine? Are they still maltreating her? A lot of questions were running through his mind when a knock came on his door, he sighed creasing his forehead together tiredly. The only time to rest is weekend, even his weekends are mostly occupied with office works that he needs to finish up before Monday. ” Come in ” he said faintly. ” Good morning Sir” Beatrice greeted. ” Morning Beatrice, any problem?” Alex asked without raising his head from the system. ” Mr Kim from managing department asked me to hand this file to you, he said you should review it before submitting it to Mr Chan by eleven ” Alex looked at his watch hissing loudly. It’s twenty minutes to eleven, how is he going to review this file before then? ” Why didn’t he bring it since? There’s no way it can be done before eleven, there is not ” he yelled hitting the table. ” I am sorry Sir ” Beatrice replied bowing her head. She was just sent to deliver a message nothing more. ” You know what? Please help me forward it to Joe, he’s less busy. Tell him I sent you and the time it is to be submitted too ” he instructed. Only his best friend can save his @ss as it is now. ” Right away Sir ” she bowed and left. ” argh ” Alex muttered as he heard his phone beeping. ” It shouldn’t be work related please ” he said checking the caller ID which MUM was boldly written on it. He frowned seeing her call. His Mum never calls him during work hours.

Did something happen in his absence? Is it Sadie? ***************************** Sadie smiled in victory seeing the news of Sofia all over. She’s glad it happened that way at least, it saved her from the disgrace that could have felp on her. Sadie’s aware she won’t meet Sofia before she gets to work. ” Baby ” Nathan called hugging Sadie from behind while kissing her neckline. Sadie pushed him away playfully turning to face him. Nathan didn’t give her any breathing space as he hugged her again. ” What are you doing Nathan, we are getting late for work ” Sadie said. ” Don’t worry about that, you can go to work later. I have sort it out, I just want to stay here like this with you ” he replied snuggling closer to her. Sadie sighed and hugged him back. ” Did you call Mr Lin?” She asked. ” Yeah but I didn’t talk to him of course ” he defended. ” Then who did?” Sadie asked narrowing her eyes. ” When I called him with your phone, I gave one of the maids to tell him you went for checkup and you might come late to work” ” But why?” Sadie questioned again. Nathan stared adoringly at her which made her blush. ” We’ve not been having time for ourselves, I just want to spend a few hours with you today. If that’s okay with you ” ” I am fine with it, I want to spend sometime with you too ” Sadie said shyly. As they unlocked from the hug, Nathan’s eyes went straight to Sadie’s lips. ” Can I ?” He asked, his hand brushing through her lips. Sadie rolled her eyes and nodded. Like he always takes permission before kissing her. Nathan kissed her tenderly on her earlobe before grabbing her lips. He bit her lower lip which made Sadie gasp, that gave him the liberty to explore her lips. They broke the kiss breathing heavily. Nathan drew Sadie closer to her possessively. He dropped wet kisses all over her face, from her cheeks down to her earlobe. ” Don’t you think it’s time? ” He whispered into her ear huskily. Sadie shivered from his touch, her legs were going jelly. She could have fallen if Nathan wasn’t holding her so close to him. She glanced nervously at him. ” T… time?” She stammered. ” Yes baby, time to consummate our marriage. I want you Sadie, so badly but I can wait if you are not ready now. I will always do anything to please you. If you are not ready, I will understand” He rasped in her ear. ” We can just have fun for the time being you kn….” ” I am ready ” Sadie cuts in .

Nathan blinked his eyes confusedly. ” I am ready to consummate our marriage ” she elaborated.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

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