Just One More Temptation: Chapter 22
What the fuck just happened? One minute Noah and Fallon were having a great day and the next? His mother blew up their relationship and it appeared to be for good.
He’d asked Charlie if she could take the girls home so he could drive Fallon but she had to leave soon for a Zoom call with her team, and she needed the time without distraction. He understood. She’d had the girls to herself for the entire week.
So he waited outside for the Uber, silence reigning between them. And when she climbed into the car and he shut her inside, his world felt dark around him.
He walked back inside, joining his family, feeling the weight of his mother’s stare, but he had no desire to have another conversation. The girls’ chatter distracted him, as did the opening of gifts. He wished Fallon had been there to see his brother’s reaction to her candles. He’d loved the present, getting a good laugh out of all the various drink scents.
Charlie was getting ready to leave and once she’d said her goodbyes, Liam grasped him by the shoulder and propelled him out of the room and into their dad’s study, shutting the door behind him.
“Have a seat and talk to me. Your mood did a one-eighty after Fallon left and I didn’t buy her I don’t feel well excuse.” Since Liam had gotten to know Fallon recently, Noah wasn’t surprised his brother had picked up on something being wrong.
He lowered himself into his father’s favorite chair and Liam took the seat beside him. When they were in their late teens, after they’d moved here, it was the chair the boys took when they’d gotten into trouble.
“What happened?” his brother asked.
“Mom happened,” Noah muttered, drumming his fingers on the heavy leather of the armrest. “She cornered me in the hall and started grilling me about how Fallon was so much younger than me and would want babies one day. And how I’d already decided I was finished with the two I have, and why let us get in deeper and then have to end things?”
Nodding, Liam let out a low whistle. “Heavy. Okay, and you took this to Fallon today?”
“Hell, no. She was on her way to the bathroom when she heard her name and ended up catching the entire conversation.”
“Shit.” He leaned forward, his lips pulled into a firm line as he gave the situation some thought.
“Let me ask you something,” Liam said. “When did you decide no more kids?”
Noah scrubbed a hand over his face. “In the middle of the night when Dakota was screaming. Colic,” he reminded his brother.
“And do you mean it today? If it means losing Fallon? Or is it a mantra you’ve been repeating to yourself for years because you’ve been alone and there’s been no reason to consider more children in your future?”
Noah blinked. There were times Liam was a jokester and a charmer, but he was deeper than people realized after being jilted by his fiancée three years ago. His views on his own personal relationships these days might be skewed by that incident, but he’d hit on something Noah wouldn’t have thought of on his own.
“How do you feel about this woman?”
“I love her,” he immediately said. “And she loves me.”
Her words had settled inside him and warmed the parts of him that had been cold. For so long he’d been the twins’ dad. Someone’s boss. An attorney. But he hadn’t been a man with his own needs. Not until Fallon had he allowed himself to think about what he wanted or deserved in this life. Put himself first for once. Not at the girls’ expense. Never that. But he thought of himself, too.
“And if she got pregnant by accident, how would you feel?”
He let out a laugh. “You mean other than shocked?”
“Yes, asshole.” Liam smirked.
He closed his eyes and gave the question serious thought. Fallon pregnant with his child, her belly big and round with their baby. When Charlie had been pregnant, things were more clinical. He hadn’t been in love with her but he had been enamored with the idea of being a dad. But with Fallon, he’d be hands-on. Hands on her swollen stomach, the proprietary way he’d feel looking at her.
Was it worth the potential repeat of a screaming, colicky baby? The fear of being up at night with a sick child, croup or the flu taking down the whole house? Watching first steps, first words, having someone he loved to share the experience with.
He looked at his brother, the room and his sibling coming back into focus.
He tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling. “I’d feel damned lucky,” he admitted, the burden of his choice falling from his shoulders.
Yet he’d let her leave. He’d watched her drive away, accepting old decisions and feelings as how he felt now without giving the future and its ripe possibilities any thought. She was alone, sad, mourning the end of their relationship and he’d almost done the same.
“I hate giving you credit for anything, but thank you,” he said to Liam. “I have to go talk to her.”
His brother grinned. “I’m happy to take the girls home.”
The door pushed open and Dylan walked inside. “Daddy, I don’t feel well. My stomach hurts.” She was holding on to her belly and she didn’t look well at all, her pallor a slight gray.
He rose to his feet. “Did you overeat Grandma’s cookies? And have too much birthday cake?”
She shook her head. “I wasn’t hungry for cake. And I only had a couple of cookies.”
