Love Unbreakable

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Lauren's Punishment Matteo gestured for the bodyguards to stop and then turned to Mitchel, awaiting further instructions.

Lauren seized what she thought was her chance and, with eyes red and swollen, cried, “Mitchel, can you really be this heartless? Remember, I saved your life once!" The truth was, this was a gamble as she was unsure if Mitchel would really turn his back on her.

What did he mean he had returned the favor? No fucking way.

Lauren was set on banking on that past favor to chain Mitchel to her side forever and ensure he could never escape.

As expected, Mitchel paused, spun on his heel, and took slow and deliberate steps toward her.

When he was close, he crouched before her, took her trembling hand, and murmured, “Don't do this, Lauren.” The next second, Lauren’s eyes brimmed with tears.

She won! She got him again! She knew very well that behind Mitchel’s frosty exterior was gentleness.

Otherwise, he would not have looked after her for years.

To her, it felt as if she had regained a long-lost precious gem.

"IT know...

I know you won't abandon me...” Lauren sobbed.

All she wanted now was to cast aside the knife from her hand and embrace Mitchel with all the warmth in her heart.

However, his grip on her hand was ironclad, and he seemed intent on crushing her wrist.

Lauren's face contorted with agony.

She tried to wriggle free, but her other hand was pinned under Mitchel's foot, rendering it immoveable.

With a quivering voice, she reminded him, "Mitchel, you're hurting me...” Mitchel, however, merely ignored her words, moved the hilt of the knife up, and said with ease, "You weren't alming for the artery.

You should cut here, see?" Lauren's entire body shook at his words.

Fear gripped her for the first time, and she worried Mitchel might actually end her life right there and then.

Mitchel's dark side appeared.

It was chilling and made him appear demonic.

"What are you waiting for? Do it," he urged, his face void of emotion and voice deep and ominous.

"Do you want me to help you?" Without waiting for her reply, he directed her hand to a lethal spot on her artery and forcefully pressed down.

Lauren shook, terrified out of her wits.

"No, please don't...

Don't do this, Mitchel..." Mitchel narrowed his eyes but did not loosen his grip.

What he said next sent shivers through her.

"Weren't you just about to kill yourself?” As the blade cut through her skin, blood began to trail down to her fingernails and along her arm.

"Please, stop...

Don't..." Lauren mumbled.

Her body was shaking like a lamb, and she was scared shitless.

"Help! Help me! Matteo, help me...” Moments ago, Lauren was resisting being taken away by Matteo.

But now, she found herself wishing he would whisk her away immediately.

At least in an asylum, she could survive and cling to the hope of eventual freedom.

If she stayed here, she feared she might bleed out.

Matteo hurried over to Mitchel and said, "Mr.

Dixon, please leave it to me." With that, Mitchel released Lauren's hand, and she collapsed to the ground in a heap.

She shook uncontrollably and was seemingly drained of her strength.

Those who could see her right now would think she was some catastrophe's lone survivor.

Mitchel took a wet wipe and leisurely wiped his hands of Lauren's blood.

He gazed coldly at Lauren, who looked pitiful like an abandoned dog, and declared, "If Tessa gets caught and I learn you two are accomplices, I'll make sure you're confined to a psychiatric ward for good." With those words, he turned around and walked off with determined strides.

It took a while before Lauren realized the gravity of the situation.

She let out a piercing scream, and her eyes burned with fury.

How could Mitchel do this to her for Raegan! Did he think he could lock her away forever? Once she got out, she swore to herself she would get even.

Lauren's gaze blazed with hatred, like a scorpion poised to unleash its venomous sting at any moment.

"Mitchel Dixon! You would regret this.

Just wait and see! I swear to God, I will never forgive you!” In Raegan's ward.

Raegan gazed silently at her right hand.

She tried, with all her strength, to make a fist, but to no avail.

The nurse saw what Raegan was trying to do and felt a lump in her throat.

Feeling sorry, she reassured Raegan, "You may not be able to exert much force, but you can still write.

Just try not to stay in one position too long, or you might...” She trailed midsentence upon realizing the significance of Raegan’'s right hand to her.

