Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 11: 11 Heureux

Chapter 11: 11 Heureux


Translation: Lucky

Origin: French



"Billy!" I ran towards him.

He stops and smiles. "Hi Savannah."

"Hey. How are you today?"

"Good. Thanks. You?"

"Im fine. Are you excited for tonight?"

We started walking along the hallway together and he didn't answer right away.

Billy shakes his head. "I'm actually a bit more scared of it. I just hope I won't get too paddled so I could still survive."

I smiled at him ruefully. I know I can't change his mind to make him back out and I think they're not allowed to back out anymore. "I want you to have this." I handed him my lucky coin.

Billy accepts it and stares at the coin for a while. "Hey it's a very classic coin Savannah. This is antique. Look at the date it's 1875."

"It's my lucky coin. It has a sentimental value to me. I've had that since I was little." I smiled.

He nods. "What's this for? Why are you giving it to me?"

"I'm not giving it to you. I'm letting you borrow it. I always have that on my pocket when I have exams or when I'm nervous before I do something. It sort of helps me. I hope it'll help you."

He smiles. "I'm sure it will. You're really nice Savannah. Thank you for this. I'll hold on to it tonight."

"I just want to make sure you'll be alright tonight. You're Kurt's brother anyways."

He smiled.

When he was about to put it inside his pocket, a guy from behind pulled it from his hands and when we looked over to who did it and it was Baxter alongside his evil soldiers. He started flipping the coin on his finger and had that devilish smile on his face while looking at me.

"Give it back to him." I said right away.

Baxter chuckles. "Well well well, looks like we've seen each other again."

He pulls his hand up and brushes his thumb under my chin. I pulled my head back away from Baxter, feeling disgusted by what he did.

"Don't touch her." Billy fired back.

"Ohhh. I'm really scared of you, wimp. Where's your back up? Oh wait, you're still a fucking recruit." Baxter said as he strongly push Billy and laughed.

Billy almost fell on the ground but I quickly caught him. Baxter and his friends laughed at him like they were having fun with what they were doing and well the other students around us were laughing at us too. In every school there will always be a bully only that this bully is not a high school bully. I need to

get rid of my mindset as a high schooler. Baxter's a goddamn frat member, a whole new level of being a bully and I know he's dangerous cos Tracy and Aries warned me about him to stay away.

"I said give it back to him Baxter!" I tried to reach for the coin but then he tries to kiss my lips so I had to back off.

Him and his friends continued laughing even louder while the coin was still on his grasp, tossing it to the air then catches it right back on his hand. It's a very memorable and important coin to me cos I had it when I was only seven. My gramps gave it a week before he died of lung cancer. I can't lost that now. It's too valuable to me.

"You want it? Come and get it." He smirked at me cockily.

"That's not even yours! Give it back to me! You're being so childish right now and to think you're already an adult!" I'm yelling at him now.

"Not unless you answer my question darling. Why are you hanging out with those bozos?" He asked.

"Bozos?" I asked back.

"Nick, Aries and their pussy men. You don't know Nick that well but you're hanging out with their circle." He smirks while playing with my lucky coin.

"You don't know his past, do you?" He asked.

"Past? What past?" I asked.

"If you hang out with me more often maybe I could tell you what I know about him." He says.

"Why would I do that? Why would I trust you? Now give me my lucky coin back!" I yelled.

He slowly walks closer to me, inch by inch. "There's more about people that you need to know than just their looks."

Out of nowhere a tall man stood right in between me and Baxter. I pulled my head up and even from that back part of that hair, I know it was Nick.

"What are you doing Baxter?" His voice thick and deep.

Baxter pulled himself away and finally stands straight with that evil grin plastered on his devil face. "What the fuck do you care?"

Baxter glanced over at me then flashed me my lucky coin. "Don't worry. I'll take care of this."

They started walking away from us and as much as I wanted to follow them to get my coin, I can't cos I'm scared of him. Nick turned to face me and Billy.

"What the hell did they do to you?" He asks while looking at me.

"Baxter has my lucky coin!" I exclaimed.

"Forget about it. It was just a coin." Nick answers me.

"It's not just a coin. It's valuable to me! It's... Ugh! Never mind! You wouldn't understand anyways!" I yelled.

His eyebrows furrowing. "Why the hell are mad at me? It wasn't my fault your stupid fucking coin was stolen by Baxter."

I gaped. "Stupid? That stupid fucking coin is the only remembrance I have of my late grandfather! He gave me that coin before he died and it's been giving me luck since then! It's not just a stupid fucking

coin! You wouldn't know anything valuable anyways cos you're a cold heart! It maybe a stupid coin to you but to me it's precious!"

