I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 90


“Arlen! Wait!” I giggle as I run after him. He has Aiden’s raven hair. His giggles echo through my ears as the space between us get longer.

“Slow down!” I giggle as he runs further into the field.

Felix comes jogging next to me, he’s taller and his dashing smile makes my heart flutter.

“Felix, your brother is fast.” I start to say but he just winks at me before darting forward.

He catches up to Arlen in no time and they both run at the same pace, getting further away from me.

“Boys!” I yell, feeling exhausted, but they don’t hear me at all. I try to run faster, but by doing that, they’re even further away.

“No.” I breathe out as I use every bit of energy I have to push forward. I smile when it seems like they’re getting closer, but when a tall shadow falls over me, I glance to my side.

“Aiden?” I breathe out with a smile, almost stopping but I glance in front of me. Felix and Arlen look small with the distance between us.

“I can’t get to them.” I frown as I look beside me.

Aiden just smiles while we run side by side, the silence is comforting, the world so quiet…too quiet.

He starts to jog faster, getting ahead of me. “Aiden!” I shriek as he joins the boys, leaving me behind.

“No.” Tears form in my eyes and my face is suddenly soaked.

“Eleia!” I jolt upright, my entire body soaked as I run my hands down my face and shirt. I glance up at Zac’s panicked face and he sits back, sighing.

“For f**k sakes woman.” He grits out annoyed.

I frown, looking around and we’re in a small room, it has a small kitchen counter with stove and microwave, all the kitchen essentials and a bathroom to the left.

“Where are we?” I grit out as I climb off the bed.

“In a motel.” Zac tosses the bucket toward the kitchen. “Why?” I frown, “Why?” He seethes, “Because you were almost dead!” He bellows and my eyes widen in fear. “What?” I bellow.

“The hunters presumed that you were dead, but all you had was a very weak pulse. I brought you back here after they demanded I get rid of your body and I gave you CPR, water and…”, “And threw the water all over me I see!” I bellow.

Zac rolls his eyes, “I saved your life.” He grits out, “How did I almost die?” I ask confused and his eyes widen in fear. He stands up, scratching his nape. “Well…” he starts and I follow him, “Well what?” I snap, “The drugs.” ,” I almost overdosed?” I bellow and he inches closer, “Shhh.” He begs, “There are people around.” He whispers through gritted teeth. “Who the hell cares?” I bellow. “You almost killed me!” , “Human ears Eleia!” He bellows back and what he said sounds much more weird than what I said. Now the people around us will know that we are not human.

“Way to go.” I scoff, turning my back to him. “Does this mean I’m free to go home?” I grit out.

My entire body is electrified, my hands are shaking and itching to punch out Zac and just run.

“If you want to put your family in harm, go ahead.” He scoffs.

I turn, “What do you mean?” I seethe at the thought of harm coming to my children, my mate, my entire pack.

“What do you think hunters do? They hunt, we are their prey. We are the only kind they are interested in, especially in wolf form. They want the largest wolves, the highest rank wolf. They want to stuff our heads and hang us on their f*****g walls like trophies. We are their prize, don’t you get that? They will go pack to the castle, in search of your uncle or even mate who is now the king, perhaps your children who are the heirs to the throne.” I growl at his threat. “Or we can let them see you, the miracle princess who has returned and took her place on the throne and lead them away while they chase you.” Zac’s eyes glisten as he speaks and every fibre of my body is screaming at me to not trust him. But how could I risk the lives of everyone that matters to me?

“How do I find them?” I grit out.

I want them to chase me and when they do, I will slaughter them one by one. I will kill every single one of them and tear them to shreds before sending parts of their bodies home.

I wonder if they knew that we are people too, that we have families and loved ones too.

“You wonder around in the woods, until they find you.” He deadpans and my b***d runs cold.

“What if they capture me? Or kill me om the spot.” I snort and he shrugs, “I don’t know, but I need to go.” He marches over to the table and snatches his jacket off one of the chairs it’s draped over.

“Where are you going?” I growl, “To get my daughter.” He grits out, “Did they say you can go get her?” I snap.

Did all he have to do is kill me to get his daughter back?

“Not in so many words.” He shrugs as he marches to the door. I step in between his body and the door, “You’re going to steal her back? Attack them? You can get killed.” I seethe.

I don’t necessarily care about what happens to him, but he’s the only one who can help me track them down.

Plus I don’t want his daughter to get killed in the process either.

Zac is a strong man, he’s brave and motivated and I bet his daughter has some of his traits. “I don’t care!” He bellows. “She’s been a hostage long enough. Goddess knows what they are doing to her.”

He seethes before shouldering past me.

I grab his arm, “Let me come with you.” I beg, it’s stupid, but it’s one way to get them to see that I am alive and running around.

