Mafia Obsession

Chapter 34


Silence fills the air as Leo drives down the road, hand possessively gripping my thigh still. The way he beat-up those guys for me, protected me, was undeniably hot.

He was full of rage and power, and I’m worried if I hadn’t stepped in he would have killed them. The only thing that is making me feel sick to my stomach, is why he did it.

I’m his play thing to punish because I stole from him until I learn my lesson. It makes little sense why he’d want to protect me. He didn’t seem thrilled when I told him I’m homeless, and he hasn’t alluded to where we’re going.

His fingers stroke the inside of my thigh, making heat pulse through my veins. I swallow hard, wondering if he knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

I allow myself to look at him, and he is staring straight ahead at the road, eyes focused. He looks so brutally handsome in the dim light of the moon shining overhead. His high cheek-bones are enough to make any woman envious. It’s the first time I’ve really studied the man I’ve fucked twice, since most the time I’ve been bound with my back to him.

“What are you looking at?” he asks, voice stern.

I shrug. “You.” I look down at my hands. “You are so beautiful,” I say.

He chuckles at that, shaking his head. “I’ve been called a lot of things before, but not beautiful.” His fingers trace higher on my legs, edging under my skirt. “You are the beautiful one here,” he murmurs, hooking a finger into my thong. “I love that my cum is still dripping out of you and soaking into your panties.”

I soak through more, shivering at his light touch. This man is an addiction. I love his dominance and the way he gets my body to respond. Bruce acted as if he was an alpha male, but he’s not. A real alpha male never beats a woman the way Bruce beat me.

“Where are we going?” I ask, again, trying to keep my mind off his finger teasing my soaking wet lips.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“To my place.”

I swallow hard, trying to reign in my fear. The Romano mansion is like Fort Knox, as far as I’ve heard. Once he gets me in there, he could keep me there forever. The thought is scary and exciting at the same time. “Why?”

He shakes his head. “Too many questions, Ciccino.”

I moan as his finger dips inside of me, while he keeps his eyes fixed on the road ahead. Who ever said men can’t multi-task? Leo is proving that is so wrong right now.

I let my head fall back against the headrest, as he fingers me. I bite my lip, as he curls his finger, hitting the spot deep inside of me that floods me with pleasure.

“Fuck,” I rasp, as his finger moves from my pussy to my clit, circling it in a way that makes me crazy.

“You’re so responsive,” he groans, forcing my eyes toward his lap. His cock is hard and pressing against the fabric of his pants.

“Can I touch?” I ask.

His eyes meet mine and then he looks down at his cock, lips curving into a smirk. “Go ahead, baby.” He pulls his fingers from my pussy and licks them clean, tasting me.

I lick my lips and shift in the seat, reaching across the console to unzip his pants. My heart pounds in my chest as I reach in for his huge cock, freeing him from his boxers. The head is swollen and glistening with precum, as it stands upright in front of me.

It looks ridiculously huge in my small hands, as I stroke him from root to tip. More precum floods from the swollen head, dripping down the side of his length. It makes my mouth water at the thought of tasting him again.

“Suck it,” he groans, lacing his fingers in my hair and guiding me down to him.

I close my lips around his head, breathing through my nose as I let him sink right back into my throat. He grunts above me, thrusting his hips upward. It drives his cock even deeper down my throat, sending a pleasure through me I can’t explain. I’ll never get enough of this man, and the way he takes control of me.

I moan around his cock, pulling back and swirling my tongue around the thick, swollen head. Delicious precum floods my mouth, and I swallow it. The thought of him shooting his load down my throat makes me needy. I want to swallow every drop of him. Leo is as addictive as he is dangerous.

I slip him back into my throat, breathing through my nose. His cock is so fucking huge, I can’t get it all down my throat, but I get a good seven inches down. He grunts and groans, thrusting himself deeper. “Fuck, Ellie,” he growls. His fingers tighten in my hair and he pulls me off his cock, panting slightly. “You almost made me come.”

