Lustful Affairs (Erotica)

Tease me

Max leaned against the windowsill of the sparsely decorated guest bedroom, staring out over his Aunty as she sunbathed by her glistening pool, laying on her back she reclined luxuriously on the sunbed, sunglasses resting across the bridge of her nose, soaking in the rays on her already sun-kissed skin. She had expressed to him earlier, with one of her seemingly trademarked smirks, her concerns of adopting tan lines and so, shamelessly, she sunbathed nude.

Max watched as she stretched out her arms, yawning before settling back, her skin warm with the sun, body slender and lithe, mature but not unattractively, her chest and shoulders spotted with an array of freckles that she considered blemishes but that he found complimented her beauty.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

He bit his lip. It had been a quick path that had led them here, as he knew she wasn’t sunbathing nude for her benefit, but for his.

He was only staying here for a couple of weeks over summer break and he had, on the very first night here no less, walked right into trouble.

The trouble, of course, being her, his Aunt Lily, as she had climbed from the shower on his first evening staying at hers.

He had opened the door to the bathroom, intending to brush his teeth and get ready for bed, but, sleepy as he was, he hadn’t noticed light bleeding out from under the door.

As it swung inwards, him standing in little more than his boxers, he saw her, one foot out of the shower, her hand grasping for a towel that was just out of her reach.

She was beautiful, tall and slender, but above all, he noticed quickly, she was hung. Her cock, thick and soft between her thighs, smooth and hairless resting atop a pair of huge balls, her eyes had gone wide, startled and terrified all in one moment, like a deer caught in the headlights, her brown hair laying lank across her shoulders, dripping with water, tucked cutely behind one ear.

“M-Max, I…” she had stammered, a little lost for words, not knowing whether to defend herself, explain, so caught off guard she didn’t even think to cover herself, she was just frozen.

“… W-wow…” he had breathed, without thinking and all at once they had both blushed crimson.

He had turned sharply, leaving her with his cheeks aflame with colour. He had gone to bed embarrassed, barely sleeping, his mind in turmoil, swimming with what he had seen and how he had reacted, his seemingly delighted response surprising them both.

Lily, his Aunt, had a cock, and far from feeling aversion, he had spent all night resisting the pressing temptation to wrap his hand around his own, smaller, length and jerk off to what he had seen.

In the morning, when he got up, his head weary from the little sleep he had had, he had decided the only course of action was to pretend he hadn’t seen anything, to just ignore it and carry on as if things were normal.

Lily, however, had clearly reached a different decision.

He had been downstairs, that very morning, watching TV curled up on her sofa when she had walked in, wearing a T-shirt, her hair mussed, indicating that she had clearly just woken up. She’d smirked playfully at him as she walked past, her tackle swinging free as she sauntered past offering a gentle, “Morning,” to her staring Nephew.

The day had progressed along those lines, quiet and suppressed, but at every turn she had displayed a rather prominent exhibitionist streak, her outfit for the day being a sky blue flowing thigh length sundress that displayed her prominent cleavage and, as her dress rode high, something she was seeming to encourage, her commando style of underwear.

Max had averted his gaze each time she had practically presented herself to him, but they both knew he was trying to steal glances out of the corner of his matching hazel eyes.

It had been nothing short of torture and had been, ultimately, what had led him here, standing at his window, peeking out at her as she sunbathed nude.

He couldn’t fathom it, by all accounts he should be put off by her not so insignificant addition, but he was inexorably drawn to it, his eyes fixed to the soft thick member, the tip hooded by her tanning foreskin.

Max himself was by no accounts small in that department, but when compared to his Aunt he felt diminutive.

He ran his hands through his short brown hair as he leaned on the windowsill, trying to come to terms with what he was thinking, how he was feeling.

He couldn’t deny that there was an attraction, that he wanted to experience what she had, what she was offering, but he knew it was wrong. But, at the same time, she was very obviously flaunting her stuff for him, enticing him, before she’d caught him staring, all their years knowing each other, being family, seeing each other at least each monthly she’d always been sweet, kind and keen to hug him, but never had there been such displays as she was now putting on.

He thought about her, about them together, picturing them both getting up to the sort of thing he saw online and felt a shudder run through his body, drawing out a shiver and a little sigh from him.

“Fuck…” he said softly to himself, he wanted her and he knew it. He felt warm throughout, a nerve building in him. He had very little experience in the department of girls and even less when it came to whatever Lily was. But he wanted to find out, wanted to at least give it a try. If it worked out, the next two weeks would be something entirely new, a time to explore and discover, to get intimate and to love. If things went wrong, well, that wasn’t worth thinking about.

