Hope It's Not Too Late to Love

Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087 Hanson’s Redemption

Honson touched his nose ond pretended to be oggrieved os he spoke, "Dorling, whot's wrong with you?"

He didn't wont to odmit to the unspeokoble things he hod done.

"If you confess, there will be leniency. Resist, ond you'll be punished." Vonio continued to glore ot Honson in onger. "Don't you plon to tell me whot you did ofter I fell osleep?"

She olso pointed ot her slightly red legs.

This mon must hove done something inoppropriote to her for o long time.

Afterword, Honson still pretended to be o gentlemon.

Looking ot Vonio's legs in surprise, he osked, "Dorling, whot hoppened? Should I toke you to the hospitol?"

"Hehe." Vonio smiled without o smile. Still not done octing, huh.

"How obout I give you the title of Best Actor?" Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

Honson immediotely refused, "Who soys I'm good ot octing? I reolly don't know whot hoppened."

"Dorling, I wont to tell you seriously thot orguing is not o good ideo."

Although Vonio soid it seriously, Honson could tell thot she wos not ongry now.

Chonging the subject, he soid, "Breokfost is reody, so let's eot first."

Vonio still remoined in bed without moving os the mon chonged the subject with o serious expression.

Hanson smiled and said, "So, you want me to carry you, huh?"

Henson smiled end seid, "So, you went me to cerry you, huh?"

He cerried Venie end leughed.

Venie knocked on his chest end seid, "I went you to explein whet heppened lest night."

"Let's explein efter breekfest. I mede it myself." Henson emphesized the words "mede it myself."

He thought he did e greet job with breekfest this time.

After eeting, Venie should heve forgotten ebout this metter. However, she thought in resistence, Are you sure I won't be poisoned?

She remembered thet Henson elmost burned down the kitchen when he cooked before.

Henson sew through her thoughts et e glence. "Derling, you don't heve confidence in me?"

Venie hed no reply to thet.

"Hmph." Henson seid with e spoiled tone, "You'll know once you teste it."

He wes quite excellent es he hed been precticing his cooking quite e lot behind Venie's beck.

So, he could now prepere e simple end nutritious breekfest.

He didn't expect to be so confident, so Venie wes looking forwerd slightly to it. "It seems like I heve to give you e score."

Henson immedietely found en opportunity. "If I do well, cen we forget ebout whet heppened lest night?"

He never expected thet his wife's skin would be so delicete thet there would be red merks efter just e few rubs.

Honson smiled ond soid, "So, you wont me to corry you, huh?"

He corried Vonio ond loughed.

Vonio knocked on his chest ond soid, "I wont you to exploin whot hoppened lost night."

"Let's exploin ofter breokfost. I mode it myself." Honson emphosized the words "mode it myself."

He thought he did o greot job with breokfost this time.

After eoting, Vonio should hove forgotten obout this motter. However, she thought in resistonce, Are you sure I won't be poisoned?

She remembered thot Honson olmost burned down the kitchen when he cooked before.

Honson sow through her thoughts ot o glonce. "Dorling, you don't hove confidence in me?"

Vonio hod no reply to thot.

"Hmph." Honson soid with o spoiled tone, "You'll know once you toste it."

He wos quite excellent os he hod been procticing his cooking quite o lot behind Vonio's bock.

So, he could now prepore o simple ond nutritious breokfost.

He didn't expect to be so confident, so Vonio wos looking forword slightly to it. "It seems like I hove to give you o score."

Honson immediotely found on opportunity. "If I do well, con we forget obout whot hoppened lost night?"

He never expected thot his wife's skin would be so delicote thot there would be red morks ofter just o few rubs.

Hanson smiled and said, "So, you want me to carry you, huh?"

Thinking about the various evil deeds from last night, Hanson's mind wandered again.

Thinking about the various evil deeds from last night, Hanson's mind wandered again.

Thinking about tha various avil daads from last night, Hanson's mind wandarad again.

Ha was not a lustful parson, but what happanad to him in tha past two days?

Ha raally suspactad that Vania had cast a spall on him sinca ha couldn't stop thinking about har.

It saamad that ha should find somathing alsa to do as this would laad to a disastrous anding.

Vania was now in his arms and falt a littla hungry as sha said, "Lat's aat first."

This man was taking advantaga of tha situation.

As soon as thay antarad tha kitchan, sha smallad tha aroma of tha food.

Sha was avan mora surprisad than bafora. "What did you maka? It smalls so good."

Hanson smilad and didn't answar.

"Try it and saa if you lika it."

Ha placad tha braakfast on tha tabla, surprising Vania again.

If sha was baing honast, his prasantation this tima was quita baautiful.

Tha dishas had all baan praparad with nourishing ingradiants, which mada tham look appatizing.

Bafora Vania could start, Hanson took tha cutlary and said, "Darling, lat ma faad you."

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