Kidnapped by my mate (Belle and Grayson)

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 4 Kidnapped by My Mate Chapter 4



There was something about Grayson that made me lose all control of myself whenever he touched me. I mean, he’d nearly just killed a man, and there I was making out with him in a bathroom.

He pulled my lower l*p into his mouth and sucked. I moaned loudly.

“Grayson,” I whimpered.

He groaned. “Keep saying my name like that, baby.”

He brought my earlobe into his mouth and bit down softly, then moved his l*ps down to my n*eck to suck, leaving several h ickeys behind.

He ground his hips against mine, hitting me in just the right spot, and I gasped, my head falling back against the mirror behind me.

I saw stars–real stars.

“Grayson!” I yelled.

How could he make me feel so good without even taking off a single article of clothing? This man had to be some sort of S** g od.

There were people pounding on the door, probably worried about me being alone with the psychotic man who had nearly killed someone…

But we were both too wrapped up in our euphoric feelings to pay attention to anything else.

His l*ps found the spot on my n*eck he’d been k*ssing earlier, and my b*dy had a literal convulsion as he sucked on it and licked it.

I ground my core into his hips as if I were some animal in heat-

Until blinding–hot pain shot through my system as his teeth suddenly plunged into my n*eck.

reamed and tried to shove him away from me, but his arms only held me tighter to his torso. UNLIMITED ht as I thought I would pass out from the pain, it turned into something else.

Warm pleasure ran through me, and I let out a sigh of relief and then a moan.

Warm pleasure ran through me, and I let out a sigh of rellen au

Wow, this is the best thing I’ve felt in my entire life.

I was overcome by the sudden need to be closer to Grayson and to never let him leave me, even though his teeth were still lodged in my n*eck.

I ran my hands up his chest, to his shoulders, and then around his n*eck.

I pulled his chest into mine and wrapped my legs around his hips. My forehead rested on his shoulder.

Grayson slowly retracted his teeth from my n*eck, licking the wound he had just made, and ran his hand up and down my back.

I shuddered. His touch was feeling ten times better than before.

Is that even possible?

I leaned back to look at him. His eyes weren’t black anymore.

“You bit me,” I said. My eyelids were drooping, all the energy starting to leave my b*dy.

Grayson nodded. His expression looked pained.

“Yes, I’m sorry. I had to.”

I nodded my head as if I understood, but really, I had no f ucking clue what was going on. I felt


“That’s okay,” I slurred out, patting his cheek lightly. “Just don’t do it again, okay?”

He smiled. “Okay.”

I smiled back. I touched his face with both of my hands, squishing his cheeks together.

“Wow, you’re pretty. Like really pretty…”

He laughed. The sound made me happy.

“Thank you. I’m glad you think so,” he said.

I giggled. “I’m glad you’re glad I think so because I really think so.” I smiled at him.


v head dropped onto his n*eck.

UNLIMITED cided I wanted to keep k*ssing him. I pressed my l*ps to his n*eck, trying to move them the

same way that he had against mine.

He groaned deeply.

He groaned deeply.

“No. No, stop, baby girl. No more k*ssing today.” He moved me away from him.

I pouted. “Why not?”

He smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, then ran his thumb over my cheekbone. “Trust me, there will be plenty of k*ssing later. You need sleep.”

I yawned at the thought. Sleep. Sleep sounded good. Not as good as k*ssing, but close. I nodded and leaned my head against his shoulder again.

“Okay,” I said, nuzzling into his n*eck. “We can k*ss when I wake up?”

He laughed again. “We can k*ss as much as you want when you wake up.”

The thought made me happy; and I sighed. Okay, then.

He tightened his arms around me and rubbed his nose right where he’d just bit me. I shivered.

Huh. That felt good.

“Go to sleep, Belle. I’ve got you.”

My vision began to fade, a random jumble of images flashing through my mind.

Grayson’s monstrous strength.

His irresistible touch.

The feeling of his teeth sinking into my n*eck.

His beautiful eyes that sometimes turned into a pureblack, bottomless pit.

I could only think of one thing as sleep overcame me.

What have I gotten myself into?

Chapter 6 Kidnapped by My Mate

Chapter 6


Grayson leaned down, pressing his weight into me.

I felt helpless underneath him, trapped…but in a good way. A part of me wanted to submit, to surrender myself to this g od of a man.

His finger trailed up my inner thigh, his l*ps dragging down my collarbone.

“Grayson…” I whispered, breath ragged with desire.

The shrill ring of a cell phone interrupted us and a deep growl emanated from him, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Give me a moment, love,” Grayson said, clearly annoyed. He stood up and walked toward the dresser, giving me a moment to breathe.