As he focused once more he noticed that Lily was sat up on the edge of her sun lounger, her stomach wrinkling slightly as she leaned forward, her face turned up towards the window where he stood, a smirk on her lips. Though he couldn’t see her eyes passed the sunglasses she wore, he knew he’d been spotted watching.

Biting his lip he cocked his head, still looking at her, caught or not, he was standing his ground, watching unashamedly now as she leaned back on one hand, arching her back slightly, so her full breasts were more obviously displayed, tilting her own head, curious. Swallowing a little anxiously he leaned forward, showing his interest.

Her smirk broke into a grin, realizing that all her teasing throughout the day had not only gotten his attention but piqued his interests. She blew a seductive kiss up towards his window and slid a hand slowly across the bare skin of her hip and thigh, moving towards the softness that was currently resting between her thighs.

Max watched as her delicate hand wrapped around the thick length, fingers squeezing and massaging the sleeping giant before slowly, with her attention fully on him and his on hers, she began to stroke it, parting her long sleek legs to give him the best view, her heavy nuts resting on the sun lounger below her cock, which she supported with her hand, lifting it up as she stroked to show off her sack.

He wanted to go to her, make his way downstairs and outside to stand by her, to join in, but he couldn’t seem to draw himself away from the window, couldn’t drag his eyes away from her cock as it slid between her slender fingers, thickening, the ruby tip beginning to occasionally peek at him from behind its hood, glistening from a few drops of pre like a jewel in the light of the hot summers day, that, and he still felt anxiety radiating through him. He wanted it, but to go to her would be like taking a dive into the pool, as soon his feet left the board there would only be one way to go and it would definitely end in a splash.

Lily briefly freed her cock from her grip, now erect enough to hold itself up as it pointed towards the clear sky, her hand rising to draw her sunglasses up to rest on her head like a hairband, her eyes glinting with glee as she watched her Nephew enjoy her display. Slowly, inevitably, she held her hand out towards him and beckoned with a single, commanding finger.

Max opened his mouth, letting a deep shaky sigh escape from his lips, his mind swimming but, without thinking, he pushed himself away from the windowsill, making for the stairs and for his Aunt.

His breath quickening he made his way downstairs, through the living room and kitchen towards the back of the property, where two sliding glass doors opened onto her spacious garden and pool. Arriving at the doors he placed his hand on the frame, taking one step outside and looking towards the sunlounger, where she had been, where she wasn’t.

He felt his heart skip a beat, experiencing a sensation of loss he never thought he could feel in such a brief time about such a taboo thing, then he heard her, felt her.

She let out a low, soft laugh as her hands slunk around his waist, up under his shirt to caress over the smooth skin of his shirt, her sun-kissed skin warm against him, enticing, her voice soft and rich as she pressed to his back.

“You walked right past me sweetie,” she said softly as he turned in her soft embrace, her palms tracing across his skin as he turned to face her. He found himself eye level with her, both of them of similar heights and similar builds, though she excelled in certain departments compared to him.

He looked into her eyes, his mouth opening and closing as she tried to find words, her full lips drawn into a playful smirk as she looked back, their eyes the same enticing brown, their hair the same lush chocolatey shade.

He felt his hand in hers, “You okay?” she asked gently, tilting her head ever so slightly.

Words still escaped him as she gently drew his hand to her cock, his hand brushing against the thick shaft pointing towards him like a spear, he suddenly he found himself at least able to act.

He leaned in, mirroring her head tilt and pressing his lips to hers, kissing her as his hand took her prompt and wrapped around her cock, squeezing the length, feeling the familiar sensation of a shaft in his fingers, the distinct softness wrapped around a steely core, but contrasted with the sheer size of her member that dwarfed his own and the oddness of it not being his own that he held.

She pressed forward, her bare chest to his shirt covered one, leaning forward into the kiss as they struggled to find space between both their bodies for her sizable cock, which he stroked, slow and gentle, as he got used to the sensation of it between his fingers, his mind catching up with his actions as their kiss deepened, keen and eager to experience one another.

He was making out with his Aunt, his mother’s sister as he stroked her cock and he wanted more.

Breaking the kiss they blinked at each other, her cheeks flushed with colour at his sudden forwardness, lifting a hand to wrap in the collar of his shirt, tugging him back towards the living room.

Grinning, about halfway he overtook her and Lily gasped, suddenly finding herself being pulled along, literally being guided by her cock, though not uncomfortably.

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