I Swear, Let Me Love You Again

Lydia’s Anger

Nathaniel’s POV:Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Uhn, uhn, It’s Jenny. And you better come down from your apartment building without calling the police or doing anything stupid, or best believe I will send my people to shoot Lydia who is in her penthouse dressed in a white robe getting her hair done to meet with you tonight. Oh and our beloved sister, Rachel, who is watching a movie in her apartment a few miles from here wearing a white and black pj’s.” Her description of their exact actions was worrisome. Jenny wouldn’t do that, right?

“If you think I wouldn’t ask for their brains to be blown off then you must underestimate how much I love you. So you better make the right decision and come to the parking lot in a black fully tinted minivan. Now!” She snapped and I clenched and unclenched my jaw.

Before I could respond, a knock came through the door and when I looked at the camera to see who it was, a man dressed in a black and black outfit stood there showing me surveillance and Lydia and Rachel doing exactly what she had said.

“So make a decision and don’t you dare text or call anyone because I would shoot them and I would know as well because you do know I have tapped your devices. Make a decision Nathaniel.” Jenny spoke and I was furious and annoyed at how helpless I was at the moment.

What do I do now?

Protect the women I love the most.



I was seated in the restaurant sipping complimentary wine and I was both nervous and excited at the same time.

During the vacation with Ari and Lorena, I had come to a decision that I would talk to Nathaniel as soon as I got back about my feelings and my fear just as Lorena had suggested. Which is why, I set up this dinner which could either take things to another level for us or lead to us just being friends or business acquaintances.

I had arrived about five minutes ago and I was surprised Nathaniel wasn’t here yet neither had he called or sent a message as I had discovered he loved being early for every event he was made to attend. I sent him a text letting him know I had arrived but it didn’t even deliver.

To keep myself busy and occupied, I scanned through the menu. The smell of the food was mouth watering as usual. I had requested a private dinner tonight in one of the coziest places in the family restaurant.

“Are you ready to order, Miss Miller?” The waiter asked with a polite smile and I returned the smile shaking my head.

“I’m waiting for someone.” I responded and he nodded in understanding walking off. After he left, my phone began to ring in my purse and I instantly brought it out anticipating a call from Nathaniel but on the contrary, it was surprisingly Aaron calling.

My eyes went wide and I picked it up immediately.


“Lydia, how are you doing? Are you doing well? I heard about that criminal still being alive, I just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay.” He spoke in a rush making a soft smile graze my face.

“I’m okay, thank you for checking up on me. Lorena, Ari and I just returned for a much needed trip, so I’m a bit laid back and I feel extremely protected. I doubt she would even step back in the city knowing the whole police office was coming for her.” I responded calmly, leaning back in my seat.

I was truly laid back and just happy. Though I had been feeling uneasy the entire night, I just concluded it was due to my confession tonight, so I didn’t think too much about it. Jenny couldn’t do anything to me nor the people I loved. We were all surrounded with security and she must have had an army if she thinks she can break it.

“I’m happy to hear that. Jeremiah is so disappointed that he let you down, he begged for me to call you. Not that, he had to…I just you know…. worry about you and love you from a distance.” My heart skipped a beat at that.

Why couldn’t I just love him? Why did I have to have feelings for someone who had brought me so much pain?

Love is weird.

“Thank you, Aaron. I am so happy to hear from you after all these months.” We talked for a while and he informed me he had been busy with work and I filled him in on my book but turns out he really had been loving and supporting me from a distance, as he knew everything and watched me from a distance.

Aaron was a great man to be really honest.

“I have to go now but it was great to hear from you. Take good care of yourself and call me for anything.” He said and I nodded with a smile.

“Same here. Bye Aaron, I….” I was about to say I love you but held myself back.

“I love you too, Lydia.” He chuckled and I smiled before hanging up.

Maybe someday we would look back at this and laugh, probably telling our children or spouses about this. I truly appreciated him.

After hanging up, I realized we had been talking for about thirty minutes and yet Nathaniel hadn’t shown up nor had he called or texted. I took a deep breath and adjusted my hair, staring at myself in my phone’s camera with admiration.

I had taken the time to look beautiful, and even curled my hair about a dozen times to make it perfect.

“Let me be patient.” I told myself, drinking out of my wine and I waited.

Thirty minutes turned to an hour and by an hour thirty minutes, I ordered something to eat as I was famished and I tried calling him as I got worried but his phone didn’t even ring. After two hours of waiting, I cleared my plate and requested dessert to go, then with anger and disappointment, I left the restaurant.

How dare he stand me up?

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