His Baby Mama



“Daddy! Ms. Davis!” A familiar voice came from the living room and I recognize that voice right away. I let out a quick squeak, kicking my heels off as I did that and ran towards the living room. There he was. running towards me. A wide smile made it to my lips as I capture him into a hug and I couldn’t be more happier to see him.

“Oh Ethan, mommy misses you so much!” I said, not wanting to let him go.

“I miss you to mommy!” Ethan said back to me and I pulled away to shower his face with kisses. His smile widen as he look at me then turned to his father, who was now in the living room as well.

“Daddy!” He called and I let go of him so he could hug his father and he did. Damon took him in his arms, placing a kiss on his forehead and I couldn’t help but awe at how cute they both looked right now.

“I miss you Dad” Ethan said to his father, smiling widely as ever and Damon send him a smile too before he opened his mouth to talk. “Daddy misses you too”

Ethan hugged his father one more time before Damon put him down and he took my hands in his.

“Ms. Davis, can we watch a movie?” He asked, tilting his head as usual and I was about to reply with’sure’ when Damon interrupted. “How about later tonight Ethan? You just got back.”

“Um okay then! In the mean while, I’ll go play with daddy’s friend, Mr. Ian” Ethan nodded his head in understanding then waved to both of us and was about to leave when Damon stopped him.

“Ian? Where is he?” Damon asked Ethan with a frown on his face and I was also confused. I didn’t know lan was here.

“Oh he’s in the kitchen making something to eat. We’re gonna play a game after he’s done. So you two should just rest okay? Don’t be worried about me. I’m in good hands” Ethan said, waving his arms before he turned around and run out of the living room. This boy seems suspicious

“Come on” Damon said to me as soon as Ethan left the living room. He took my hand in his and guided me to his room upstairs then made sure no one was around outside before he locked the door. I frown in confusion. Why is he locking the door?

“Is everything okay?” I asked him, still confused and he pulled me into a corner of his bedroom.

“We need to talk” he replied in a whisper and I frown even more.

“Talk about what?” I whispered.

“Telling him”

“Telling him what?”

“That we’re dating” he replied and I raised a brow at him. He sigh. pinching the bridge of his nose before looking back up to me.

“Look, Ethan is a very smart boy, okay? I bet you he might be outside right now trying to hear what we’re saying. That stupid lan must have told him something about both of us and yes, Ethan knows. I don’t think he knows we’re dating though so we have to tell him before he do something else to try and put us together. Something worst than seeing me butt naked”he explained to me and I looked at him totally surprised. So that’s it! Ethan have been trying to get his Dad and I together all this time and I couldn’t figure that out? God, I feel so dumb!All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay” I agreed with a sigh.

“So, when will we tell him?”

“After dinner, in my bedroom. Well call him over and tell him that we both are dating.” he replied and I nodded my head.


Ethan sigh as he tried to listen to his father and Ms. Davis conversation in his father bedroom but he felt disappointed that he couldn’t hear a thing. He wanted to know so bad what they were saying but that wasn’t the only thing he wanted to know. He also wanted to know since when did his dad allowed Ms. Davis in his room? And why were they out together? He thought that those stuff were a little suspicious so he wanted to know and he’s gonna find out one way or another.

“Why are we here again?” Whispered lan and Ethan send a glare over to him. He had personally told lan to not speak or make any sound cause he wanted to hear what they were talking about but lan isn’t listening and he didn’t like that. So showing him a sigh that said’keep quite, he paste his ears to the door of his father bedroom to see if he could hear what they were saying.

But once again heard nothing. Ethan give up after just standing at his father door for almost half an hour now. He was tired of standing and felt disappointed in himself but he promised that he will find out. Sighing, he pulled away from the door and gesture lan to follow him. They both made their way to the kitchen where they sat and waited for his father and Ms. Davis to come, so they can all have dinner together.


“I’m leaving now. See you tomorrow dude!” lan said waving to Damon and Damon gave him a short nod in return. Ethan watched as Tan send him a wink then turned around and left. Shutting the door, he turned around to see his father moving his hands from Ms. Davis waist, as quickly as he could and Ethan frown, looking at both of then who were looking down at him with a smile.

“Ethan.. why don’t you come upstairs with us? We have something to tell you” Said Damon and Ethan frown again but obediently agreed and followed his father and Ms. Davis upstairs, to his father’s room. They all entered the room and Ethan watched as his father closed the door before walking over to Ms. Davis and him, who was now sitting on his bed.

His father first cleared his throat before sitting down next to Ms. Davis and took her hands into his. A frown immediately made its way to Ethan’s little face as he now looked at both Ms. Davis and his father in confusion.

“What is he seeing?” He thought. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His father holding Ms. Davis hand in his ike couples do?

“Ethan” his father began and he averted his eyes from their hands to meet his father, who looked like he was hesitating to say something. “Ms. Davis and I.. are dating.” his father finally completed and Ethan looked at both of then with wide eyes. He couldn’t believed what he had heard.

Dating? They are actually dating ?! His plans worked? He thought his plans would take longer, since his father don’t kniw how to approach a woman but his plans actually worked. “Really?” He asked, a small smile making its way to his lips.

