His Dark Obsession

His Dark Obsession By Moonlight Muse Chapter 10

His Dark Obsession By Moonlight Muse Chapter 10

Out of Control NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.


I saw red. The urge to rip the girl who had attacked what belonged to me bled through me, and I attacked. Another vicious snarl ripped through the halls as I grabbed her violently and threw her across the hall. She hit the far wall with a satisfying crunch. She cried out as Odette screamed, but I didn’t care.

They deserved more, I looked at my little Omega, who was hugging herself, trying to shield her exposed breasts, which I wouldn’t mind admiring all night and day. Her clothes were torn ruthlessly, and it only made my blood boil further I yanked my shirt off, throwing it at her before I turned to the slumped figure against the far wall.

Only I should be the one to see her body.

“P-please Zedkiel.” Odette whimpered, foolishly daring to step in my way

She stunk of fear like always. Did she really think just because she was mated to my brother that I’d not hurt her?

How stupid.

My eyes flashed as I grabbed her by the neck. “She insulted what was mine, which means she insulted me. I’d step aside if I were you.” I warned, easing my hold enough to give her the chance to move.

I knew she had probably already linked Alcazer, but I didn’t really give a fuck. She slowly pulled out of my hold but instead of obeying me, she continued to block the pathway to her bleeding sister. “Please let her go, she didn’t know! Celia was only trying to-” 2 “Someone is going to die today, Odette. Step aside, or I won’t care who it is.” I hissed. “I-it’s ok, please 1-let her go?”

I clenched my jaw when my own Omega began siding with those who had insulted her. Her voice was soft, yet it did nothing to calm the burning inferno within me. The smell of blood was getting to me, and the urge to reap vengeance was taking control.

“Stay quiet.” I growled, my eyes blazing when I looked at her. She flinched, her eyes full of dread as she backed away, which only angered me more. I turned my anger back on Alcazer’s bitch of a mate, feeling my control spiralling out of control. She was shaking in fear as she glanced down the hall. “You were foolish to not obey me.” I said quietly, my patience worn thin. The sound of running footsteps approached, and I grabbed her by her hair, “Were you trying to buy time?” I whispered coldly into her ear. She whimpered in fear, her entire body shuddering, “How foolish.” With those words leaving my lips I plunged my free hand into her chest, my claws coming out. Several screams and a growl filled the air as I ripped her heart out. The smell of blood filled the air as it splashed across me and the walls around me. Smirking, I let her dead body fall to the


“No!” Alcazer shouted in horror as he ran over falling to his knees by his dead mate. He lifted her into his arms, his face ashen. “Odette! Fuck!” ;

The bitch who had hurt my woman was staring at the dead woman, tears streaming down her cheeks as she clamped her hands over her mouth.

I would have much preferred it to be her dead body on the floor. I had heard the end of her conversation, and even with Odette dead… I was no less angry than before I killed her.”

“Zedkiel!” Dad’s murderous roar of anger came.

I saw my little Omega back away, her entire body shaking with fear. She was probably far more scared of me now than she was before. I looked at the blood seeping out of the body below me, tossing her heart at the bitch, who now struggled to her feet and stumbled over to Dad, limping in the process. She

gasped with pain, before breaking into tears. “Su-supreme Alpha, my sister…” She sobbed, only adding to my rage.

“What have you done, Zedkiel?” He growled at me, his face pale, fear and anger were both evident on his face before he turned to stare at the dead woman on the floor.

My eyes flickered to the woman now cowered behind him. “Ask the bitch next to you; if she hadn’t disrespected me, this wouldn’t have happened.” I snarled, turning away, grabbing hold of my Omega’s arm roughly. She whimpered but didn’t struggle as I held her in my crushing hold.

Smart of her not to piss me off even further.

“You killed your brother’s mate Zedkiel! You can’t just walk off!” He hissed.

Snarling, I turned back to him. “I swear, if I stay here for another minute, I will rip you all to shreds,” I growled. “She was a chosen mate, it’s no big deal! He can just take another.”

“All this over what, Zedkiel?” Dad asked, his gaze flickering to the Omega.

