Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss

Fateful Attraction

“I’m glad you’re here then…” the man said before he started to laugh a little.

I sucked in a breath when his hand reached out and handed me my phone. He found my phone? Wow…what a lucky coincidence.

“You found my phone? Wow…thank you! You’ve really saved me…” I said feeling a mix of surprise and relief.

It would be such a huge hassle to lose my phone not to mention that I didn’t have spare money to buy a new one. I couldn’t wait to get my first paycheck at the end of the month, seriously.

“Must have been fate…” the man said softly as he smiled so gently at me, his light blue eyes seemed to shine, and I couldn’t look away.

Before I could stop myself, I started laughing. My reaction confused the man so much that he stared at me, a little take a back by my reaction.

“Sorry. I just thought that it was a little funny. You see, I thought to myself that it’s such a lucky coincidence that you found my phone…but…you called it fate…” I said as my laughing came to a stop and I smiled sweetly back at him.

“I see. My name is Kyle, I just joined the company today. I’ll be working in the planning department,” Kyle introduced himself.

So, his name is Kyle, and he just joined the company just like me.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Karina, Rina for short. I guess we’re in the same batch, I just joined the company today too. I’ll be in the design department,” I introduced myself, suddenly feeling a little shy.

“So, I guess you were here for the orientation too, right?” he asked.

“Yup, that’s right. I didn’t see you though, there were so many people…” I replied.

“I guess. Oh…the no-dating rule the head of HR told us today was quite crazy, isn’t it?” he asked with a small laugh.

“Yeah. I didn’t expect a rule like that in this company. It seems a little old-fashion, I guess,” I replied before laughing along with him.

“I think so too. I mean, you can’t really stop people from falling in love, can you?” he said, his tone suddenly sounding serious.

I couldn’t breathe when his pale blue eyes met and held mine. I guess, he was right, you can’t really stop people from falling in love…

“I guess not…” I replied softly as I broke our eye contact and shifted my gaze down to the floor.

“Can I get your number? Let’s keep in touch. You’re the first person I’ve really spoken to today…” Kyle said with a shy smile.

“Oh…sure…” I said as I took out my phone and we exchanged numbers.

“Cool. Are you heading to the station, or did you drive here?” he asked.

“I’m taking the train, you?” I said.

“I drove here…so…” he replied, looking conflicted.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I see, so we’re not heading in the same direction.

“Oh, then I’ll see you tomorrow…” I said softly.

“Umm…I can drive you back…if you want…” he said abruptly.

My eyes widened at his sudden suggestion, and he seemed to notice the abruptness of his suggestion as well.

“Oh no…it’s ok,” I declined politely.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so forward. We just met and…I didn’t mean it like that…” he said, clearly regretting his mistake.

“No, not at all. I didn’t think you meant anything…like that,” I said reassuringly.

“It’s dark…so what about I just walk you to the station?” he suggested brightly.

“Umm…ok…” I replied before smiling a little at him.

Kyle and I shared small talk about random things and laughed all the way together to the subway station that was a short walk away from the office building. I usually didn’t find it easy to talk with guys, but Kyle made it seem so easy. He seemed so kind and open-minded and that helped me relax in his presence. It wasn’t long before I was comfortable around him and the conversation between us flowed smoothly.

I waved goodbye to him, and we both wished each other good luck when we arrived at the station and had to part ways for the day.

“Goodbye. Thank you so much for walking me to the station,” I thanked him.

“You’re welcomed. It’s no trouble at all, don’t worry,” I replied with a smile of his own.

“I’m sorry that you have to walk back alone though,” I said teasingly.

“I told you, it’s no trouble at all. Bye…I’ll see you tomorrow at work,” he said.

“See you…” I whispered.

Slowly and hesitantly, we turned away from each other to head our separate ways.

The door closed behind me when I arrived home and a small smile curved my lips as I stood there with my back leaned against the closed door. Just thinking about Kyle had me smiling to myself like a fool. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t smiling and giggling a little to myself all the way home. It wasn’t like I was in love with him or anything, but his kindness really touched me.

I walked away from the door as I shook my head softly from side to side as I recalled the strict rule that our company had against employees dating each other. That thought gave me pause.

What on earth am I getting all bothered for. It’s not like we’re dating. He’s…not even interested in me. Why am I getting ahead of myself? We’re just colleagues and that’s it.

“How was your day at work?” my mother asked with a bright smile on her face.

“It was great. The company is so big and there’s so many people, but that’s ok. I’ll do my best,” I replied enthusiastically.

“Don’t overwork yourself,” my mother replied.

I felt a little uncomfortable about what I wanted to talk to her about next, but I was sure that she saw this coming as well.

“Umm…the company is quite far away from here, so…” I began saying.

My mother smiled at me and nodded as if she already knew what I was going to say.

–To be continued…

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