It Comes In Three's

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Alex’s POV


Dels house looks good as new, as I pay the team in cash for their help. “Thanks for this!” I tell them, as they thank me for their payments and pack up their equipment.

The graffiti was now gone, and Dels car windows where freshly replaced… it was now as though nothing had ever even happened to begin with!

I turn, suddenly seeing Lottie and Anna emerging from the house, before they motion for us to follow them back inside Del’s home.

I take note of their expressions, which are both serious, and I can already sense that something important is on their minds.

As we step inside, I close the door behind us, and we all gather in the living room – myself, Del, Jace, Anna and Lottie getting as comfortable as we can.

“What’s going on?” I ask, trying to read their faces, as they eye one another briefly silently deciding on who would speak up first.

Anna takes a deep breath before speaking out. “We’ve been doing some research on Clara, and we’ve learned some disturbing things about her past relationships that we thought you should all know.”

I squint at her words, not understanding fully what she meant yet. They done research on Clara? How


“How the hell did you both do that exactly?!” My tone comes out harsher than intended, now worried that they had put themselves in danger through this silly idea…

Lottie chimes in next, noticing my displeased response- “We only asked to call a couple of people. Nothing too serious. But yeah, we discovered that it’s not just Del who she’s hurt. The two guys we’ve spoke to so far, both have similar stories about her being possessive and physically aggressive.” Lottie explains, easing my racing temper ever so slightly as I wait for more.

At least they had only spoke with people over the phone… no doubt guys that I already knew from school or around town too…

“What do you mean by physically aggressive? What did she do to them?” Del questions next, evidently aggravated and curious by their update.

Anna continues this time, “She hit them too, Del. One of them even said he has pictures of burns that she gave him. She actually burnt him with a curling wand when he was asleep because she found a text to a girl on his phone!” She announces in disbelief, as Jace eyes me cautiously before turning his


Chapter 104

attention back to them both.

I grit my teeth, anger bubbling up inside of me. “That’s unacceptable. We can’t let her get away with this. I announce, the thought of the female irking my skin completely.

Lottie nods in agreement of my words next. “Exactly. We’ve been thinking about taking legal action against her? Sure we could run her out of town, but she would only go on to do the same to other guys that way! At least with a criminal charge, she can’t hide her past!” Lottie speaks, as my eyes are fixed on her as she does so.

When the hell did she get so smart and confident?!

“Just think? With the evidence we could gather now, we can make sure she faces the consequences of her actions.” Anna adds, as the three of us guys remain silent – deep in thought of our next steps.

“Yeah I’ll agree, that’s a good idea. I wish you would have told us though before snooping around and calling other guys?!” I state firmly, my mind doing overtime with the situation.

Anna looks slightly apologetic, “I’m sorry, Alex. We just wanted to be useful in all of this for once! We wanted to help you guys find out more about her and see if there were any patterns in her past behaviour. We can’t just let her go on like this!” Anna defends, as I nod once in acknowledgment of what she is saying. Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

I can sort of see their point…

“We didn’t mean to upset any of you, but we felt like we needed to gather as much information as possible to help protect Del and anyone else that she might hurt.” Lottie adds next, as I know deep down they only meant well with the snooping.

Jace interjects s next, gaining our attention – “Well, at least they did it with good intentions and they found out some decent information, right? We all want nothing more than to make sure that bitch

can’t hurt anyone else again – especially Del. And honestly, it’s better to know what we’re dealing with so we can plan our next move.” Jace shrugs, as I acknowledge his point too.

I just can’t help but get protective whenever Lottie meddles in something… I want to be in control of every situation and how things are handled… otherwise I get stressed that people are putting themselves in danger without thinking…

Del nods in agreement, “Yeah, I hate to admit it, but they might be onto something here. If we can gather up so much evidence against her, along with having witnesses willing to testify now, then we can press some serious charges! It’s what she needs to realise that she can’t act this way – and that she chose the wrong fucking guy this time around!” Del rants, sharing his thoughts on the dilemma.

After all, his opinion is probably the most valid in all of this!

I take a deep breath, realizing that they are all right. As much as I don’t like the idea of Lottie and Anna


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reaching out to Clara’s ex–boyfriends without our knowledge, I can’t deny that their intentions are good, and that the Information they found is highly valuable.

