Mafia Obsession

Chapter 46


There’s something these guys aren’t telling me. We’re away and safe, but there’s a tension unlike anything I’ve ever felt. Kane is keeping his foot on the gas, speeding toward the

border of New Mexico.

After twenty minutes of driving the silence is broken. “How the fuck did they know to wait for you?” Kane growls, shoulders tense.

“Fuck knows,” Leo says, wincing as he sits up straighter.

“Austin gave you that location, didn’t he?” Kane asks, voice full of suspicion.

“Yeah, but he couldn’t have known they were luring us there with her.” Leo shakes his head. “His contact is probably rogue and working for the Juliano Mafia.”

“Bullshit,” Kane spits, the veins in his neck straining against his skin. “The guy is a sneaky fucking snake.”

I swallow hard. It’s the first time I’ve met Leo’s eldest brother, and he’s definitely living up to the angry right-hand man he’s been painted to be.

“No way, Austin wouldn’t do that. It would be too fucking risky for him.” Leo rubs the back of his neck. “He’s been compromised and his contact knew he could lure us down here with that information.”

Kane sighs heavily. “Maybe, but I don’t like that guy.” He shakes his head. “Only me, you, and Austin knew where we were going. Rick didn’t even fucking know.”

“Why would your spy want to walk you guys into a trap, anyway?”

Kane’s eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror for the first time since we started driving. “He’s power hungry and it wouldn’t surprise me if he was

making a play for leadership.” He turns his attention back to the road.

Leo shakes his head. “I think you’ve got it wrong, Kane.” “We’re safe now though, right?” I ask, glancing at Leo.

Leo’s eyes flash with guilt, and he shakes his head. “There’s tension between the Juliano mob and us. The Juliano Mafia owns Texas and New Mexico, which means we’re trespassing, especially if those assholes back at the warehouse are working with the Nick Juliano.”

Kane nods. “We’ve got at least an eight-hour drive to Oklahoma, our territory.”

Leo squeezes my hand gently. “Until then, we’re still in serious fucking danger.”

“Shit,” I say, letting my head fall into my hands. I still haven’t asked why he risked all this to come and get me. The fear of what his answer might be still holding me back.

A medical kit under the front driver’s seat catches my attention, and I pull it out. “I need to clean your wound.”

“Don’t worry about it, it’s a scratch.”

I shake my head. “It’s a fucking gun wound, Leo, not a scratch.” I open the kit and pull out some saline solution. “Is the bullet still in there?”

Leo shakes his head. “Nope, clean fucking exit. It didn’t hit an artery, or I’d be dead right now.”

The thought sends fear right to my heart. Leo dying would be worse than being parted from him. I work carefully and gently, cleaning the wound with the saline and a gauze pad.

Leo’s jaw remains clenched from the pain, but he doesn’t make a sound.

He is always tough and unmoving.

Once the wound is clean, I pull out a clean gauze pad and bandage. Dressing the wound as best I can, considering he needs to go to hospital. Blood soaks the bandage almost instantly. His face is paler than normal and it scares me more than I’d care to admit.

He grabs my hand, as I move to put everything away. I swallow hard at the fiery desire burning in his eyes. Without a word, he pulls me to him and kisses me deeply. My fingers lace through his hair as I claw onto him, feeling desperate to express just how much I’ve missed him.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

It’s as if I’ve been free falling for two months and finally in his arms I’m grounded. I’ve never been good with words. I moan into his mouth,

finally feeling complete as his tongue tangles with my own. Thankful that he hasn’t lost that hot desire for whatever this is between us.

His good hand snakes around the back of my neck, holding me to him possessively. He groans against my mouth. My hand shifts from his thigh to the thick, hard outline of his cock pressing into his trousers. The need for him so primal and deep I can barely contain it.

Kane clears his throat, forcing us apart. “I know you two haven’t seen each other for two months, but I don’t really want a show,” he says, keeping his eyes focused on the road. He is speeding well over the speed limit.

My cheeks heat and I nod my head, sitting back in my seat. An awkward tension falling over the car, as my panties are soaking wet against the leather of the seat.

“What are we going to do if they are after us?” I ask, monitoring Leo’s patched up arm and trying to change the subject.

“We head back as quick as we can. It is at least a thirty-hour journey, and we have to take back roads for the next eight hours.” Leo says.

“It would be best if we don’t take many breaks.” Kane glances in the rearview mirror at me. “Ellie, do you reckon you can take shifts driving?”

I lick my bottom lip. “I don’t have a license.”

Leo and Kane chuckle. “Do you think that would stop either of us?” Kane asks.

I shake my head and shrug. “No, I’ll give it a go,” I say, knowing how important it is for us to keep moving.

Kane nods appreciatively. “It’s nice to meet you, by the way.” I smile at him. “Likewise.”

Leo keeps his arm in his lap and smiles at me, pressing a kiss to my lips. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”

Tears well in my eyes hearing him say that. I shake my head. “I didn’t think you would care…”

He grabs hold of my hand with his good arm and forces me to meet his gaze. “I care too fucking much, Ellie.” He sighs. “I’ve been going out of my mind the past two months.”

Kane chips in, “He’s been uncharacteristically broody, and it’s been getting on everyone’s nerves.”

