Luna Lola-The Moon Wolf

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Lola’s POV

Elias who? What’s going on?

I looked at everyone’s faces and they looked genuinely shocked. I was thoroughly confused and everyone seemed to know this Elias guy except me.

“Who’s Elias?” I asked when it looked like no one was going to talk. “He was the rogue King”, Natalie managed to say from her position on the floor where she sat beside her husband who was still writhing in pain.

I need to find out why werewolves seemed to not heal from pains inflicted by me, but that would be another day. Right now, I need to find out who Elias is and how we can track this person down.

“Where can we find this Elias guy?” I asked with rage burning in my veins. “Elias is dead, sweetie”, Rose said from where she was seated, “or so we heard”.

“Because if he’s dead, who would still be looking for the Moon Wolf? “Jayden inputted his own opinion. I sighed and put my head in my


This just keeps leading to a dead end.

“Before this goes on, I need to know what exactly happened to Mom and Dad and why I can’t seem to remember memories from that day”, I said and Natalie began sobbing again, making me roll my eyes.

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“It’s Drew that knows everything about it, he just let me in on somet things because I would be part of the plan. He needs to be healed before we can get to the root of this”, she kept crying as she spoke.

I contemplated making him suffer a little more but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I wasn’t built like that. I made to stand up but Adrian. stopped me. “I should help him if I want to get to the root of this ast soon as I can”, I told him and he nodded.

I moved closer to where he laid but Natalie looked wary which made me roll my eyes. “I’m not trying to hurt your dear mate, so allow me to do my thing”. I snapped at her.

I could have killed him immediately or had him jailed if I wanted to. If they had treated me right, she wouldn’t be worried about anything right


She shifted for me to kneel beside him and since I did not know where exactly the pain was coming from. I placed my hand over his heart and felt the familiar feeling I felt when I healed Adrian rush through me.

When I finally healed me, everyone looked at me in surprise and that was when I realized that Jayden and Rose did not know that I have powers already

Oops, I totally forgot.

“Wh-what was t-tha-t?” Natalic stammered out. I ignored her and went to sit beside Adrian, who hugged me to his side. “You were awesome just now”. he whispered into my ears and I might have turned a light. shade of red.

I turned to look at Rose and she gave me a look that said “we’ll talk later”. We all looked towards Andrew that could now move on his own. He looked amazed and so did Natalie.

“I bet they regret their actions now. Those sorry excuses for humans”,


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Jasmine seethed in my head. “I bet they’ve been regretting it since they set their eyes on me”, I replied to her.

“So, he’s healed now. Shouldn’t he start speaking?” Adrian spoke up from beside me. Natalie poked him to start talking and Andrew cleared his throat before talking.

“Ryan and Lillian really died by rogues but it was a planned attack”, he bowed his head in shame as he started speaking. Yes, you should be ashamed, you mother f ucking traitor, I thought as I clenched and unclenched my fingers.

“Elias had come to make a deal with Ryan and I was there. He wanted. to confirm the circumstances surrounding Lola’s birth. He suspected that the moon wolf must have been born to them since it wasn’t the daughter of the Alpha King, I did not know how he found that out”, he said.

“He wanted the moon wolf to himself once she comes of age and finds. her mate but Ryan disagreed. He wasn’t going to let his precious daughter be taken away by a rogue which I totally agreed with. But it started getting serious and I got anxious”, he stopped to catch his breath

at that point.

“How? What happened?” I asked him impatiently. “He started killing pack members. Everyday, we’d find a pack member dead with a note threatening to kill us all if we did not give him what he wanted. I tried to reason with Ryan to agree till we find a permanent solution to the killings but he wouldn’t budge”, he narrated.

“I implored him to ask for help but he wouldn’t either. If he asked for help, he’d have to reveal the reason behind the killings and everyone would know that his daughter is the moon wolf. I got angry that he was protecting just one person at the expense of all of us so I met up with Elias to make a deal”.


“He wanted me to get rid of Ryan and Lilian and make sure I keep Lola till she finds her mate and grows into her power in exchange for the Alpha position of the pack and promise to never disturb my pack”,he finished.

I did not know I was crying until Adrian wiped my cheeks. “Why Mom and my little brother? They couldn’t have been spared?” I asked

through my tears and anger.

“Lilian would have wanted to find out what caused the death of her mate so she had to be taken care of too. Your brother’s death wasn’t planned but it happened also. I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, Lola”, he pleaded but I wasn’t having any of it.

“You did such a heinous crime and still blamed me for their death? You stripped me of my Alpha title and made me the pack ser vant for eight years and you’re sorry? You ruined my whole life and still made me feel like a failure for the rest of my life and you’re sorry?” I shouted. with tears running down my checks.

Adrian held me to his b*dy and kept rubbing my back as I kept on crying. It was too much for me to handle, I couldn’t wrap my head. properly around all the information that I just heard.

“And my memories, what did you do to my memories?” I asked after a while. “We had to erase them because it was causing some controversies in the pack and you also saw Elias’ face”, he answered.

I stood up and made my way towards the stairs. I turned towards Jayden and said what I’ve wanted to do to them since the moment I saw them inside the house.

“Please, have them locked up in the dungeon till I decide what I’ll do with them”, and with that, I left towards my room.

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