His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 266

Chapter 266


The night was awash with ambivalence and intrigue as Logan and I sat side by side, the city lights playing a serenade of reflections on the dark waters. The weight of his proposal hung between us, making the air palpable with tension.

“I don’t understand,” I began, hesitatingly. “Your ‘fake girlfriend’? Why? What does that have to do with… literally anything?” Inside, Ema was raging.

“Fake girlfriend?” she hissed. “First, he just wants you as a mistress. Then he wanted to trick you into being his girlfriend because you are Ella Morgan. Now that he knows you’re not going to follow his mind, he wants to use you as a fake girlfriend? Not even an official one anymore?!!”

“It’s not like I’d want it to be official anyway,” I replied. “But I don’t want this, either. Let’s hear him out, though.” Logan took a deep breath, as if preparing himself for a confession.

“You see, my brother recently got engaged to an Alpha from a prestigious family. Her father’s wealth is vast, and it could very well be the key to accelerating my brother’s ascendancy.”

I scowled. “It had nothing to do with me. My father is strictly legitimate. He doesn’t dabble in any of your… Mafia nonsense.”

Logan smirked, that familiar cocky grin that both annoyed and intrigued me. “I know, Ella. Your father’s empire spans three major companies, right? Real estate, chip technology, and connections with W coins-his cryptocurrency. Moreover, he’s involved in some business developments that I’m particularly interested in.”

A sudden realization hit me, and I frowned deeper. “So, you were not only finding me for my wealth. I’m your ticket to getting closer to those ventures?” I hissed.

He sighed, seemingly exasperated. “Look, Ella, how long would you need to play this role? A year. Give me that, and I promise, once that’s done, you’d have become an impeccable lawyer, one to reckon with, and I…” He paused, glancing away. “I will get what I want sooner.”

“Okay,” I said, rubbing the bridge of my nose. “Just theoretically, let’s say that I agreed to this ridiculous proposal. You would seriously let me go once it would be all over? Once you have what you need?” I questioned, eyeing him intently, searching for any hint of deception.

He leaned in close, so close that I could see the specks of gold in his deep blue eyes. His voice dropped to a husky whisper. “Do you really think, by then, you’d want to?”

The electricity between us was palpable. My heart raced, responding to the attraction that flowed like a current between us. But I snapped back, setting my face in a determined frown.

“My feelings for the Mafia are of disdain, not interest,” I growled. “If I took you up on this proposal… Regardless of feelings, I would be out after one year. No questions about it.”

Logan sat back, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Your choice. If you want to leave, I won’t stop you. I’ll play the gentleman.” I pressed further, curiosity gnawing at me. “Why are you so keen on taking down other Mafia members?” I asked. “What’s in it for you?”

He looked away, the playful glint replaced by a steely resolve. “There are things I can’t share with you yet, Ella. I need to trust you completely first.”

The thought of teaming up with Logan to fight against the Mafia felt wrong, but it also felt oddly right, even with the personal sacrifice it entailed. This was our deal, but it was my decision. I wasn’t going to rely on anyone but myself.

“I don’t know,” I said, crumpling up the empty burger wrapper in my hands. “I don’t know.”

Logan simply shrugged. “Take some time to think about it,” he replied. There was almost a sense of contemplative benevolence behind his voice. Maybe my presupposed view of the Mafia wasn’t entirely accurate. Or maybe he was just… different. I was intrigued to know why he wanted to take down the Mafia, considering that he was a part of it.

But for all I knew, it was all just a ploy to get me closer to him… To gain my trust, get a mate of high status, and get close to my father.

That was what all of the guys in my life ever wanted, at least. Every boyfriend I had ever had wound up trying to get something out of me…. money, fame, power.

After the last guy, who dated me for almost two years and convinced me to fall in love with him, only for me to find out that he was trying to steal money from me, I promised myself that I wouldn’t let it happen again.

The rest of our meal was consumed in reflective silence, each lost in our thoughts, intermittently breaking it to admire the scenic night view.

“Maybe we should get to know more about him,” my wolf’s voice echoed in my mind. “Maybe it wouldn’t hurt, you know?”

I stifled a laugh. Even after all this time, I still couldn’t control my wolf’s innate feelings. “Don’t fall for him so easily,” I replied. “He’s still no good. I won’t fall for all of these platitudes he keeps spilling out.”

Ema didn’t respond, but I could feel her reaction. She was respecting my decision, and retreating into herself. I knew that it hurt for her to have to push away our mate, but we had no choice.

By the time Logan started the car to head back, I felt as though a whirlwind had swept through my mind, leaving me with countless fragments of thought.

Once we arrived back at my apartment, I barely waited for the car to stop before I jumped out, eager to escape the stifling tension.

“Thanks for the food and the ride,” I muttered, not meeting his eyes. I turned to walk into the building but paused mid-step, biting my lip. Turning, I met Logan’s gaze through the car window, those piercing blue eyes filled with determination and…hope?

His voice reached out, soft yet persuasive. “Believe in your dreams, Ella. That fierce determination to achieve them? We share that.”

I stood rooted to the spot, my gaze fixed on Logan. The world around us seemed to blur, my focus solely on the man before me. There was something in his eyes, a depth that I hadn’t noticed before. It was as if, beneath the facade of power and cunning there lay an almost kindred spirit. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

There was an unspoken understanding that hung in the air, making the distance between us feel almost negligible. I could sense a mutual respect, a shared journey of dreams and ambitions. Two souls, seemingly so different on the surface, but intrinsically bound by similar paths and desires….

And fate. Then, breaking the spell, Logan put his car in drive. The engine revved, and with one last look cast in my direction, his lips curling into a half- smile, he sped away.

For a few moments I watched, breath held, as he drove away until the taillights became specks in the distance. The night’s cool breeze ruffled my hair, but I was lost in my thoughts, my eyes fixed on those two yellow beams glaring back at me.

‘corner It wasn’t until he turned a corner and was out of sight that I finally raced up to my room, my mind a cacophony of thoughts and emotions.

I didn’t sleep that night. I couldn’t. Back and forth I went across my room, the night’s events playing and replaying in my head. If I agreed to something like this… What would it truly entail? I couldn’t deny the pull of the mate bond, but… Maybe there was some hope there. Hope that this could be clean, that we could get what we wanted and go our separate ways. I could take down the Mafia in this city, regain my title as a lawyer, and fulfill my dreams. Logan could get the business connections that he wanted.

Eventually, dawn began to creep in, casting a soft glow into the room. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed, but by now, I knew what to do. After what felt like an eternity, I picked up my phone and dialed Logan’s number.

“I’ll be your lawyer,” I finally conceded, the weight on my chest lifting slightly. A triumphant laugh echoed from the other side. “That’s my girl!” Logan’s exuberant voice made my cheeks flush and my heart race.

This was going to be one hell of a year.

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