It Comes In Three's

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Aler’s POV




1 waste no time before climbing in to start up the car, pulling out of there in a flash, as my mind races after exiting the pub.

eal, and I cant let

The urgency of the situation weighs heavily on me, and I know now that I can’t waste any more time. The danger Lattie is facing is real, them get away with their sinister plan….

“What the fuck happened in there?!” Jace looks puzzled, as I drive off, furious and knowing that I now need to gather up all of my men in order to conduct a plan.

“Call Zack!” I yell, as I drive out of there in a daze, a million thoughts crashing into my mind.

“Don’t forget to grab the pizza before going home!” Jace tells me seconds before I make a wrong turn, which causes me to groan loudly – feeling flustered.

I side eye him as he pulls his phone out, calling Zack as he places it on loud speaker for us both to hear.

“Jace? Why did you guys just drive off like that?” Zack’s voice comes through, confused as they still remain in their vehicle outside of the pub.

me where they end

“Listen to me, this shit is serious! Freddie is a fucking snake! We can’t trust him! Follow them again when they leave there and tell me w up! Don’t lose them! I’ll tell you more information soon.” I ramble loudly, as lace’s eyes widen in shock.

I pull up harshly outside of the pizza place, dragging my hands down my face from the stress i was now under…

“Yeah of course! Will I call some of our other guys to keep tabs on Freddie now too then? Zack suggests, as I nod before responding

“Yeah do that! Don’t let any of those bastards out of your sights!” I fume, before he confirms the plan and hangs up on us.

Jace stares over

over at me in shock, mouth open, as I breathe heavily in and out… trying to remain in control.

“Let me go grab the pizza, then you can tell me everything lace clears his throat, exiting the car, as my surroundings fall silent–allowing me time to actually think.

This shit was a growing problem now… and we still didn’t know who the fuck had chased Lottie through town that day either! Who knows how many people are in on this, out to get her and watch her suffer all because she did the right thing by putting those abusers behind bars!

Jace doesn’t take long, as he comes back and shoves the pizzas in the back seat, before climbing back in to the front beside me. “How longs it been?” I find myself asking, remembering that the others thought we had only gone out for pizza.

“Forty five minutes, Anna called just before you came back out too but 1 just told her that the place was busy and they only had one chef in.” face shrugs as I nod slowly, taking a moment to compose myself as I close my eyes over.

Silence falls between us again, the only sound being the sound of my breathing in the car.

“Bro, what the fuck has happened?! What the hell did you see that has you so riled up? Freddie is a rat – how could that be?!” Jace breaks the silence next, sounding conflicted.

Freddie’s pub.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions before recounting everything I had witnessed inside F

I tell Jace about Lottie’s mother and the dirty cop, their twisted plan to harm Lottie, and how Freddie was in on it all along all for some extra cash!

“Freddie is the one whose been delivering those threatening letters to Anna’s address! Her own mother and the cop drive out here, hand them over to Freddie with some cash and he makes sure they are put through Anna’s letterbox on a weekly basis. They are all fake letters addressed to Lottie from Tommy in prison!” I explain, clenching my fists in frustration. And now they want Freddie to kill her, all for some twisted idea of justice it’s bad lace worse than I even thought.”

Jace’s eyes widen, and he shakes his head in utter disbelief. “I can’t fucking believe this shit! Freddie of all people after the stuff you’ve did for him in the past? How could he be helping them after helping us defeat them only a year ago? Surely he wouldn’t even attempt to kill her?! What has seriously gotten into him?!” Jace rants, conflicted with the update.

Chapter 119

+109 Bonus

“Greed and desperation, that’s what. He’s willing to betray us and hurt Lottie for the right price was his words exactly.” I reply, my voice heavy in anger as 1 recount what I heard. But I wont let any of them get away with it. We need to gather all of our allies, plan our next move carefully, and tal

06:20 them down one by one… I want them all dead… including the pig cop, I won’t hold back anymore!” I retort

Jace nods, his expression determined. “We won’t let them hurt Lottie. She’s been through enough already, and she doesn’t deserve this, we’ll protect her,

no matter what.”

and I trust him with my life.

