His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 338

Chapter 338

Chapter 338 Act Natural


Standing by the bar, I tried to calm my racing heart amongst all of the mobsters. Logan was busy with a business partner, and I felt like I was swimming alone in a sea of sharks. But more than anything, Madeleine’s proposition still lingered in my mind, weighing me down.

A bartender was preparing my drink, the rhythmic clinking of the glasses providing a small distraction. But as my gaze swept the crowd, my eyes landed on a familiar face approaching the bar.

It was Devon.

My heart gave a little jolt. Devon, with his sharp jawline, dark hair, and a pair of piercing green eyes that always seemed to hold a secret. The same Devon who had come to my rescue with those catcallers in the park, and the very one who had whisked me away from potential danger on that yacht. My brief interactions with him were odd coincidences that remained etched in my memory.

Our eyes met, and a slow, knowing smile crept onto his face. “It’s you again.”

“Hey,” I replied, surprised. “What are you doing here?”

He leaned against the bar, a casual shrug lifting his shoulders.

“Distant family friend of Marina’s family. Honestly, I’m not really close to any of them. Just thought I’d be polite by making an appearance.” He took a sip of his drink, his eyes still fixed on mine. “Besides, it’s not often I get to attend such lavish events.”

I raised an eyebrow, teasingly. “So, you’re just here for the free food and drinks?”

He chuckled. “Maybe. Okay, you caught me red- handed. But between us,” he lowered his voice, leaning closer, “I’m not Marina’s biggest fan. I just like to keep things cordial.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s strange, you know? The way our paths keep crossing. First the park, then the yacht, and now here?”

He grinned, his teeth flashing white against his tanned skin. “It’s a small world, isn’t it? Or maybe the universe is trying to tell us something.”

The corner of my mouth twitched upward. “Oh? And what would that be?”

His gaze softened, the playfulness replaced by a genuine warmth. “Perhaps that friendships can form in the most unexpected of places. Or maybe it’s just saying that you need more jazz in your life.”

I tilted my head, puzzled. “Jazz?”

He nodded, the playful glint returning to his eyes. “I own a little jazz club downtown. If you’re ever bored on a weekend or just need a break from the high society drama,” he winked, “you should drop by. I’ll make sure you get food and drinks on the house.”

The invitation was tempting. “I might just take you up on that,” I replied with a smile.

Our moment was interrupted when a hand slid around my waist, pulling me closer. I glanced up to find Logan’s intense gaze fixed on Devon. The possessiveness in his stance was unmistakable.

“Devon,” I began, trying to defuse the sudden tension, “this is Logan. Logan, Devon. You two met before. On the yacht.”

Devon extended a hand, his expression polite. “Pleasure to meet you. Again.”

Logan took it, his grip firm, perhaps firmer than necessary. “Likewise.”

A moment of silence hung in the air before Devon cleared his throat. “Well, I should get going. It was nice running into you, Ella. And don’t forget: jazz club downtown. It’s called ‘The Cuckoo’s Nest’. Food and drinks on the house; just tell the bartender we’re friends.” With a nod to Logan, he turned and walked away.

Logan’s grip on me tightened as he watched Devon retreat. His jaw was set, eyes narrowed.

“Ooh,” Ema said, bristling with excitement. “Looks like someone’s jealous.”

“And he’s got no reason to be,” I responded. “We’re not together. And I’ve exchanged all of maybe five sentences total with Devon.”

I glanced up at Logan, taking in his protective stance. There was no doubt about it: he did look handsome when he was like this, and I hated to admit it. But before he could voice whatever was on his mind, I felt his presence stiffen once more beside me.

“Act natural,” he murmured into my ear, a hint of tension evident in his voice. I blinked, taken aback. “What do you mean? What’s-?”

Before I could finish my sentence, a tall, imposing figure cut through the crowd towards us. The distinguished features, salt-and-pepper hair, and the air of authority marked the man unmistakably as Logan’s father, Leonard. His piercing gaze settled on me, causing an involuntary shiver to course through my spine.

“Hey, dad,” Logan greeted, his voice carefully neutral.

“Logan.” Leonard’s eyes raked over me, a shadow of suspicion dancing in their depths. “Miss Ella,” he greeted, his tone polite but guarded. “You look stunning tonight.”

“Thank you, Mr. Barrett,” I replied, nodding, the weight of his attention making me suddenly very aware of every little movement and nuance in my voice.

“So,” he remarked, his eyes still fixed intently on mine, “how have you two been? Still in love, I hope? I’m afraid that my son doesn’t update me on your relationship like I would hope he would.”

It was clear that he was trying to figure me out, gauge the nature of our relationship. Someone had sown seeds of doubt in his mind. Logan’s arm tightened around me, a silent gesture of support.

“We’ve been great,” I lied, offering a stiff smile. “I’m a lucky woman.”

Leonard paused, a cold smirk gracing his lips. After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke again. “You know, that reminds me: I’ve been meaning to meet your parents, Ella. Would it be possible to invite them to the city soon?”

A frown tugged at my lips. “I appreciate the gesture, Mr. Barrett, but my parents are currently overseas. They won’t be back for several months, actually.”

It was a lie. A total lie. My parents were right at home, just a few hours’ flight away from this city. But I wasn’t about to tell Leonard that; I needed to get through this year-long arrangement without my parents meeting Leonard.

A knowing smile quirked his lips. “Oh, you haven’t heard? Edrick was just seen in your city. I guess they came back sooner.”

The color drained from my face, my heart racing. “Really? I wasn’t informed of this,” I lied again, swallowing. Leonard chuckled softly, the sound devoid of warmth. “It seems there’s much you don’t know.”

“I’ll talk to my father, then,” I said, my voice barely more than a whisper. All the while, my mind raced. I hadn’t planned on Leonard keeping tabs on my parents, this changed things. I would have to come up with a new excuse, and quickly.

The moment was disrupted by Harry’s approach. Throughout the event so far, I had caught him sending me smirks from across the venue. The mischievous glint in his eye had made me uneasy, but now, with him approaching us, that unease transformed into full-blown anxiety. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ella, darling!” he exclaimed, a little too enthusiastically, wrapping an arm around me. The juxtaposition of his overly familiar gesture with the almost mocking tone of his voice put me on high alert.

I tried to pull away subtly, but his grip remained firm. “Harry.”

He feigned innocence, eyes twinkling. “You really must invite your parents soon. Unless, of course, they’re too busy…”

Logan’s grip on my shoulder tightened, a silent warning to Harry. But Harry continued, unperturbed, “Or perhaps, you can’t. After all, how would you finally explain to them about their daughter finding her mate?”

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