Her Poison His cure: Behind The Mask

Chapter 2 Oracle

The Oracle never comes out except for an important occasion or if she has a message to pass, and it’s been twenty years since she was last seen. she still looks young as ever, of course that would be the case since she is immortal and never aged.

She took a step forward.

“Announce my presence to the king” she said to no one in particular and the maid who was the first to recognize her stood up and dashed inside the hallway to carry out her orders.

The queen was sleeping peacefully together with the princess on the bed, and the king sat on the chair that was in the middle of the room. He was busy reading a scroll when an announcement from the eunuch at the door distracted his attention, and shortly a court lady entered.

She bows.

“Your majesty. The Oracle is here” She informed him

Oracle? the king thought surprisedly, Why is she here?

The king turned to the court lady whose head is still bow “Escort her in”

She raised her head slightly “Yes Your majesty” she bow again and leave

Shortly the door opened revealing the young lady walking in elegantly toward the king. the king stood up keeping the scroll in his hand on the table. She stop in front of the king and they both bows to each other

“Welcome” The king greeted.

He gestured to the chair that was on the other side of the table “please have a seat”

The Oracle nodded and sat on the chair she was offered. the king also sit on the chair he sat on earlier

“What brings you here?” the king asked. curiosity lurking in his eyes.

She looked around until her gaze landed on the princess, and she smiled delicately.

“I have a message to passed to you” she replied her gaze linger on the princess

The king turned back to look at his wife and daughter. Wondering why the oracle was giving his daughter such a scrutinizing look. He struggles it off after a few seconds and faces her back to continuing with their talk.

“What’s the message about?”He asked.

She stood and stretched her middle finger toward the princess”Before I say anything I need to do something” she said abruptly that it startled the king which made him scoff loudly.

Suddenly a light in the form of a butterfly appeared on the princess’s shoulder, it started glowing brightly.

The king’s eyes widened and he held her hand immediately he stood up”What the hell are you doing?” He asked.

She snatched her hand from the king’s grip and stretched her hand toward the princess”Something I must do” she simply stated.

The king roared”you think you can just come to my palace and do whatever you_____”

she interrupted him before he could complete his statement.

“Mind your language. this is something I must do for your daughter safety” she admonished grimly and the light die down.

She sat down back and waited for the king to sit but it seemed like he isn’t ready to sit back

“Won’t you sit?”she demanded and reluctantly he sat but not before throwing her a glare which the oracle didn’t miss but pretended not to see.

“Your daughter was born with the energy of fire and water deity,” She said and the king raised his gaze up in confusion. “What I mean is that she will be able to control fire and water,” she added.

“Fire and water?” He asked.

“Yes but she can’t control them yet, and won’t be able to use them now.” She finished with the explanation.

“Did you mean that she’s still young to control them?”The king bemused rubbing his forehead tiredly

She pointed toward the left side of the room “No, she can only control them if he is with her,”

The king looked around the room in confusion, searching if there’s any one with them in the room.

“if he is with her at this moment.” She went on.

“She certainly will be able to control them, and at the same time he hold the will of her controlling her power”

“I didn’t understand what you were saying. Who is he that you are referring to”

“You will understand later on,” she replied and smiled.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

The king inhales deeply “But why is she born with such power? I didn’t have any power neither does her mother” He pointed at the queen.

The oracle followed his hand that was stretched to the queen and countered. “Yes you are right. there was no one in your generation born with power, this child will be the first to be born with power in your family. all of this is predetermined by the heavens. it’s a fate which she cannot escape from” she paused and rested her elbow on the table.

“She is the promise child who is destiny to bring unity and happiness to the people of Joseon”

The king looked at her dumbfounded, not able to get anything from what she was saying. He Hoop out of his marvelled state and nodded his head reluctantly.

“I have a favour to ask though”She said her ocean blue eyes bore Into the king.

“What’s that?” He demanded

“I would like to name the child” She requested in earnest as if she was afraid her request wouldn’t be granted.

“You want to give her a name?” He asked surprisedly


The king looked at the queen ruefully “I’ve promised to let her name the princess” he mumbled silently and sighed deeply before facing the oracle.

“Go on” he said

“How does Suk sounds” She inquired

“Suk?” The king called slowly

“Yes. It’s a beautiful name right?”

“Not bad. It is an honor for me. I am truly grateful” He bows slightly.

She nodded and smiled “I have fulfilled my duty, I will see you when necessary again” she said, stood up and left the room.


