Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 87

“My husband didn’t kill anyone,”

Arielle let out firmly, glaring dagger at the reporter who made the assumption, she couldn’t get more words out as she was dragged into a waiting car and the car zoomed off before she could even think of what else to say, as the car zoomed away, she turned back to see most of the reporters getting into their own vehicle, she already knew they would follow her, she turned to look at the man who had pulled her into the car before turning to the driver.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Can you take me to where my husband is please,”

She requested.

“Sorry ma’am but I can’t do that,”

The driver responded and Arielle frowned.

“Why not?’

She questioned looking from one man to the other.

“That was the instruction I was giving, I am to take you back to the mansion and nowhere else, if you want me to take you anywhere else, you have to take permission from Boss Junior,”

The driver revealed, Arielle knew who the other men called boss junior, it was Luciano’s personal assistant, Yoey.

”What? Why do I need to get permission from him to see my husband and where is he right now?”

Arielle asked, already getting angry.

“I don’t know the why but he is at the mansion and has been there all morning sorting things out since he can’t be at the office, people are blocking the entrance, and everything is a mess right now,”

The driver revealed, Arielle went silent, there was no need to keep questioning the driver, she would take it up with Yoey once she sees him, well she didn’t get to see him as soon as she had arrived back at the mansion, it appeared he was in a meeting in Luciano’s home office, Arielle waited patiently for him to be done, she hated that she couldn’t just go see her husband without having to ask permission from someone who clearly didn’t like her but still she waited and finally she saw the people who looked like they were Luciano’s legal team walk out, she stood up as soon as she saw Yeoy and walked up to him.

“I need to go see my husband,”

She said as soon as she got close to him.

“You can’t,” He responded, which pissed her off, he couldn’t be serious.

“What do you mean I can’t see him? He is my husband and I demand to be taken to him, he is in custody not in jail,”

Arielle yelled at Yoey, she never had a problem with him treating her like she doesn’t exist but not right now, she wanted to see Luciano and she wasn’t about to let him stop her, if he doesn’t take her to him, she would find her way there herself.

“This is above me,”

He responded and she glared at him, above him in what essence? All she asked for was for him to take her to where he was kept since her driver refused to take her there without Yoey’s consent.

“You are talking like I am asking you to go get him out of the police station, I am asking you to take me to him because, for some reason, my driver can’t take me there unless you give the go-ahead,”

Arielle voiced, even saying it out loud got her angry.

“Yes, that’s true and even I am working based off a giving instructions, I can’t go against what I am being told, just stay home so that you can be safe, I really don’t have the time to deal with this right now, there are a lot more important things that need my attention, if you would excuse me.”

He replied and started walking away, at first Arielle was much too dumbfounded to say a word and just watched him walk away then she got her voice back and yelled for him to stop.

“Who the fuck gave that instruction? I want to see the person, why would they not want me to go see my husband and what right do they have to say so?’

Arielle asked, he wasn’t making any sense, no one had the right to tell her to not go see her husband, she needed to see him and make sure he was okay.

“The instructions were given by the boss,”

Yoey revealed. Arielle waited for him to say which boss it is because it obviously can’t be Luciano.

“Which boss are you talking about here and where can I find him to speak to him?”

She asked when he didn’t say anything more, he looked at her with a demeaning expression but she ignored it, all she wanted was information as to who to speak to so that she can go see her husband.

“Are you that slow or you are just pretending to be dumb?”

Yoey fired angrily at her and Arielle was taken aback by his insult.

“Why would you, never mind, I am asking who I need to speak to, if that makes me slow and dumb, then fine, just tell me who I am supposed to speak to,”

Arielle responded, she chose to ignore his insulting words and face her bigger problem which is finding out who was stopping her from seeing her husband.

“Well if you were not slow, you won’t be wasting my time here or yours because I already gave you an answer, but since you don’t get it, I am going to spell it out to you in simple words, the boss, Luciano Siegel, your beloved husband said and I quote, you are not allowed anywhere near him, in fact, you are to stay in the mansion and not try to leave,”

He let out, Arielle refused to believe a word of what he was saying, Luciano would never say that, she was sure because last night, he had been so happy to see her, there is no way he is the one saying those things, Yoey just hated her and he was just putting words in Luciano’s mouth.

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