Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 105

“You have lost your mind. I was away for two short weeks and you lost your mind?”

He asked and Arielle glared at him.

“You just got back and your first thought is to pick a fight with me? Why?”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Arielle asked.

“I wonder why, what do you think? I got released and got back home and you are not here, waited for you to show up only for you to be coming back by this time of the night, since when do you go out or keep late nights?”

he barked out, for someone who just got released, he cleaned up pretty fast, shaved, and even cut his hair, he didn’t look like he was waiting up for her because he was worried about her, he just wanted to pick a fight with her.

“I don’t know what crawled up on your trousers and got it twisted Luciano but you have no right to question what I do, I don’t really have the strength to deal with you right now, so I am just going to pretend that this never happened, welcome back though,”

Arielle said and matched upstairs ignoring his shout for her to come back, she locked her door as soon as she got in and dropped her bag on the floor.

She took off her clothes and walked into the shower, Luciano was at her door and banging on it while yelling for her to open the door but she ignored him, he would eventually give up and go away, and she didn’t have the energy to face him, right now, whatever he had to say will have to wait till tomorrow when she has fully grabbed the whole situation with Lily and her threat, will Luciano even believe her if she says anything, the man didn’t even see her as someone who can make decisions for herself and he was still banging on her door, good thing she had the locks changed and he can’t get in unless she opens the door from inside, she had no plans of doing that.

She got out of the shower and dried her hair, wrapped it in a towel, and got on the bed, the things Lily had told her on the phone dancing around in her head and giving her a bad headache, Lily might not have killed Don with her hands but with the way she talked and threatened her after, she definitely had a lot of hands in what happened to him, Arielle won’t be surprised if she was the one that sent people to kill him, there was nothing a greedy woman can’t do to get what she wants and Lily didn’t sound like someone who will stop unless she has gotten all that she wanted notwithstanding what she has to do to get what she wants.

The fact that she was threatening to kill the people around her if she said anything about what happened today is enough proof that the woman was dangerous, the question who would she talk to anyway? The man banging on her door right now? The one who didn’t see her as human? Sure, he would just laugh it off and call her crazy, so she would keep quiet, it is up to him to find out himself.

She got ready for bed with him still outside her door, he was not giving up and she didn’t know for how long she could ignore the banging, he was acting like a madman.

She got on her bed and tried to ignore the crazy man outside still banging on her door and threatening to break it down, being in prison did make him lose his mind because who would have thought the Luciano would be acting completely uncultured at her door, he kept banging and yelling at her that at a point she gave up trying to sleep and got off the bed.

“What do you want from me, Luciano? Leave me alone, I just want to get some sleep, how hard is that?”

Arielle yelled at him when she opened the door, he took a step back, must have been because he didn’t expect her to open the door, he regained his posture back in seconds and enter the room, pushing her slightly aside.

“Get out of my room Luciano,”

Arielle let out, opening the door wide and waiting for him to get out.

“You know I won’t do that, so just close the door and let’s talk, we have a lot to talk about, starting from why I had to wait eight whole hours for my wife to return home from where ever she went,”

he said and sat on her bed, Arielle couldn’t even say a word, she was too dumbfounded by his words.

“Wife? Did you forget I stopped being your wife over a week ago after I supposedly filed for a divorce?”

Arielle let out still holding the door open, maybe she should have endured the noise of him banging the door, it was better than this, better than having him in her private space and questioning her.

“Right, but you still live in my house which means you answer to me,”

he responded which got Arielle laughing, she finally let go of the door and closed it.

“I don’t see why you are laughing when I didn’t say anything, funny woman,”

He let out, getting off the bed and standing in front of her, staring her down, she held her ground.

“You are funny and forgetful Luciano but I will do you the courtesy of reminding you that this house and everything in it belongs to me now, legally,”

Arielle said each word to his face, not taking her eyes away from him.

“And you believe that? You have been up to a lot of stuff since we last met, I told you to behave, Arielle,”

he said walking away from her and then turning around to point at her.

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