His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 Acting Lessons

Ella NôvelDrama.Org © content.

The soft hum of my ceiling fan was the only sound accompanying my thoughts. As I lay in bed, the silky sheets enveloping me, a sense of strange relaxation washed over me. I should have felt agitated, furious even. But there was a tranquility I couldn’t understand.

I let that jerk into my life, I chided myself. But even as I mentally berated myself, I couldn’t help the smile that crept onto my face. My phone vibrated on my nightstand, breaking my introspection. A glance revealed Moana’s name on the screen..

“I heard you got your first case!” Moana’s chirpy voice rang through the phone. We might have been mother and daughter, but in moments like these, she was just like a giddy school friend.

“Yeah,” I hesitated. The truth would be too much for her to handle. “It’s just a problem with a bad tenant. The client wanted to keep things confidential.” A laugh. “Always the mysterious ones, huh? Well, as long as you’re safe and doing what you love”

I swallowed hard, guilt gnawing at me. If only you knew, mom. “Thanks, Moana,” I murmured, hoping she wouldn’t notice my reluctance. “I’ll let you know how it goes.”

After hanging up, the room’s silence seemed more profound. I laid there for a long time, lost in my thoughts.

What had I gotten myself into? I was trapped in a delicate dance with the son of a Mafia boss, a criminal. I was putting on an act, getting cozy in bed with the very thing I hated all for the sake of… taking down the very thing that I hated. It was all too confusing.

The rhythmic thud of my heartbeat was all I could hear in the dimly lit room, punctuated only by the distant hum of city life outside. I continued to lay there, eyes glued to the ceiling, mentally replaying the phone call I had with my boss a few days ago.

Mr. Henderson’s voice had quivered on the line, fear evident even through the cold digital medium. “Ella, come back to work. We miss you here. P-Please.”

Of course they ‘missed me’. Or at least, he had been persuaded to miss me. The silhouette of Logan, with his dark aura and domineering presence, loomed in my mind’s eye. I could only imagine what he said to Mr. Henderson to convince him to let me come back….

What sort of horrors did he threaten? Torture? Robbery? Death? All of the above?

He was the puppet master pulling the strings, ensuring that I got my job back. Part of me resented him for it, for the threat that lingered behind every ‘favor’ he did for me. Not only that, but I could only imagine how my coworkers would look at me from now on.

The ‘girlfriend’ of a mobster, who also happened to be that mobster’s lawyer. It was dirty through and through. I hated the fact that I so willingly allowed myself to fall into this web. I knew that I would have to talk to him about it, and lay down some boundaries. The man was unpredictable, to say the least..

“I understand its’s hard for you,” my wolf’s voice echoed inside of me, reading my thoughts. “The mate bond… It can’t be ignored. This is fate. If you have already made your decision, then. maybe you should just accept it and move forward. I will try to keep up safe.”

“Fate, shmate,” I replied out loud, grimacing. “It’s all bullshit. And it’s unfair.”

My wolf said nothing. I sighed inside..

Ever since I met Logan, my wolf was probably the one affected by him the most. She already did her best to have a cool head. I shouldn’t blame her. I made my own choice. Just as I was gearing up mentally for the day ahead, the buzz of the intercom at my front door jolted me out of my reverie.

I hesitantly made my way over to the door and pressed the button. “Who is it?” I called out, expecting a delivery or a neighbor with a misplaced package.

“It’s me.” Logan’s unmistakable voice crackled through the speaker. I frowned.

“What on earth are you doing here so early?”

“I thought I’d say hi. Brought breakfast.” I sighed, a mix of frustration and a grudging smile playing on my lips as I buzzed him in. “Fine, come up.”

Moments later, there he stood in the doorway, a bag of donuts in one hand and two cups of coffee in the other. Before he could utter a word, I launched into him.

“Did you threaten my boss?” His hands shot up, the coffee wobbling dangerously. “Hey, don’t shoot,” he teased. “All I mentioned was taking back that Rolex I gifted him. And, well, there was the tiny detail about you being my girlfriend.”

I blinked, stunned. “Already?”

He shrugged nonchalantly, that rogue smirk playing on his lips. “Better sooner than later, don’t you think?”

I took a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts. Accepting the coffee he handed over, I took a cautious sip, expecting the bitterness | usually got from most takeaway coffees. But to my surprise, it was smooth, rich, and perfectly brewed. “This is actually good,” I admitted begrudgingly.

A glint appeared in his eyes, playful and proud. “I know all the best spots in the city. I’ll take you on a tour. A coffee date, so to speak. You can taste test them all.” I raised an eyebrow. “Not necessary. Remember, we’re not a real couple.”

He leaned in closer, his scent, a mix of musk and something uniquely Logan, filling the space between us. “You do have to play the part, you know,” he whispered. “It was part of our deal. We have to make it believable.”

Rolling my eyes, I tried to maintain the distance, emotionally and physically. “I have to get to work,” I said. “But thanks for the coffee.” But he wasn’t ready to let me off the hook that easily. “I’ll drive you.”

It was a statement, not a question. Logan wasn’t asking for my permission. He was telling me his plans. And as I looked into those deep, captivating eyes, I realized that for all his flaws, all the chaos he brought into my life, there was also a strange sense of security. Taking a deep breath, I relented. “Fine. But just this once.”

His smile was all the answer I needed, and together we stepped into the day, a pair entwined by fate and a decently brewed cup of coffee.

As we made our way out, Logan, ever the gentleman, held open the car door for me. The city sped past us, its early morning hustle echoing my nervousness. The closer we got to the law firm, the more my anxiety grew.

“Drop me off here,” I murmured as we neared the entrance. The last thing I wanted was to be the center of gossip, especially with Logan as my new… what? Boyfriend? Client? Fated mate?

Logan raised an eyebrow, slowing the car but not stopping. “Why? Scared your old pals might see you with a ‘bad boy’?”

I glared at him, but my voice betrayed my anxiety. “I don’t want them to think differently of me because of…” I trailed off, unwilling to voice the truth.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened, but his voice remained gentle. “Ella, if we’re going to pretend to be a couple, then we have to act the part. Geez… Maybe you need acting lessons.”

Before I could protest any further, Logan jumped out of the car and came around, swinging my door open for me. I had no choice but to walk with him, feeling his hand slip into mine as we ascended the stairs to the firm.

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