I moan at that, trying to close my lips back over his cock.

He keeps hold of my hair, stopping me from going down on him. “Is that what you want? Do you want me to cum down your throat?” he asks.

I nod my head, keeping my hands tight around the base of his cock. “Yes, sir.”

He groans, releasing my hair. ” You are a dirty, naughty, little thief. Take every drop and swallow it, Bella.”

I love it when he calls me Bella, closing my lips around the width of him, I do as he says. First, I tease him, swirling my tongue around him three times slowly. He groans above me, fisting my hair and forcing his cock down my throat. He fucks my throat, making thick saliva spill all over his cock and his pants.

“I’m going to come,” he growls, pumping one last time and unloading every drop of his delicious, salty seed down my throat.

I swallow it all, relishing the way this man makes me feel. Once he’s finished, I pull off of him, making sure I lick him clean. He groans, keeping his eyes on the road. “You are perfect,” he mutters, making my heart rate accelerate.

It’s the first sweet thing he has said to me, and I can feel myself melting. This is not good. Leo Romano is definitely not the kind of guy I should feel all warm and fuzzy about. He’s bad news.

I wipe my mouth, fixing his cock back in his pants and zipping them up, before sitting back in my seat. It’s only once I’m sitting upright that I notice where we are. We’re no longer on a road, but a long winding driveway.

The Romano Mansion, that’s where we are. I know it even though I can’t see the house yet. It means there’s no escape, no matter how much I might want to get away from him. Deep down, I don’t want to, but I know that’s a bad thing.

“Why are you taking me here?” I ask, glancing over at Leo.

His grip tightens on the steering wheel and he doesn’t reply, making my stomach twist with nerves. Maybe he has decided to kill me after all and do it somewhere private. Oh God, I’m not sure I can face him killing me. The guy has got under my skin, and the thought of him ending it all makes my throat constrict.

He slides his hand onto my thigh and squeezes gently, making me glance at him. The pain floats away as he smiles at me kindly, shaking his head. “Don’t be scared, sweetheart. You’ve got nothing to fear from me, I promise.”

I relax into my seat, feeling relieved that he’s not intending to kill me. “Who were those men?” he asks.

I swallow hard, feeling unsure about telling him the whole sordid story about me and my douchebag of an ex-boyfriend. “They know my ex, and he’s trying to find me,” I say, keeping it brief.

His hand tightens around my thigh and his jaw clenches. I wonder what an earth is going on in that mind of his.

“Why did you save me from them?”

He glances at me briefly and then back at the drive. I can tell he doesn’t intend to reply. The house has just come into view, and people weren’t kidding about it being a mansion. It’s a huge stone built palace with expensive cars lining the driveway. I knew the Romano Mafia were rich, but this is something else.

“No more questions,” he says, turning to that cold, commanding tone he normally uses. Leo pulls around the back of the house and shifts his car into park. He says nothing as he turns off the engine and gets out, walking around to my side.

My phone buzzes and I pull it from my purse, glancing at it.

Ashley: Seriously, what the fuck is going on?

I quickly type her a message to say I’m okay and I won’t be home tonight. Then, I turn it off, knowing she will blow my phone up over it. It’s a asshole move, but if I tell her I’m with Leo Romano she will freak out. Not to mention, the fact I tried to steal from him. I wait in my seat, trembling in anticipation.

Maybe Leo will turn me into his sex-slave, which isn’t the worst thing I could imagine. He can let me stay in this lovely home and use me whenever he wants. The problem is, the more time I spend around him the more I feel something for him. I don’t know the guy, but I’m addicted to him already.

He opens the door and stares down at me. Powerful and unmoving with no emotion in his eyes. “Get out,” he commands.

His tone sends a shiver down my spine for two reasons. It’s that dominating and alpha tone that makes me weak at the knees, but it’s also dangerous and full of threat. Would Leo hurt me if I disobeyed him?

His fingers entwine with mine and he yanks me toward a back door. “Come on,” he mutters.

