Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 85

“I did good coming here, I almost changed my mind,”

She said when they broke the kiss, he was glad she didn’t change her mind.

“You did well by coming here, I am sorry I didn’t call you as I promised, it has been hectic and I just got a short break today,”

He explained.

“I know, you didn’t even respond to my text, or my calls so I figured you were cramped up with work,”

She said, fixing his hair with her fingers, he didn’t even know she called and texted, he has not touched his personal phone since the whole thing started.

“I honestly didn’t know you called, I am sorry I ignored you,”

“You keep apologizing, that’s not like you Mr. Don’t worry, I understand, I brought you something to eat, you look like you haven’t been eating much,”

She said as she let him go and went over to the basket she had brought with her, he didn’t even realize he hasn’t eaten anything except for the quick breakfast he had at the office earlier today while preparing for the press conference, if she hadn’t shown up with food, he might not have even remembered.

He followed her instructions and ate in silence, having her close helped improve his appetite and he ate a big chunk of the food before giving up.

“I am full,”

He said and pushed the plate away, she laughed at him and started clearing the plates he used, she passed him the bottle of water and he took it with thanks and drank half of it, he got up and went to find his phone, he saw her missed calls and read the texts she had sent, smiled brightly for the first time in days, he walked up to were she was and hugged her from behind, placing his head on her shoulder and inhaling her sweet smell.

“Don’t you think you like me a little too much my lady? those cute texts are proof that you do,”

He said.

“I do,”

She responded. he had not expected her to agree because the last time he had said that, she had denied it, it was amazing just how far they have come in the space of two months because two months ago her answer would have sent him running from her but right now, he liked her answer, he turned her around to face me.

“I am one lucky man to have a wife as thoughtful as you,”

He said and dropped a kiss on her forehead, she smiled and they both stood there in the hug for a moment before going over to sit on the couch, all the exhaustion he felt earlier before she came washed off, turns out he was Arielle deprived and now that he had her with him, he got his energy back.

“May I ask how far you have gone with the mess? I am aware of how huge it is because I have been watching the news”

She questioned and he shook his head, they were not even near the end of it.

“Do you think you guys will find a way out of this?”

She asked and for once, even Luciano wasn’t so sure, too many things went wrong and it would take a miracle to fix, if it was anyone else, they would have declared bankruptcy already but he wanted to fight in until the end and he was hoping for a miracle too, if he can get a hold of big Sean, that would solve some of his problems.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“Honestly, I don’t know right now, we are going to court regarding some of the things Deda signed without reading, like the bank loans, it is partly the fault of the bank for sending out huge loans based on just one signature that could have been forged, at least we do have a case with that but for the funds that were pulled out of the company, there is no way of getting those back unless we catch the culprit but that doesn’t seem like something that will happen soon, all we can do now is damage control which is what I have been doing all week,”

He explained, he really didn’t want to talk about work with her right now but she was asking and he didn’t want it to seem like he was keeping things from her especially not when she can see these details in public.

“You warned me about not reading through things before signing, I just wished your grandfather had listened to you,”

“Yeah, if only, baby, can we not talk about work right now, it is all I have been doing all week and I am exhausted,”

He explained calmly, he would rather cuddle with her than spend time talking about the mess that was his work life for now.

“Of course, I am sorry, I should be taking your mind off work not making you talk about it, I am going to fix that now,”

She said and he wanted to ask her how but before he could say the words out, she got up and held out her hand for his, he took his hands and she led him to the bedroom, she let go of his hand when they got in and removed the band that held her hair in place, she pushed him to a sitting position on the bed and he watched in fascination as she took of her dress and she was just in her panties, she wasn’t wearing a bra and her magnificent boobs were in full display with their peaky nipples calling out to him, he felt himself heat up at the sight of her, he missed seeing her like this so much and wanted to touch her so bad, she didn’t make him wait for long as she moved close to him on the bed and placed her palms on both sides of his face and lifted it so that he was looking into her eyes, she leaned and kissed him softly on both cheeks before dropping a kiss on his forehead, he wrapped his arms around her waist and let her have her way with him, he couldn’t hold on for long, not when her breasts were on his face, he moved his hands from her waist and grabbed both breasts, caressing them in unison, he took one nipple in his mouth and suckled hard on it, how he missed playing with her breast, he flipped her over and placed her on the bed, taking of his robe in one move, he was on top of her kissing her.

“I missed this so much,”

He said breaking their kiss and admiring her beautiful face.

“Me too, everything felt empty without you, I hated waking up without you,”

She voiced, he knew how she felt because he felt the same too, waking up without her there was not nice and he hated it.

“Let’s make up for that,

He whispered and she nodded as she reached for him and kissed him and he let her, enjoying the feel of her body against him, no more words were spoken between them as they spent the next hour exploring each other and making up for the week away from each other, and when they both collapsed on the bed after it was over, he pulled her to him, happy to have her beside him in bed again.

Luciano watched sleep, it was so thoughtful of her to come here, he would reward her once he is able to get through this and save his family business and reputation, a vacation with her, just the two of them, marrying her turned out to be one of the best decisions he has made this year, he couldn’t bring himself to imagine what it would have been like if they had not gotten married and not to lie, he was considering the possibility of asking her for them to extend their marriage contract once it ends, of course, they still had a lot of time till the contract ends, but if he still feels like this a year from now, he was going to ask her to stay with him a for a longer time, not forever though, they would be together while knowing there will be an ending.

His phone rang and he picked it up quickly and walked out of the room to avoid waking her.


He answered once he was out of earshot.

“Mishka, can you come home right now,”

Don said, the urgency in his voice scared him.

“What is going on Deda?’

He asked already going back to get his shirt,”

“Help me,”

His grandfather cried out before the phone went dead on him, he wore his shirt hoping that his grandfather is okay, he looked at his sleeping wife, he wanted to wake her but he didn’t want her panicking while he was gone, he walked close to her and dropped a kiss on her hair, covered her properly with the bed cover and walked away, he hoped she would understand if she wakes up to find him gone, his grandfather needed is help and he didn’t know for what, he didn’t bother to go find his driver as he knew the man would be asleep and he didn’t want to disturb him, he got into his car and drove off towards Deda”s villa hoping and praying everything was okay…

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