Her voice faded to a whisper with every word.

On second thought, she figured it would be best to give a piece of advice that could help Raegan in the long run.

"It might be better to use your left hand during the rehabilitation.

That way, you won't strain your right hand.” Even after the nurse stepped out, Raegan continued to fix her gaze on her right hand without blinking.

The tendons had been severed by shards of glass that day, robbing her of the ability to grip a pen.

That explained the tremor in her hand whenever she held something.

Sadly for Raegan, she could no longer draw or create art.

She tried to tell herself everything would be okay since her right hand was not entirely out of commission.

But every time she looked at her trembling hand, she could not help but burst into tears, quickly dampening the white quilt beneath her.

What had she possibly done in her past life that God punished her like this? The loss of her grandmother, the miscarriage of her beloved child, and now her hand was rendered useless...

When Mitchel entered the room, the sight of her crying gripped his heart with pain as if it were pierced by countless needles.

Though usually decisive, Mitchel found himself at a loss and unsure how to approach her.

He did not know how to comfort the woman he loved.

For the first time, he deeply despised himself. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Raegan was correct.

He had been so negligent, allowing Lauren to inflict pain on her time and again.

Now that he had finally realized how stupid he was, he refused to waste another moment slip.

Mitchel stepped forward and opened her mouth to speak.

However, Raegan would not even glance his way.

She treated him as if he was invisible.

She paid no attention to Mitchel whatsoever.

After several days of rest, Raegan had not put on any weight and had become frail and as delicate as paper.

And she looked nothing like a girl of her age, who was supposed to be full of vigor and vitality.

Regret surged in Mitchel's heart at the sight of her.

He extended his hand to catch a falling tear from her cheek.

But at that moment, her expression shifted.

Raegan recoiled and asked warily, “What are you doing?" The wariness in Raegan's gaze deepened the ache in Mitchel's chest.

Nonetheless, he tried his best to maintain calm and composed and asked in a hoarse voice, "Have you eaten anything tonight?" Raegan smiled sarcastically.

"Mitchel, this isn't exactly the time for small talk, is it?” Mitchel swallowed hard.

After a tense moment, he informed her, “Lauren's been sent to a psychiatric facility.” It would have been good news if it was in the past.

But now, Raegan was unmoved.

Where Lauren ended up meant nothing to her now.

After all, Lauren was only significant to her when she still had feelings for Mitchel.

But those days were over.

She was now done with Mitchel, so she did not care about Lauren anymore.

Raegan's indifference stung Mitchel.

Laden with remorse, he reached for her hand and said, "] won't let her bother us again.” Raegan's hand tensed, and she withdrew it like she had touched a flame.

Her revulsion was unmistakable.

"Mitchel, your promises mean nothing to me now,” she snarled.

He had broken his promises too often that she no longer had faith to give.

Despondent, Raegan looked away and dismissed him.

"Please leave.

Don't come back unless you're ready to discuss divorce.” The mention of divorce made Mitchel’s heart lurch.

Without thinking, he protested, "I won't agree to a divorce." But Raegan did not flare up in anger.

Instead, she curled her lips and murmured, "You'll change your mind eventually.” Mitchel's expression turned stormy.

He was puzzled as to why she was so certain about it.

Agreeing to the divorce had never crossed his mind.

How could she possibly get a divorce? At the thought of this, he resolutely vowed, "Raegan, I will never sign those papers.” Mitchel wrapped her in his embrace and ignored her struggles.

He had kept his distance recently for fear she was too fragile to be handled.

The familiar, sweet scent of her filled his senses, bringing a moment of peace amidst the chaos.

How he wished he could freeze time right there.

Even though Raegan did not push him away, Mitchel did not hold her too long as he could sense her coldness and repulsiveness to him.

He shifted to hold her arms and gazed at her.

"Honey, it's all my fault.


Just give one more chance.” Without any emotion on her face, Raegan slowly said, "Listen, this is the end for us.

My decision about our divorce is final.” Palpable tension hung in the air, thick and suffocating.

At her words, a shadow crossed Mitchel’s face, and he retorted, "And if I refuse to divorce, what will you do?"

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