Outside the queen chamber the maids and guards were all in circles discussing the incident that took place some minutes ago.

“I have never seen the oracle. this is my first time seeing her” one of the maids said.

“Same here. This is also my first time seeing her, but I expect to see a very old lady judging by the rumors. I heard that she has exist from the beginning of life” another maid chimed in

“What? since the beginning of life” One the guards exclaimed loudly.

“Lower your voice” Another maid rebukes.

The guard quickly clasped his mouth shut and muttered an apology.

“I heard that whenever she wanted to show herself, she came in a different form” The maid who has claimed she has existed since the beginning of life added.

“What did that mean?” Another guard asked

“I am not sure, but my grandmother told me that, the last time she showed up which is twenty year ago, she appeared in form of a phoenix, and look at this time she appeared in from of a mere butterfly” She replied

“Watch your mouth, that butterfly you called mere is the one who causes disaster some minute ago” the first maid whispered.

They all nodded their heads in agreement.

“My grandmother also told me that she had appeared in the form of a white tiger, turtle snake, and even a dragon before,” the first maid to talk whispered in a clipped tone.

They all murmured in surprise.

Unknown to them the head courtlady is behind them listening to their conversation.

“A-ahem” She coughed slightly to gain their attention. They all turned toward her and bows their head in respect

“We are sorry My lady” they apologized, and the guards moved back to their post.

“Go back to your assigned places” she instruct them

“Thank you My lady”They chorused and immediately dispersed.

The head courtlady sighed deeply and looked through the hallway all the way to the door the oracle was.

“I wonder what she came for this time around” she thought, and right Immediately the door opened and the Oracle stepped out.

The maids and guards bows their head

She glances at them briefly before transforming back into a butterfly leaving in the same path she came from. The wind started blowing again as the butterfly flew away leaving behind a trim of light.


The early morning Sun shines brightly all over the palace. The head maid divided the maids and assigned them into different positions and places. Some were assigned to the kitchen, while some to the laundry room and some were busy sweeping the palace floor.

In the laundry room. The maids chat away happily while doing their job.

“Did you hear the rumor?” one of the maids suddenly whispered and everyone divertedl their attention to her.

“What rumor?” Another one asked

“There are rumored that the reason the king ban everybody from entering the palace prison is because there was a monster in there” she replied almost in whispered

“Monster?”one of the maids exclaimed

She stood up, and looked around checking if there’s anyone around the premises. After making sure there’s no one around that may implicate her, She crunch down slightly and covered her mouth “Yes, there was rumoured that there was a monster In the last cell inside the prison” she whispered softly

“Don’t believe her” another maid scoffed loudly “always spreading fake rumoured” she added and hiss

“Hey Soha. I’m not talking to you. it is your choice to believe it or not, and if you do not, don’t discourage other” She retorted back.

“If what you just said is true, then why is the palace prison guard still alive? how come the so-called monster didn’t kill them yet?” She asked directing her questions to the other maids.

They all nodded their heads in agreement.

The first maid’s face contorted with anger as she clenched her fist tightly.

She moved closer to her and jabbed a finger at her.

“There’s another reason for the king banishing everyone from entering the palace prison, not this story you cooked up. You are just sputtering a ton of rubbish right now. No one will believe such bullshit. So, Na ji hye if you have time at your hand don’t use it to spread fake rumors, use it to work hard” she said. – in a mocking tone.

“Remember your brother is also a palace prison guard, I wondered how he was able to survive then” she scoffed and bursted into laughter along with the other maids.

She turned back to leave but before she couldn’t take a step Na jihye pounced on her, giving her the beating of her life.

Na ji hye couldn’t control his anger so she did what she was best at. kicking, stomping and punching Soha.

For a while the crowd was thrown into Chaos as some of the maids tried to separate them. They kept shouting, attracting the attention of the other palace maids. In a few seconds everywhere became crowded.

Tears curled up at Na ji hye eyes as she poured all her anger in the beating. On the other hand Soha is trying her best to defend herself, but seemed like today is her unlucky day

“Inhye that’s okay”

“You know it an offence to fight in the palace”

“She might die at this rate”

“we have to do something”

Those were the comments from the other maid but Na ji hye refused to heed to their words.

Jihye changed their position in a way she was sitting on her

“You think you are the only one with a sharp mouth right?” she said, giving her a slap on her face. Soha wince in pain at the impact of the slap, but that didn’t stop Na ji hye as she continues dealing with her

“How dare you bad-mouth my brother” she landed a punch on her stomach making Soha cry out in pain.

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