I left him standing there looking pissed than he have ever been. I don't know if the other students heard it but I was just really mad. I left the campus and headed to the dorm. I know it wasn't his fault that Baxter got it but I'm mad at him for calling it stupid. I may sound overacting about that coin but it's really special to me. Now the only problem is, how am I gonna get my coin back.

By seven in the evening, Tracy arrived inside the dorm at asked me if I wanted to go with her to grab some dinner, but then I declined cos I'm sure Nick will be there. I just wish Tracy and Nick have the same attitude cos if Nick was as nice as Tracy then I wouldn't have a problem with him at all. But he's just a tactless jerk who doesn't give a shit about the people around him.

I am still worried about Billy as well. I've been thinking about him too since I doubt he could make it. But gosh I hope he wouldn't collapse or anything. He told me the other day that he has asthma. Ugh, that one thing I hate about myself is that I get too attached by someone which I know is somewhat related to me. When they're in trouble I feel like it's my responsibility to know they are okay. Since Billy is Kurt's brother, I totally feel responsible for him cos Kurt doesn't even know about his little brother's initiation tonight. I am aware that it doesn't concern me at all but I can't help not to worry. Billy looks like a weak child that's why men bully him cos he's weak and I pity him.

When Tracy came back to the dorm after having dinner around ten in the evening, she said she was going to take a shower before heading out to the frat's party and since Clyde was also busy for the recruits' initiation tonight, she was forcing me to go with her again.

"Your friends doesn't really like me Tracy." I said.

"They're just new about you being with us. We've never had a girl like you who joined our circle. But they are nice Savannah." She answered.

I smiled. "They're nice to you."

She walks to me and sat down on the bed. "Hey, they will eventually think you're cool. Fine, if you don't want to go tonight then I won't force you."

But then Billy came to my head. I watch Tracy get up again and headed to her mirror to fix her hair. I really wanted to go to that frat party and maybe follow the men where they could do the initiation. I'm sure it won't be around the frat house.

"I'll go with you." I said.

Her eyes narrow. "Are you sure?"

I nod and I quickly started dressing myself up. I grabbed a peach blouse and some pants then I left behind my cardigan cos the last time I wore it Penny made fun of me. Tracy and I went out of the dorm and noticed that her friends weren't around to pick us up.

"Where are your friends?" I asked.

"The last time you were with us on that truck, Penny kept making fun of you. Sorry about her. All of us hate her actually cos she's so tactless. Let's just grab a cab?" She smiles.

I nod.

The minute we arrived the frat house, the party people around the place was still as crazy as before. The usual college party with loud busting music that makes you go deaf, tons of different booze, couples making out in a corner or even fucking in one rooms around here somewhere, women dancing and grinding against men and so many crazy stupid games they play here.

I sat back on the same couch the last time I came here with a red cup on my hand that Tracy gave me. I sat here for almost the entire night. They were playing spin the bottle now and I didn't want to join,

Tracy went out dancing with Megan anyways so I couldn't sub for her. Penny, as usual, made fun of what I wore. Bitch it's a ninety five dollar blouse from Macy's. I couldn't find Alec, Clyde, Aries or even Nick. I kept gazing at my watch, it's almost 1AM.

"Hurry the fuck up." I hear from one corner and I saw Billy and the other recruits were blindfolded while they were being led out of the frat house.

There I see Alec, Clyde, Aries and Nick all wearing their frat shirts with a bottle of Budweiser on their hands. They were laughing and looked excited but Nick as the usual jerk he is, looked impassive as always. I think he doesn't have any emotions at all. I thinks he's a robot. A cyborg. A man of steel. Wait, that's superman. But still, he's so emotionless.

I quickly motioned out of the couch once they reached outside the house. I looked through the windows and saw them walking along with some other frat men too. Nick was already holding a huge paddle with lots of writings on it. I saw the Phi Delta Theta sign engraved on it too. Aries had a paddle on his hand as well and his looks were so excited to paddle the recruits.

I quickly went out of the house and sneakily followed them. They got inside their cars and started driving off. I quickly hailed a cab that was passing by and told the driver to follow the pack of cars ahead of us without being noticed that we were following them.

Finally when they reached this abandoned warehouse, I got off the cab and walked closer to where they were going to do the initiation. I hid behind the walls, a little far from them. Right away, they started forcing them to do some insane calisthenics and everyone were cheering like they were watching a basketball game. After a while they had to consume massive amounts of alcohol, one cup after the other. They had to finish as much cups as they can within five minutes. I didn't worry at the other recruits cos they looked like they were used to drinking but Billy was almost throwing up. He had too many glasses already and he looked sick as hell.

"What's wrong Billy boy? Chug it down up! Cmon slacker!!" One frat yelled to his ear.

"Yes sir! Yes sir!" Billy exclaimed and took a long shot from the red cup.

