Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 100

“Siegel! Once again, you have a visitor,”

The officer in charge of him announced and Luciano got up to go see Yoey, he already knew it would be him, who else will visit him on a Monday evening, he had been expecting him anyway.

“One thing being here did for you is let you rest, I wish I can say the same for myself,”

Yoey said tapping on the glass that separated them.

“You can come and take my place, I won’t mind,”

He responded as he took his seat, after he signed those papers and the news got out, they got a little more strict with him, now he couldn’t sign anything in here and he couldn’t meet people in person and they had to talk with a glass wall separating them, he didn’t mind that at all.

“No thank you,”

Yoey said and frowned.

“What’s going on? What happened to your face?”

Luciano asked hoping something bad had not happened again, he was tired of dealing with sad and unfortunate news.

“Nothing happened, at least I hope so,”

Yoey said. Still, he was frowning.

“What are you talking about?”

“I am talking about your wife and the whole divorce and signing everything over to her thing, I told you it was a bad idea.

Yoey said glaring at his boss, if only the crazy man had listened to him, they won’t be having the issues right now, maybe he should listen to his mom and just quit already, she has been on his neck to quit since this whole issue started but he liked Luciano too much to just up and leave at his lowest moment and no, he didn’t like him like his wife had imagined but as a friend and an older brother, Luciano is the best boss anyone can asked for, it is just so sad that he was going through shits right now and there is little or nothing he could do to help him, on top of that, he just made the mistake of signing everything he owned to a woman, not just any woman, a woman he had been horrible to, Yoey knows not to mess with an angry woman, he had his mom and sisters as proof, the things they did when they were mad at him, not to talk of a woman who he hasn’t known for a long time, Yoey knew Luciano was a risk taker but this time he was scared that he went too far and might regret it, especially with the way things turned out, the media blowing everything out of proportion and all, he understood her anger, he just was too loyal to Luciano to take her side.

“I don’t think I have ever made any mistake Yoey, I know what I did and I know Arielle can’t turn against me, she loves me,”

Luciano said hoping it was true because if not, he would truly lose, he never thought of her reputation getting a hit from what he did but the whole thing had blown up out of proportion and everyone was calling Arielle horrible names, Yoey made sure he was aware of what he did, he felt sorry but there was nothing he could do to fix it while he was still locked up, just like how he now has to deal with the torture of sleeping on the bed he had her on without her being there with him, every day of his life was hell.

“Which is why I am saying you did wrong. She may love you because I see how worried about you, she is but you playing on that feeling will only backfire, don’t say I didn’t warn you,”

Yoey said throwing his hands up in surrender.

“I will cross that bridge when I get there,”

Luciano responded, he wasn’t being manipulative or anything, he was doing the best he could in the situation he was in, heck, he didn’t even like himself for what he did to her.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh, you need to see her face when I went to meet her earlier today, I am telling you that you have much bigger trouble than your murder charges because that is about to be dropped sooner than you thought,”

Yoey revealed.

“What do you mean by that?”

Luciano asked.

“I got a call from the hospital this morning and two of the men that were with Don the night of the attack are awake and will speak to the police soon, as we both know you didn’t shoot them or kill Don, you will be released sooner than we thought, which is why you should have listened to me and waited before signing those damn papers,”

Yoey said, his voice getting louder with each word, Luciano didn’t feel offended by his raised voice, he understood just how frustrating everything was for Yoey, maybe he should have listened to him but they had been running out of time, if he had not signed everything over to Arielle, a search and seize would have happened at his company today, even if he does get release before the week, ends, there are some shits that he got going on that he would rather it doesn’t get to the police.

“Yoey, I know what you are scared of, but whatever Arielle does is ten times better than what the cops will do if they do a search and seize, now we don’t want that, even if I get released today which doesn’t seem possible, if we had not signed those papers, there would have been a search and seize today, doing what I did buy us time, of course, I didn’t think it will be that bad for Arielle and I will fix it once I get out of here, don’t worry yourself about it, just do your part and make sure those men are protected at all cost, we don’t want the wrong people finding them before they can clear my name,”

Luciano told Yoey who nodded but still looked unconvinced.

“I trust you, but just so you know, your wife, I mean ex-wife said to tell you that you created a monster and should be ready to face the consequences and she looked scarier than my mom while saying it,”

Yoey revealed. Luciano wasn’t scared of what Arielle would do, yes, he did her wrong but he would make sure to compensate her after, it was better than losing everything he worked hard for to people who were more evil than him, once he was out of here, he would set the record straight and clear her name but until then, he just have to live with her hating him while hoping that her feelings for him will be enough for her to cut him some slack.

“She is the boss until I return so make sure to do as she says, I know she won’t make any stupid decisions, be sure to guide her too while listening to her, I will be out of here soon and deal with whatever comes after, anything, on that stupid cousin of mine?”

Luciano asked changing the topic, he just couldn’t figure out how it was so hard for him to be found, the moron couldn’t be so good at hiding unless he had people backing him and Luciano couldn’t shake off the fact that Perez was that person behind Macko, of course, he didn’t have any proof yet but he was so sure.

“Yes and no, yes, we tracked his number because he tried calling someone here, and no because before we could crack down on him, he was out again, someone is definitely helping him hide,”

Yoey explained.

“Right, I should get out of here and find him myself, they had a goalkeeping me in here and I will destroy their plans once I get out,”

“I can’t wait for you to get out, it is tiring answering to the executives and also giving orders on your behalf, let’s not even talk about addressing the press, if not for your uncle, I don’t even know what I would have done, I don’t even want to get out of bed in the morning because I already know it will be a hectic day, I never signed up for this, all I wanted was the quiet job of being an assistant, but then, I met a mafia boss who got in trouble and now I have to handle things on his behalf and also deal with his very angry ex-wife,”

Yoey complained.

“I will compensate you once I get out of here,”

Luciano promised.

“How? You are actually penniless right now, the only reason I am still here is that Arielle might not be aware that she can control my movement, else she might have told me to stop coming here,”

Yoey told him, he couldn’t even deny it, he was indeed penniless until he could get out of there and get back everything.

“Don’t worry, I will compensate you, just keep working hard for me,”

He said as he saw the officer walking toward him.

“Time’s up, I will see you some other time,”

He said and got up to leave.

“I will be back with good news,”

Yoey called after and he turned back to give him a thumbs up before following the officer back in.

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