My heart was trying to pound itself out of my chest.

Was I seriously about to sleep with a man that just kidnapped me?

I had to get out of here. Heck, I had to call the police!

Grayson had his back turned to me, staring down at his phone.

Now or never.

I stood up and dashed for the door, running as fast as I could.

I heard a loud, annoyed groan behind me as I ran down the hallway. I assumed the sound came from him. At the end of the hall, I came to a staircase and rushed down it, bracing myself against the wall to keep from falling because of my shaky legs.

When I reached the bottom, I expected to find another floor of hotel rooms, but was surprised to find myself in the middle of a luxurious open living room, with a huge kitchen just off to the side. This hotel room has two floors? What kind of hotel is this?


antically looked around for anything that could help me.

“Luna? What are you doing? Where’s the alpha?” someone called from another room.

“Luna? What are you doing? where s the alpha? someone called from another room.

There was a man standing at the kitchen counter. He was holding a cup of coffee and looking at me as if I were insane.

I recognized him! He had been on the plane! He was the one who had told me to k*ss Grayson!

“Oh, thank G od!” I yelled, rushing over to the kitchen.

“You-” The room suddenly began to spin, and the bite on my n*eck throbbed and burned painfully. I shook my head to clear my muggy thoughts.

“Help me! That man kidnapped me! I need to call 911!”

He stood and approached me slowly, like I was a wild animal that would bolt if he made any sudden movements. “Hey, hey. You’re okay. He didn’t kidnap-”

His words stopped and his eyes suddenly turned a gray color. He stared off into space, almost as if he were in a trance. I backed away from him, startled.

“Yes. Yes, she is,” he said.

“What?” I asked. Is he talking to me?

He didn’t pay any attention to me. He just kept staring at nothing.

“Of course, Alpha,” he said. His eyes went back to normal, and he looked at me. “I’m sorry, but you can’t leave.”

Okay, so he’s crazy too. Noted.

I turned around and scanned the room for a way out. There was a door on the other side of the kitchen. The front door, from the look of it. Yes!

I rushed past Grayson’s crazy friend and tried to make my way to it, but stumbled over my feet. I braced myself against the wall next to me.

The burning sensation from the bite on my n*eck was traveling down my b*dy in slow, torturous waves. My stomach churned.

It felt like I was going to vomit.

What the hell is happening? Was this what Grayson had been talking about when he said I would start feeling sick?

ed to push through the pain as I continued to struggle toward the door. But the world was spinning too fast and my knees were feeling too weak, and I fell to the ground.

“Luna!” the man shouted behind me.

Tears were running down my face; the fire inside me was too much to handle. I screamed.

“Make it stop!” I shouted. “Make it stop!”

“I’m sorry, Luna! The alpha will be here soon!” The man next to me said. He touched my shoulder, but it only seemed to stoke the flames moving through my b*dy. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I shoved his hand away from me. “Don’t touch me!” I sobbed, folding in on myself.

“Alpha, please hurry!” the man shouted.

Through my s obs I could hear quick footsteps entering the room.

“Belle!” Grayson shouted.

Just his voice made the fire die down a bit, and I reached for him, desperate for the pain to go away. He sprinted across the kitchen and shoved the other man away from me.

I felt a twinge of disappointment when I noticed that Grayson was wearing sweatpants now instead of boxers. I wanted as much soothing skin-to-skin contact as I could get.

At least he’s still shirtless.

Once he reached me, he immediately scooped me up in his arms.

I wrapped myself around him like a sloth to a tree, making it so as much of me was touching him as possible.

I had my legs on either side of him, my arms tightly around his n*eck. Thankfully, the fire died down as I sobbed into his chest, but the pain was still almost unbearable.

“Shh,” Grayson said, sitting down in a nearby chair with me still wrapped around him. “I know, baby, I know.”

“Please make it stop,” I begged.

Grayson suddenly latched on to my bite mark and sucked on it, running his tongue over it.

I moaned loudly. Not only did it feel amazing, but it also made all of my pain go away.

Still shaking from the trauma, I clung onto Grayson for dear life as his skillful mouth kept working at my n*eck.

I was so enraptured in the incredible sensation that I barely even registered when his friend eventually muttered something and left the room. I thought that once the pain went away, he

ld stop k*ssing me, but he didn’t. He just kept going, moving up my n*eck to my jaw, until he MITEDly

lly reached my mouth.

His l*ps felt like silk against mine.

The k*ss was sweet and slow, but I could feel hunger brimming inside of it.

The k*ss was sweet and slow, but I could feel hunger brimming inside of it.

It was passionate. I had k*ssed no one like this. I had never felt like this before.