By the time they were done drinking, I see Billy can't hardly stand anymore. it was time for paddling. My heart quickly raced when I saw Nick and Aries with the two other men holding up the same paddle. I don't know if I want to see this. I wanted to stop them but Nick started spanking the recruits already. All of the recruits were lined up, facing their backs to the hazers and Nick gave each of them a strong hit on their bottom. The voice of screaming pain echoed in the warehouse.

"Billy is mine." I hear Nick say.

He grabbed the shoulder of Billy and I could see him trembling in fear. He was shaking after that one hit from Nick and I'm sure it was strong as fuck. Nick moved closer to Billy's ear and then he started hitting him. The sounds of the paddle hitting the bottom made me want to cry. The sound of these men yelling out after every hit was making my heart uneasy. I wanted to go near them and stop what they were doing but I was scared. Billy was already too drunk and he can't even stand anymore. I see him crying too. My tears were bawling out from my eyes and I pity him so much.

All of a sudden Billy fell on the ground and my heart dropped. My feet was running towards them and I don't know why I was doing it. I threw myself to Billy and covered his lifeless looking body before Nick could hit him again. I shut my eyes close in fear of seeing the paddle hitting me but it didn't. I opened my eyes and Nick stopped midair. All of the frat men looked at me while my hands were holding onto Billy.

"Stop it already! Stop it! Are you really that heartless? He already passed out! Look at him!" I yelled at Nick.

The other three hazers stopped with what they were doing and Billy was the only one who passed out from all of the recruits. All of the men around here were looking right at me. I gazed at Aries who looked


"Do you even know if he's still breathing? I know I'm not suppose to be here and I'm not allowed to stop with this ritual you're doing but look at him! You'll all get in trouble for this if you'll get him killed!" I yelled.

Nick all of a sudden carried Billy on his arms and started walking away. I didn't expect him to do that at all.

"Continue the initiation." He says to the others before leaving.

Aries helped me get up on my feet. "You okay angel?"

I nod and quickly followed where Nick was heading. I see him placing Billy on the passenger seat while he buckles the seatbelt around him.

"Where are you taking him?" I asked.

"Frat house. He's just drunk. Stop being a drama queen." He says.

"You're bringing a recruit back like this? You have a party going on at your frat house and you'll just leave him there? No. Bring him to my dorm." I said hopping inside the backseat.

He groans as he gets inside the driver's seat. "Why are you such a pain in the ass all the time?"

"He's my best friend's brother." I said.

"That doesn't mean you need to look after him." He starts the engine.

"Just drop us off, okay? End of story."

The entire drive was quiet and he didn't play some songs as well. When we arrived back to my dorm it was almost four in the morning. Nick carried Billy's body up to my room and told the dorm security that Billy was just too drunk to walk. When we got to my room, Nick placed Billy on my bed.

"There." He says.

"Thanks." I said, pulling up the blanket to cover Billy.

He walks towards Tracy's bed and sat down. I looked over to him and was expecting him to leave me.

"Why are you still here?" I asked.

"I don't trust that recruit. He's drunk. Men like him will eventually have raging hormones. Tracy will kill me if you'll get raped."

He actually sounded like he... cared.

"I'm doing this for Tracy not for you. Do you hear me?" He clarified it.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked to the fridge to grab some water. I'm actually tired right now and I just want to sleep but I can't sleep cos Billy is on my bed. All of a sudden, Nick was already standing right next to me and my eyes slowly travelled to him since he was staring back at me.

"What? You need water?" I asked.

He pulled out something from his pocket and extended his hand to me. My eyes narrowed with what I saw.

My lucky coin.

I looked at him but he wasn't looking back at me. "How'd you... how did you get it from Baxter?"

"Fracas." He answered.

"What? What does that mean?" I asked.

"Stop asking questions will you?"

I grabbed the coin from his hand and smiled at myself while looking at it.

"Thanks Nick." I pulled my head up and smiled at him.

He's looking at me. He's actually looking at me right now and it's a different way from a while ago.

"You take Tracy's bed. I'm sure you're tired. I'll just.... Wait till the sun's up and this furball is awake and sober."

I stared at him for a while and it's the second time he sounded like he cared for me. I started walking towards Tracy's bed and just watch him take out an apple juice from the fridge. Since I have no orange juice and my favorite is apple, he can't complain about it. And I'm glad he didn't. He walks to the study table and just sat there while he kept gazing at me. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and just watch him while he was reading something.

The novel I borrowed from the library.

"Is this yours?" He pulled up the book.

"Yeah." I answered.

He examined it. "It's due to be returned yesterday by the way."

Shit!C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

"What?! Holy crap I totally forgot about that! What are the consequences for books returned late?" I startled.

"I think you can't borrow a book for a week." He said while scanning through the pages.

I scowl and stared at the ceiling.



I Know You Care - Ellie Goulding

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