“No.” Zac seethes, “I already put your life in danger once, I am not doing it again.” He rips his arm out of my grasp. “Stay here.” , “What if they don’t let you take her?” I yell. “Then I’ll kill them.” , “Not before they kill you.” I shrug and he glares at me. “I can help you.” I push him, “I can distract them until you get her out.”

He thinks for a moment, I could see his brain turning, thinking of everything. “Why would you help me?” He grits out annoyed. “Because there’s an innocent child’s life at risk.” I shrug.

That is the main priority, but them seeing me so that I can lure them away is also the idea.

I would run and hide my entire life if it means that my boys are safe.

His eyes trail up and down my body as he studies me, for what I don’t know. I don’t mean bringing any harm to him or his daughter, but my aim is my own family.

“Fine.” He grits out, his jaw tense. He turns on his heel and flees the little motel room and I follow him out to his car.

The drive is longer than expected, but then again I don’t know how long I’ve been out since my almost death.

“Where are we?”

I clutch the jacket Zac had given me closer around my body to make me warm. It’s dark out and also cold and my body is too weak from the drugs Zac shot me with to make my own body heat.

The last time I felt like this, was when I lived at the Night pack.

I was weak and tired the entire time, just like I am now.

“Off the coast, it’s an entire day drive.”

He mutters. His eyes are locked on the road, his hand gripping the steering wheel. His head is rested against his fingers of the arm that rests on the window sill of the car.

“Great.” I scoff and his head turns as he looks at me. “Are you going to babble the entire drive?” He grits out annoyed.

I glare at him, “I don’t think me talking is qualified to be called babbling. I’m just making conversation.” , “I don’t like talking while driving.”, “Then listen.” I shrug, “Don’t like that either.” He sighs as he shifts in his seat, changing his hands on the wheel and the hand that was gripping the wheel is now on the gears.

“Too bad, this trip isn’t all about you.” I shriek when he comes to a sudden halt, swerving to the side of the road.

“What the hell?” I snap as I grab the door tightly, my body pulling forward until the car stops and my back slams back into the seat.

“This drive is all about me. I am going to save my daughter, nothing more. You wanted to help, fine but it will be under my terms. And this is my car, so or you shut up or get out!”

He bellows, his fist banging onto the steering wheel, making the horn go off.


I cross my arms as I roll my neck and put my safety belt on. “Good.” He shifts his gears and speeds off with a deadly look in his eyes.

I make myself comfortable, leaning my head against my palm and I watch as the cars drive by until I fall asleep.

I wake up with sun shining into my eyes and I winch, turning my head. “Damn, I thought you’d be out longer. There’s a stop a few miles ahead.” He murmurs while snacking on a burger.

“I see you already stopped.” I shift, stretching upward to relieve the tension in my back.

“A few hours back, this is my second one. Want a bite?” He murmurs through a mouth full of food.

“No thanks.” I turn my nose up to the half eaten burger, but the smell is luring and my mouth waters.

“Your loss.” He snorts while continuing eating and I just sit still, trying to ignore the explosion feeling in my bladder.

“How far till that stop?” I ask after fifteen minutes of driving.

“Not sure.” We take a turn and I smile at the sight of a gas station. “Thank Goddess.” I g***n and loosen my seatbelt.

“Woah, you need to wait for the car to stop before getting out.” He chuckles, glancing at me.

“I wasn’t going to-” I stop talking at the sight of his devilish grin. “Haha, funny.” I mutter sarcastically. He starts to laugh before switching his indicator on and he turns into the gas station.

The car barely stops before I jump out of the car and I rush into the shop.

After using the restroom, I walk out of the shop to find Zac standing next to his car, leaning against the driver door with food in his hand.

“Are you seriously eating again?” I snort as I halt in front of him. He c***s his head, his eyes narrowing, “It’s for you. You don’t have any money.” He points out and my lips round and I nod. I smile, “Thanks.” , “For what?” He snorts, “Kidnapping you without clothes and any money?” He raises a questionable brow. “For the food Zac.” I scoff before taking the food and I round the car and get it.

I didn’t hesitate to start eating once I smelled the burger and I devoured the entire thing within minutes as we drive off.

“It’s about twelve more hours .” He updates me without me even having to ask.

I think it’s improvement since last night because last night I wasn’t even allowed to breathe and now he’s talking to me.

We turn off on a weird dirt road in the middle of nowhere and I glance at his hands, his fingers repeatedly tapping on the steering wheel while he chews on his bottom l*p. I’ve seen symptoms of anxiety and he’s reeking of it too.

“Is this their the road to their place?” I ask, glancing out of the window. It’s completely dark and the only light there is, is the one of the moon. “Yes.” He grits out and my head turns back so that I could study him.

“She’ll be okay.” I smile and he just hums. He’s being rude again, shocking. Perhaps because he’s a not a fan of driving at night or he’s in his own head again…

“So tell me now…did you tell the hunters that I was alive?” I pop a fry into my mouth. It’s cold because we got it a few hours back, but it’s still good.

