Inevitably Yours

Chapter 37


Michael’s confession about his father burrowed inside of me, leaving a discomfort in its wake. When I woke up the following day, it was like a film had been lifted from over my eyes. I paid a little more attention to the whispers around me and realized that whatever was going on within the Alpha family, no one knew the truth that I did.

I kept my mouth shut, not having any intention of giving away Michael’s secret. We didn’t talk about it again, and it felt invasive to ask him about it. He gave me that little kernel of truth, so I would trust him and know he wasn’t lying to me. I knew there was more to the situation but I got the impression he wasn’t ready to talk about it.

We didn’t talk too much over the next couple of weeks. My life had become a balancing act of all things related to school. When I wasn’t at school or practice, I was trying to keep up with homework and make time to see any of my friends. I didn’t like to be by myself at school because Andi would appear randomly. She never spoke to me, but her presence alone was bothersome.

Our next few football games required us to travel to other packs. I didn’t like them as much as the games played at Stary Pack because wearing our uniforms to travel was very annoying.

One night, Christy was in a particularly cheerful mood because Stuart’s birthday was so close. She was glued to his side, talking at warp speed about her plans for his birthday all night long. During our little break, I decided to go down to the concession stand with Tommy instead of being around Stuart more than I was obligated to.

“This line is really long,” he complained as we waited.

“I know. If it doesn’t move along, we might be late getting back,” I observed.

“So, are you excited for your race tomorrow? It’s your first one on varsity, right?” he asked.

“No,” I sighed. “I’m only on varsity because two girls got put on academic probation. It’s a lot of pressure. I would rather race JV.”

“I’m sure you’ll do awesome,” he said, nudging me with his elbow.

“I appreciate your confidence in me,” I laughed. I checked the time left on the clock, and there wasn’t much. “Hey, if I give you my money, will you grab me a drink? I need to use the bathroom before the break is over.”

“Why don’t you wait, and I’ll walk that way with you? We won’t both get in trouble coming back late,” he said.

“No, but someone will think we ran off for a different reason,” I pointed out. “You are alone with the freshman slut, remember? I will go fast and meet you back in the stands.” I pushed some money into his hand and hurried away before he could stop me.

The bathrooms were tiny, with only two stalls and one sink. The dim lighting over the pathway to them made them even less appealing. The more significant hurdle was getting out of my uniform to be able to use the restroom within the tiny stall; usually, Christy and I went together, and I had her hold my jacket.

No one was in the small bathroom, so I was able to slip right into one of the stalls and do my business. When I stepped out of the stall, I wasn’t alone.

“What a pleasant surprise,” Andi sneered at me. I froze in the open stall, not sure what to do. She didn’t have anything in her hands to throw on me this time, but I assumed she could do much worse. She stood right in front of the sink.

“Just go,” Sapphire urged. “Don’t fight with her here.”

“If you aren’t using the sink, could I wash my hands?” I asked her.

Andi laughed. “Aren’t you precious?”

“Fine,” I said. I tried to walk to the exit, but she moved quickly, blocking my path.

“Oh, no, I don’t think it’s time for you to leave yet,” she taunted. A chill ran down my spine, and now I regretted not taking Tommy up on his offer to come over to the bathrooms with me. “Apparently, you have a f*****g listening problem.”

“Quinn, what is taking so long? You have 60 seconds left,” Tommy linked.

“I need help!” I linked back.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said unsteadily as I stepped back. Andi’s face darkened.

“I told you to stay the f**k away from him,” she growled. She brought her hand up to display the claws sprouting from her fingers. “I think this time, I will make sure my message cuts a little deeper.”

I put my hands up as I backed all the way to the wall. “I-I really don’t think-”

“That’s right. You didn’t think. There must be no brain under that frizzy blue mop on your head. If you had thought about it, you would have listened when I told you the first time and stopped messing with my man!”

“Quinn, are you okay?” Tommy linked panickedly. “Are you still in the bathrooms?”

“I didn’t mess with anyone,” I told her. She slowly stepped toward me, admiring her clawed fingers with a sadistic look on her face.

“Tommy, get a teacher. Quickly,” I linked back.

Andi stopped right in front of me. She smiled cynically as she towered over me. I shrunk down the wall slightly, terrified of what she would do. I didn’t have enough control of my shifting to let my claws out, and I had no idea how to fight.

“Just let me out; I’ll get us out of here,” Sapphire said.

“Please,” I begged. Andi shook her head. She ran a claw down my cheek; the sharp point drew a line of b***d.

“You should have listened to me,” she said. “Now, let’s see how pretty he thinks you are after I scratched you up a bit.”

Tears slipped down my cheeks as I stood there frozen in terror. “P-please, no,” I cried. Andi just laughed, raising her hand in a preemptive strike.

