I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 46


My chest is sinking with every breath , as if my heart weren’t even there anymore .

“Rosie .” I seethe as I grab the sides of my head , my fingers digging into my skull as I wish that she’d just shut up about who it could have been .

“Yeah ?” Her sharp voice makes me just want to through things , “Not to be rude but I am losing my mind and you need to shut up .” My eyes squeeze shut as I say those words , not wanting to see how hurt my best friend is , but I need to say what I feel before I explode , right here .

“Okay .” She rubs my back , “Let’s just go home .” She tugs me towards the house and I walk with her like a zombie , just pacing slowly while everyone around us run and search and I haven’t felt more useless in my life .

Arriving at the house , Aiden and Stefan are standing outside , talking with a man in a white coat .

“Hi .” I mutter in hopes of a lead , but the deadly side eye given by my mate has me on edge .

Did I do something wrong ?

“We’ll just go inside then..” I mumble , but as I turn , Stefan puts his arm out in front of us , stopping us .

“No , it needs air .”

“Air ?” I ask confused , standing with my arms crossed over my chest .

“We were poisoned Luna , that’s why we didn’t wake up ..” he explains and my heart sinks into my stomach .

“Felix… he’s too little…what if he died ?” My breathing spikes and Aiden brushes past his beta , pulling me into his embrace , his one hand holding the back of my head as my face is buried in his chest .

“He’s fine , why take him then if he died ?” The words coming out of his mouth makes sense , but I don’t .Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

My mind is all over and I can’t even begin to think where to find my son .

I shove Aiden back , “Who did this ? Who would do this ?” I snap at him .

I want to know his enemies , I want to know who would hurt a child .

“I don’t know…” I rakes his hand through his hair , looking at me with worried eyes .

“Who are your enemies Aiden ? Don’t tell me you don’t know !” I snap at him .

“I killed my enemy !” He bellows , rage filling his eyes .

“Well you missed someone ! Fix it !” I shove him against the chest , but he doesn’t bulge .

“Eleia .” Rosie calls out to me and when her hand rests on my shoulder , I shrug her touch off .

“You f****d up .” I seethe before turning on my heel and I storm off .

The sight of Aiden makes me want to murder someone , the sight of anyone .

I shift out of anger , rushing off the land , heading for the pond .

Once I arrive , I shift , standing naked as I stare at the water in front of me , wishing that I would drowned instead of having a son , who is now stolen from me and it feels like my heart is bleeding , as if it tears with every beat , every breath makes me want to scream , but it won’t bring Felix back…

I sink to my knees , my dark hair falling forward as my head lowers and I stare at the ground , my fingers digging into the dirt before my hands fist and I slam them into the ground , begging for the earth to split open and swallow me whole , to take my pain and my sacrifice to make sure Felix is alright .

Whoever took him will suffer .

A scream erupts from my throat and it turns into a loud growl , my eyes darkening as a negative energy flows through me and when my outburst goes away , I fall limp against the ground , crying softly as my weak body just lays baking in the sun .

“Eleia Green…” a voice makes me lift my head and a brunette girl stands on the rocks , a knowing look on her face .

“Who are you ?” I sit up , not caring that I am naked .

“Elizabeth . Call me Ellie .” She smiles , seeming so kind .

“You’re not apart of our pack .” I point out and she hums , climbing off the rocks with boots to die for .

“I know that .” She grins , looking hot and beautiful .

“Then what are you doing so close to our pack ?” I stand , the thought that she might have taken my boy already crossing my mind .

Her head c***s to the side , her straight hair swinging to the side , “I think you know .” The devilish smile that creeps up her face makes my b***d boil .

“Where is he ?” I grit out every word , readying to rip her apart .

“Well if I tell you , then that defeats the purpose of taking your kid .” She grins like Felix is a object .

“He’s a living thing , he’s a baby . Why would you toy with a baby’s life ?” I snap , “Because it’s the only way to get what I want .” She exhales , seeming calm all of a sudden and my stomach tumbles .

“What do you want ? Money ? I can get you money .”

The sadistic laugh coming from her makes me want to murder her , but it’s clear that she did not do this alone because Felix isn’t here .

I would feel him , smell him and hear him if he were .

“I don’t want money .” She deadpans , “I want your mate , dead , his head chopped off and put in a box .” She seethes and my b***d runs cold as my eyes almost pop out of my head .

That’s how Regan died… how did she know ?

Is this a coincidence ?

Does she know Regan ?

“What did my mate ever do to you ?” I growl , feeling protective of the love of my life even if I just hated him a minute ago .

“He killed my mate . Just like what I described…” her head tilts to the side .

“Regan was your mate ?” I ask and her eyes widen , “You know him , good. Then you know that he did not deserve to die .” She smiles and I believe that she is blind , crazy and psychotic .

“Your mate ?” My eyes widen and she gives me a look that says if I don’t explain , I will suffer .

“He was my mate first .” I grit out and the shocked expression gives me hope .

“I think not .” She scoffs , making me laugh .

“Who do you think is the child’s father ?” I ask , “Did you not even look at my baby before taking him ? Did you not see that he has his father’s eyes ?” I grill her , making her think .

Her head turns to the side as she thinks and then looks back at me , “He used me and then rejected me before chasing me off . I had no where to go before Aiden found me and healed me and loved me and my baby even if it weren’t his child .” I snap , “Regan deserved everything he got because he let his people beat girls if they forgot to clean a stupid vase !” I yell , hating that all of this is because of Regan f*****g Night .

He’s ruining my life left to right , nonstop , no going back .

“If you were his second chance mate and he let you go , be happy !” I can’t stop yelling at her .

She needs to open her eyes and then give me back my Felix .

“Because he would have ruined you like he ruined me .” I seethe .

Her eyes trail down my body , “But why would he reject you ?” She raises a brow and I am taking it as a compliment .

“Because I was one of his slaves… he didn’t even know my name while f*****g me .”

Her eyes darken because of jealousy .

“He killed my mate’s sister when they were mere children , he’a a monster , he always would have been.” I let out a shaky breath .

“I don’t believe you , he was so kind when he rejected me..” her frown deepens .

“Why would he reject you ? You are beautiful .” I admit and she tosses her hair over her shoulder , “It took months for me to become like this . Believe it or not , I was chubby , a fat girl and I thought that he’d take me back when he saw me , but your mate rolled his head out like a dice as I stood in the woods , about to approach the pack house and I really am sorry I took your kid , but unless I have your mate’s head , you won’t be seeing your little one again .” She shrugs and the silence between us makes my mind go stir crazy .

“And if you choose your mate over your own child , don’t worry , I’ll take good care of little Regan .” She winks and all the awful things that she could do , pop up into my head .

“Fine , just.. don’t touch him !” I threaten , but my body shakes in fear .

She smiles , winking at me , “Good , my number is in your mate’s phone since you don’t seem to have one , saved as Ellie .” She winks before strutting off and I can’t even move even if my entire body wants to shift and rip her to shreds .

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