Grayson pulled away briefly, then placed his forehead against mine. Both of us were breathing deeply. He pecked my l*ps one more time.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered. He rubbed his nose against mine.

I looked deep into his eyes.

“I didn’t realize that our bond was so strong. I thought I would just let you walk around for a bit, get more comfortable, and then come find you. I didn’t know your pain would be that bad. I’m so sorry.” He k*ssed me again. “I never want you to be in pain.”

“It happened because I was away from you?” I asked.

He nodded and buried his face in my hair, breathing in deeply. We stayed like that for a while, just holding each other, my b*dy still calming down.

I had given up trying to understand anything that was going on.

I was m entally exhausted, unable to process any of the information being thrown my way.

The most confusing part of all of this was how attracted I was to Grayson. I had seen him strangle that creep on the plane; I was aware of the fact that he had kidnapped me; I knew how touchy he was.

But for some reason, when he was nearby, I wanted to be closer to him, to keep touching him and talking to him.

I actually wanted to get to know my kidnapper.

There had to be something wrong with me. Why am I so obsessed with him?

Grayson’s hands gripped my waist and ran up and down my sides. He leaned back to look at me. “Will you

come back to the da mn bed now?”

I knew I should say no. But I just didn’t want to. It was as simple as that. I didn’t want to say no, So I said yes.

Grayson smiled and k*ssed my l*ps once more. He moved his hands under my butt and stood up, still holding me in his arms.



dhe’s strong.

“You can put me down,” I said as he walked us toward the room we’d originally woken up in. “I can walk.”

Te leaned down so his mouth was touching my ear. “I don’t care.”

Well then.

He entered the room and gently set me down in the middle of the bed. I frowned when he stopped touching me. He stood back and took off his sweatpants.

I watched his muscles ripple with his movement.

I swallowed. “What are you doing?”

He smirked. “I don’t want to get hot while we’re sleeping.”

He slowly made his way toward me while maintaining intense eye contact. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me onto my back. Then he crawled on top of me.

“You smell far too good,” he said, running his nose up and down my n*eck.

I couldn’t respond. I was too overwhelmed.

He left a quick k*ss on my l*ps and then looked at me. “Let’s go to sleep, hmm?”

I nodded.

He lay down next to me so he was facing me and put his hand on my waist. His eyes searched my face. “You’re so beautiful.”

I looked away from him, not knowing how to respond. I felt his hand move under my shirt and up my back, where he started messing with the clasp of my bra.

I immediately grabbed his arm and looked at him.

“What are you doing?”

“Shh,” he said and unclasped my bra. “It can’t be comfortable.”

Never taking his eyes from mine, he guided my arms out of my sleeves, inside my shirt, encouraging me to sl*p out of

my bra.

I slid my arms through the straps, and Grayson slowly reached under my shirt and grabbed the offending article of clothing, pulling it out and tossing it onto the floor.

He watched me sl*p my arms back through my sleeves and pull my shirt down.

“See? That’s better,” he said. And then he turned my b*dy so I was facing away from him.


ugged me back to his chest and spooned me, wrapping an arm around my waist and rubbing my stomach.


your heart rate, Belle. It’s going a mile a minute. Take some deep breaths.”

He was right. My anxiety was through the roof. I tried breathing in deeply.

“There we go.” Grayson k*ssed the back of my n*eck. “That’s my girl.”

I couldn’t believe how exhausted I was. I felt like all I had done for the past day was sleep, and yet I still felt myself slowly drifting away. I had no idea how long I’d been asleep for the next time I woke up. All I knew was that I was burning up. I was unbelievably hot.

Still half asleep, I threw the blanket off of me and squirmed. It did nothing.

Grayson’s b*dy wrapped around me wasn’t helping either. I readjusted my legs, trying to get more comfortable.

My leggings felt like fire against my skin.

Grayson stirred behind me, then I felt his hand reach into my leggings and tug them down.

My eyes still half hooded, I put my hand over his and mumbled something incoherent, trying to ask what he was doing.

“Just take them off, baby. I promise I won’t look. You’re burning up.”

I was really hot and still exhausted. All I wanted to do was nuzzle into Grayson’s chest again and go back to sleep. I nodded.

I felt Grayson sit up and perch above me so that his knees were on either side of me.

He h ooked his thumbs into the sides of my leggings and tugged them down. I wiggled around so he could move them over my butt.

When they were finally off, Grayson threw them onto the floor.

I was hugely relieved when the cool air hit my legs. He lay back down next to me and brought me to his chest. I h ooked a leg around him and buried my face into his n*eck.

Grayson let out an appreciative rumble. His hand moved under my shirt and onto the small of my back.

The last thing I thought before I fell asleep was, I think he lied when he said he wouldn’t look.

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