LYU 69

Since they had a comprehensive health examination yesterday, today Randy specifically accompanied Ghea to the hospital to check and hear the results directly from the doctor. In his heart, Randy was determined that regardless of the results, whether good or bad, he would still accept Ghea for whatever reason. His two cousins also gave such advice.

“Don’t let your marriage fall apart just because of the child issue, Ran. I know you’re a wise person. I hope the doctor’s verdict, whatever it may be, doesn’t change your attitude towards Ghea.”

Kennedy said this very seriously, trying to provide enlightenment so that Randy wouldn’t make the wrong decisions.

“Don’t worry, Ken. I’m not a shallow guy who values marriage only for offspring. I’ve promised to God to take care of Ghea for the rest of my life, in joy and sorrow. So, I’ll keep that promise.”

Randy was not playing around with his words. He had ingrained in himself that whatever happened in the future, he would continue to support Ghea in any situation.

“Don’t be nervous, Ghe. I’m sure the results will be just fine,” Randy said, trying to reassure her. Now, they both sat together in front of the practice room, waiting in line to be called to see the chosen obstetrician.

“Whatever happens, I’m still anxiously hoping, Uncle. Afraid that the results won’t meet expectations. Afraid that I’m not healthy and not ready to bear your child.”

Randy smiled, understanding the anxiety that Ghea was currently feeling. He believed that his wife was burdened with all sorts of unnecessary negative thoughts.

“Don’t think negatively. I’m sure you’ll be fine, Ghe. I also believe that you’re healthy and ready to conceive our child anytime. So stop having bad assumptions about yourself.”

“But… what if my health is really problematic, like for example, my uterus turns out to be problematic and can’t conceive, or maybe later on it turns out to be difficult to give you descendants, will you still want to stay? Are you sure you won’t leave me to find someone more suitable?”

Ghea uttered that long sentence with a trembling voice. Somehow, Randy was sure that there was an unwilling tone at the end of the sentence that Ghea had just conveyed to him.

“Are you willing if someday I leave you and find another woman to replace you?”

Ghea hurriedly shook her head. The thought of Randy’s words coming true in their married life was extremely painful for her.

“It’s better if Uncle just divorces me quickly. Honestly, I could never bear to see my husband looking for another woman. But, I also don’t want to be selfish. If I can’t fulfill Uncle’s desires and dreams, I think it’s better to step back and let Uncle find someone far better and perfect than me.”

Randy smiled. He reached out, gently stroking Ghea’s cheek with affection and tenderness. Never in his life did he expect to be so affectionate with a girl who managed to capture his heart.

In all honesty, Ghea was not his type at all. But for some reason, Randy felt that Ghea had a very strong magnetism that no other woman out there possessed. This made him confident that he was not wrong in choosing her as his life partner.

Whatever happens, whatever the condition may be, I won’t leave you, Ghe.”

Randy withdrew his hand for a moment, moving from her cheek to now holding Ghea’s wrist, gripping it tightly.

“You need to remember and engrave in your mind, no matter what your condition is now, later, and tomorrow, I will remain faithful by your side. Only death can separate us. Besides, I don’t really care about descendants. If God doesn’t allow us to have children, then so be it. Why force ourselves?”

Ghea felt both flattered and touched. For God’s sake, if she weren’t in the hospital, she would want to drown herself in Randy’s embrace. She wanted to thank him for promising to accept her with all her flaws and strengths.

“I hope whatever you promise will truly be realized. I have many high hopes now hanging on you. And hopefully, one by one, those hopes can soon come true.”

Randy nodded while gazing at Ghea’s face for a long time. Just then, a nurse could be heard calling, asking Ghea to come in and see the doctor.

“Good afternoon, Miss Ghea and husband. How about it? Ready to hear the results today?”

Ghea glanced briefly at Randy before turning to the doctor and nodding while smiling.

“Ready, doctor. It feels like waiting for the results of an elimination. Makes me nervous.”

The doctor then laughed. In fact, this moment should be ordinary. But why does it feel so serious now?

Then the nurse handed over the comprehensive examination results that Ghea had done yesterday. The doctor then opened it, looked for a moment, and slowly read out the results in front of Ghea and Randy.

“From the examination results, it is stated that Miss Ghea’s blood pressure is normal. Blood sugar, uric acid, hemoglobin levels, and heart health are also normal. HIV negative, HPV also negative. There are no concerns to worry about.”

At this point, Ghea looked relieved. The little worry that had surfaced before was now slowly fading away.

“Let me move on to the specific part, which is the uterus,” the doctor continued. “Fertility is good, the ovaries, and the condition of the uterus are also normal. This means Miss Ghea’s condition is good. Miss Ghea is ready to be fertilized at any time, and the potential for a successful pregnancy is also high. Congratulations.”

The doctor put down his paper to offer a handshake as a congratulatory gesture for Ghea’s examination results.

