It Comes In Three's

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Chapter 122




Alex’s POV

The next morning, I wake up early and get ready for the day ahead. Today is a crucial day for me as this will be the day that we track down Freddie and deal with him for his betrayal.

After a quick breakfast, I drop Lottie and Anna off at the office for their first official day as employees.

I show them to their new office space, bigger than the one I had them working in yesterday, and I let them know that they have full creative control to redecorate it as they wish.

They seem excited, already discussing ideas on how to make the space their own as they use the iPads to search for new things to add.

“Alright, girls, here’s the plan for the day. You’ll be working on implementing your new social media and marketing ideas. After lunch, you will have a meeting with the four other employees who will be working under you to help you out. You’ll be leading the marketing campaign, so you’ll direct them on their new tasks. I trust you both to do a fantastic job, and every two weeks, I will schedule you in for updates. I want to see progress.” I explain, as they nod enthusiastically.

Lottie and Anna are excited and eager to take on the responsibility. I have no doubt that they’ll thrive in their new roles and bring fresh ideas to the company after what they had created


“I’ll be stepping out for the day to visit potential properties,” I inform them, not wanting to reveal my true intentions. They don’t question me on it either, assuming that it’s just a regular business day for me.

Little do they know, that I’m on a mission to confront Freddie…

I head out, knowing that Lottie and Anna will be safe and taken care of at the office – with my new, much stricter security now in place too.

My main concern is dealing with the immediate threat that Freddie poses. He has to pay for his actions and betrayal.

I meet up with Del and Jace in town, as they both crack their knuckles and eye me steadily… their adrenaline hyped and ready.

“Let’s find this fucker!” I retort, as they chuckle and follow me in the direction of Freddie’s bar at the end of the street.

I waste no time, taking sudden joy in the thought of killing him in his own pub – his pride and joy – as I push the doors open and walk in.

Some of the locals wave over to me, calling out to me to say hi as I nod in acknowledgment- my eyes scanning the room for Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.


desired target.

I walk up to the bar, signalling for the guy behind it who rushes towards me in an instant.

“Hey Alex! What do you want? It’s on the house?” He smiles, trying to be friendly, as I continue to look around.

“I’m not here to drink. Where’s Freddie?” I demand, as his eyes widen slightly.

“Oh, uh, I think he’s down at the gym, he’s not been in all morning but he might show up here later.” The guy explains, as I nod once – signalling for Del and Jace to check the back anyway.

The guy looks worried, as they make their way into the back of the bar – scoping out the whole building to ensure that he isn’t actually hiding in here.

“He left me something in there, told me to pick it up. That’s all.” I shrug off the situation, as the guy nods along in understanding.

I didn’t need this guy to call Freddie and tell him we’ve been here…

Jace and Del reappear, shaking their heads as I nod. With that, we turn, heading back out of the pub and towards the cars. Well I guess it’s just the gym we have to check then…

We make our way to the gym where Freddie is said to be. The adrenaline courses through my veins, knowing that we’re getting closer to confronting him for his betrayal.

We park the cars a few blocks away from the gym, not wanting to raise any suspicions or to be seen on any of the security cameras.



Chapter 122

As we approach the gym, we take the back entrance to again avoid the cameras, as I take a moment to brief Jace and Del on the plan.

+10%/ Bonus

“We’ll split up once we’re inside. I’ll head to the manager’s office because no doubt that will be where Freddie is, and you two will clear out the 01:10 Sloot. Tell everyone that the gym is closing early today due to some maintenance issue. We don’t want any witnesses to what’s about to happen,” I instruct them, as they listen and follow my plan intently.

They nod in agreement, knowing the importance of keeping things discreet.

With a deep breath, I push open the gym’s back door, and we enter the bustling workout space…..

Lace and Del quickly get to work, approaching the gym–goers with confident authority, informing them of the sudden closure for maintenance. Their words are persuasive, and people start gathering their belongings and heading toward the exit.

As the gym empties out, I discreetly make my way up the steps to the manager’s office on the second floor. My heart pounds in anticipation of the confrontation, as I grow antsy wanting to end him for what he’s done.

Once I reach the second floor, I spot the door to the manager’s office. I give it a knock, before twisting the handle to allow myself entry-

“Come in.” Freddie’s voice calls from inside the office, before he snaps around to see that I have already done so.

Freddie looks up from his desk, his face showing surprise at seeing me as he grows flustered – scrambling with some papers as he clears me a space to sit down. “Alex? What are you doing here?!” He asks in a rush, attempting to sound innocent amongst his fear.