I snarled in warning, shoving her behind me, not wanting them to look at her. Just then, Chasyn and Ragnar reached us. “Watch it old man.” I threatened. “Zedkiel…” Chasyn murmured, assessing the situation, his face paling when he stared at Odette.

“The omega is still alive?” Ragnar murmured, more interested in the woman behind me than the dead one on the floor.

“Mind your fucking business.” I hissed before turning, dragging my terrified little mouse with me as Alcazer let out an anguished cry. I didn’t care. She deserved it. As for the bitch behind it all, I could hear her sobbing and acting as if she had done nothing wrong. I wasn’t going to waste my time trying to prove her wrong, no one would belleve me anyway.

We reached my room, and I tossed the Omega onto the bed. My anger wasn’t gone and I ripped my shirt off her, not caring for the tears streaming down her cheeks or the way she was

shaking with fear as I stared at her toru top. There was a bruise forming on her cheek and I could see the scratches along her neck and arm, where it seemed like the bitch had grabbed her

clothes and torn them.

How dare she…

“Please…” She whimpered, covering her chest, as she clambered away from me. . Her fear and disgust were beginning to irk me. “Who was she?” I growled, my heart beating violently. I could feel my father trying to mind-link me, but I kept my walls up not wanting to deal with shit right now. “She’s so- someone from school… She… I-I promise I didn’t do anything.” She whispered. “How long has she been treating you like this?” I snarled, making her jump. “F-for as far back as I-I can remember.” And it just carried on… but I knew the bitch was the daughter of an Alpha… that would hold far more power than a mere Omega.


I looked into her tear-filled eyes, the urge to pull her into my arms and claim her consumed me, and I knew I needed to leave. So I didn’t reply, simply glaring at her and mind – linking Antonio to retrieve more clothes for her from the Omega head.

Fools. Why the fuck didn’t she have any extras?

“You are not to leave this room until you are marked as claimed. I’m warning you, Little Mouse; dare defy me, and you will be the next to die.” I hissed, turning and leaving the room. I slammed the door behind me and locked it before I shifted, snarling as I ran down the hall and jumped out of the nearest window.


Hours had passed and night had fallen, only then did I feel in control enough to return to the palace Killing Odette wasn’t smart… I should have killed the bitch instead… My relationship with Alcazer was already strained, and this would have just made it far worse.

I returned to my room to see her curled up in the corner, her arms wrapped around herself, her face held dried tear stains and she was fast asleep. Like the rest, she feared me too… Perhaps I should just kill her too… Why was I even keeping her?

She wasn’t even ideal to warm my bed… incompetent and useless.

Turning away, I grabbed some clothes and went to shower, knowing my father wanted me at the family meeting he had called. It was funny how he was far too afraid to do anything to me.


I showered and dressed quickly before taking a final glance at the woman on the floor.


I left my room and headed to my father’s office. The few people I passed in the halls paled at the sight of me, it was obvious that the death of Odette had already become common knowledge. Reaching the Supreme Alpha’s office, I pushed open the door, letting it hit the wall behind me and bounce ofl. They were all bere, all six of my brothers. Alcazer was sitting, with Chasyn standing behind

him, a hand on the shoulder of the clearly distraught man. They all turned to me, but I didn’t care looking at the man standing behind the desk. “Zedkiel, take a seat.” Dad said seriously.

“Hm,” I replied as Alcazer glared at me, I didn’t miss the way Chasyn’s hold on him tightened.


I’m certain he didn’t want to join his mate because if he touched me, I wouldn’t mind ripping him to shreds too.

“What happened today should never have happened.” Dad said, his voice tense and grave as he looked at me seriously. I almost smirked, not missing the glimmer of fear in his eyes. This was our Alpha of Alphas. “No, it shouldn’t have, and I demand justice, father!” Alcazer shouted. I cocked a brow, “Your woman dared to disobey me, when I told her to step aside.” I snarled, my eyes blazing red.

“Enough.” Father’s strained voice came, and he sighed heavily. “What happened Zedkiel, for you to attack your own sister-in-law-”

“Attack father? He murdered her!” Ragnar thundered, interrupting him, slamming his fist into the wall.

The room was full of Alphas, yet none of their auras bothered me, even combined, I’d kill them all.

