I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 35


Weeks… I have been healing and taking care of the wounded pack members , having memorials for the deceased after the attack from Aiden and the rest of the Golden Wolf pack .

I knew we were enemies , but to f*****g choose a day where I made my chosen mate my luna… that’s a low blow and I will not let it slide .

I wonder if he has a mate , one I could destroy because he targeted mine .

Elissa was passed out for days in the hospital and I have never been more afraid in my life , I actually love her and Aiden almost took that away from me .

I don’t know who snitched , but I know there is one and I am going to find that person and kill them too .

But first is first , Aiden and his f*****g pack has to be eliminated , once and for all .

I pace in my office , thinking of ways how to get rid of them when Elissa strolls in , a beautiful smile on her face .

“Are you okay ?” She asks concerned and I nod , “Today is the day , we are going to attack the Golden Wolf pack and I am going to kill Aiden .” I snarl and her hand rubs my arm up and down , “Why does he hate you ?” She asks and I gulp , “He thinks I killed his sister .” I wave the accusation off .

I know it’s the truth , but I was just a kid , I didn’t know better than what my father had told me .

“Why does he think that ?” She looks at me dumbfounded and her innocence makes my heart clench .

His sister was innocent too , I’m not a monster , I do regret it , but I couldn’t go home to my father and tell him I let one of our enemies go .

I remembered the proud look on his face when I told him I had drowned her , he looked so pleased .

“Because she drowned and I was there . But I couldn’t save her , the stream swept her away and I ran for help , but when I got back after finding no one , she was dead and he showed up , raging .” I drag my hand through my hair , the back of my eyes stinging .

‘Cry baby .’ Maximus teases me and I blink the tears away before they could form .

“But anyway , yeah . He thinks I killed his sister .” I sigh and her eyes look sad as she hugs me .

“I’m sorry , he has no right to accuse you .” She mutters and I nod , holding her back before pushing her away .

“I need to go , it’s time it’s his end and maybe he’ find joy in the afterlife with his sister before he goes completely crazy .” I scoff as I walk around her towards the door .

I mind link all my warriors , telling them that it’s time to go and when I come outside , all of them are standing , some shifted already and others not .

“Are you guys ready ?” I ask and they all nod .

I shift , stalking forward and I take the lead as we all begin to run into the woods , the sound of heavy thud against the ground beneath us makes me charge faster , but not as fast as we could because I don’t need my men tired by the time we get there .

Arriving at the pack around noon , we all stop a kilometre away , checking the guards patrolling and I take them out , snatching them before they could hear , smell or see me and I pull their heads off their bodies .

B***d drips from my mouth as I nod for the rest to join and we stay as low as possible as we sneak closer to the grounds , stopping when we’re at the last round of trees .

I see Aiden walking and a low growl escapes me , but before I could announce everyone to attack , my eyes land on her .

Eleia .

I large head c***s to the side as I focus on her and I absentmindedly lay down , the rest following my movement .

Does he have my mate ?

‘She’s not your mate anymore .’ Maximus deadpans and I know that he’s right , but she was mine first .

I watch as Aiden lays down a blanket and then helps her sit down , her stomach a small bump and she holds it as she sits .

She’s pregnant…

We wolves have a shorter pregnancy than humans , where humans take nine months to grow a child , we take five and looking at her , she’s been pregnant several weeks…

Is that child mine ?

It can’t be .

I shake my head , listening to their conversation , but it has nothing to do with the baby .

Aiden’ body tenses up and I move back , all of us moving back , staying low and I see his eyes flicking over to us as I lay behind a tree .

‘All of you , retreat and go back home . Now .’ I mind link my warriors as Aiden takes his eyes off the bush we’re hiding in and they all go home , leaving me staring at my first mate , a glow to her perfect skin that has me entranced .

I shift , grabbing the shorts from the bag tied to my leg and put it on before I emerge from the Forest and Aiden’ eyes flick towards me and he jumps up , standing before about a dozen men join him .

I freeze , “I want to talk .” I raise my hands in the air , my eyes continuously flicking to Eleia .

‘Now you remember her name .’ Maximus scoffs , hatred in his tone because since I got rid of her , he has been nothing but rude to me .

“Who invited you ?” Aiden bellows with a devilish smirk on his face .

I glance at Eleia and her face says everything , she’s afraid of me .

“No one .” I shrug , “But no one invited you to the Luna ceremony either .” I lower my hands , shoving them into the pockets of my shorts .

“Well you had it coming for a long time .” He grins , no one moving .

“I didn’t kill her .” The lie is like venom on my tongue , but I push past it .

My father said that I shall not apologise for it because he’s proud and I should be too .

“Sure .” Aiden scoffs , his blue eyes piercing into me from afar .Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Can I come closer to talk ?” I yell and he c***s his head , blankly staring at me like he’s imagining how to decapitate me .

“I honestly think it’s best you stay there , until my guards kill you .” The smug grin on his face makes me grin .

“I hope you aren’t talking about the group of five I killed back there .” I beam and Eleia gasps as she holds her stomach and I suddenly feel sick .

“You did what ?” He steps closer with rageful eyes , his chest heaving .

“We’ll call it even for the men you killed .” I shrug and he doesn’t stop coming for me until he’s standing in front of me .

“You f*****g bastard .” I never knew he was taller than me , but he doesn’t touch me , only towering over me with his height .

“You better be joking .” He seethes , his eyes almost completely black .

I glance past him and I see the omega that another pack came to collect standing with Eleia .

“Of course .” I scoff as the puzzles fall into place .

Eleia and that girl were best friends , still are .

“You had her stolen from my pack .” My tongue glides over the top row of teeth .

“She’s my beta’s mate , she was not yours .” He shrugs , knowing exactly what I’m talking about .

“And my mate .” I raise a brow and his fist connects with my cheek , “My mate .” he growls and when I turn my gaze back to him , I glance past him , seeing Eleia stand up as if she might jump to his rescue .

“And is that your child ?” I ask and his face falls , “Did you think it was yours ?” He scoffs and I shrug , “Test her .” I demand , “Already did .” He deadpans and I nod , my tongue circling the inside of my cheek .

“Are you telling the truth ?” I ask , wondering why he hasn’t tried to kill me yet .

“Do you think I’d let her keep it if it was your spawn ? You’re a monster Regan , you’re a killer of children .” He tuts and I lunge at him , but before I could shift , I’m pulled off and chains are locked around my wrist , silver ones .

I’m thrown onto my a*s and I watch as Aiden gets up , smiling , “I wanted you to prove me wrong , but look at you . You’re heartless and an i***t and now ? You’re going to be dead too . Thanks for sparing me the trip .” He winks , turning to look at my mate .

“Get inside babe .” He tells her and a low growl rips through me .

I know he’s hiding something , I know that’s my child , I could feel it because if it weren’t , why would they have gotten a test ?

“Let me go Aiden ! I will kill you .” I threaten , knowing that I have no way out because I sent my men home and my mind link is cut with these silver chains .

“I’m sorry Regan , you came here asking for death . It’s not my fault you’re suicidal .” He beams , but all the while he’s talking , my eyes are glued to my mate , my first love…

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