His Cure

Chapter 13 You have to atone for your sins


Beatrice came out of the bathroom with a blue bathing robe around her.

She moved to the table and took the hair dryer.

She let’s down her hair before turning the device on.

For an unknown reason, her heart kept throbbing.

She returned the dryer back to its position and moved to where her box was.

She ransacked through it and brought out a simple short gown.

She puts it on and combed her hair down.

She thought her skin was too dry but she couldn’t find any body cream on the table and she forgot to bring her’s too.


She went to the drawer and pulled it back.

Her eyes shone at the sight of a pink colored cup.

Oh, it’s actually a body cream!

But, who kept it there though?

She hmph’ed as she opened it and dipped her hand in.

*This must be pretty expensive.*she thought to herself as she rubs it on her skin, gently.


She stepped out of her room and went downstairs.

She met the kids surrounding the table.

Two boxes of pizza were available and opened on it.

“Ugh, I can never get enough of pizza.”Kiara took a slice and shoved it in her mouth.

She is dressed in one of the clothes they got the other day.

“Not for me. It always piss me off instead, but, I’ve got no choice than to eat this. Seriously?, I feel like an homeless kid. All that about parents just seems to be for decoration. They ain’t really helping. Dad is always busy and mom, oh God, I don’t even wanna talk about it.”Mirabel sighed and dropped a piece in his mouth gently.

“You don’t talk while eating, kids.”Jared carried up a box of yoghurt and drank from it.

“So annoying.”Kiara muttered with an eyes roll.

She gazed up and saw Beatrice.

“Oh,”she smiled.

“Y.. you want some?”she picked up a pizza and raised it up in the air.

“Is that coming from your heart?”Beatrice chuckled and ambled to where they were.

“No. All these pizza is not enough for me. I’m just trying to be nice.”Kiara grinned.

“Quite stingy, huh?. Enjoy, I will find something else to eat.”she sat on the couch.

“Oh, that’s really kind of you, miss.”she ate the pizza and flashed her teeth at Beatrice.

“By the way,”she cleared her throat and shifted more closer to her.

“What are you really in this house?”she questioned.

Beatrice eyes lid flipped up, quizzically.

“I mean, you a cook?, cleaner?, or…”

“Or what?. I’m neither of the two. You heard what your uncle said yesterday.”Beatrice took her eyes away.

“His girlfriend?”her voice went on a high – pitch.

Mirabel got choked on his food and Jared coughed out.

“Hahahahaha”Beatrice laughed anxiously.

“Never.”she frowned.

Mirabel carried his water and gulped it down then breathed out.

“I.. I will just go prepare something for myself. Ow, I’m quite hungry.”Beatrice stood up and held onto her stomach in pretence.

Kiara moved back and scoffed.

“Only God knows when he is going to get married. There is really no hope for him, huh?”she bent her head dolefully.

“Hey, don’t be sad! Uncle Gregory is good – looking and getting himself a wife shouldn’t be a problem. Besides, I don’t think he deserves someone like miss Beatrice.”Jared looked up at her.

She popped her eyes out at him.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I simply mean you deserve the best, maybe a.. an extrovert man, not really extrovert and introvert, a bit in the middle, someone who would look at you with loving eyes. Someone who wouldn’t want to be away with you and just with the thought of it, he think he is really gonna die without you. Someone like that!”

“What the hell?! A playboy?!”Kiara exclaimed.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“She deserves better than that.”she added.

“Ugh, what do you know, little girl. Oh, well, seems you would have to excuse me. I gotta go talk with my buddy about some math problems. See ya!”Jared stood up and went up.

Beatrice shook her head before going into the kitchen.

These kids imagination is beyond their age.

Jared is a little right in the *he think he is really gonna die without you.*part though, as that exactly what is happening.

But, duh, she would be the one to die and not him?

Geez. What is she even thinking?

She slapped her head gently.

She opened the refrigerator and brought out a box of cereal.

She picked up a bowl and poured some in it.

She decanted milk in it also and took a spoon.

She packed some in her mouth and crunched on it.

She’d better get him healed soon and get out of here.

That man isn’t ordinary.

Why are the cops taking so long though?




The kids were playing a pillow game before the door bell sounded.

Beatrice stopped typing and looked up.

“I will go check it out.”Mirabel volunteered and bounced towards the door then swing it opened.

“Mom!”he squealed.

“Mom?”Kiara’s eyes widened out and she also ran towards the door.

“Mummy!”she jumped up in excitement.

A woman clothed in a sumptuous outfit stepped inside and carried both of them in her arms.

Her sweet cologne filled the room.


Beatrice stared at her keenly.

She did look a bit familiar.

“Momma!”Jared raced towards her and she bent down to receive him too.

“I didn’t know you would be the one to come pick us up. Gosh, I’ve missed you so much.”Kiara rubbed her jaw on her shoulder.

“Same here, mom. How good of you to leave us with no word.”Jared frowned and moved out of the hug to stare at her face.

She tugged at his cheek playfully.

“That wasn’t the case, baby. I had something important to attend to.”she smiled, bringing to light her perfect set of teeth.

“Hmph! More important than us?”Mirabel scoffed and disengaged from the hug.

“Alright, I was wrong. What can I do to make it up to you guys?”she kissed their foreheads.

“Spend a week with us, mom! Exclusively for us.”Kiara stated.

“Hm, is that what you all want?”

“Yes, mom. I want to eat food prepared by you only. I’m tired of ordering out.”Jared supported.

“But, you do know that decision doesn’t lies with me only, right?”