I have nothing to explain, I’m sure the bitch, who is sadly still alive, told you her version.” I scoffed, taking a seat and placing my feet on Dad’s desk.

“She told us how your omega whore-“My eyes blazed, and in a flash, I was in front of Alcazer, but the twins blocked me.

“Calm down, Zedkiel.” Drystan said quietly. “Alcazer, there’s always more than one version of the story.”

“That woman is not to enter this castle, or I will kill her next,” I growled sitting down again. Father sighed heavily. “You killed your sister-in-law, Zedkiel, not only someone who was a part of this family but the daughter.”

“Part of the family for a few months, she can be replaced.” I sneered.

His eyes flashed, but he was still too afraid to argue with me. “This has caused tension belween the Huntington family and us. He is a powerful Alpha, Zedkiel – one whose support we need. Especially with the growing unrest and attacks.” Dad continued. “This kingdom needs an heir, and for that reason, I’ve decided to give our people what they want. I will hold a tournament where all seven of you will compete against one another for my throne.”

“A little unfair, isn’t?” Draven smirked coldly, “I mean, we all know who is the strongest.”

“I assure you, it will not only be a test of brute strength. But wit, leadership, and compassion are needed to rule, and the one who displays all these values will take the crown.”

“So, are you serious about this father?” Chasyn asked, frowning seriously.

Of course, he’d just love to be king. I scoffed internally.

Well, he did seem the ideal one… but I also knew the moment any of them came into power, the first thing they’d do is get rid of me, or try to.

“I am, the tournament is already in the process of being planned, there is… one vital rule for all of you to be eligible… to join this contest.” Dad turned his back on us for a moment before he turned back to us, seeming tense. “Each participant must be married, or no entry. A woman grounds a man, and a king needs his queen by his side to rule.”

“That’s unfair! I just lost my wife!” Alcazer shouted.

“And you will be the only one who I will give a little extra time to find a new wife. Grieve her death, son, there are many women who are able to step into her shoes, many who will be willing… yet choosing a queen to rule by your side is a very important decision. A woman can make or break a inan.”

“I assume someone gave you that… idea, all those fucking Alphas just want their daughters to marry into the royal family.” I smirked coldly.

Dad’s frown told me I was correct.

“I doubt any would vouch for you though or even give you their daughters.” Ragnar sneered.

I frowned deeply, realising what he meant, if I was to compete… I’d have to take a wife. One who I knew wouldn’t last the night in my presence… I paid no attention to the rest of the conversation realising that father had done this on purpose or he had been pushed into a corner to do so…

“Zedkiel can enter too? After the omen of his Blood Ritual?” Ragnar asked arrogantly.

My eyes flashed as Alcazer scoffed. “That in itself should stop him from entering at all, father, that or the fact he killed his sister-in-law.”

“All can enter.” Dad said firmly.

“It doesn’t matter.” Draven remarked, running a hand through his hair. “After all, no woman will last as his wife, he’ll be expelled from the tournament right at the start.”

I stood up not bothering to listen to the rest of this foolish conversation, and walked out. My anger was rising, the events of my blood ritual returned to the forefront of my mind as I made my way back to my quarters.

There was nothing I had done to receive such an omen that night… Was it because I wasn’t a pure blood? Did the moon goddess hate me because I wasn’t only a fucking Lycan? 1

Either way, this throne was going to be mine. The tournament will be dangerous, and I knew that many would use it to play dirty. The others would approach the other packs to pick an ideal wife and to win

them over… Something told me they would be the judges of this stupid tournament. Allies and enemies would be formed…

Something about it gave me an ominous feeling. A tournament meant it would be held for the public.. Was it wise with the current attacks?

I entered my quarters, shutting the door behind me, I was hungry, even though I had gone for a run, I hadn’t hunted to satiate the growing desire within me, and now that sweet, tantalising scent that filled my room reached my nose. My eyes darkened when they landed on the pretty

little Omega sleeping unknowingly on the floor. 11

I licked my lips slowly, the intense urge to go to her overtook me, and I was unable to stop myself from closing the gap between us… 1

A/N – Still writing Leo so won’t be up for a few hours.

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