“What?” He glances at me, his eyebrows furrowed together. “I mean did you set a new bargain with them? Did you tell them I was alive and that’s why you look like you’re on drugs or something?” I try to joke with him to lighten the mood.

“No.” He growls and I’m silenced by it for only a second. “I’m just…” he starts and falls silent before raking his fingers through his hair. “What if she’s already dead and we’re going in blinded by the fact that we think she’s still alive?” He sighs before both of his hands grip the wheel tightly. “I think you should go with your gut, not your head.” I sigh and he glances at me from the side of his eye, “My gut is telling me to save her. Meaning she’s alive.” He shrugs and I nod in silence.

We almost drive through a big hole and he swerves to the side, making me shriek. “How do you know where this place is? Have you been here before.” The silence says it all. He has.

“When?” , “When what?” , “When have you been here before?” , “When they captured us. They released me to do a job and I somewhat failed.” He snorts as if it were a joke, but it isn’t because his daughter is there.

Alive or dead.

“They killed her.” His knuckles turn white. “Who? Your daughter? We don’t know…”, “My mate, my daughter’s mother, right in front of us when we wouldn’t oblige.” He sighs and my heart sinks into my stomach.

I wouldn’t want Aiden, Felix or Arlen to see that…none of it. I wouldn’t mind the sacrifice, but to have them see it…it would have caused a trauma trigger.

“I’m sorry.” I fall silent at a loss for words. “It’s been weeks and I still think she’d be there if I went back, but she won’t.”

Tears form in my eyes. I’m not a big fan of Zac, but to know that he and his daughter went through that…it breaks my heart.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

I swore to not feel anything and the entire time since he drugged and kidnapped me, all I do is feel.


“I just need to save my daughter, she’s all I have left.”

“How did they capture you?” I finally manage to ask. My curiosity getting the better of me in this sour situation.

“We were out, we do that every Sunday. We take our daughter out of the pack to study nature and learn her things. The world is an ugly place and when trouble comes, she needs to know where to hide and what she can use and do. While we were in a field, they shot us with tranquilizers. I watched as my mate fell and then my daughter and before I could reach them…I was out too.” He grits out.

I could tell the memories were painful…it was all right until that very moment and he has to live with those memories.

The last good memory of his mate.

“She’s okay. I can feel it.” I offer a kind smile and he just sighs.

I notice lights of a house in the far, it’s uphill and gloomy. There’s smoke coming out of a chimney and there’s fencing everywhere.

“We need a plan.” I mutter. “I do, you wait in the car while I get my daughter back.” He deadpans.

“We need a better plan.” I snort. “Look, I am not going to babysit you. When I find my daughter, I’m leaving and I won’t care if you get killed or not.” He seethes.


“Fine, I’ll stay in the car.” I roll my eyes.

“Great.” He mutters, “Good.” I deadpan.

We drive up to the house and the front is parked with cars and trucks. It’s quiet outside but when I focus my listening, I could hear the muttering of voices and loading of guns.

“They have guns.” I grab his arm as he’s about to open the door.

“f*****g hell Eleia, I know that.” He rips his arm away from my hand. “They are hunters, they know this car. They gave me this car to get around.” He scoffs before opening his door, “Now lay low before you get killed.” He gets out and slam the door shut. I stare at him wide eyed as he marches up the stairs of the patio and knocks on the door.

I sink down in my seat, staying in the shadows as I watch the wooden door open and a gun is pointed at his head before it’s lowered in realization of who it is.

He backs up when two big men with guns walk him back and close the door behind them.

I roll the window down slightly to listen in on their conversation better.

“I want my daughter.” He asks politely, as if scared, but if it were Felix or Arlen, I would be too.

“And we wanted the lost princess.” One man scoffs as he folds his arms. I guess it’s goos that no one is pointing a gun at his head…

“It wasn’t my fault, I had to put her out!” Zac defends his actions of almost killing me. Well they think I’m dead.

“Did you? Did you have to?” The man seethes.

“Yes. She was attacking me!” He points to the middle of nowhere.

“Sure. A little woman was attacking you.” He rolls his eyes.

“You’re twice her size!” The other man starts to laugh.

Zac tucks his hands into his pocket, “I know you don’t understand our lives, but she is royalty, better than any alpha and I am a mere beta!” He growls lowly. “Poor you then.” The man snorts, “Get us another royal and your daughter would be free.” The one shrugs. “I can’t! Just give her to me!” Zac steps forward and the men doesn’t hesitate to pull a gun and point it at his head.

I absentmindedly grab the door handle, ready to pull it when the gun is lowered and I freeze, “The royals don’t trust me. I kidnapped their Queen, can’t you find someone else?” He begs, his voice hoarse and shaky.

“It was hard enough to capture you.” The man snorts, “Now run along and go find someone else and a leverage for them to do the job. Then we will let your precious girl go.” They both turn and walk into the house again, leaving Zac looking broken hearted, mad and disoriented.

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