“Leave daddy to me, I’ll take care of him.”Kiara smirked.

“Okay then. It’s a done deal.”she beamed and stood up.

Her eyes darted to Beatrice’s direction and she raised a brow.

“Who is this?, not Jennifer?”

“Oh! Meet Beatrice, mom. She is a I don’t know in this house.”Kiara chuckled.

The woman walked inside fully and that was when Beatrice got and processed her full image.

“Gomez?!!”she sprang up from the chair.

“Oh, she knows me.”Gomez said to Kiara.

“Of course, mom. You’re quite popular.”Kiara replied, rolling two strands of her hair on her pinkie finger.

Mirabel shuts the door.

“I.. my Gee.. it’s.. it’s so nice to see you.. Miss Gomez!! I’ve always been your loyal fan, I love love love you..”Beatrice stood in front of her, grinning from ear to ear.

It felt like a dream. Seeing her favorite actress right before her all felt like a good dream. One she didn’t want to wake up from.

“Thank you. I love you, too, darling.”Gomez smiled out.

“Can.. can I.. hug you?”she requested in a pout.

“Come over here, pretty.”Gomez embraced her.

“Let’s take some pictures.”Gomez seemed to say what was on Beatrice’s mind.

Her eyes brightened out in excitement as Gomez brought out her phone.

They both posed for the camera as she took some pictures.

“It’s so nice to meet you, ma’am. I feel so lucky.”

“I feel quite jammy to meet you too. I’ll post the pictures later when I get home.”

“Gomez?”Gregory called.

“Oh, Mr cutie cutie..”she sashayed towards him.

“When did you came?”he asked.

“Oh, just some minutes ago, I think. How have you been?”she hugged him.

“You know, this is a sore sight to behold, mom. Move away from him. He is your husband’s friend.”Kiara huffed.

Gomez scoffed and broke the hug and glanced back at her.

“I can’t even hug people now?, my friends?. I and your dad are nothing, to be more precise, Kiara.”

“I know you secretly like Uncle, mom. But, still, it’s not done, however what the case between you and dad may be. What would you do when news get out that you are dating your husband’s friend?”

“Jeez, Kiara. Everyone knows I am just a–”

“Baby mama! Yeah, I know. Dad’s baby mama, let’s go.”She rolled her balls.

“Kiara, i–“Gregory tried to say.

“Oh, no, no offense, uncle. I am just being kind to you, mom. I don’t want you to be just a baby mama to another man yet again. You deserve better.”Kiara sighed.

The room became dead silent, so much that if a needle falls down, one would hear its sound.

Gomez felt a little bit disgraced and found the atmosphere unsettling.

She flashed a smile back at her kids and Beatrice in order to mask her shame.

“Go pack your bags.”


~Back at the police station.


The cop who Beatrice had called swirled around on his swivel chair, holding a pen to his cheek, lost in his thoughts.

He breathed out a sigh and sprang up from his chair and went to the captain’s desk.

“Captain, I really do think we should..”

“Not again, Max. I told you nothing is going on there, let’s end the discussion about that at this point.”

Maxwell let’s out a scoff and shook his head.

“She sounded like she was in a grave danger, captain. Why are you trying to cover this up?, seriously?, that’s not what cops do.”he protested.

The captain, Stone, slammed his hand on the table fiercely.

“My words are final, young man. There are many other cases to tend to. Why bugging me about what is probably a prank call?”

“I insist, captain. Let’s go check the situation out.”


After the kids had left, Beatrice sat across Gregory in the living room, reading to him, the chapter of the novel.

It was the first chapter of the story and what she is mainly narrating is an introduction of the characters.

“Amelia was born out of wedlock and she is not really fancied by both parents because of that. She’d had it rough. When growing up, she thought these were her step parents as no true parents would treat their daughter like that. Amelia..”

“Stop.”he interrupted.

She paused and stared up at him.

“Change her name. You were going to use Amelia as the girl’s name in the first story, now you’re using it in this one too. Change it.”he stated.

“Uhm?, but why?. I like it though.”

“But I don’t. It seems we might not really get along, author.”he gave a gentle smile.

She sighed.

“Fine. I will use Georgina then.”

“Use your name.”he said.

“Huh?, why?. I prefer Georgina tho.”

“Oh, okay. When it’s the end of the week, you will pay yourself.”he gave a nod.

Beatrice snorted and rolled her eyes.

“Geez, fine. After all thoughts, Beatrice concluded that only by getting married will she get out of her parents’ evil grasp. She.. ”

*Ding dong.*

“You expecting any visitor?”she inquired.

“Probably yours.”he stood up and went to get the door.

He stood there and interacted with whoever is at the door for like five minutes.

He turned to her and she continued to read,

“She dream of becoming a lawyer but her biggest dream is getting married. She wants to get her freedom. In..”

“There she is.”she heard.

She looked up and her eyes landed on two cops.


Why are there cops there?

“Miss, you the one that made the call?”Maxwell asked in a scoff.

“Which call?”

“I told you it’s a prank call.”Stone patted his shoulder and turned to leave.

Beatrice’s eyes went over to Gregory.

He smirked and shrugged.

“Didn’t you said you were in danger?”Max frowned.

“Oh, yes, I.. I .. I mean..”she stammered.

“You look quite fine. We are sorry for the trouble, sir. We will take our leave.”he said and they left.


She stood up and made to go after them.

Gregory slammed the door closed and stared back at her.

“No going out, author.”he spoke.

“You have to atone for your sins.”

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