“I was just in the area and thought I’d drop by and see how things are in my own gym. How’s everything going with you?” I reply, trying to gange his reaction, taking a seat and getting comfortable for his upcoming performance.

He hesitates for a moment before responding, “Uh, everything’s fine here. Just keeping myself busy between here and the pub,, you know?” He trails off, clearing his throat..

I pretend to buy his act,, even though I know he’s lying through his teeth. “Yeah, I can imagine. So, remember you told us that some cops were snooping around in the pub the other might?” I question, as he eyes me warily and nods.

“Y–Yeah! Did you find out why? They might not have even been real cops I’m not totally sure!” Freddie laughs dryly, as I study him squirming beneath

1. me.

“Nope, haven’t managed to find out anything about it. Have they been back at all since?” I raise a brow, as he shakes his head this time.

“Not when I’ve been in–no!” He states firmly, as I hum at his response.

He’s been lying this whole time… sending me on little goose chases to distract me from what’s really going on…

“How is Lottie… after the other night? She was really shaken up when she came in! I’m glad we could help her.” Freddie’s expression shifts slightly, trying to sound caring as my stomach chumus.

“She’s great now actually. Turns out it was just some kid from her school – harmless really but she was scared nonetheless. I actually came here to thank you for letting her hide out at your pub My face grows stiff as I attempt to keep my emotions in check.

“Oh anytime Alex! I’m always here to help you both out! Freddie laughs awkwardly, as I continue to stare at him – bewildered by the act he was putting

1. on.

I can tell he’s getting uneasy, which only confirms my suspicions. he’s guilty. It’s written all over his face.

I stand up from my position on the seat, turning to look through the blinds on the window overlooking the gym floor – thankful to see that it had been successfully cleared.

“Well, the good news is, we also think that we know whose behind sending those letters to Anna’s place now.” I smile, my back still turned to him.

Let’s see how he handles this one…

“Ob really? That’s great Alex! Who was it?” Freddie babbles, playing along as though he thinks I am stupid.

“Why don’t you tell me Freddie? Old pal?” I turn to him now, seeing his eyes widen and mouth fall open at my sudden words.



Chapter 122

“W–What? Alex son…” Freddie trails off, as I chuckle loudly at him. He’s a fucking coward. Greedy for money…



I decide to drop the act, no longer interested in playing games with him. “Cut the act now, Freddie. I know what you did.” I deadpan, as his eyes da01:07 around the room – landing on the door before landing back on me.

He’s not stupid enough to even try to run is he?

“Alex it’s not what you think! Whatever you’ve been told, it’s not true!” Freddie pleads, as I shake my head at him.

Little does he know I heard and seen him in the act with my own two eyes. It most certainly is true… he’s a rat!

“Do you want to know why I really came to find you today?” I pace back and forth slowly, hands behind my back as I enjoy the sight of the sweat that builds on his forehead.

“I’m here to make you pay for betraying me and for putting Lottie in danger,.. correct me if I’m wrong here Freddie, but you plan to kill my girl?” I question, my voice cold and firm as I turn to face him again.

Freddie’s face turns pale, and he stands from his chair slowly and tries to back away from me- “Alex I know they’ve told you that! Her mother and the cop! They’ve set me up!” Freddie bargains next, unbelievable!

“That’s funny… because I actually heard it all for myself… the conversation between you three. You’re nothing but a snake, pretending to be loyal while plotting behind my back. You messed with the wrong person and you most definitely picked the wrong side this time Freddie.” I growl, as the panic and confusion takes over his features.

He tries to defend himself, by dashing towards the door, however I catch him and throw him back into the room – crashing him into a table.

“B–But how?! How do you even know this?!” Freddie blunders, as I can’t help but almost cackle at the sight of his petrified face.

To think I trusted him, and done all of this for him. This is where greed gets you!

As Freddie cowers back before me, I can’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He’s finally facing the repercussions of his betrayal, and I won’t stop until justice is completely served.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Jace and Del have successfully cleared out the gym, leaving us alone in the manager’s office.

There are no witnesses now to what’s about to unfold, and Freddie is about to learn the hard way that he should never have messed with me and my

loved ones…

“Alex please don’t! Think of what I’ve done for you my boy! We were going to take your fights professional! Please let me redeem myself! I didn’t know the girl meant this much or I would have never agreed to kill her – I thought she was a side chick of yours!” Freddie begs, backing up completely as his

back hits the wall.

I’m done…

With that, I snap, lunging towards him – tackling him to the ground. He practically squeals like a little bitch, as I pummel heavy punches into his face.

I drag him around a bit, enjoying his fear and his pathetic yells for help a little too much – before I decide to pull out my gun from my waistband – pulling the trigger – before…


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