Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


An evacuation alarm suddenly went off and a group of security guards in breather masks rushed in and dragged the three out of the terminal and into a waiting transport. Bal was now deeply kissing Jack who was on the floor of the truck with the two ebony females clinging to his chest. He alternated kissing Bal then Gee and they ran their hands over his groin until they arrived at their destination. The Security team pulled them from the truck and scrambled into the hospital.

“Quarantine Protocol!” one of the agents called out and the halls cleared. Gee and Bal were pried away from Jack and were taken into side rooms to be sealed behind closed doors.

They continued to hustle Jack down a hallway. He saw they were at a hospital and vaguely worried that someone was sick or injured.

Then he was lifted onto a bed and strapped down. The team rushed from the room and the door was closed.

Jack’s head spun. The tingling pressure in his groin was intense. He needed release but he saw he was well and truly trapped in the bed. His forehead throbbed and itched terribly. He rested his head back and soon slipped into a restless sleep.

When he woke he saw a number of females in breathing masks standing around his bed. He had a clear bag dripping its contents through a tube into his left arm and a cloudy bag dripping into a tube connected to his right arm. He looked down at the fierce tingling and saw he was tenting the sheets. His scalp was still itching like crazy. He tried talking but the oxygen mask over his mouth muffled his words. There was a hiss sound and he slipped once more into a deep sleep.

The next time he woke he felt rested and the pressure was gone. He saw he was no longer tenting the sheets and most wonderful of all Karrel was standing beside the bed.

“Karrel! You’re back! I’ve missed you!” he blurted then felt stupid as he knew Altarians didn’t maintain those kinds of relationships.

“Hello Jack! I hope you are feeling better!” she smiled.

He drank in her slim build, chocolate brown coloring and her lovely eyes. He couldn’t help himself. She might not have the same longing for a long term relationship but his human sensitivities did. Then her words registered.

“Have I been sick?” he asked.

He looked down and saw he was no longer in restraints. “Why was I in restraints?” he asked. He turned his head and something felt different. He started to reach up and Karrel caught his hands. She smiled at him.

“Wait for the doctor. She’ll be here in a moment,” she said.

He gripped her hands and took comfort in their simple touch. “How have you been? I was told that you were having meetings with the Regency! That must have been exciting!”

Karrel smiled broadly and squeezed his hands. “I’ve been very well. I have much to tell you but here’s your doctor who also needs to speak to you. I’ll leave you two alone.”

“No! I mean, please stay,” Jack blurted.

The doctor, a light almost white blond Altarian nodded in agreement. “Hello, Mr. Danner. I’m Jinnae, the Chief Physician here at the hospital. The first thing I want you to know is that you are currently perfectly healthy. What you have gone through has not affected your general health.”

Jack smiled and felt relief. Karrel gave him a happy smile.

The doctor continued. “That said, you’ve had a rather unique reaction to your time spent here on Altaria. We’re trying to determine exactly why you reacted in the way you did and the closest we can get is that it was a combination of a rare Altarian virus, a genetic predisposition, and environmental factors. The exact measure of each of these components is unknown. We can say with great confidence that your condition has stabilized and you seem to have reached the end of the changes your body was undergoing. Again, you are very healthy!”

“Why does my head feel funny?” he asked.

“Before I answer that I need to ask you just a few questions so we can pinpoint some of those factors that led to the reaction. Can you tell me how many times you have mated with Altarian females since you’ve been here?” Jinnae asked.

Jack was surprised by the forward question. “Sorry, I couldn’t tell you a number,” he replied, embarrassed.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well, can you tell me how frequently you have sex?” she returned.

He squirmed as he worked out the estimate. “On average… two to four times a day… but sometimes only once!”

The doctor looked at him in shock then at Karrel who was smiling fondly at Jack. “Every day? Since you arrived?” the doctor asked.

“Yes… Is that bad?” he blurted.

“No! Just… surprisingly frequent. So you’ve been exposed to female musk every day for an extended period of time.” she said tapping on her tablet. He nodded.

“Doctor, Jack also does something our males do not do. He ingests female sexual secretions… from the source.” Karrel blushed.

“Ingests… orally? He uses his mouth down there?” she whispered looking shocked.

“Yes, it is extremely stimulating and never fails to deliver the most powerful and wonderful org-”

“Karrel!” Jack yelped, embarrassed.

“Sorry, but the doctor needs to know!” she chastised him.

“I see, uh, do you make this part of every sexual liaison?” she asked, intimidated.

“Not every time but… many. Most.” he confessed.

“Have you- have you ingested the secretions of a fertile female. One who is not taking contraceptives and is at her time of peak ovulation?” the doctor asked Jack as her hands fidgeted on her tablet.

“How would I know?” he asked.

“The liquids… they would be sweeter from an increase in sugars.”

He looked at Karrel then recalled Marrell. “Yes, first from Karrel before she left to visit the Regency and just before I left for Earth I had sex with a Customs agent named Marrell. Her… secretions were very sweet and I… ingested a large quantity,” he blushed fiercely.

The doctor shared a look with Karrel. “I think we have a pretty good idea of the environmental factors contributing to your change.”

Jack’s forehead was beginning to itch so he lifted his hands to rub at it. His fingers gave him relief but he found something new.

“What- What’s on my forehead?” he gasped.

The doctor tapped her tablet and turned it to face him. The camera picked up his face and he saw, rising from his forehead, starting at his hairline, two symmetrical white streaked wide black horns curving back to a point roughly eight inches back. He also noted his hair was considerably longer.

“Horns? I’ve got- horns?” he croaked. Frightened he threw back the sheets and looked for other changes. He was naked but at least everything seemed human.

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