Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 38

Luciano stood at the window in his office, staring at the vehicles driving past below, not like he could see them for real, he was lost in thoughts, thoughts of one damnable woman, he should just do away with her and move on with his life, find a willing woman, and get the marriage thing done, but he couldn’t, something was holding him back, it just had to be her or no one else.

Last night had been hell for him, he couldn’t get any sleep because he kept worrying that she might do something crazy, like kill herself with the chains, he almost got out of his room to go free her last night but his pride kept him in his room, his pride could not help him get any sleep though, he shouldn’t have chained her up, when was the last time he had a woman in chains? He didn’t even do that as role play during sex, the only time he ever did was to the spy and he let her go as soon as she spilled.

Arielle was really so hard to handle and he was barely surviving with all her problems, if it was any other person, he would certainly have done away with them already, why was it so hard for him to do away with her, at this point, he didn’t really care about the money he paid for her anymore, the woman was just not giving him peace.

“I should just let her work to pay back the money, or just let her go, not like she will have it easy,”

He thought to himself, if he let her go now, she would be homeless and probably jobless with no money, maybe he should do that so that she can really see the reality of what her life will be if she gets the freedom that she so eagerly wants from him, she didn’t know yet that he owns her former home now, maybe a little reality check will get her to be obedient.

“Good morning boss, it is so good to be back,”

Luciano heard Yoey say as he walked into the office in a cheery mood, he wasn’t supposed to be back here, heck he didn’t even have the time to go see him yet, all he did was call him to check up on him, now he felt bad seeing him back, wait, he shouldn’t be back yet.

“What are you doing here?”Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

Luciano asked walking away from the window, happy to have a distraction, his thoughts had been filled with Arielle since he got to work.

“Huh? I work here, I am your personal assistant,”

Yoey replied, he dropped his bag and busied himself organizing Luciano’s table which was already well organized.

“I know you work here, but why are you back so soon? I told you to take a month’s break or more if you need it,”

Luciano said to Yoey who was not even listening to him, another person he should probably do away with, he was much too lenient on Yoey and now Arielle, they both had a hold on him and he needed to get rid of them, and once again, Arielle was in his head.

“I hate sitting at home and doing nothing, my mom is a pain in that ass, she babies me and I am twenty-four years old, I can’t stand her, plus you might be the alpha around here but you can’t survive without me,”

Yoey said and Luciano glared at him, another thing they both had in common, they were both twenty-four, he should really avoid anyone around that age, they are unruly, but Yoey was right though, it was so much easier with him than his other assistants, at least Leo can go back to just being a bodyguard now, that’s what suits him.

“Plus, we have a business trip that you might have forgotten about,”

Yoey added. Luciano couldn’t remember any business trip he was supposed to be attending.

“What trip?”

He asked after racking his brain for answers for a few minutes and not finding any.

“See, you can’t survive without me, we are supposed to be in the US, Florida to be Precise for the meeting with Rafael Salvador, remember? It was scheduled for last month but then his wife gave birth and it was postponed to Friday, which might I add is tomorrow, so we have to travel today,”

He informed.

Luciano couldn’t even say anything, he completely forgot something like that existed, how could he? The deal with Rafael was important for his business in the US, Why was he so distracted these days, a lot of things that needed to be done yet he was so bent on punishing one tiny woman that he had forgotten important stuff? He should have been in the US already seeing that the meeting is tomorrow, if Yoey hadn’t shown up, he would have just forgotten like that, and his other secretaries were useless because how come no one informed him?

“Why didn’t the others remind me? Why am I paying them?”

He asked suddenly annoyed, how unserious could they get, maybe they are the ones he should get rid of, of what use is having some many people around if they can’t do that job properly?

“Sir, this is handled by me and you, they aren’t aware that the meeting was moved,”

Yoey defended and Luciano glared at him but he was right, only Yoey was aware of most of his deals especially ones that were his personal deals and not related to the Siegel empire.

“Enough, when do we leave?”

Luciano asked checking his time.

“Right now but seeing that you are not prepared, we could go in the next one hour, it is eleven hours fifty minutes flight so for you to have time to rest once you get there, we have to leave in an hour, everything else is in checked except for the things you need,”

Yoey said. Okay, Luciano ruled out the plan to get rid of him, how could he think of doing that when he was so well-organized and practical?

“Good, I should have remembered,”

“You have a lot going on with the ultimate to get married from Don and all,”

“Don’t remind me of that, the bitch ain’t easy to deal with, I am this close to snapping because of her,”

He said and heard Yoey chuckle and mutter words he didn’t quite understand.

“What did you say?”

He asked forming a fist, not as if he would really hit Yoey, the man was supposed to still be at home resting, he would be a devil to hit him when he was doing so well, according to a certain pretty woman, he was a devil, he should live up to his name, but Yoey was the last person he should be evil too.

“Nothing, I will just go print this out,”

Yeoy said and took a file he knew wasn’t needed, before he could tell him off, he was out of the office.


Luciano muttered as he picked up his phone to call Rafael.

Luciano didn’t want to go back to the mansion and face that crazy bitch again, so he told Yoey to go take what he needed for the trip and come meet him at the airport, he was going to be away for at least a week and that would give him enough time to conclude on what to do with her, the time his grandfather gave him to get a wife wasn’t so long and he needed to know if he would need to get someone else to do it, it was so clear now that Arielle would not easily agree to him or do as he says, she was stubborn and hardheaded, he just didn’t know how to handle her, he didn’t want to admit it but she was the first, the very first woman to ever stand up against him even though she was at a great disadvantage, maybe that’s why he couldn’t let her go, maybe the fact that she challenges him makes him wants to keep her close, well, he had a week to conclude, once he returns from the US, it would all be sorted out.

“Yoey, I want the place Arielle used to live demolished,”

Luciano said to Yoey when he met him at the airport, he just sort of thought about it at that moment and it sounded like the best thing to do.

“Huh? But why? People live there aside from her, she is not there anymore but people live there,”

Yoey said and Luciano glared at him.

“This is not the first time we do something like this right? Or you don’t know your job again? Should I remind you?”

He asked as he got into his private jet, Yoey silently followed behind him.

“I am sorry sir, it is just that,”

“That what? I own that property now, I can do whatever I want with it and I want it gone, don’t ask any questions and do the usual.

He commanded leaving no room for further questions.

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