“You’re right,” I say, finally relenting. “We need to know what we’re up against. But from now on, let’s work together and make sure we’re all on the same page before taking any further actions. I don’t like when shit gets done behind my back!” I warn, as the girls both smile at my confirmation.

Lottie and Anna nod eagerly in agreement, understanding my point. “Of course, Alex. We won’t do anything without discussing it with you guys first if it makes things easier. Lottie chimes, as I smile

at her next.

“Yeah totally! We only thought of the idea yesterday when you where in a meeting and we just took it from there! We didn’t even know what would come from it.” Anna adds after.

“Good,” I reply, feeling a sense of unity returning to our group. “Now, let’s all focus on gathering more evidence and consult with our lawyer before making any moves. We need to make sure we have a solid

case against her first. She won’t be expecting this! I state.

Anna smiles, “Agreed! And we should try and talk to Amy too. She might have more insights into Clara’s behavior and maybe with some convincing, she would be willing to cooperate with us.” She suggests, as I squint slightly.

“Who is Amy?” I deadpan, as I look to Del and Jace who also shrug.

“One of her only friends! I only know her because she was a cheerleader back when we where like ten!” Anna explains quickly, as we all nod along with the details.

“Sure!” I agree, before pulling up my lawyers number on my phone.

As we continue to discuss our plan, I can see the determination in everyone’s eyes. Maybe we could actually get this bitch seriously charged? It would be the best karma there is!

We’re in this together, always, and we won’t let Clara get away with her abusive behaviour. Nobody fucks with this group and gets away with it! They never have and never will!

After gathering ourselves and discussing the next steps, I decide to make a call to our favourite lawyer, Mr. Johnson. At this point, he knows us well, so I trust him to provide the best possible legal advice that

we need.

“Hello, Mr. Johnson? It’s Alex. I hope you’re doing well,” I greet him as he answers the call, before I stand up to leave the room for more privacy.

*Hello, Alex. It’s always good to hear from you. How can I assist you today?” He replies warmly, as I head into the kitchen.

I briefly explain the situation with Clara and the evidence we have gathered so far. Mr. Johnson listens


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attentively, asking questions to better understand the extent of the issue.

“From what you’ve told me, it sounds like you have strong evidence against her already, especially with the CCTV footage and testimonies from her ex flings. If this evidence can be corroborated and is presented properly, it could be crucial in pressing the charges you want to.” He advises, as I make mental note to gather everything into a file.

would suggest you continue gathering any additional evidence, which could be anything at all such as texts, emails, or other witnesses who can attest to her behavior. It might also be helpful to document any incidents or encounters with her moving forward too just to be safe.” He adds.

“Yeah great, thanks, Mr. Johnson. We’ll make sure to do that. We also thought about talking to Amy, Clara’s friend, to see if she can provide more insights, but do you think this could backfire? She might tell Clara that we are looking to charge her. I share, wanting his professional opinion first.

“Hmm… well that could, indeed, be beneficial for you. Gathering as much information as possible will only strengthen your case. Just be cautious and make sure you’re careful not to engage in any actions that could be considered illegal or retaliatory. If she finds out then she finds out, it won’t make a difference to the case.” The lawyer explains, as I nod to myself.


Mr. Johnson provides us with guidance on the legal steps we can take, such as filing a police report and seeking a restraining order if needed in the meantime leading into court. He also advises us with a criminal lawyer specialized in assault cases to ensure we build a strong case against Clara through them too.

I thank him, hanging up, before reporting back to the group with another update…

With the legal advice in mind, we decide to gather the security footage from Del’s home first.

We review the footage together, feeling a tsunami of anger wash upon us as we witness Clara trashing Del’s car and spray painting his home in a fury.

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The sight is disturbing, and it strengthens our resolve to take legal action against her. We know we must put a stop to her destructive behavior and protect ourselves and others from her future actions….

“I don’t believe she can be real! Look at her!” Jace comments, as we watch the footage in horror as she takes a crow bar to Dels car windows.

She has most definitely fucking lost it… this has to end! Mark my words….

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