Placing the back of his hand on her forehead, he frowned. “You feel warm. Come on. Let’s get you home so you can rest. Go tell your sister we need to leave. I’ll be right there.”noveldrama
He turned to his sibling. “Thanks, Liam. I owe you. When you find the right woman, I’ll be there.”
His brother’s eyes widened in mock horror. Or was it real? “So many women, so little time, bro. Settling down isn’t for me.”
Noah shook his head, knowing Liam’s carefree attitude about women was a result of that painful breakup with his ex. “For now, Liam. For now.”
He spent the next twenty-four hours taking care of Dylan who’d ended up with a stomach virus. And for the twenty-four hours after that, it was Dakota’s turn. Noah was spared, as were the adults who’d been around them at his parents’ house, thank goodness.
Though he’d wanted to get in touch with Fallon, the twins kept him completely busy, either taking care of them when they were sick, changing sheets, or laying beside them when they didn’t feel well. As much as he’d love to reach out, anything he had to say to Fallon needed to be done in person.
* * *
Without the gallery to use for her painting, Fallon holed up in the second bedroom of her house and buried herself in her dark mood, from her music choice to her artwork. She ignored her phone, both calls and texts, wanting nothing more than to be alone. Once she worked the pain out of her system, she’d show her face again but she wasn’t ready.
The frustration she felt at being stuck by her needs and Noah’s desires was overwhelming. She was as irrationally angry at him for being uncompromising as she was with herself. And the fact that the majority of the calls and texts she avoided had been from Brooke and nothing from Noah didn’t help.
Her phone rang and a message came in from Brooke. I’m outside your door. Open it or I’m using my key.
“Fine!” She put down her brush and wiped her hands on a rag before walking through her apartment and opening the door. “Come in.”
“I will, grump. What’s going on? Why are you avoiding me? And your dad? And your brothers? Everyone is asking me what’s wrong with you and I haven’t a clue.”
Fallon sighed and gestured for Brooke to follow her to the kitchen. “Want something to eat or drink?” she asked.
Brooke shook her head. “No. I want answers. I’m worried about you.”
No sooner had she started to speak than the tears began to flow. Somehow, she managed to repeat the story from Sunday, how she’d walked away from Noah and the girls, and she hadn’t heard from him since.
“Oh, honey. Why didn’t you answer? I would have been here and helped you through it.”
She sniffed and grabbed the box of tissues she kept on the counter. “I wanted to suffer.” After blowing her nose, she tossed the tissues in the trash and washed her hands. “Seriously, I just wanted to wallow.”
Brooke slung an arm over her shoulders. “Have you eaten anything?”
Fallon shook her head. “Not much. Some crackers.”
“It’s ice cream time then.” Brooke opened the freezer and pulled out two pints of ice cream. “Vanilla or cookie dough?” she asked.
Thinking of how she and Noah shared a love of vanilla, she chose the cookie dough. Would avoiding his favorite flavor help make a healthy break? She had no idea.
A few minutes later, she and Brooke were curled into the family room couch, each taking an end and sharing a blanket over their feet while eating ice cream out of the containers. They didn’t talk. There was nothing to say that could change how Fallon was feeling, no suggestion that would let her and Noah meet halfway.
But she was happy to have company, glad her best friend pushed past the barrier she’d erected to the outside world and forced herself in.
At least she felt less alone.
The doorbell to her apartment rang and she glanced at Brooke.
“Expecting anyone?” her friend asked.
Fallon shook her head. “Make them go away,” she muttered.
“As you wish.” Brooke placed her pint on the cocktail table, put the spoon inside, and rose, walking to the door.
Fallon heard muffled voices and then Brooke called out to her. “I think you’re going to want to see this person.”
“I don’t want to see anyone,” she reiterated. Couldn’t a girl wallow in peace, she wondered.
Brooke’s footsteps sounded as she walked back, as did someone with a heavier tread.
“I said no company!” Fallon called out.
“Not even me?” Noah asked.
She jumped in her seat. Brooke immediately walked over and took her ice cream and spoon. Then she picked up her container in the other hand. “I think my job here is done. If he’s not here to patch things up, call me. I’ll tell Remy to shoot his ass,” she said of Fallon’s former detective brother who owned a gun.
“Ouch,” Noah muttered.
Brooke walked away from them and into the kitchen. Fallon listened to the sounds of her friend cleaning up, putting the ice cream in the freezer, before the front door shut behind her with a loud sound.
Noah stared at her and she returned the favor, taking in his mussed hair, the dark circles under his eyes, and the exhaustion prevalent on his face. But he was no less handsome because of it.
