It Comes In Three's

Chapter 55

Chapter 55Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Aler POV

“Alex! Alex wake up! There’s been a sighting! One of the guys just rang it in1" Del shakes me, as my eyes fly open and I immediately climb out of bed.

I turn back to see Lottie grumble, as she rolls over and attempts to go back to sleep.

I pull on joggers, before following Del out of my room in a hurry. He leads me downstairs, where I find Jace who also seems alert.

It was ten in the morning, and I had slept in after my deep conversation with Lottie last night… it must have taken it out of us both.

"What's going on?" Anna enters the room next, eyeing us oddly as we seem tense and on edge.

“We’ve found them. One of our guys spotted them at the McDonalds grabbing breakfast this morning! He then followed them and said they drove into the trailer park just outside of town! They must be renting one of them there!” Del rushes the information at us, as I mentally cheer at the victory.

Where is he now? Our guy?” Anna questions, seeming invested as she takes a seat.

Parked outside of the trailer park still, he’s waiting for them to leave again… they’ve rented a car too… a navy blue pickup truck he said!” Del adds, reciting everything he was told on the call.

“That’s not rented! Isn’t that the car Lottie said they would steal back home? One of their fathers trucks?” Anna adds, pointing out the detail as I nod in confirmation.

“Bastards lied and made out that they didn’t drive here… they must ve said that so Lottie wouldn’t expect or look out for the truck!” I grumble, as Jace shakes his head.

“Sleazy fuckers!” Jace adds, stating an honest fact.

“So what now? We could easily go over there and find their trailer and kill them!” face throws the idea out, as I smile in thought.

It would be that easy… people die in trailers all of the damn time around here… The cops don’t even care at this point!

“You can’t just go over there and kill them! What happened to the more organised fight plan?” Anna, being the voice of reason reminds us of the original choice.

I would love nothing more than to walk in there and kill the three of them… torture them to death… but Lottie asked us not to.

“We need to have them followed for a few days at least… find out what their patterns are… if they speak to the same people… then we will know how to get Freddie involved!‘ I tell the group my idea, as they all agree.

“They don’t know what they’re dealing with yet, so they won’t suspect anyone to be keeping tabs on them – it’s easy enough. We will know if they return back to Anna’s, or if they attempt to head over here – we can prepare for them!” I add my reasoning, as they nod next

“Makes sense!” Del praises, before getting out his phone – as face follows his lead and leaves the room to contact our guys with the updates.

“How is she? Anna questions me next, as we remain alone, her voice laced with concern.

“Lottie? Well she opened up more last night… pretty much told me everything… it’s worse than we think Anna.” I inform her best–friend, feeling that she has a right to know having helped her since day one of her getting here.

“I was scared to think about how bad things were for her… poor girl! Why can’t they just quit this? She’s harmless!” Anna fumes, as I agree. She’s right.

“They are twisted fucks who would get a thrill out of tormenting her. Her own Mother didn’t give a shit either! I rant, as Anna scoffs.

“Yeah I figured! I’ve spoke to her Mother on the phone too and she’s a right bitch! The best thing she done was leave them all behind and it makes me so damn angry that they have bothered to come here to harass her again!” Anna’s concern is evident when her voice quivers slightly towards the end.

“She’s at least safe here with us.” Anna adds with a sigh, before standing and offering me a curt nod.

“I'll go upstairs and wake her up, bring her down for some beakfast hebertad Tell her whats going on its a nice day again so she won’t online shopping with me by the pool." Anna chuckles, as I offer her a small smile.

I was glad that Lottie had Anna and vice–versa. They both needed one another in order to survive…

I have to keep in mind that it’s Anna’s birthday tomorrow too, we can't let her suffer because of them!

Lottie will also be disappointed about not celebrating for her too…

I'll have her write me a list today of gifts to buy Anna at the mall and I can collect them later - that way Lottie will feel less guilty about being on lockdown on her friends birthday.

She can wrap the gifts and surprise her tomorrow and hopefully, it will help lift all of their spirits.Perhaps we could take them to Jace's place for dinner and a few drinks…somewhere different.

At least now we know where those fuckers are and we can keep on top of where the stats being seen.

This new information is a crucial turning point for us though. We finally have a lead on those who have caused Lottie so much pain, and it's essential now that we handle this situation strategically.

I head to the kitchen to join Del in making the necessary calls to our team, instructing them to roditeliance on the trailer park Haberecht truck. We emphasize the importance of gathering information without raising suspicion, allowing us to plan our next move effectively.

The knowledge that those responsible for Lotties torment are now within reach fuels my temper dancer and stick che teeth down their seramy throats.

Anna and Lottie soon enter the kitchen, as I move to her - placing a gentle kiss on her lips which she accepts.

They keep busy with chat, taking some toast on a plate outside, before preparing to enjoy a day by the pool, shopping online, and preparing for Anna's birthday. It's important to keep a sense of normality amidst the chaos, and seeing Lottle find moments of happiness when with Anna - brings me a sense of peace - since she's always laughing and smiling with her.

“Lottie! Come in here a sec!" I call out of the piano doors, as she stands with her toast in hand - walking inside.

"It's Anna's birthday tomorrow.. and I know that our current situation isn't ideal...but I want you to write me a list of thisngs you would like to get her for her birthday and I'll pick it up at the mall today." I tell her, as she shuffles from foot to foot in nothing other than one of my oversized shirts on top of her bikini...

I'm getting distracted...

"I wish I had my own money to buy it with." Lottie sighs, as wave her off–placing the paper and pen on the counter before her.

“What’s mine is yours now dool! I have more than enough so please write everything down that you want to get! It will make her birthday more special tomorrow." I encourage, as she seems to think on it before picking up the pen.

“Can you Google things for me on your phone? I have a couple of ideas but might need some help." Lottie instructs as I nod and pull out my phone - sitting on the stool for comfort.

“She really likes the black opium perfume so that's a good one! She was also looking at a pair of Nike sneakers- a pair of denks I think thet are called? Let me find them!" Lottie takes my phone, before clicking onto a couple of stores, eventually finding the sneakers in question.

‘It’s these! They are so cute!" She shows me the baby pink and white sneakers, as I take a screenshot, with an idea now of what I'm looking for.

I sit with her for the next twenty minutes, as we write down and screenshot different gifts to buy her, before ending the list at seventeen items.

“Are you sure there’s nothing more that you want to add?" I encourage, as she scans the list and shakes her head one last time.

“Very well… I’ll grab wrapping paper and Jace's Mom is picking up balloons tonight. We are going over there for dinner and drinks tomorrow to celebrate. I'll be back soon." I kiss her once more after telling her the plan, before she blushes and says goodbye–heading back outside towards Anna who was scrolling on her iPad by the pool.

I felt content now, knowing that I had those three horrors under my watch....

It’s only a matter of time now…

Until I end them!

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