Her Poison His cure: Behind The Mask

Chapter 13 Dream

Small flame stirred at the trunk and crawled away through leaves of brushwood of a burning tree. Producing cracking sounds as the tree burned peacefully.

I stood staring at it, immersed in its sounds. The sound created a beautiful feeling in my heart and it seemed all my worries in the world had vanished just by listening to the sounds.

This place is so peaceful and calm. If only the world could be as peaceful as this place?.

“You are right but the greedy human being wont allow it”

A very calm and collective voice sounds from my back. I turned back to see the owner of the voice.

A very young lady appeared by the shade. She was leaning on another tree branch and on her head was a bowl. She approached me slowly, her hand crossed behind her with her mouth moving. I guessed she was eating something. It must have come from the bowl on her head.

With the bowl on her head, I am surprised it didn’t fall as she walked.

“It would have been so peaceful with no worries in the world. So sad it will always remain a dream for me and you.” She added stopping beside me.

“Who are you?” I quizzed.

My eyes are accessing her from her head to toes. I didn’t forget to notice her silvered hair that was glittening. That is the only thing that captivates me in her.

“I am someone like you” she replied smiling displaying porcelain teeth.

“What did you mean by someone like me”

She chuckled before speaking.

“We both have the same mindset, to see the world becoming peaceful like this place”

She picked a branch of trees and began crawling the leaves on it down.

”Dreams must be realized by someone, I hope you will become that person that will make our dream come true.”

She tossed the stick away after crawling on the leaves on it to the ground.

“Our dream?”

“I just told you now that it is also my dream and since it yours as well then it is our dream” She explained.

Placing the bowl with her on the floor. She started twisting her hair looking at the burning tree. I was moved to touch her hair but my hand mistakenly touched her hand and I suddenly shook like I was electrocuted and started feeling a burn on my shoulder.


I winced slowly and tried rubbing my shoulder when her hand stopped me.

“He needs your help” She said.

I couldn’t miss the way her eyes bore holes in mine, her hand still holding my hand from touching the burn. I stole a glance at my shoulder and to my surprise I saw a very small butterfly glowing on my shoulder.

“What?” I exclaimed in surprise.

This is my first time seeing this on my shoulder. There is nothing on my shoulder so how did this come there and why is it causing me so much pain. I stared at the lady in confusion and as if she heard my thoughts, she released my hand.

“Don’t worry about that, it is just telling you that you are needed” She replied and touched my shoulder where the butterfly is and like a miracle the butterfly disappeared and the pain stopped.

I breathe out in relief.

“Needed? By who?”

The pain has stopped but I am still feeling a sting there.

She tapped me slightly.

“By someone special to you. you must protect him at all costs. It was through him that we will be able to fulfill our dream” she answered.

“I don’t even know this person, neither do I know you” I said, looking at her like a person who grows two heads.

“You don’t have to know me, let ‘s just help each other to fulfill our dream. If you can’t trust me at least believe in me”

What brings belief and trust into this matter. I thought I was just enquiring about her name and the person she talked about but I decided to answer anyway.

I chuckled dryly.

“Believe in you?” I shrugged my shoulders and nodded.

“Okay let’s say I believe in you, but you are just a young lady like me and I am sure there was just a little age gap between us. What can you do? and beside how did you even get to know all what you are saying”

“Young lady?”

She shakes her head like she can’t believe what I just said.

“Okay let’s agree I am a young lady” she replied using the same tones as me.

“I am a young lady but I am still older than you. That little age gap between us is a year of knowledge for me. What I knew in what you called a little age gap you haven’t known half of it” she said proudly and twirl her hair back.

“So kiddo, be mindful of what you said to others because you might be talking to your ancestors” she pointed at herself and I scoffed loudly.

This girl is really getting on my nerves. How dare she mention my ancestor.

I took a step forward to close the little distance between us.

“Ancestors my foot. No matter how old you might be, how can you compare yourself to my ancestor that’s rude of you”

I bite my lip slightly to suppress my anger.

I expect her to move back but she doesn’t do so. She only rolled her eyes and bursted into laughter.

“Rude? You are the one being rude here young lady. Talking down on me without even knowing who I am” she said sternly.

“Who are you then? I asked you then but you didn’t answer” I asked seriously.

“I am Samsim by name. You are the only one among the humans to know my name” She moved back, twirling around in delight.

“Samsim. Then what’s special about that? Look at you talking as if you aren’t human as well” I scoffed as my eyes ball rolled at the same time.

She stopped twirling and scoffed back.

“It is a waste of time arguing with you.” She smirked.

She bent down, opened the bowl on the floor. I strain my neck to get a glimpse of what is inside and bulgogi (marinated beef) is glaring back at me.

She picks one of the bulgogi and throws it in her mouth, salivating at the taste. She licks her lip with her tongue as if mocking me.

“Do you care for some?” she asked mockingly.

I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and glared at her ready to lash out on her but at once I felt a spine down my chin at the colour her eyes change to, I yelped loudly and jumped back holding my stomach as I suddenly felt sick and felt like vomiting.