1 feel a sense of relief knowing that fare is and has always been on my side. We’ve been through so much together, and It

“We need to gather everyone we have to ensure that this is done right! I don’t want there to even be a single trace of evidence that could lead their deaths back to us!” I say, my mind already forming a plan.

lace nods again, fully engaged in the strategy. “Yeah this shit has gone on long enough now! I was just waiting for you to finally put a target on their heads… I know it’s hard, but at least try and hold yourself together tonight for the girls sakes!” Jace suggests, as I crack the window to allow some air

into the car

As we drive of I start outlining my plan to lace. We need to gather more evidence and build an airtight case against Lottie’s mother, the cop, and Freddie on the off chance that we get caught for what’s about to go down… it will look like self defence in a court… nothing more.

But that plan is only for the off chance that we do, in fact, actually get caught which I don’t intend to,

“I took a video when I was in there too… it is proof of the whole conversation that I heard… you can see all of their faces in it clearly too. 1 tell face, as we drive back towards my home.

Going to the police with this isn’t an option, as we can’t trust anyone within the system now either. We need to handle this ourselves, discreetly and strategically.

“Another thing too… Freddie spoke about the other night, when Lottie was chased and ran into the bar… Freddie just thought that her mother and the cop had set that up too, but they were confused and seemed to have no connection. I explain, nearing my home now as I rush as much information out at lace in the time that I have

Jaces face turns into a scod as he eyes me- “So it was just some random creep that chased her? That girl can’t seem to catch a damn break can she?!” Jace complains.

“Maybe not just a random creep, but maybe it was someone else with bad intentions against Lottie? It doesn’t sit right with me, I need to know the names of everybody who wishes her harm so that I can end them.” I state, before pulling up my driveway–stopping the car.

I sigh, knowing that I now had to put on an act in order to convince Lottie that everything was normal and fine. She was pregnant now, she doesn’t deserve to stress over all of this… I have things under control for her! NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Or at least I will have things under control soon enough once I’m done with them and they are buried…

I take a moment to collect myself before stepping out of the car, jace follows suit, and we head inside the house where Lottie, Anna, Key and Del are waiting for their pizza.

“Hey, a

„were finally back!” Jace calls out cheerfully, trying to act as normal as possible,

Lottie looks up, smiling at us. “Hey, did you guys get the pizza? I’m starving!” She remarks, as I force a smile.

“Yeah, we got it. Sorry, there was just a bit of a wait at the pizza place.” I reply, doing my best to keep my emotions in check.

Del eyes me, knowing the real reason we had went out, as I offer him a curt nod- meaning I would fill him in on the events of the night soon enough.

“Is everything okay? You both seem stressed.” Anna comments, opening up the pizza boxes for everyone to tuck in.

I force a smile and nod. “Yeah, just a long wait for the food. I announce, as they all chuckle – believing me

As we sit down to eat, I can’t help but feel a mix of guilt and fury building inside me. Guilt for keeping this burden hidden from Lottie, and sheer rage at what I had witnessed tonight – especially from Freddie who I thought was an ally of ours.

After dinner, we all gather in the living room. Lottie cuddles up to me, resting her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her, trying to act


Chapter 119

We put on a movie, as everyone gets comfortable, however my mind works overtime during the first half unable to focus on anything other than urgent next steps towards keeping my doll sale.




As the movie continues, Lottie starts to dore off in my arms.

I smile softly, grateful for this moment of tranquility amidst the chaos. It’s getting late, and everyone all most likely spend the night here.

eryone seems tired now too–so I’m assuming they will

Gently, I lift Lottie into my arms and stand up, careful not to wake her. I whisper to the others that III take her to bed, and they nod in understanding some of them stretching and standing up to do the same.

Carrying her upstairs, I lay Lottie down on the bed and pull the covers over her. She stirs slightly, but then settles into a peaceful sleep. I watch her for a moment, feeling a mix of love and protectiveness wash over me,

1 won’t let anything bad happen to her… ever!

With Lottie safe and sound, I head along to my home office phone in hand as I construct a group text to all at this point

twenty t

two guys that I trust with my life

I tell them that there will be a meeting tomorrow morning at my main office, and that it’s urgent, I state that I need all of them there, and sharp.

As the men respond, letting me know that they’ve seen the message and that they will be there for me, I sigh in relief.

This will end… whether that be the hard way, or by death.

Chapter Comments

Gry Mari Hellevik




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