Leo shakes his head. “I’m sorry it took so long.” He pause a moment, eyes traveling over the bruises and cuts on my skin. “What did they do to you?” There’s a flash of unmissable rage as he searches my face.

I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter now, we’re together.”

His jaw clenches. “I want to know when we get back home, Okay?”

A tingling ignites in my gut at him suggesting his home is my home too. I’ve never had a place I felt at home, but I know anywhere he is will be the place I’m supposed to be. I give him a nod, grabbing his hand and squeezing tightly.

Problem is we’re not out of danger yet. Hopefully, we make it back together and in one piece.

THE TENSION in the car is at an all-time high, as Kane nears the border into Oklahoma. Once we get off of New Mexico land, we’re in the clear. The way Kane has been checking the mirrors every five fucking seconds, I get a feeling he’s expecting some tail or resistance. Especially after they shot so many men who we now believe might have been working with the Juliano Mafia to bring Kane and Leo down.

“Only a mile to the border,” Leo says, as we pass the sign. I squeeze his hand gently, and he smiles at me.

The bloody gauze on his arm isn’t holding up too well, and we could really use a hospital right about now. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, it’s just a scratch,” he says, despite looking pale.

I shake my head. “It’s a damn gunshot wound, not a scratch.”

“Guys, we’ve got trouble,” Kane says, forcing my attention out the front window.

“Fuck,” I say.

Kane forces the car skidding to a halt only twenty yards away from the border into Oklahoma. A line of motorcycles and cars are blocking our way though.

“We’re at risk of starting a freaking mob war right here,” Leo says, sitting up straighter.

My stomach twists as I realize how bad this is. We’re outnumbered and the only way to go is to head back into enemy territory. “What are we going to do?” I ask.

Kane glances in the back mirror and his eyes widen. “Holy shit.”

I look out the back window and my body turns numb. Vehicles have driven up behind us and are lining our way back down the road we’d drove down. We’re cornered with nowhere to go. “They’ve got us trapped here,” I say, more to myself.

“Buckle up and keep your heads down,” Kane says, nodding his head forward. “I’m going through them.”

Leo shakes his head. “No fucking way, it’s too dangerous.”

“We don’t have a choice,” Kane says, revving the engine. “Heads down and hold on for your life.”

I glance at Leo and I know I’ve never been more scared before in my life. His face is pale and for once, he doesn’t look in control. He nods at me, grabbing my hand in his and squeezing tightly. “Head down, Ellie.”

I make sure my seatbelt is fastened and then put my head in my lap, keeping hold of Leo’s hand. The car speeds off, jerking as he puts his foot down on the accelerator. For a moment, all I hear is the blood rushing through my ears and the engine purring beneath us. Until, the gun shots start.

The car is armored, so most of them ricochet off, but the sound is unlike anything I’ve ever heard before. I clamp my eyes shut and hold on to Leo’s hand so tightly. We seriously might die but at least we’ll be together. It’s the only comfort I can find as Kane roars, “This is it, brace yourself.”

I worry about him driving, knowing he’s at more risk. Kane didn’t have to come here and help Leo save me, but he did this for his brother. Now, he’s risking his life. Kane swerves the car a few times, left and then right and then left, dodging bullets no doubt. The speed of the car makes me sick as he smashes into something, hearing metal crunch against metal.

Whatever he hit makes the car slow considerably, but we keep moving. “Fuck,” Kane shouts, as glass shatters everywhere and blood splatters over the seat.

He’s been hit and I try to sit up, only to find Leo holding me down. “Don’t move, Ellie,” he commands, eyes wide.

Kane is still driving, pushing us forward toward the state line. He’s a beast as he roars, pushing his foot down to the pedal and finally freeing us from whatever was blocking us. The car rockets into full speed and we’re away. My heart beat regulates as we are finally through, although both the guys are shot.

I try to sit up, assuming the threat is gone.

“Don’t move,” Kane shouts, we’re not out of danger. A barrage of bullets fly at the car ricocheting off the metal body. I glance over at Leo to see he’s fallen unconscious, no doubt from the loss of blood he has experienced. “Shit,” Kane says.

It’s all the warning I get as he’s hit again, more blood painting the inside of the car. This time the car slows and then we collide with something, flying into the air and twisting over mid-air. My heart is in my throat as times seems to slow down. I hold on tightly, keeping my head locked to my knees, hoping Leo will be okay.

The car crumples into a heap upside down, sending pain jolting through my back and head. The impact so strong I find my vision blurring. I try to hold on to my consciousness, knowing if none of us remain awake, they’ll kill us all. The battle is tough, but I finally feel my vision focusing.

My head aches and my body is a mess. I sit up, wincing at the pain shooting through my back. The moment I look out of the window, I know we’re done for. Five black SUVs are coming toward us. There’s nowhere to run or hide, even if we are on Oklahoma land. Perhaps those guys don’t give a fuck about the state line and whose territory they are on.

After all of that, we will be captured, anyway. I feel tears well in my eyes as I glance over at Leo’s unconscious body. He’s slumped over, blood dripping down his face. I try to pull him upright, but he’s too heavy and I’m too weak.

“I love you, Leo,” I whisper into his ear, knowing this is the last chance for me to tell him the truth, even if he won’t hear it.

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