“Now on a serious note. I hope you don’t forget all we talk about. Let’s save the people and bring peace to the world, Your highness” she said seriously but I could feel a hint of mockery in it and I found myself nodding my head to her words.

“Good girl. See you next times”

And like that she used her middle finger to push me back and I gasped loudly in fear as I felt myself going back.

My eyes snapped open and they stared into darkness. I heard the faint rustling of the tree branch against the window. I sat up and my hand located the table candle, I lit it up, and stared around the room frantically.

“It was all a dream” I mumbled silently and took in a deep breath.

I suddenly gasped when I remembered something. The butterfly glowing on my back in the dream. I quickly shift my nightie from my shoulder to check but there isn’t anything there.

“Dreams are not to be trusted.” I scoffed and hissed slowly.

*Let’s save the people and bring peace to the world*

I suddenly heard a voice saying that in my head.

*Someone special to you. you must protect him at all costs. It was through him we will be able to fulfill our dream*

I looked around the room suspicious and paranoid in fear that the horror might have followed me.

My head was already hurting but now it hurt more because of the voice I am hearing in my head. Those words keep ringing repeatedly in my head increasing my headache. I hold my head groaning slowly, and my eyes closed on their own will.


I shouted mentally when I could bear the headache again and like that everything dies down in silence.

I inhaled deeply when I didn’t feel the headache again and stood up from the bedding, stripped the blanket off my body and walked to my chamber, then sat down on the neatly laid cover.

My mind is preoccupied right now. I don’t even know where to start my thinking from. Who is this person that I must protect and that girl in my dream even though she is a child she sounds like an old soul.

“Gosh” I ruffled my hair frustrated.

At this rate my head might just explode. Besides, my headache might start again and I am sure it will get worse this time around.

“Since things turned out this way, I’ll be on night watch.”

I said mentally and stared away into the long night.


My body felt rigid, surprised by the pain that blossomed inside of me at the unfamiliar sensation on my skin.

Sitting in one place for such a long time is something my body has never experienced before. I really give acknowledgement to those practicing Buddhism, so this is what they feel?.

My neck felt stiff and my eyes were heavy as if a big load was hanging on my eyelids.

“Ugh” I groaned silently as I strain my neck, stretch my body and finger.

“Your highness it’s time to wake up”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I heard the court lady’s voice and the door opened with the court lady and the maids coming in with their usual boxes and washbasin.

They bow courteously.

“Your highness. Were you unable to get any sleep last night?”

The court lady asked worriedly. She must have noticed the dark circles under my eyes.

“I have a lot on my mind so I couldn’t get any sleep” I rubbed my eyes to numb the sleepiness I am feeling.

“I am worried you might put a strain on your body.” She added, which made me sighed.

She is right but what can I do?

“Court lady Chun” I called her.


“Send someone to the royal kitchen and ask them prepare bulgogi and ssamjang as the main dish for my regular breakfast”

“Yes Your highness” She bow and went out to carried out the order

It’s always rice and guk (watery soup) for the main dish which is the same with the common people, the only difference is that there are different kinds of banchan ( side dishes) added to the royal family food but I have been craving bulgogi since midnight when I woke up from my dream.

it’s all that little wench fault. My blood boils in anger as I remember the young girl in my dream. I am sure if she hasn’t brought the bulgogi with her I won’t be craving it seriously like this.

“What’s that?” I asked Na jihye.

My gaze fixed on the bowl in her hand and I reached out my hand to collect it.

“Your highness. It is your juk (gruel)” Na ji hye said, handing over the bowl with her to me.

I collected the bowl and began drinking the pea soup.

“This’s nice” I said, dropping the bowl back on the small table in front of me.

“But Your highness hasn’t washed up and you are already drinking your….”

Na jihye was saying but a glare from me shut her up leaving her word uncomplete.

“I like the fact that it’s pea soup today instead of the regular rice soup” I added looking at Na ji hye.

“I asked them to change your guel today to pea soup” she answered smiling.

“No wonder. I know they can’t be wise enough to do that on their own, they must have received the advice from someone. Good job ji hye”

“Thanks for understanding Your highness” Na ji hye bow.

I nodded and smiled.

“Hey. You are all dismiss” I said to the other maid’s who are still waiting to get me set for the day.

“Yes Your highness”

They chorused together and walked outside the room with their backs.

“I have an assignment for you,” I said to Na ji hye.

“I am at your service Your highness”

“Find out information about the maids who served the guards at the palace prison” I ordered.

Na ji hye eyebrows furrowed instantly.

“Your highness what did the maids had to do with this”

I am not surprised. I expect her to at least question me or protest as usual but it really becomes annoying to hear her nagging and objection every time.

“It has a lot to do with this. So stop asking questions and do as I order” I snapped at her.

She is actually getting me angry with the all the time question.

“I want the information early. if possible today” I added.

“Yes Your highness,” she replied courteously without any argument.

She bowed and left the room. My eyes focus on the direction of the door. I kind of feel remorse for snapping at her but my pompous attitude won’t give in.


I shrugged my shoulders reluctantly and sighed.

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