At least he hadn’t been any happier than her. “I’m tired, Noah. If you’re here to talk and rehash the impossible, I’m not up to it.”
He shook his head. “I’m not up to it, either. No sooner had you left my parents’ house than Dylan came down with a stomach bug. Twenty-four hours later, Dakota had it. It’s been a hellish forty-eight hours.”
She winced, feeling badly for him. “Are they okay now?”
He nodded. “Back to their bouncy selves. Me? Not so much.”
With a sigh, she gestured toward the sofa. “Why don’t you sit down?” He clearly wasn’t going to leave without saying what he came to say and he looked about to fall asleep where he stood.
He chose a chair across from the couch. “How are you?” he asked.
She shook her head. “I’d think that was obvious by looking at me. Please just have your say and go. I can’t do this again.” It hurt too much.
“Fine. Every once in a while, Liam has something intelligent to offer to the world.”
Unable not to, she laughed at his comment. “And what brilliance came out of his mouth besides what a catch he is?”
“To begin with, he asked how I felt about you and that was a no-brainer. I love you, too,” he said in a gruff, sexy voice. “And I’ve never said that to a woman I’ve been involved with. Ever.”
His gaze remained locked with hers as he spoke and she wasn’t sure if the words were welcome. Because she had even more to grieve now that she knew he felt the same way.
“Then he asked me how I’d feel if you came to me and said you were pregnant.”
She stilled, sensing a shift in energy in the room. A shift in Noah. “What did you say?” The question came out more a whisper tinged with hope.
“That I’d feel damn lucky if you were carrying my child. He made me think and realize the thought of having a baby is way different than actually having a child with you.”
“Which means?” She leaned in.
“Come here.”
She rose from her seat and stepped closer. When she reached him, he grasped her around the waist and pulled her onto his lap.
She fell willingly, breathing in his familiar scent and wrapping her arms around his neck, hoping she wasn’t in for another fall.
“It means I love you, Fallon, and I’m not letting you go. You want kids? Then I want babies. With you.”
She blinked, stunned by his one-eighty. “Are you going to resent me when—”
“Never. I meant it when I said I’d be damned lucky if you got pregnant with my child.”
“I didn’t mean right away,” she clarified. She had business goals too. But the personal ones? They dictated who she spent the rest of her life with. And she was still unable to believe this change was real. That he was here saying everything she’d needed to hear.
He let out a low chuckle. “Coming on the heels of the massive stomach virus outbreak, I’m glad to hear that.”
“So you really want a bigger family with me?”
“I want you and everything that goes along with you. If I haven’t been clear, I adore you, Fallon Sterling, and I want forever with you.”
Her heart rate picked up speed, happiness filling all the empty spaces inside her. “And I want forever with you. And your precious girls. I know you’re a package deal.”
He threaded his fingers through hers. “Do you have any idea how happy they’re going to be?”
She grinned. “I have an idea. But if you want to slow things down, give them time to get used to the idea of us…”
He shook his head. “Not a chance. Now that we’re on the same page about everything, it’s full steam ahead.” He brushed a strand of hair off her shoulder and leaned in, pressing his cheek to hers. “I love you and I’m sorry I put you through two days of hell before I got here to tell you.” His warm breath fanned her ear.
“Kiss me and I’ll forgive you,” she whispered back.
He sat back, then braced his palms against her cheeks. “You were a temptation from the day I met you and I never thought we were meant to be but we are.”
He brought their lips together in the sweetest kiss that quickly turned hot and out of control. She moaned and wriggled in his lap, feeling the hard ridge of his cock when she felt a vibration against her thigh. “What in the world?”
“My phone.”
He shifted in the seat and pulled his cell from his front pocket, checking the messages. “Dakota wants me to bring home pizza for dinner.”
He texted her back and placed the phone on the end table.
“Wait. I didn’t think the girls had cell phones?” Fallon asked.
“It’s a new development. Charlie got them phones so they could call her whenever they want. I have to admit, it comes in handy.”
“What did you tell her?”
“That I was bringing home pizza and a permanent surprise.”
She blinked and blinked again. “Permanent?”
He nodded. “You’re moving in with us. Now that I really have you, I don’t want you out of my sight.”
She shook her head. This man. “Ask me.”
“Tell me you’ll move in with me.” He chuckled, then winked at her. “Will you move in with us? Wake up to the shrieking of two nine-year-olds and deal with Dakota’s weird and often gross facts.”
She braced her hands on his shoulders and met his gaze. “Yes, Noah. I will.”
They had the rest of their lives to plan and live out their forever.
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