“Now, just regularly take the vitamins that I will prescribe later. This will enhance the readiness of the uterus to accept the potential baby.”

“Thank you very much, doctor,” Ghea expressed genuinely. The glow of happiness was clearly visible on her face. She was pleased that the examination she underwent yielded positive results.

“Excuse me, doctor,” Randy interrupted, who had been silent, observing and listening. “Do I, as the husband, need an examination too? My wife might be fine without any issues, but it turns out there’s a problem with me.”

The doctor shifted his gaze, focusing to answer Randy’s troubled question.

“Mr. Randy can certainly undergo a medical check-up. If you want, you can do it now, so we can also know the level of your fertility.”

Randy then nodded.

“If it turns out that there is a problem with me, can it be resolved, doctor? I mean, so that my wife can still get pregnant later.”

“Of course,” the doctor nodded. “This examination is intended to identify any problems early on. If an issue is detected, the doctors will analyze and try to find a solution to administer the appropriate treatment. Whatever it is, if we know early on, it will be easy to handle.”

“If my results are good, are there any specific steps or actions that my wife and I need to take to expedite the pregnancy process?”

“There are. After this, I will help calculate Miss Ghea’s fertile period. The goal is for Miss Ghea and Mr. Randy to know when is the right day and time to have quality marital relations, which increases the chances of success.”

Randy nodded in agreement. Unlike Ghea, he was now more enthusiastic. He would do anything for the well-being of his wife and their household.


“It seems like I should just give up. Since ancient times, from the primordial era, Randy is not the type of guy easily tempted. Especially now that he’s married. It’s pointless to seduce him no matter how hard I try. It won’t work.”

Agista wore a frustrated expression while talking to someone in a coffee shop. She even looked disappointed because her efforts had not yielded any results.

“Oh my God, Agista, it’s only been a few attempts, and you’re already giving up. You claim to love Randy. Can’t you give it a little more effort?”

Agista looked up. She, who had previously lowered her face in sorrow, now stared straight at her interlocutor. A sharp gaze, seemingly annoyed by the provocation she had just received.

“Giselle Donovan, since you believe you’re pretty, why don’t you try seducing Randy yourself? Go ahead. Prove that you can do it.”

Giselle, the person who had been talking to Agista, was visibly annoyed. Why should she be the one to try? Just so you know, she invited Agista to work together because she wanted to see her get back together with Randy. Moreover, Agista still loved Randy, right?

Agista nodded. “I’ve loved him intensely from then until now.”

“If you love him that much, why did you leave Randy and choose to marry a wealthy guy who’s already close to the grave? I can’t wrap my head around it. Especially since Randy wasn’t any less wealthy back then.”

Agista sighed deeply. It was quite embarrassing to retell what happened to her. “I admit it, that was the biggest mistake I ever made. My family owed Sandy a favor. Plus, initially, I just wanted to have some fun. But, because I couldn’t control myself, I ended up pregnant with Sandy’s child. Because at that time it felt like Sandy was richer than Randy, I just accepted it when he proposed.”

“So complicated. No wonder Randy was heartbroken, and now he doesn’t even want to look at you.”

“But I’m sure deep down in his heart, there’s still a little bit of feeling for me.”

Giselle sighed in exasperation. Why did this woman in front of her seem so confident? “Well, if you’re sure Randy still has feelings for you, prove it. Just slowly seduce him. No matter how loyal he is, if he’s teased every day, there’s bound to be a time when he gives in. Especially since you’re not a new person. You’re the woman he used to love. It shouldn’t be difficult to regain his attention.”

This time, it was Agista who sighed. Frustrated about what actions she should take. “Okay, I’ll try. But if this last effort doesn’t work either, I’ll give up. Besides, why not just target Ghea directly? You said she’s currently actively involved in a pregnancy program with Randy. Why not sabotage the results? Make her barren, give her a fake illness like cancer or something. So that Randy and his family are disappointed. If we’re lucky, Ghea becomes self-aware and chooses to leave Randy’s life.”

Giselle scoffed and laughed. Feeling amused at the suggestions Agista just shared. “You’ve watched too many soap operas! Just so you know, I prefer seeing Ghea destroyed by being betrayed by her own husband. I’d like her to suffer because she’s cheated on by the man she loves. Let her know what it feels like to be my mom. Let her understand how my mom suffered and fell apart in the past because of her mother’s open flirtation with my dad.”

Agista nodded in understanding, feeling sorry for the disappointment Giselle was experiencing. “But what if my efforts fail? I’m not confident that I can seduce Randy if he keeps his distance and avoids me.”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Giselle remained silent for a moment. She pursed her lips, then flashed a wide smile. “Don’t worry, I have a backup plan. And if this plan is executed and succeeds, I’m sure Ghea will suffer for the rest of her life. I’m willing to bet on that.”

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