I follow him, enjoying the warmth of his hand around mine. He’s quiet and careful, searching the corridors before stepping out into them. This place is as opulent inside and it is out. The floors are paved in expensive cream marble and the walls are lined with paintings from ridiculously famous artists-Picasso to name one.

I swallow hard. This place is the biggest temptation for a thief like me. I’ve been thieving since I was sixteen years old. It’s what I turned to when I dropped out of high-school. Leo should know better than to bring me in here, as it’s in my blood to make off with pretty things.

We climb what I can only assume is a back staircase up to the third floor. Leo keeps me behind him, as he glances into the corridor. After a few beats, he steps out, dragging me with him. He stops in front of a door, unlocks it, and then drags me inside.

I can only imagine it’s his bedroom. The room is as opulent as the rest of this place. A four-poster king size bed sits proudly against the back wall, draped in expensive gold silk bedding. “This is my room and you will stay in here,” Leo says, watching me carefully.

I nod my head. “Thank you.”

The side of his lips quirks up, but he doesn’t smile fully. “For what?” My cheeks heat and I shrug. “Saving me from those guys.”

He steps toward me with that dark look in his eyes. “Strip,” he commands.

My heart beats faster at the command and I freeze. Leo hasn’t seen me naked yet. We’ve fucked with my dress on both times, and I’m not sure I want him to see my scars. The thought of his face twisting in disgust makes me sick to the stomach.

“I said, strip. Do you need me to come and help with that?”

I swallow hard, shaking my head. I unzip the back of my dress and slowly peel it from my skin, feeling more vulnerable than ever under his dark gaze. My eyes remain on the floor as I take it off entirely and shove it to one side, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Who did this to you?” Leo growls, forcing me to meet his gaze with the ferocity of his tone.

His eyes are wild with rage as they take in the scars over my tummy and chest. He hasn’t seen the ones on the center of my back, yet. Bruce has been a rather brutal partner the past five years, and before that my drunk dad was as bad.

It wasn’t until Bruce accused me of stealing those drugs I decided enough was enough. It makes me feel so weak and ashamed. I couldn’t tell anyone the truth of what he’d been doing to me all these years.

Leo steps closer and grips hold of my chin in a firm grip, forcing me to meet his gaze. “Who did this to you, Bella?”

Pain constricts around my throat as I try to speak, but can’t. Tears prickle at my eyes and the thought of letting them fall in front of Leo Romano scares me half to death.

I try to fight against them, but he’s dredging up the pain of my past. They flow down my cheeks. Leo wipes them away more gently than I’d expect and pulls me into him, holding me close.

I cry into his suit jacket, but he doesn’t seem to care. He has stopped pushing me for an answer and instead, lifts me up and carries me to the bed. He sets me down gently, moving the covers over me and then strips down to his boxers.

I can barely see through the tears blurring my eyes. It is bizarre that I’m bawling my eyes out in front of one of the toughest Mafia bosses in the country.

He shifts into the bed by my side and then wraps me in his arms, holding me close. I try to still the tears and focus on the man holding me.

He kisses my forehead gently and mutters soft words in Italian, “Andra tutto bene tesoro. Ti Proteggero sempre, qualunque cosa accada.”

He probably thinks I don’t know what he’s saying, but my grandfather was Italian. Before he died, he used to sit me on his lap and say the same thing.

He died when I was five years old, leaving me with my abusive father and alcoholic mother. He was the only man I knew who didn’t harm me in my life.

I feel my heart ache in my chest, as he used to say it to me in Italian and then repeat it in English to me every single night.

Everything will be fine, honey. I will always protect you, no matter what happens.

It confuses me more than I can explain. Leo doesn’t know me, so why would he protect me? Perhaps, it’s just something soothing to say, but the words have meaning.

I listen to his soft voice, and slowly my eyes grow heavy and flutter shut. I fall asleep in the arms of a dangerous criminal, feeling safer than I have for years.

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