“Yes Ethan. We’re dating” Ms. Davis replied to his question and his smile widened. Ethan rose from his feet, jumping up and down in the air in joy. He couldn’t believe his plan worked! He was so happy that his father and Ms. Davis were finally dating!

Now all they have to do is get married and she’ll be his new mom! He’ll finally have a mom and a very nice one too! Then no one can bully him again. No one can make fun of him of being motherless!

“Yes!” He kept chanting as he continued to jump in joy and the laughter of his future mom was heard. Ethan looked up to meet her eyes, he opened his arms up so she can take him in her arms and she did. Sitting in her arms, Ethan hugged her then grabbed unto both his father and her hands. Ethan was indeed very happy and couldn’t get over the thought that Ms. Davis is dating his father. He was happy they were. They were all just sitting and cuddling together, as a family and and he loved it. Everything was just perfect and for some reason he felt stranged that being around Ms. Davis made him feel like she was his actual mother. He looked back to Ms. Davis with a smile, which she returned but her smile suddenly faded, which cause him to frown.

“E-Ethan ..” Ms. Davis suddenly spoke, cutting him off with a sigh and Ethan pulled away from her to meet her face.

“Yes Ms. Davis?” Ethan asked, tilting his head as usual, waiting to hear what she has to say but he felt a little nervous and worried cause Ms. Davis didn’t look happy at all. She looked rather scared and sad. He hoped everything was okay and that whatever she was going to tell him wouldn’t make him sad as well nor hurt anyone. He just hoped.

“I have something else to tell you too”she said after a moment of silence and his father turned his head to look at Ms. Davis. The look of shock displayed on his face and that was scaring Ethan. That made him even more afraid to hear what she was about to say.

“What’s it Ms. Davis?” He asked, scared but curious at the same time. He watched as Ms. Davis sigh, thinking and hesitating to answer him and that was making him impatient. He just wanted to knew, that’s all ..

“I’m your biological mother


Ethan’s whole world stopped for a minute. He just stood frozen, trying to process the words that had just came out of Ms. Davis’s mouth. Biological mother .. Ethan couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Ms. Davis is his biological mother? Since when? How? Why didn’t he know of this earlier? He had so many questions running through his mind right now and was more than confused. If she’s his biological mother then he’s not motherless. He has a mother who’s here and alive and is one of the people he loved so much.

Ethan felt a litle happy but also confused and sad. He was confused about why the sudden confession and why didn’t he hear about this a long time ago? Why didn’t she tell him if she knew he was her son? Why now? Yes, he was confused. Very. But he was also sad too. Sad because he had a mother who’s alive and was right under his nose and no one told him anything He was also sad with a question in his mind that he needed answers to. Then why did she leave? Why did she leave me? Didn’t she love me? Was she tired of me and hated me that she gave me to my father and left?

Ethan was very sad and confused by now and he needed answers now. He couldn’t even wait until tomorrow cause he think he might die of curiosity. He just needed to know everything. From start to finish. Ethan looked up to meet his biological mother. She was looking down at him with sad eyes and for some reason he knew she was scared of his questions but he had to ask them anyways. He needed to know.

“Why? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He asked and saw her sigh. Ethan watched as his mother walked over to his father bed and sat down then gesture for him to come over and he did, obediently.

“I’ll.. leave you guys to talk” his father’s voice was suddenly heard and Ethan looked up to see his father looking down at him then made his way over to his mother and placed a kiss on her forehead. He pulled away then turned to Ethan and Ethan was left a little shock cause he never saw his after showing love to a woman before. It was so foreign to him but he felt even more happy. He could’ve seen the love his father had for his mom, in his father’s eyes, shining as the brightest star. “His father truly loved his mom” he thought.

“Ethan all I want to tell you is that your mother really loves you. You should just listen to her explanation of everything.”

Now Ethan and his biological mother was left to talk and he was more than ready to hear everything but he promised he won’t assume anything and would listen to her explanations. She sigh, closing her eyes then reopening them and then opened her mouth to speak.

“I didn’t tell you earlier because I was scared.” She replied to his earlier question and a frown made its way into Ethan’s face.

“Scared? Why?” He asked, even more confused now.

“B. because Etha.. I thought you’d hate me and assume that I left you, that I didn’t love you anymore. I was scared that you’d have misunderstood me and hate me.”

“So you didn’t leave me?” He went on to ask and she shook her head almost immediately.

“No. never Ethan. I’d never ever leave you”

“Then what happened?” He thought out loud.

“.. And when I came in your room, you were gone.” His mother concluded and Ethan felt very angry.

“That wasn’t nice of them at all! They didn’t had to kidnap me!” Ethan thought. But he was also somewhat happy too cause if they didn’t kidnap him and brought him to his father’s house, then he would have never met his father but thankfully he did.

“Do you know who that person is?” He asked once more and she shook her head, sighing.

“No but I believe that your father is looking into that matter.. so.. is there anything else you want me to answer?” She first said then asked and Ethan thought for a while. No, he didn’t actually had anymore question since all of them were answered so he shook his head no and a small smile made its way unto his mother’s lips. She took him into her arms and give him a very warm hug that Ethan loved a lot and wished that they could stay like his forever. He truly loved his mother

“I love you Ethan” she whispered and that cause a bright smile, brighter than the sun, appear on Ethan’s lips right away.

“I love you too mom” he said with a grin.

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