The bathroom door burst open, and a booming growl filled the room. Andi whipped her head around right before she was ripped away from me. “Get off of me!” she screamed shrilly. Two people were pulling her back, and Tommy rushed around them over to me. His tall frame blocked my view of what was going on.

“Oh Goddess, what did she do?” he asked quickly. He grabbed my face, examining her cut. I could already feel it beginning to heal.

“Sh-she…” I stammered, having trouble putting the words together.

“It’s okay,” Tommy said. He pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me. “I’m sorry. I should have just gone with you.”

I shook my head, my face rubbing against his uniform jacket. Whoever came with him had gotten Andi out of the bathroom because her shouts could only be heard distantly.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “She didn’t really hurt you, right?”

“I’ll be okay,” I whispered, pulling away from him. I let out a shaky breath. “Thank you for coming to my rescue.” His uniform had my b***d smeared across the front. He looked down to see what I was seeing.

“Don’t worry about it,” he told me. He stepped over to the sink, grabbed a paper towel, and splashed water on it. He wiped my cheek off gently. “It’s already closing. It must not be too deep.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“Miss Samuels, Mr. Crocket. Please step out of the bathroom so you can explain what just happened,” we heard our band director call from the doorway.

“I hope she gets expelled,” Christy said from the seat next to me on the bus ride home. Tommy sat directly next to me in my seat. He had hovered close to me while I explained what happened to our band director and a handful of warriors from the pack we were visiting. Andi had not only technically assaulted me; she tried to attack the others that pulled her out of the bathroom. Because we were visitors in the pack, she was being sent home to be dealt with. “What sort of psycho corners someone in a bathroom to threaten them?”

“That kind,” I said.

“You should have just shredded her,” Sunni said next to Christy.

“I would be in just as much trouble if I had touched her,” I reminded them. Tommy stayed oddly silent during this conversation.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I think we need to get someone new chasing your tail. Then no one will even remember him,” Christy said.

“Who said I want someone ‘chasing my tail’? Who even says that?” I shot back at her.

Christy just laughed. “I’m serious. No one can speculate anything if you give them something they can’t refute.”

“Why are you like a slutty genius?” Sunni asked her. I rolled my eyes at them; I wasn’t interested in a boyfriend.

“I’m good, guys,” I told them. I glanced at Tommy, who was watching me carefully. “I just want to forget about it.”

I was tired, and my face throbbed a little from the cut. Christy started to go on and on about people she thought I would like or would look cute with. I tried to tune her out and just relax.

When we finally returned to the school, we unloaded all the equipment and packed everything away. The director had to talk to my mom about what had happened. Christy waited with me while they spoke.

“Hey, do you think you might want to help me with Stu’s birthday?” she asked.

“What?” I replied, looking at her like she was crazy. She just smiled.

“It’s a big thing, and I got plenty of plans started, but obviously, I am hoping that we are mates and I will be preoccupied for most of the party. I could use some help,” she said. “Plus, I plan on inviting lots of people, so you might even meet some new people.”

“Christy, I appreciate you trying to help, but I really don’t need a boyfriend,” I told her.

“Okay,” she said. “I’m just trying to look out for you. You’re my best friend, after all.”

“I guess I will help if you will stop with the boyfriend stuff,” I smiled at her. “I mean, I almost had a boyfriend, and look where it got me.” I pointed to my cheek, and her eyes went really wide before she burst out laughing.

“So we can joke about it now?” she giggled. I shrugged. I didn’t want to tell her how scared I was that Andi would come after me again and it would be worse. I didn’t want any of my friends to worry about me, so I pretended it was alright.

My mom finally came out of the director’s office looking angry. Christy hugged me goodbye, and I left with my mom. When she pulled out of the parking lot, she finally spoke. “Did you know the girl? The one that came after you?”

“No,” I lied. I didn’t feel good about lying to my mom, but I really didn’t want to explain who Andi was.

“And she only got your face?” she continued.

“Yea,” I told her. “I’m okay, though. My friends came to help me.”

“We’ll be talking to the school on Monday,” she said. “I’m not going to tolerate random assault on my daughter. We may be wolves, but that behavior is entirely uncalled for.”

“Mom, you don’t need to do that. They said she would get into trouble,” I told her.

“No one hurts my pup,” she frowned. “Your dad will be angrier than I am.”

“Do we have to tell him? The mark will be gone soon,” I returned.

“Yes,” she said. “Hopefully, I can soften the blow, and he won’t want you taken out of any of your activities.”

“Woah, wait, what?” I shouted.

“If you think the thought didn’t cross my mind, you don’t know your parents very well. I am not going to punish you, though. You’re innocent in all of this.”

I looked out the window as guilt started to gnaw at me. I wasn’t innocent; I didn’t know about Andi, but I had still gotten close with her boyfriend.

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